Chapter He Is The CEO?

Amy went out of the office and walked to the elevator after she had adjusted her clothes for the second time.

She wanted to make a good impression on the first day at work, though she could not stop thinking about and wanting to see that strict CEO.

She saw a big wooden expensive door which led to the main conference room as she had been shown by the rude admin.

She entered the next elevator that led to the main conference room where the meeting was held. The door checked her out before allowing her to proceed inside.

"Help me lord." She said as she came out of the elevator she was a shy and quiet person though she tried not to show it that much.

When she entered the conference room it was a luxurious, big, decorated room with an expensive big table at the center and an office chair. Each chair had a laptop and beside it was bottled water for each of the staff.

It was indeed big, the air conditioner made the air have a very sweet aroma, as the scent of the peppermint spray made the room have a comfortable air.

As she walked in she noticed that some of the staff members were already seated and they had all turned their faces immediately she entered.

Her legs trembled immediately she saw them, she faced her face downward in a unique style that one won't easily tell she was shy.

Immediately she raised my step not regarding their piercing gaze. My eyes locked with a familiar face and this sent a cold chill down my spine and my chest pounded inside my rib cage. She couldn't breathe and it seemed his gaze had sucked out the oxygen in me.

She felt a sinking feeling inside my stomach. It wasn't a pleasant sensation as her legs were now failing me.

Her jaw dropped immediately she saw that the familiar face was sitting at the head table.

It was the man she had encountered at the Airport and here he was with a sign that read "CEO" In big bold letters.

"What is he doing here? She asked myself inwardly. She felt a bit of regret on how she had treated him at the Airport. Though, she had stood up for herself. Was she going to lose her job?

She bit her lips in annoyance and regret and went to sit down on the chair reserved for the personal assistant.

There was no mistaking on which seat was hers' as the desk had a bold written word labeled "PERSONAL ASSISTANT."

"Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce Mr. Redford Vonn, the CEO of the Redford enterprise Limited company.

The crowd burst into applause as they all gazed at the man, Redford, who was introduced by Sebastien, the man that was in her office earlier.

Mr. Redford rose to his feet with an air of sophistication, his tailored Turkish suit and perfectly matched black trousers, giving him a unique and outstanding look.

He has curly dark smooth hair. His glossy style could tell how wealthy he is.

"He is not so bad, but why the striking resemblance with my son?" she whispered to herself and shook the thought that was about flooding her head so as to face the task at hand. "Thank you" he said as the clapping died off his aura was commanding and crisp

"I would like to have a moment of silence, please."

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He had an intimidating presence and an unexplained charisma. Immediately he made that statement, the room went silent that when a pin is dropped on the marble it will make a clear sound. All pairs of eyes focused on him because of his compelling aura.

Amy tried to avert her gaze from him, but his presence was so captivating that she couldn't help as her eyes gazed at him as though her eyes were magneted on him.

"Introduce yourself." He ordered his piercing gaze not wavering from her's

She turned around to the woman beside her praying inwardly that he wasn't referring to me but the fact that all eyes were on her made her realizes it was her

Her breath became harder but she opened her mouth to speak. "I am...

"Get up on your feet and introduce yourself. His cold bossy voice cut her short instantly making her flinch a little bit but tried to maintain herself.

"My name is Amy, sir. I am the new personal assistant that was employed today."

He paused for a moment, his lips pressed together in an awkward manner. There was silence in the room once again but he spoke out.

"You are my new personal assistant. He said his tone mixed with what she couldn't understand. "I need you to be capable of standing out and representing me when I am away and to handle tasks I assign to you.

"I expect you to be professional, efficient, organized and well-spoken. Now please stand up and introduce yourself professionally to the group." He commanded.

"What an arrogant asshole! He is not only strict but arrogant too." She said in her head and plastered a fake smile on her face. Since he wants to see me embarrass myself I will make sure to disappoint him.

"Good day everyone, Like I said earlier I am Amy Cartel and I am the new personal assistant assigned for the ceo. Since I was little my dream was to draw and I am very good at it. I am also experienced, I worked for a company too and was a

top staff member. I am happy to be here and hope not to regret it. She said and gave the CEO a winced as she sighed after she had finished her last word.

A sound of applause arose and it made her feel better. The smile on his face disappeared as he now looked like he ate a bitter lemon. With a flick of his wrist he gestured to me to sit down.

She reluctantly followed his command and took her seat, adjusting herself in her chair as she was satisfied with the look on his face.

The dark screen at the front of them was now shining as different designs displayed on the screen and her eyes fell on her design she had given to the woman who had interviewed me.

Her pink flushed pink as she scanned the table and saw Mr. Agnes smiled back at her, as that was her name. While the rude admin gave her a deadly look.

Her name was attached to it, she couldn't help but smile at the credit given to her. The young man Sebastian was the one in charge of displaying the image.

She felt her heart rise as he winked at her. But she maintained her composure and smiled at him in response. She didn't read the meaning into the smile as she acknowledged it as a friendly acknowledgement. Her eyes locked with the CEO and his eyes were filled with anger.

"Was it because she was smiling at Sebastian? She asked herself inwardly as she tried to avoid every gaze of him which made her remember her son.

She was sure he couldn't recall her face, that was her thought.

But could he?

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