
Traded Chapter 100

Chapter 100


I feel like I am floating, my body humming with energy and a shockwave that zips through every vein, screaming for me to wake up. My wolf sighs in relief and the rest of me it feels refreshed, hydrated.

Someone is murmuring to me, little sweet words in my car as I come closer to consciousness. Arms are wrapped around me and a sigh tumbles out, then panic takes hold of me. I try to sit up but I am stopped, a voice calming me.

“Calm down. Letty” Merikh whispers in my ear and tears dot my eyes.

There is no way I am alive, and it breaks my heart. My chest aches and my throat feels like it is closing up as I glide my hands over his arms holding him tight, clinging to the moment. A tiny sob breaks free, as my body shakes with sorrow and his face presses into my neck.

“Don’t let me go.” I whisper, not ready to leave him or worse, for him to leave me

to turn in his arms.

“Never, he promises, his lips pressing to my cheek as he pulls back, forcing me to

concern as he cups my face in worry. My hands feel over his body, touching

Heavens, he is breathtaking, his green eyes soft and swimming with concer injuries that make him wince as I make sure he is here

“Merikh.” I whisper, my brows knitted together in confusion and a mix of shock. Is this real! He feels real, looks real.

Were you expecting someone else?” He says, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips as I burst into a soft sob again.

“You’re okay,” I force out, and he nods, leaning down to press his forehead to mine.

you.” He says, his voice barely audible.

“Only because of y

You were in harm’s way because of me.” I correct him and he chuckles.

I could say the same. He reminds me, and I lick my lips, sucking the bottom between my teeth. His hand glides over the back of my head, a trickle of water waking me up to the fact that we are in water. I should have noticed with how light 1 felt and how easily I moved despite my achy muscles.

Where are we?” I ask him, looking over his shoulder.

“Blood moon cove 1 hear someone come up beside me. I blink at a siren who swims around us in his form similar to my fathers though he is more slender, younger. Merikh holds me close, that tinge of jealousy wiggling through the mate band and I smirk to myself.

“How is Caspian?” Merikh asks, and the siren gives a courteous nod.

“He will heal, in time.” He says to Merikh before tilting his head as he looks at ine. “Though I must say you look much better than I imagined you would after such a short time in the water.”

“My wolf has a tendency to speed things up” I say, sliding a curious glance up at Merikh.

“This is Zale.” Merikh says softly. “He is your long–lost cousin and the next to inherit the throne of your father

“That is, of course, unless you want it,” Zale offers, but I don’t miss the way his eyes narrow, as if looking for some hidden truth that I might want this kingdom I don’t belong in.

“I have a throne.” I tell him, leaning into Merikh. “I am pleased that my father has someone to inherit for him though

That seems to go over well, as he smiles brightly and floats closer,

“Your mother is healing in the beach house over there” He says, nodding his head behind me.

I glance over my shoulder, catching a glimpse of a cute white eshin on the beach near rocks where waves cascade over them, spraying the air with the glorious smell of salt and sea. There is only one scent that could ever top this one, and it is coming from the man I am clinging to.

“Where is everyone else?” I ask Merikh sofily.

“The dragon healer is with you mother, and everyone else went back to the pack”

My eyes grow wide as I look at him.

“The pack?” I ask, “That is where they w

they will go first. We

We have to get back, to warn everyone, to move them somewhere else=”

“Colette, it has all been taken care of. We have a secondary site where Hayes, Percy, and Leandra will move everyone to.”

My body ferk hollow at the mention of Perry and my eyes well with tears again.

Chapter 100

“How is he?I ask and Merikh sight.

“We will discuss this later. Right now, we have things we must do,” he tells me, and I furrow my brows.

“Like what?” I ask, confused. “Tam well enough to travel now. Let me see my mom and we can go.”

et there?” Zale asks, his scaly arms crossing over his chest.

“And what will you do when you get

I look at him fully, taking in his board shoulders and the way his face, though far more ocean creature like, still has some human qualities.

“Fight for my kind” I tell him truthfully,

“You and who!” he scoffs. “The lycans are formidable fighters. Even we have heard of their strength and skills. But Dragons are fire and beasts. One fly over can decimate the flammable places you call home.”

I scoff and lick my teeth in annoyance.

“I know how to use my skills” I tell him, and he arches a brow,

Colette,” Merikh tries to calm me, but it’s too late. I an annoyed, tired, in pain and so sick of everyone thinking I am so incapable. I just saved the Alpha of Death. Me, not my father or my beta and his mate. Me, it was all me and my love for him. And I have a love for my pack, for my werewolf, lycan kind.

“No,” I grit out. “Don’t ‘Colete me. I am capable, I fucking proved it more than once and he doesn’t know. How the hell would he know! Where were you, huh? Let your king wander around on land without backup or warriors to help protect him, and you come at me.“1 grumble.

“Are you done throwing your hissy in cousin?” He asks, “Because the sooner we begin training, the sooner you will be able to leave to save your little pack you care so deeply for

My mouth falls open to say more but nothing comes out but a shock tiny squawk

“Perhaps she needs more time to heal.“Merikh offers, and I look between the two

the sun

Merikh stands to his chest in water, sun setting on his features and I take note of his scarred neck. 1 free myself from his bold, gliding around him in the water with ease as I reach out and touch his back. He is healing, the blisters disappearing, but the scar will be there forever, always that reminder of what I almost lost because he needed to save me

I have only grown stronger with him in my life, emotionally, physically and, most importantly, mentally. It has taken a lifetime to find myself and yet, when I found him, be somehow was able to clear the path and make that journey with me. He didn’t make it painless, that’s for damn sure, but what is love without a little growing pain!

“How much time do we have to train?I ask, sighing as I move forward and press a gentle kiss on his burn, knowing the touch will provide him some relief, however short–lived it may be.

“As much time as you need to be ready” Merikh says.

“And what will you do?” I ask. The thought of him leaving makes my skin itch and my body feel weak.

“I will wait and watch you grow stronger.” He says with ease. Move in front of him, watching him close, looking for any iota of falsehood, but I find

“Why?” I whisper.

“You are my Luna,” he says simply, though he sees me questioning that, so he frowns. “I failed you too many times to ever do it again. What you need is to understand your own abilities, and then we can be strong together.”

“But our pack-

“Es in excellent hands.” He assures me. “And when we get back and the dragons and whichever pitiful being decides to attack does so, they will be in for a big surprise. Because I have the strongest weapon at my side.”

I laugh, hugging him. “A hybrid?”

“No, a little luna” he says and 1 hear the grin in his voice. “Now go kick that Fishman’s as

“I can hear you. You do know that, right” Zale asks, frowning.

“Yeah, I figured you might be able to Merikh says as I break away from him.

He stoops down and steals a kiss, his lips warm and soft. It feels like home and I know I will do everything to protect it. So I reluctantly pull away and take a ikep breath, turning to look at Zale,

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