Torn between Wolves & Myths (Book 2)

Chapter 003

Everything they told her was true. The myth was real and there was no way for her to deny it any longer. She had the proof in her hand. Lycaon’s own words, saying that she will die. He truly wanted her dead. She couldn’t believe that this was happening. The world she thought she knew was bigger than she could have ever anticipated and she was a vital part in it, even though she doesn’t know what her part is yet. According to everyone she was a royal, Rafe even called her princess. And even Psophis had...

She couldn’t stop replaying the events of the In Between in her mind. How Psophis had called her princess and how she told her that the victors decide how the story was written. There was no doubt left in her mind. The story she knew about Psophis and the creation of the Moonbloods wasn’t real. The true story had to be different, but how? And how has it anything to do with what’s going on right now?

What she could remember from the myth was that the Ulfhednars were created by the Norse gods and the war that was supposed to go on. The war between gods, but was that true as well? Or was the war between gods made up?

There was still so much she didn’t know, but she couldn’t take more truths right now. Not when she found out so much in one evening. Her mind was barely able to handle everything and she truly was having a headache right now. One that felt like it was slowly splitting her brain in half. How can her parents allow her to be kept in the dark for so long? Even when she and her mother had been taken by King, her mother could have found a way to tell her; to warn her. Yet here she was, learning the truth from her long-lost uncle, she didn’t even know she had!

Liv closed her eyes before she started to massage her temples. More answers will come, but she needed to allow herself to process everything before she got any. She meant what she told them before she walked away. She will find out everything, including what they are planning with her. Liv wasn’t sure if she would truly kill them all in the end, but the feelings she gets every time she is close to Rafe, tells her that he cannot be trusted. She didn’t know his agenda, but she will find out what it is, and act accordingly. She was barely free of one monster before she was taken by them and she will not live her life in captivity again. She will be free, she will kill Caden and she will have all the answers. That was a given.

Footsteps sounded behind her and a sigh left her instantly. It’s not like she hadn’t have any time to herself. They probably left her alone for an hour or two already, but that didn’t mean that she wanted to talk to any of them now.

“You really have a thing with lakes.” His voice filled her ears around the same time his scent filled her nose. Liv opened her eyes as she looked out over the small like in front of her. Devon kept walking until he stopped next to her. She looked up at him and saw the weak smile he gave her. Reminding her of the same smile Caden has. A muscle ticked in her jaw as she turned her gaze back to the lake. The lake bordered a mountain slope and was surrounded with all kinds of trees. There was a quietness that calmed her, well usually calmed her, now the silence was breached by Devon.


“What are you doing here Devon?” She asked, before he could tell her how sorry he is. She didn’t need to hear it as she heard it way too many times already.

A sigh came from Devon as he moved to sit down. Liv briefly closed her eyes as she pressed her lips together before composing herself. She really had no energy for this right now and frankly she didn’t want to be around anyone either.

“I know you are angry at all of us.” Understatement. “And I don’t blame you for it. What we did was wrong-”

“If I hear one more time that it’s was necessary, I’m going to kill somebody.” It was a warning, and by hearing Devon gulp she knew that he got it.

“It wasn’t.” Liv’s gaze turned towards him, but he wasn’t looking at her. He was looking at the grass as he spoke. “I argued with Caden and Ben to tell you the truth. After I saw what you went through when you stopped your shift, I didn’t want you to suffer even more than you already have, but they didn’t listen to me.” No shit. Another muscle ticked in her jaw as she looked back at the lake. She couldn’t stop the sting of betrayal to worsen at hearing his words. He argued with his brother for her and his brother didn’t care about anything he told him; he just went along with his fucked-up plan.

“If your plan is to make me thank you for trying to help me, I’m not going to.”

“I know, but I still wanted you to know. Caden and Ben aren’t evil, they just don’t have a ch-” Devon sighed in defeat before he got up from the ground. “My brother is a complex case, Liv.” A snort left her before she shook her head. “If you knew the reasons for doing everything he has, you’ll know what I mean and then you will finally get to know the true him, and not the Caden he acts he is in front of everyone.” Swallowing slowly, she looked at Devon who met her gaze one last time, before turning and walking away. Closing her eyes briefly she opened her mouth and stopped him in his tracks, “Why don’t they have a choice?” He may have stopped himself from saying it, but she wasn’t dumb.

Devon turned and met her gaze. “Because they don’t.” Her gaze torwards him became harder with every second that passed in silence. He released a long sigh before he ran his hands over his head. “I-” He stopped himself as he licked his lips. “You’ll find out soon enough.” That was the last thing he said before he walked away. This time she didn’t stop him. If she had any doubts about this place and Rafe not being trustworthy, they were cleared now. Devon basically gave her the confirmation that she was right.

