True Tycoon Her Empire, Her Rules ( Winnie and Suzan )

Chapter 48

Chapter 48 

In a nightmare, Catherine’s specter wept tears of blood, a terrifying visage that seemed fueled by pure hatred for Kathryn. Her hands, deathly pale, were wrapped tightly around Kathryn’s throat, choking the life from her. 

In the waking world, Kathryn began to convulse violently on her hospital bed, as if an Invisible force were suffocating her

Alarms from the medical equipment pierced the silence, prompting a flurry of activity as doctors and nurses rushed into the room to administer emergency care. 

In the chaos, someone’s touch grazed Kathryn, and in the realm of dreams. Catherine’s ghost. was repelled with a force as if struck by something powerful. In the next heartbeat, Kathryn flew open her eyes and gasped for air, terror etched across her features. 

Meanwhile, on the rooftop of the school building. Winnie watched with a smirk as Kathryn abandoned a bleeding girl and fled in panic. 

Winnie seemed to relish Catherine’s despairing illusion, oblivious to the silken threads of darkness stealthily encroaching upon her. 

The threads, like tendrils of black mist, sought to burrow into her flesh. But suddenly, a glint of gold aura from Winnie’s palm, the faint light danced and in a flash, shattered the illusion before her. 

Winnie snapped open her eyes, locking onto a shadowy figure on the rooftop. With a flick of her wrist, three Thunder Charms shot forth. 

“Blood of the enemy forcibly taken you will resurrect your foe!” Shouting, Winnie hoped the Thunder Charms would at least compel the entity to reveal itself, if not deliver a crippling blow. What she didn’t expect was thé glint of gold aura mingling with the charms as they sped through the air. 

Before she could recall the gold aura, the incantation was spoken. At the climax of her chant, purple lightning flashed overhead. 

In the next instant, three bolts of purple lightning struck where the Thunder Charms had been aimed. 

Winnie widened her eyes in disbelief. 

Purple lightning?! 

But before she could ponder further, the spot hit by the purple lightning revealed a peculiar and child–sized cocoon, a crimson hue as if soaked in blood. 

The red cocoon, attempting to flee from the purple lightning, found no escape under its unyielding force. The outer shell incinerated in an instant, the skull within burning to a crisp. 



Chapter 40 

Something flew out from the charred remains. Winnie, quick as a whip, trapped it within at Charm. 

After the storm of purple lightning, a serene clarity settled over the rooftop. 

Springer, hiding behind a door, was dumbstruck. 

He had thought Winnie’s previous lightning rescue was impressive, but this display of power was on another level. 

“Winnie! You’re incredible! Was that skull the cause of all this? Are we safe now?” Springer was exuberant, feeling an unprecedented lightness as the oppressive aura that had hung in the air vanished

Winnic reflected on her might. This wasn’t just a victory, she had utterly annihilated the adversary. 

“You saw that, right? The three bolts of purple lightning…” she began, still unsure if it was her Thunder Charm that had summoned them. 

Springer, mistaking her awe for self–praise, eagerly jumped in. “Absolutely, those massive bolts of purple lightning were awesome!” 

Winnie drew a sharp breath. 

It was indeed purple lightning. 

Lightning itself had the power to vanquish malevolent spirits, and purple lightning could obliterate them entirely! 

Even Winnie was unaware of her capacity to call forth such a force. Her master had praised her talent, but she had learned her mystic arts in such a short time that summoning even ordinary lightning was considered an achievement. 

Something felt amiss, but before she could ponder further, her attention was drawn to the seven large cocoons on the rooftop. The silken bindings had been torn by the lightning. 

“Let’s rescue the others first.” Winnie acted swiftly, drawing more Charms to slice open two of the cocoons. Springer followed suit, brandishing his knife to carefully cut open the remaining bindings. 

Soon, all seven people were freed, though they remained unconscious. 

“Winnie, what do we do now? Should we call the cops?” Springer was familiar with calling Winnie for help now. 

“We should call an ambulance first and get them to the hospital,” Winnie decided. Though the victims were tainted by dark energy, their conditions weren’t dire. 

As Springer reached for his phone, a deep voice spoke from behind, “I’ve already called. The ambulance will be here shortly.” 

They turned to see Drake, who had silently joined them on the rooftop. His calm gaze surveyed 

Chapter 48 

the scene, eyes briefly narrowing at the sight of the shattered cocoon shells, but he betrayed no surprise. 

Drake hadn’t intended to get involved, but upon seeing the lightning from the school, curiosity had drawn him in. 

Upon discovering an unconscious girl below, he knew something was amiss and made his way to the roof. 

Winnie caught the brilliant gold aura emanating from Drake and paused, a sudden realization dawning on her. 

The gold aura she had released with the Thunder Charm–it had been a fragment from Drake. 

So, the purple lightning… Was it summoned by the gold aura from the enigmatic Drake?! 

In an instant, Winnie’s gaze towards Drake was complex and expectant. 

The complexity stemmed from the realization that the purple lightning she conjured was not of her own doing. 

The expectation, on the other hand, was fueled by the startling discovery that Boss Drake’s aura of gold aura had such an unexpected application. 

A daring idea began to take shape in the recesses of Winnie’s mind. 

As she watched Drake, his deep–set eyes were scrutinizing Winnie, his gaze probing boldly. 

He wanted to ask Winnie something, yet for the first time, he was at a loss for where to begin. 

Just as he opened his mouth, a breeze swept across the rooftop. In the next moment, the cocoon shells beneath the seven figures seemed to evaporate into dust, dissipating with the wind. 

Drake twitched his brow with a sudden unease. Suddenly, he lost the desire to inquire further. After all, this was definitely not something science could explain. 

Before the group had a chance to discuss the bizarre situation further, footsteps echoed from 

As they reached the below once again. This time, it was Horace and his driver was with h rooftop, the sight of bodies strewn about drained the color from Horace’s face. 

Turning to Springer, Horace was laced with a cold restraint, “Springer, you’d better have a damn good explanation for this!”

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