Trapped with a Lawyer

Chapter 116 Attack on Ella

Since Ella didn't drive to the old house, she didn't have a way to get back home.

She ended up wandering the streets, in discontent.

She missed Samuel, and at that moment she wanted to be with him. However, he wasn't in the country, and she could only see him electronically. She felt distressed in this moment more than she ever had. Unconsciously, she wandered too far, and ended up in a dark alley. When she realised this, she turned around to retrace her steps back to the old house.

But in doing so, she caught a glimpse of two large men running towards her. Before she could react, she lost consciousness.

After placing Ella in the car, one of the men retrieved his cellphone and dialled a number, "It's done ma'am."

"Well done. Take her to the hotel. The next phase of the plan is underway." The call was brief but the intended message had been received.

Ella stirred awake. She felt as if someone was touching her incessantly.

She was having trouble focusing her thoughts because she was feeling dizzy.

Her memories, although blurry, came back to her and she knew with all certainty that the man that was touching her wasn't Samuel.

She wanted to fight and scream but she was too weak to do neither.

Where was she? She remembered being with Emma and Viola, and then wandering the streets after, but everything after that drew a blank. She looked around her. She thought that she might be in a hotel. Ella tried to prop herself from the bed, but her efforts were quickly thwarted

When a man flung himself on her.

She recognised him instantly. Sum? She was shocked to see him. But she also noticed that he didn't seem fully awake. Was he drunk? "Sum... Wake up." Ella wanted to stop him but she also felt that there was something wrong with her. Her voice was weak and unstable. Her whisper was like a catalyst for Sum. He lowered his head and kissed.

There were several flashes that lit the room, as if someone was taking photos. Ella saw the light but Sum seemed not.

Ella bit Sum on the lips, forcing him to let go of her, in pain. He winced as he struggled to get off her.

She also bit her tongue, the pain yanking her from her delirium.

She pushed Sum away. He landed on the floor with a huge thud.

Ella crawled out of bed and staggered into the bathroom.

The moment she closed the door, she saw someone rushing towards her. Ella immediately locked the door in confusion.

What was going on?

How did she get here?

What was Sum doing here?

Ella's head heart from all the thoughts running through her mind.

She couldn't reconcile what was going on. Nothing made sense.

Suddenly, she heard a loud bang on the door. Someone was trying to break the door down. She took a few steps back, searching for something to protect herself with. However, except for towels and body wash, there was nothing that could be used. She just had a comb, which had sharp teeth that may be strong enough to protect her.

With a few more bangs, the door came undone and fell to the ground. Ella secretly pinched herself, trying to stay awake.

A man wearing black, with a snarl on his face walked toward her. Ella's heart beat faster, as her mind recognised the man.

Her memories flooded her mind. Missing Samuel. Dark Alley. Two large men. Handkerchief that smelled sweet and then nothing. She shuddered when she realised that she had been kidnapped.

As the man approached Ella, she took a step forward and thrust the comb into the man's face. The man was surprised and moved just in time, before the comb struck his eye. But he hadn't entirely escaped the onslaught, the comb scraped the right side of his face, across his jaw.

He yelped in pain, as blood began to drip from his face. Seizing the opportunity, Ella immediately rushed out of the bathroom.

In the bedroom, Sum had just gotten up from the ground, but Ella knocked him back down again.

The man in black, raced out of the bathroom in a rage, clutching the right side of his face with a towel. Ella opened the door of the room.

When she rushed out, she didn't expect that there would be another man outside. The sudden appearance of Ella surprised him. This man was equally large and wore a maroon suit with a blue tie, an odd combination. But Ella had no time to contemplate his poor fashion sense, she had to get out of there.

She saw the lift and run towards it. "Get her." A low booming voice from inside the room commanded the man in a blue tie. Ella run as fast as she could, screaming for help.

Her voice and body was weak because of the drugs, but she was determined. Just as the lift opened, her legs gave way and she fell to the ground. "No... " She cried out as one of the men caught up to her and pulled one of her legs, dragging her back to the room.

"Someone help!" She fought hard, splitting her efforts between trying to fend off the effects of the drugs and loosening the man's vice-like grip on her foot. In a daze, she saw someone run out of the lift and push down the man wearing a blue tie.

"Mind your business. You don't know who you are messing with. Walk away." The man in black warned the man who had pushed his friend to the ground. He still had his hand pressed to his cheek, but blood was streaming out. There was something familiar about the man who had come to her rescue, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

"Leave Ella alone." The man standing by her spoke. He knew her name? Ella looked on in surprise. "Fine, you asked for it." The man in black spoke and punched the man standing beside Ella. He fell to the ground with a thud.

Ella struggled to stand up, as her saviour struggled with the man with a blue tie. The man in black walked towards Ella, but soon fell to the ground. However, this didn't stop him as he struggled to crawl towards her.

Ella was so frightened and screamed out, retreating to a corner. Her mind was still not clear, as she fought once again to gain her senses back. She needed to stand and run away. As she watched the three men fighting on the ground, Her mind gave her the answer she was seeking.

The man who had come to her rescue was Yang. Ella burst into tears, "Yang..."

"Ella, run! Run!" His words yanked her fully back to reality. She stood up but hesitated.

She was in a quagmire. She didn't want to leave him there. He was losing the fight slowly, and the two men were beating him mercilessly. "Ella ruuunnnnnn!" Yang commanded, just before the man in a blue tie punched him.

Ella run towards the lift, knocking on every door on her way. "Please please, open for me." She pleaded at each door, but no-one responded.

The second last door near the elevator, where she knocked on, an old man opened in a panic. Ella implored him, "Save us, please! Call 100! Call the police." But when the old man took a look outside, he closed the door in horror.

"Ella, run! Go to the hall and you'll be safe!" Yang called out to Ella, as he held the legs of the two men.

She staggered into the lift and pressed the button for the ground floor.

When the two men realised that Yang wasn't going to let go, the man wearing a blue tie retrieved a dagger. The lift doors closed just as he had stabbed Yang on the hand. Tears flowed from Ella's eyes. Yang's screamed in pain, releasing the men's legs. He clutched at his hand. The man in black stood up and kicked Yang in the face, causing him to loose consciousness. "Idiot. Let's go. We have what we need."

The two men walked towards the staircase exit and descended the stairs.

The lift stopped at the first floor. Ella was crumpled on the floor, shaking and crying. She kept saying, "Please help me." The people who had called for the lift to stop on the first floor, saw her and immediately came to her rescue. They pressed the button for the ground floor, which was where the reception desk was.

A crowd formed at the reception desk, as security called the police and an ambulance. "Please, there's another man on the 12th floor. He is in trouble." Ella begged the security guard who was holding her. She only calmed down when she heard

The security guard call for back-up to the 12th floor. "Please, she needs to go to the hospital now. There are no ambulances nearby, take her in a taxi." The main receptionist called out to the security guard. Two minutes later, a taxi screeched to a stop at the front of the hotel. The security guard entered with her.

In the taxi.

Ella twisted in the backseat, her body coming down from the effects of the drugs and exhaustion.

"Sir, Please may I borrow you cellphone?" Even though she knew Samuel was abroad, she still wanted to contact him and hear his voice.

The security guard gave her his phone.

Ella clinched the cellphone tightly the moment she touched it, Struggling to dial his number on the phone. Once she pressed enter, she held her breathe, "Sorry, the mobile subscriber can not be reached. Please try again later." Ella's heart broke. ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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