Touching the Heart of Ace

Chapter 52

Robbie kicked Janice out of our home.

She came out of nowhere, taking me by surprise, because he was at office and I had never been alone with Janice ever. Robbie never gave a chance to.

She had come in screaming for him and I told her he was not here. She started shouting at me then. She asked me to call him and beg if I had to, for him to come home. I plucked my baby girl out of her swing and frantically called Robbie that Janice was here and demanding his presence.

I walked into the living room to see her angrily throwing Lia??s toy telephone to the wall, breaking it to pieces. I could not be sure if it was the sound of her favourite toy breaking to pieces, made Lia cry or her angry screaming mom.

Robbie came a few minutes later, running and went berserk. I heard him if she tried to pull this stunt again, she did not have to worry about the investors because he would be enough to knock her teeth out. I heard him asking her never to set her foot inside here without his permission.

Lia and I escaped to the greenhouse. It was a mini jungle to be precise. We might have gone a bit overboard with this project, but it was our favourite place in this whole house.

There was a marble bench in the middle and it was now literally our escape room. But my girl was crying her little heart out.

??Shhh... it is okay sweetheart. Daddy is here. He will come soon and make everything perfect. Hey, look is that a daisy flower waving at you? Let us wave back... Ahh... no... no... we are not going wave, it is fine then. Sorry Miss Daisy, baby is busy right now. Bye bye.??

Robbie found her crying to my chest and his eyes widened with fear. ??Why is she crying???

He patted her body to check for injuries.

??All the sound and her favourite toy broke.??

??That bi...??

??Shhh... we are fine, Robbie. What did she want??? He was angry and I knew he was trying his best not to lose it in front of us. The more Lia refused to calm down, angrier Robbie got. ??Don??t worry about it. Never open the door for her. Never.??

He visibly shook. Lia started hiccupping and Robbie fisted his palms. ??It is just her telephone broke and she can??t pretend to talk anymore without it.?? Robbie fell on my chest, sighing, his baby trapped between us. He stood up sooner than I liked.

He picked up her baby girl. ??I will bring you all the toys you want. Please stop crying.??

I chuckled, standing and leaning to his shoulder. ??Daddy, we want a telephone like we had. May be with sounds of animals and birds this time???

He stared at my eyes, looking like I was some kind of God, and I flustered. ??What???

He did not even hear my question and I squirmed under his gaze. ??What??? I punched his shoulder, making him smile.

??I will be back. I am locking the door; don??t open for anyone except me.??

??Robbie, she can wait, she is just tired and got scared by the sound. It is okay. Stay here.??

He looked at the baby who was still crying and licking his shirt button. He pressed a kiss to her sweaty forehead. ??Daddy will be quick, okay, Baby Angel? Stay with my Angel and drink some wat... milk.?? He handed the baby back and pressed a quick kiss to my lips as well. ??Be here.??

I smiled at his demand.

When Robbie left I tried to squish down the happiness bubbled up in my chest when he asked Janice to stay away from this house. I was not supposed to feel happiness for that. She was my baby??s mother. They needed a healthy bond no matter what my role was in this family.

As Dr. Phil said, alienating a parent was never a good strategy.

But Robbie was super angry and it was going to last a few days and I thought Janice also needed a breather.

Robbie came back later than I expected, holding tonnes of toys. It took him three walks to get all of them inside. I shook my head. ??I thought you went out for one telephone toy???

??Yeah! But... you know.?? He shrugged and cuddled with Lia on the living room floor.

Lia ignored all the toys and went to suck on his collar tail. He did not mind, I lied on the floor and watched Robbie playing with all her toys trying to make her happy. When Robbie picked up a yellow telephone similar like the broken one, she frowned, looking back and forth between the toy and her daddy.

??Wanna see a magic??? Robbie asked her and she popped her fingers inside her mouth and hummed. He pressed a button on it and a soft voice of a bird singing was heard. Her mouth also looked like a baby bird??s mouth as she puckered it in surprise. She giggled when a dog woofed and barked when Robbie pressed another one.

