Transmigrated Into A Billionaire

Chapter 12 Rachel met Yandel and Maya at the cinema

Waking up to the smell of frying bacon and toast is something Rachel can never be used to, she turned in her bed while looking at the time figuring she probably slept through her alarm. She had been catching up on a series she had watched in her past life and slept late, you know, totally "normal" stuff. She went into the bathroom to wash up and wore some casual band tee and comfy sweatpants.

On heading downstairs, she could hear Ace telling the cook what he wanted which was quite obvious from the time she has known him, it has always been pancake with chocolate syrup with a glass of cold almond milk, this was Ace every morning breakfast and on rare days he chose to make scrambled eggs with toast and orange juice. She headed to the coffee machine to make her morning dose of caffeine to start the day, she took a few fried bacons and scrambled eggs, she didn't have a big appetite this morning unlike Ace who was super happy and excited and she sure knew the reason why he was so happy because he was finally going to see his new favorite movie which he has been talking about all week.

She took her breakfast quickly and headed back to her room to do a little clean up and laundry, she knew she had a maid who could do all of that but she just couldn't let them, she was so used to do her things herself she couldn't let a random stranger do it for her.

While she was busy arranging her closet, her phone started ringing which was strange since no one has called her in over 2weeks since her release from the hospital. She checked the contact and it was a strange number, she picked the call thinking who could have gotten her number, maybe some random stalker.

"Hello," Rachel said cautiously.

"Hey love,sorry i couldn't come see you or call you,i just felt you needed some space to heal from such a tragic event, I really feel bad for going all Ghost on you hope you can forgive me," the strangely familiar voice said.

"Uhm... Yh..." Rachel replied, still trying to be able to put a face to the voice that kept itching at her head yet she couldn't just put a face to the voice.

"Wait still don't remember me?" The voice said.

She couldn't tell if he was hurt, surprised or just dumb because clearly she didn't remember a face to the oddly familiar voice. That was when it suddenly hit her. "Ofcourse it was fucking Xander!!!!....she was wandering why she started feeling abit agree at the voice"...

"Of Course I remember you just that you hurt me, and it's hard to believe you care about me right now,you totally abandoned me like i wasn't your fiancée," Rachel replied, faking hurt.

"Thank God for her good acting skills..."

"I am so sorry baby, I have been so busy with work and your best friend said it was what was best for you because of the trauma you have been through," Xander rambled.

"Ohh...I didn't know that my best friend who I haven't seen in weeks now calls the shots and says what goes on in our relationship Xander" Rachel replied with an eye roll, at this point she just found him pathetic asf.

"Nooo no baby that's not what I meant...I just...arghh...are you free this evening?"

Xander asked, sounding desperate, she couldn't tell if it was faked or not but either way she didn't care to be honest.

"No Xander, I am taking my kid bro to the cinema," Rachel replied dryly.

"To do what??" Xander asked.

She got even more irritated and took the phone from her ear and stared at it with disgust...this man had to be really dumb or just plain stupid to be honest.

"To slay dragon Xander, what the fuck do you think we're going to do, see fucking Trump?!!" Rachel asked exasperated.

"You know what....let's end this convo here,talk later" Rachel said ending the call.

Godddd this dude must really take Araceli for a fucking fool to throw such flimsy excuse and think she will just forgive him and they will be back in cherry land living merrily. She could just end the whole thing there and then but she has a plan she needs to follow through, she needs to make both of them pay for what they did, she definitely was also gonna find a way to make Talon pay for what he did but that was for later.

For now, she just wants good vibes and celebrates the deal she just won. She owes it to herself because it has been a stressful week trying to plan how she would pitch it perfectly.

She concluded her chores and took a little nap, well it was little for a reason because as soon as she closed her eyes, Ace came into her room and jumped on her bed excitedly asking her about when they were going to go, He was already wearing his favorite spider shirt with black jeans and black shoe.

For a 9 year old, he definitely knew how to dress. she shushed him away so she could get more sleep but he wasn't having any of it.

"Damn he must be that excited or definitely doesn't respect the fact that Araceli is sleeping"...

"Alright Acey i will be down in 15minutes,just let me freshen up and pleaseee don't put your shoes on my bed its sooo not cool" Rachel drawled out still feeling sleepy.

"Sorrrrryyyyyyy" Ace replied laughing as he ran out of her room.

She keeps wondering where kids get their energy from because on God she gets exhausted from just living.

She got into the bathroom and took a quick shower before getting out to wear a nice casual cloth. She wore high waist jeans with a white crop hoodie and vans, A very Rachel look, she was sure Araceli would never wear something like that.

She headed downstairs to see Ace being all hyper with the maids and mom.

"You guys be safe, love you," Mrs Garcia said.

"We will," Rachel replied.

They head towards the car and headed for the local cinema in the middle of town so Ace could have a real cinema experience. On getting there, she saw a lot of adult about to watch the lego movie,she felt less worried now that she saw this. They join the queue to get soda pop with some popcorn and chocolate sticks, while they were at it, they heard a nasal high-pitched voice nagging...

"But yanny we can literally watch any movie just not this one, pleaseeeee" a slight petite girl with blond hair said.

"I want to watch this movie Maya, I saw a friend of mine here and now I want to watch this movie" Yandel replied in a final tone. But Maya furrowed her brows as she thought, Yanny always let her have her way anything she wanted, which always made her think he was into her too, not knowing the poor man can't just stand the high pitch whining.

Now all because of some "friend" he wants to watch lego movie....seriously!!!!!!

"You gotta be kidding me" Rachel thought out loud.

He wore a fitted Ash tee and black jeans which hugged his thighs and made his butt look good. Speaking of the devil... "Celi!!!!....omg nice running into you," Yandel said, running to her giving her a surprise hug, just for him to whisper.

"Please save me from her, she is so clingy and annoying" Yandel hushed towards Rachel.

Clearing the assignment, "Ok you owe me," Rachel hushed back.

"Heyyy Baldwin, how have you been? I missed you," Rachel said in a faux sweet which turned my face red to be little. Ace came running back with our chocolate sticks.

"And by the way, This is Ace, my kid brother,"...‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒

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