Trapped with a Lawyer

Chapter 118 Is She OK

"Go and find a world-famous technician to recover the surveillance video from the hotel, and ask the people on duty in the hall for details. I need to know what happened." Samuel hung up the phone and waved to Anna. He said in a relatively soft voice, "Put everything on hold for a while. I need to deal with something important first."

Anna nodded. Samuel then found Viola's phone number and called her.

"Mum, why on earth did you ask Ella out last night?"

Samuel's interrogation shocked Anna deeply, spiking her interest. She had never seen Samuel talk to Viola in this way. Viola must have given an answer that didn't sit well with Samuel because his response was in anger.

"She was kidnapped last night, didn't you notice? I told her not to leave the house, and despite how you always treat her, she went to dinner with you out of respect."

Ella was so silly. She knew Viola didn't like her, and always tried to avoid being anywhere near her.

If Viola hadn't been his mother, Ella would have treated her in the same way she treated Catherine and Emma, Samuel thought.

Anna became worried. Did something terrible happen to Ella? No wonder last night, he didn't wait for the company's car and left the airport immediately after a phone call he had received. "Is it Emma? Was she involved?" Samuel asked pointedly.

"Viola, you are not only my mother, but also Ella's mother-in-law. Her parents died at the same time. Shouldn't you be kinder to her?" Samuel felt sorry for Ella, and the least she had expected her mother to do was to treat Ella like one of her own. But that wasn't the case.

"Don't explain. I am investigating the matter now. If I find out that either you or Emma were involved..." Samuel warned. Samuel recalled Ella's condition last night and he became even more infuriated. He hang up the phone without another word and called Emma.

But before he got through to her, Samuel realised that Anna was still standing in front of him. He wasn't sure why she was still there.

So he hung up the phone, looked at Anna and said, "What do you want?"

Anna wanted to ask what had happened to Ella, but before she could say a word, Samuel's phone rang.

He looked at the number on the screen. It was a call from the villa, probably from Ella. He hesitated to answer the phone.

But when the phone rang again, he picked it up.

"Samuel." Ella called his name softly. Samuel closed his eyes bitterly and vowed that he would take revenge on whoever was involved in Ella's kidnapping and mistreatment.

"What's up? Is everything okay?" He tried his best to remain calm.

"I lose my phone, so I cannot reach Yang. He was badly beaten last night because he wanted to save me. I'm worried..."

Samuel now knew that the man in the hospital was Yang, Ella's friend. He was relieved to hear that he had come to her rescue.

"Don't worry. He is at No.3 People's Hospital. I will take you there after work, "Samuel interrupted her.

How could Samuel know this? Ella was bemused and wondered if Samuel was investigating what had happened.

"Samuel, about last night. We need to talk..."

"You don't need to worry about that. I'm investigating the matter and when I find out who did it, I will make them pay for it." Samuel interrupted her. He didn't want her to feel depressed because of this. Hearing that Samuel would investigate it for her, Ella smiled sweetly and answered, "Okay. Call me after work. I will come to your office."

"You don't need to come here. Stay at home and I will pick you up." Before he found the culprit, he needed her to be safe. Lest, they decide to try again.

There was something unusual about Samuel, Ella thought, but she didn't know what the problem was.

After she hung up the phone, Ella sat there quietly. She was deep in thought, wondering why Sum had been in the same room last night. She didn't dare to tell Samuel this.

Nothing had happened, but she worried that if Samuel knew Sum was there, he might have gotten the wrong impression.

She would ask Sum when she got her new phone.

Samuel held his phone, that was almost out of power, and covered his face with the other hand. The whole thing was a mess. Ella talked and acted as if she wasn't aware that she had been raped, which was very unusual.

She must have been overdosed, so she didn't know what had happened.

But that was good news, since she wouldn't think about it. But had she been raped? Samuel pondered over it. Had it happened or was he assuming it had?

"What had happened to Ella?" Samuel heard a soft voice. It was Anna. He had almost forgotten that she was there.

He straightened his back and put his phone to charge. He needed to contact more people later.

"Nothing. I'm dealing with it, so if there is any work, please postpone it for me if possible."

Anna understood and checked the documents she held. "Except for the meeting this afternoon, all work can be postponed." "When will the meeting start?" Samuel didn't look up and kept searching for the phone numbers he needed on the phone. "Two o'clock."

"Okay. Got it."

Anna finished her verbal report and saw that Samuel had began to call someone, so she left the office. When she left the room, she still wondered what had happened. Why did Samuel refuse to talk about it?

The day went by quickly, and by the time Samuel looked at the clock it was 6:30 p.m.

He left the office and drove to the villa. Outside the villa, he calmed himself down and entered the house.

There, Ella had already changed her clothes and was now sitting on the sofa. She was deep in conversation with Melody and their son on the phone.

When Ella saw Samuel get in, she said goodbye to Melody quickly, "Grandma. Samuel is back. I need to go. Oh, I will visit you tomorrow. See you." Then she ran to Samuel in her slippers.


Samuel saw her running towards him like a butterfly, and his heart was full of grief.

He hugged her tightly, and thought to himself, "Samuel, you should act as if nothing bad has happened to her..." He tried to comfort himself.

He had already found some important information. All he needed to do now was to find the two kidnappers and then he would know who had hired them.

Viola called him many times after their conversation in the morning, and had even stopped by the office at 3.30pm. She promised, again and again, that she had nothing to do with Ella's kidnapping. Her intentions were genuine, to take Ella out for dinner.

She had managed to convince him, therefore leaving Emma as the only suspect.

Deluxe Room in No.3 People's Hospital.

Doctors had bandaged Yang's hand and applied medicine to the bruises on his face and body.

Samuel pushed the door of the ward open, and Ella ran into the room.

"Yang, how are you? Are you Okay?"

When he saw Ella, Yang smiled. The expression on his round face showed that he was a lovely, truthful man.

"Ella, I'm okay now. Thanks to Samuel. He made sure that I was taken care of by the best doctor here."

Yang recalled what had happened and realised that if he wasn't sent to deliver documents to a client at that hotel, he wouldn't have met Ella and saved her.

Ella looked at his fat hand in bandages, and her eyes brimmed with unshed tears. She held his hand in hers and said, "You are so silly, Yang!" She couldn't forget what had happened last night. Yang, a person who didn't know how to fight, Kept two brawny men away from her. She remembered the dagger piercing through his hand and the shattering scream he produced from the pain.

"I don't believe I said thank you. So thank you, I don't know what would have happened to me if... " she broke down in tears.

Yang reached out to her, "Hey hey stop worrying. It's not a big deal. We are okay now. I hope those bastards get what they deserve. Everything is okay." He tried to convince her, but once the tears came, it was hard for Ella to stop. So he let her cry, as he continued to reassure her. ☐☐☐

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