I had told Robbie that she only needed that one toy; now look what happened. She was ignoring everything else and playing with her telephone. ??Did she cry for long??? Robbie lied on the floor as well his head on my waist. ??A little longer after you left. She is all fine now.??

?? Are you???


??Are you fine???

I nodded, I was fine... I was more than fine.

My watch notified an incoming call; it was mom. ??Hi mommy. Wait a sec, let me connect to monitor.??

Again with the same questions, I smiled at her worry. I showed her the real baby of the house as she tried to eat her toy. ??Sweetheart, show the toy to grandma Claire, sweet baby.?? She cooed and smiled at mom and waved. She almost threw the whole thing at the monitor in her excitement.

??Was she crying???

??Yeah... we had a situation that broke her toy and now she is all happy.??

??What situation???

??It is fine, mama. Look now she is all happy and giggling.??

??Robert, to your office, now.?? I turned around and saw Robbie standing behind me with crossed hands on his chest.

??Yes, Madam.?? He went obediently without looking at me. What was going on?

Baby and I stared at each other confused. The monitor went blank and I pouted. Why couldn??t they talk in front of me?

??How about we call Grandma Marie, sweetheart??? I called her and she showed up smiling and holding a cup of tea. ??Hi, Grandma Marie, look what we got here.??

Aunt was looking so much better, smiling happy and playful. ??I miss you so much sometimes, sexy mama.??

??Only sometimes??? She asked laughing playing peek-a-boo and making Lia giggle hysterically.

?? You know, when Lia is being extremely difficult, I think of the times when I tried to make you run for the hills but you stayed.??

Aunt laughed throwing her head back. ??You pretty much succeeded a few times. I had to spank you that one time, remember???

??I don??t want to remember, you big meanie.?? That was the most embarrassing thing ever happened to me. I used to hold my pee pee and walk around when I was young, and it was nowhere close to this incident.

Aunt snorted. ??Oh, I miss you baby boy.??

??When are you coming here to stay a few days???

She smiled and I knew she had no intention to come. ??Someday.??

??Oh, mom is calling, let us have a video conference.?? Mom was looking a bit down but Aunt and I managed to lift up her spirits.

?? You being there is good.?? Mom announced and we went quiet. Aunt Marie played with the rim of the tea cup without saying anything. ??Marie, you are right. I should stop enabling her. I thought I was helping her.??

?? You were and you are. But what she needs is not help and it is time, we stop trying to turn her our way.?? Aunt smiled a bit sad.

??What is going on???

??Janice is trying to make easy money as always, but this time, she might have messed it up bad. Her investors are behind her back.??

??How much???

??A little over a million.?? Mom said worriedly. ??I am worried about her.??

??I am more worried about where that money went. So please, Claire, don??t fall for her fake tears anymore. She is just using you.?? Aunt Marie scolded my mom.

??I promise I will not.??

??Take the baby to her cradle, David, she has fallen asleep.?? I looked down and she was clutching the toy phone closer to her heart, snoring. I kissed her forehead, both of her Grandmas melting. ??Bye-bye. We go sleepy-sleepy.?? I waved her tiny arm to the monitor and ended the call.

We were back to being calm and normal by dinner time, as I served Robbie his stir-fry. ??Mom said Janice is in trouble.??

Robbie shrugged and took a bite of roasted lamb.

??Are you going to do something about that??? ??Hell no.??

?? Are they pressing charges??? I prodded.

??Unlikely. They were planning to sell plain celery juice under the guise of health drink. They might want to keep that under wraps. Investors just want their money back.??

I served him some more.

??Even if they pressed charges I am not going to do anything.?? Robbie was adamant.

I finally asked him the question that was really troubling me. ??Do you think they will come for you??? I knew she threw his name and her marriage to him around to get investors. She was the wife of Great Robert Brantley; why would anyone hesitate to invest? He was a multi-billionaire. Even if everything sank down to the sea bed, he would take care of their losses.

But he was not going to.

He smiled. ??What are they going to do???

He was right. They could do nothing about it except beg to his wife, or threaten her even.

