Twisted Secrets- I Give Birth To A Billionaire’s Babies ( Isabella Halls )

Chapter 18

Chapter Eighteen: Pack up And Leave 

“What do you think? Someone who easily betrays their friends isn’t welcome here,” Alexander responded coldly. “You think you’re still in school, adored by all the boys? Where’s this confidence coming from?” 

“I’ve loved you for years. Can’t you just look my way once? I truly love you. I even dumped my boyfriend for you. Doesn’t my love mean anything?” the tall girl pleaded. 

You’re repulsive,” Alexander’s voice dripped with disdain. “Your love life is your business, not mine. Don’t pin your choices on me. I have nothing to do with you 

Drake, who had just finished his tasks, walked in on this drama in Alexander’s office. He looked at him and said, “Get them out of here right now.” 

Not fully aware of the details but seeing how mad Alexander was, Drake promptly called security to remove the group. Alexander, gathering his composure, picked up the newly–bought women’s clothes and burn ointment and headed off to find Isabella. 

“I’ve put it here for you. If you’re uncomfortable, use this cream. After you change, we’ll go out for lunch,” Alexander said. 

Isabella gave a small nod. “Sofia is going to join us. Can she come with us? She suggested the 

steakhouse we like.” 

“Sure, I’ll book a table,” Alexander replied. 

Isabella, noticing Alexander’s return, checked her phone with a concerned look. “Someone’s 

interested in buying that villa.” 

“Who’s the buyer? I need their full background, connections, everything. I don’t want any complications” Alexander requested. 

“Someone you know it’s Sebastian,” Alexander replied. “Why is he buying it back after giving it away? Typical of him.” Fre remembered his good–for–nothing nephew and laughed. 

Drake showed him the phone. It’s odd. The message wasn’t from his usual account. I recognized the way he talks, checked, and yes, it’s Sebastian.” 

“Tell him the villa isn’t for sale,” Alexander instructed. 

“Got it, boss,” Drake confirmed. 

Isabella, ready to go, knocked on his office door. “Can we head out now?” 

“Yes, let’s go,” Alexander said as he grabbed his jacket, and they left together. 

Sofia was always punctual for meals and shopping but tended to procrastinate with other things. In the mornings, Isabella would be ready with her makeup done, while Sofia would still be in bed. clear contrast between a boss and an employee. Isabella knew Sofia had arrived when she spotted the 

shiny sports car outside the company. 

Alexander asked, “When will Sofla got here?” 

Isabella pointed to the flashy car. “She’s here already. 

Alexander recognized the car from the night before at his house. Then let’s head out.” 

Sofla emerged from her car in high heels. “Good afternoon, my old friends.” Seeing Alexander with Isabella, she realized they were together. “So, you’re treating me to lunch today?” 

Alexander led the way. “No big deal. I owe you thanks, actually.” 

Sofia smiled. “You should be thankful. After thirty years of being single, you’ve found a great girlfriend.” 

Isabella nudged Sofla playfully. “Let’s not talk about it here. Too many people around.” She was wary of company employees overhearing. 

Sofia was baffled. “Why hide it? If I were in love, I’d want everyone to know.” 

Isabella remained silent on her concerns; she was just worried about her past resurfacing and causing issues for Alexander. Alexander was keeping the mood light. “She prefers to keep things quiet at work.” 

Sofia playfully ribbed them. “So, both of you are taking it slow, leaving me to worry alone, huh? Fine, I’ll just order the priciest dish at the restaurant for lunch.” 

Alexander was ever the generous one. “You could even rent out the whole place, and I wouldn’t bat an eyelid.” 

Sofia perked up with a mischievous idea. “Really?” 

“Of course.” 

Then how about booking it for me for a whole month?” 

Isabella, knowing Sofia was joking, just smiled at their exchange. “Enough joking, let’s head to lunch. You run a huge company; surely you’ve got things to do, right, Sofia?” 

Sofia, reminded of her business responsibilities, groaned. “Busy? Of course, I aru. What did you think?” 

Isabella thought about their usual routines and figured Alexander was the busier one. “To be honest, I can’t really see how busy you are. You’re the most laid–back boss I’ve ever met.” 

“That’s just because you haven’t seen me in action during busy times.” 

Alexander chuckled at the memory of his first business deal with Sofia. Despite her casual appearance and lack of makeup, he gradually discovered her trustworthy nature as they worked together. Her honesty and straightforwardness made their collaboration pleasantly uncomplicated, and Alexander valued the clarity in their interactions

Chapter Eighteen Pack on And Leve 


Their professional relationship evolved into a strong friendship founded on their similar perspectives in life, especially concerning relationships. Both were cautious and didn’t rush into romantic involvements without genuine affection. They both understood that a romantic relationship between them wouldn’t last due to their independent and stubborn natures. 

At the restaurant, Sofia casually selected the most elaborate and expensive dish on the menu, mentioning her plans for a free lunch and playfully indicating she wasn’t concerned about saving money. Alexander, ordering desserts and drinks, assured her not to worry about expenses. 

Their conversation was lively and enjoyable, but it was interrupted when Alexander’s phone rang. It was Drake on the line, sounding quite frustrated. “Since I turned him down, four more buyers have shown up, all sent by Sebastian. What should we do now?” 

Alexander responded firmly, instructing Drake to proceed without Sebastian’s involvement. “Just ignore him. Sell to anyone but him. We’ll handle this differently.” 

Isabella was curious. “Is it challenging to sell that villa?” 

Alexander shook his head. “No, actually quite the opposite. It’s in high demand. I’ve asked Drake to hold off on finalizing anything until I’m back to take care of it properly.” 

Isabella nodded, putting her trust in Alexander’s decisions. She was open to whatever course he deemed appropriate. Meanwhile, Sofia, seeing her best friend in good company, felt a sense of relief.” Isabella deserves someone who truly cares for her,‘ she thought, content with her own independent life. Unlike Isabella, Sofia was more focused on her career than relationships. 

After their meal, Alexander and Isabella proceeded to meet a potential client, James Weston, who owned multiple diamond mines. James was a young, forward–thinking businessman, aiming for more than just diamond extraction and sales. He aspired to collaborate with designers to create unique diamond pieces, aiming for higher profits. Finding a skilled designer had proven challenging until he contacted Isabella for a partnership

Isabella found herself in the midst of one of the most significant deals of her career, and the excitement was palpable as they finalized the contract. Once the paperwork was settled, they eased into a more casual conversation. 

James observed them. “You two seem like a perfect match.” 

Proudly, Alexander put an arm around Isabella. “Thanks, we do complement each other well.” 

Isabella blushed slightly, surprised that their relationship wasn’t as discreet as she had thought; James had picked up on it effortlessly. 

Sincerely, James said, “Consider us friends from now on. Just don’t forget to invite me to your wedding.” 

“We won’t forget,” Alexander assured him. Despite the age gap between Alexander and James, Alexander’s vitality and youthful spirit were evident.

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