I was expecting Janice to come back in a few days; because she was desperate. At least she called him before coming here and I watched them discussing, her face wet with tears. Robbie was trying hard to keep his voice down with his daughter napping upstairs. They finally agreed to set up a meeting, a few days later and I could not sit still.

Where were they going?

What about us?

I did not want her to be alone with her husband and that was as pathetic as I could get. But I did not care. I did not want them to be alone together.

I expected Janice to come for her daughter; at least ask me how she was. But she went without even asking her husband about her child!

What should we do when the parent alienated herself? God! The child psychology books were not clear on many dilemmas.

The day of the meeting, we had a party to attend to. One of Robbie??s investors had his kid??s third birthday on the same day. They were having a kid??s party and that man along with this his wife had come to our home and personally invited Lia and I. This was Lia??s first official party invite and I wanted her to go. Robbie could not care less but I insisted.

There would be other kids and she needed to mingle with them to grow healthy. She was her daddy??s daughter; she was going to steal the whole show.

I heard Robbie talking to Janice in the morning. He was going to leave us, after a few minutes of cutting cake. I did not like that, but I was not going to ask him to stay. It was his choice.

I hinted several times that his baby would need him with so many strangers around but he was adamant that she would be okay with me by her side.

I scowled when he nibbled my lips and went to office, asking me to be ready by two p.m.

I did not want him to go with her. He was supposed to be with us. Why was he going?

I was going out of my freaking mind.

But fine! If he wanted to go, he should go. Who was I to stop him?

I picked up a simple but classic attire for the event. An oversized white shirt tucked inside blue jeans. I was not going there as Robbie??s plus one. I was more of a care taker to Lia. I packed a small bag with baby essentials, before getting my baby ready.

She was going as a fairy princess with cute velvet wings. I put her a small bangle made of cloth which resembled a wand. She was so precious and beautiful.

I stared at the mirror looking at my reflection, twirling my eyeliner between my fingers. When was the last went to a party? I wanted to dress up to the occasion.

I added my final touches, fixing and fluffing my hair a bit; I was not going to gel my hair. It would be a pain but I loved my soft hair.

??Ready Angel???

Robbie came in to my bedroom without knocking. He stood there at the door for a few moments.

??Give me a few minutes. Lia is ready and waiting in her swing. Will you please check on her???

He was still standing at the door, froze.

??Robbie... Will you???

??Ah, sure. Sorry, take your time.??

I smiled a bit victoriously when he sputtered and closed the door. I spritzed my favourite perfume on the nape of my neck. Robbie was standing at the bottom of the stairs holding Little Baby.

??Angel, maybe we can stay here and watch a movie or something???

??Oh? I thought you had a meeting???

??Yeah... but...??

??Nah, you should go, and it is Lia??s first party. We cannot miss it. Come on.??

I took Robbie??s hand and pulled him out of our door. I could feel him checking me out. He had not seen me dressed up in long; so he was allowed to. Poor Big Baby.

??But, but... Lia will be wary of strangers, Angel.??

??I will be there with her all the time.??

The party was a blast; with most of them in their best attires and the kids having a lot of fun. I was surprised it was a home not a carnival. The front yard had all of the kid contraptions which did not look that safe. I was glad, Lia could barely stand on her own much less climb on all that. Nannies were worriedly standing beneath all the machineries and the kids were finding the most horrible ways to die. ??Let us go home.?? Robbie whispered to my ears.

??We only got here. At least wait until you wish the birthday kid.?? Robbie sighed and followed me around. ??Your friends are waving at you. Go. We will be fine, Daddy.?? I rubbed his hand up and down feeling his tight muscles and left him there.

I handed over my bag to a valet who welcomed me into the house, ticking us off the V.I.P list. ??Please enjoy, Miss Amelia. Master Henry will be here in a moment.?? He politely bowed to Lia who smacked his bald head giggling.

??Oh my God, I am so sorry. Amelia, you can??t smack people.??

??No worries, kids are here to have fun.??

??Still not polite. Now apologize to the kind man who welcomed you in.??

She blinked at me, but then turned around cooed at Stuart, as his name tag announced. He was surprised. ??Oh, that is a refreshing experience. Apology accepted, though it was not at all needed, Fairy Princess.?? He bowed again, shaking her tiny hand making her giggle.

??I am sorry, Mr. Stuart. She is too young but it was still not nice.??

??Oh, don??t worry, kind Sir. She will grow up to a beautiful polite young lady. Have no worries, she is in good hands after all.??

??Thank you.??

??Please join the guests, and enjoy your evening, Sir.?? He gave me a kind smile and ushered me to the food section. ??Please don??t have that yellow drink.?? He whispered, looking both sides making me


??I will keep that in mind.?? I thanked him again for the welcome.

Robbie found us as I walked around for a place to sit. It was so crowded.

??Mr, Brantley, thank you for coming. Birthday boy is trying out his suits. Hello, Miss Lia, you look dashing today.?? She hummed completely agreeing with the man. Told you, a born diva. ??And this beautiful young man must be... we could not properly introduce ourselves that day.??

??He is Davidson Truscott.??

??Truscott? As in???

??The same.?? Robbie hugged my waist.

??Wow, it is a pleasure. I am sorry for not recognizing you at your residence. We were running behind the schedule inviting everyone.??

??It is understandable, Mr. Baker. Organizing a party is tedious; and you can??t tell when it is a kid??s party. Thank you for inviting us. This is so beautifully arranged.??

??Well, thank you. I still cannot forgive myself for not knowing who you were. You must think of me as a stuck up person.??

?? You are a stuck up person.?? Robbie none so kindly added.

??Mr. Brantley.?? I chastised him though he was true. ??I only see a tensed out father. You can have your revenge when Lia??s birthday comes around.??

The man guffawed clutching my shoulder and Robbie took that hand away from me.

Jealous Robbie was a cute Robbie.

Mr. Baker personally walked us to the cake, proudly announcing, it costed him 8000 dollars and apparently the figurine of his son, on the top was real gold; his missus wanted it that way.

I politely nodded, trying very hard to look astonished.

We waited another half an hour when the guests started asking for the birthday boy and Mr. Baker went to fetch his kid and I leaned to Robbie. ??If you plan something like this for Lia, we are going to have a

problem; I am not even joking.??


The cake was bland, though luxurious. Less-polite guests verbally announced they hated the cake and Mr. Baker wasted 8000 dollars. His missus chalked it up as jealousy, so it was okay.

We were having our finger foods when I noticed Robbie silencing his phone every few minutes.


Guests swarmed up on us after the initial shock of cake wore off.


Why did I thought of wearing make ?C up. Even if someone thought I was a nanny, it was not polite to ask to work for them and lewdly leer at me while their wives were trying hard not to make a scene.

I did not hold grudge against the lady, who asked me what I was doing here at the V.I.P section; nannies were not welcome. Her husband was terrible; he merely laughed when his wife said that and it was only natural for her to feel cornered. I hoped Robbie did not hear that question; nope, heard it just fine.

??We have a delegated unexpected guest amongst us and I would like to formally invite him to this occasion. It is very kind of Claire Truscott to let her son attend my buddy??s birthday party. Mr. Davidson Truscott, everyone. Thank you, for coming, Mr. Truscott.??

He raised his glass in my direction and I swallowed my beating heart. I raised mine in return. ??It is a pleasure, Mr. Baker. I apologize on my mother??s behalf, she had pre-determined meetings which she could not postpone. I will say that she missed an amazing event. She loves kids, especially happy kids. And I can see all of them having a very good time, Mr. Baker.??

He was happy with my little speech and he boasted to everyone that my mom and him were very good friends.

I texted mom of her bad luck. She sent me a laughing with tears emoji.

I saw Robbie cancelling another call. He needed to go. I did not mind. Apparently people wanted to talk to me and was getting me things before I could even ask. Some even said they would call their nannies and take my baby away if I wanted to mingle. I politely declined. I was happy she was babbling to my ears.

I was sitting on a mat on my feet trying to feed my baby without making a mess. She learned to hold something in her tiny palms and now wanted to hold everything on the way.

I normally let her make a huge mess while eating at our home, but this was a party. I had one hand up holding the cake plate away; other was clutching her to my chest while she stood on my thighs making grabby hands at the plate.

??Baby, no! We are not at home.?? Finally, Robbie came and decided to help me than to simply stand there and stare at me.

??I have to go, Angel.?? He said when I was showing Lia different art pieces hung on the wall, there was a man next to me who was doing the same.

??Sure. We will call a cab. You are already late.?? I agreed, bottling up the emotion that rose from my heart. Green and ugly.

??I could give you a lift.?? The man next to me said right away.

??Oh, no! We can manage. Thank you.??

??I insist. It is no trouble.?? I smiled at him and got worried when his eyes slipped to my lips.

??Robert, I thought you had left already. Don??t worry about your daughter. I will drop them off personally. You can leave without fear.?? Someone else approached Robert before I could even reject the first

man??s offer.

Robbie??s phone dinged with new message. ??Oh, goodie! The meeting got cancelled. Now, I don??t have to worry about anything.??

I hid my face in my elbow trying to stop from smiling. Damn! Robbie was so cute.

He waited until I wanted to go home, I gave the birthday boy his present in place of Lia.

??Did the meeting really got cancelled??? I asked after putting Lia on her swing to take a nap.

??It is not an important meeting.?? Robbie was followed me around, his eyes thickening with the lust; he had controlled hard during the party.

??Oh. You can leave, now, if you want.??


I nodded, walking to my bedroom, unbuttoning my shirt.

??Let me.?? Robbie swatted my hand away. ??You are so exceptionally beautiful today. People were... staring.??

I did not care about people. I only wanted him to stare and he did.

??I thought you would not forgive that lady that fast.?? I sighed.

The lady who asked me to leave the V.I.P section apologized to me after knowing I was a Truscott, with her husband in tow. I would have simply ignored her if her cheek was not glowing red with a handprint. I

was more worried to see her dry eyes. She was used to physical abuse from her husband. I told her I was more annoyed that her husband offered me a job in his household. He fisted his palms and wanted to

slap his wife again for the mistake he made.

Fucking Asshole.

He asked her to follow him after apologizing to me; the coward wanted to take his anger and embarrassment out on someone.

I invited both of them to our table. I casually suggested that they should come to my mom??s office one day, especially the lady, my mom would love her nails, and they could have a girls?? day out. The lady was surprised and her husband looked like he had won a lottery. When that asshole took a drink, I leaned to his wife??s ears, ??My mom can help you. No one will know. Not even him.??

The pimp wiggled his eyebrows and smiled when he saw me whispering to her.


He excused us, to take a leak and he gave me a thumbs up. She looked at his retreating figure and back at me and saw her eyes filling with tears. Her hands shook when she held my hands. ??Think about

it.?? I gave her, my mom??s card.

Robbie was staring at me when I was lost in thoughts.

??I need a shower.?? I said when he went to take off my jeans.

??Later... much much later. Oh baby, you are so tempting.??

I rocked his world... several times, and he was a putty in my hands, begging.

He drew patterns on my lips. ??So fucking delicious. Strawberry tastes much better from your lips.?? He leaned down and bit my lips.

??Haven??t you got enough???

??It is not my fault you lie down so temptingly luscious, on bed.?? He pulled off my blanket, his fingers slowly tracing its way down.

His phone vibrated on the nightstand again and I gritted my teeth when he reached for it.

I gently turned around facing him and he licked his lips, his eyes taking me all in. He attended the call, and I could hear her scream at him on the other end.

??Bring them here... I don??t care... You remember the way, right?... You think, I have something to lose?... Yeah, so behave like that... Well it is your ass they are frying... Don??t bother for me.... I could care

less if you end up dead, much less jail... God! You are so pathetic.?? He laughed and hung up the call.

He yanked me to his chest.

??Now, where were we???☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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