Liv got up from the ground and stashed the note of Lycaon in her pocket. It’s time for her to mingle and find out what exactly is going on here. She turned and walked back the way she came, before a strange sense of being watched came over her. Yet, she didn’t give it any attention. They must have followed Devon to her, if they hadn’t followed her in the first place. She didn’t really care though. Let them follow her. It’s not like she had anything to hide. They are the ones who should be afraid that she would discover their secrets.

Following the road back to the packhouse she took in the sights. It was a huge cabin-like house made with dark wood. It had a courtyard, surrounded by trees. Along the edge of the courtyard were some ruins of walls, telling her that this wasn’t always so easily accessible. Looking further than the ruins on the other side she saw some shapes of cabins made from the same kind of wood. She had never seen a pack like this, which meant that she wasn’t in America anymore. Not that she had seen every pack there, but this whole place gave her otherworldly vibes. Even the nature around her was different from anything she had seen in America. Telling her that she was right about being in another country, but which one?

Them being Ulfhednar, made the guessing game a little shorter as it meant that it must be one of the Scandinavian countries. Which meant Finland, Sweden, Danmark, Iceland or Norway, but it could also be one of the Nordic Countries, the Faroe Islands or even...


Could they truly have brought her back to her home country? The one she hadn’t set a foot in for way too long?

A cold shiver ran down her spine as she wrapped her arms around herself as she looked around. No, it couldn’t be Greenland. She would have known from the moment she woke up. She would have been able to tell.

Liv gulped before she walked back into the courtyard and unwound her arms. Her eyes immediately shot to Rafe, Pyry and braid who also immediately looked at her.

“They don’t trust you.”

Her body locked up as she heard his voice. “Fitting, as I don’t trust any of you either.” He sighed as he moved to stand in front of her. Lifting her eyes to meet his she saw the same regret on his face the day he handed the chains to Caden. “Are you also going to tell me that you’re sorry? If so, don’t. I’ve heard it enough for a fucking lifetime.”

Ben swallowed as he briefly averted his eyes. “I know.” Silence fell over them. She sighed before she shook her head and walked away from him. Ben made a move to stop her, but decided against it and just watched her walk away. She could even feel his eyes on her back, but she didn’t care either. She was just waiting for whomever was going to try and talk to her next.

“Kerra Livana Greenland!” She stopped walking as she heard a male’s voice. She didn’t have to wait long it seemed. Releasing a sigh, she turned around and froze as she saw who was standing in front of her. The male gave her a bright smile. “Look at the female you have become.”

She had to make an effort to find her voice as she kept looking at the male.

“Malik!?” His smile brightened even more as he gave her a small nod. Before she could even comprehend what she was doing, she sped forward. Reaching him she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him. He chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her from the ground, before he placed her back and they pulled away from each other. “You’ve become huge!” He laughed at her remark.

“So have you, Moon. You are far from the little girl that used to run around terrorizing me.” She slapped his shoulder. “If I recall correctly, you were the one who used to terrorize me!”

“Nah, your memory is lacking.” Her mouth fell open, causing Malik to laugh again. “I’m glad you haven’t forgotten me.” He said as he cupped her face.

“How could I ever forget my partner in crime?” She said with a smile.

Malik had been the only other Lycanth- Ulfhednar pup in the pack. He was five years older than she was, but they had always been good friends and he always had her back.

He was about a head bigger than she was now and had a toned body any female would drool over. His brown hair was chopped short, with one side of his head being adorned with a few small braids which showed the markings of the tattoo that also covered the side of his neck and reached his shoulder. The other side still showed his luscious waves. His hazel eyes were exactly the same as she had always remembered.

As the memories flooded her mind, the day King came into the pack soon pushed all of the good ones away. She hadn’t seen him that day, but she had always told herself that he must have died, so what happened to him?

Her smile fell as she remembered where she was and what was happening. Malik’s smile also fell as he already knew where her thoughts went. “Rafe?” He nodded, confirming that he also was saved by her uncle. Which meant that maybe-

“How many more are here?” She asked next, hoping that Augo and Malik weren’t the only ones who survived the attack as well as she did. Malik’s smile came back as he removed his hands and looked behind her. Liv turned as well and saw four males. Three she knew as well, not as well as Augo and Malik, but well enough to know that they were powerful warriors. And one she also recognized, but didn’t have the best memory off, but she didn’t care. They were here. Her pack, there were survivors when she had always believed she was the only one left. Tears filled her eyes as they all smiled and bowed their head towards her. The one she only recognized, walked forward before falling on his knees and baring his neck.

“What are you-” She was cut off when he started to speak the words, she never thought she would hear.

“From this moment till my last, I will give my body, life and soul to protect this pack and fulfil the command of you, my Alpha, Kerra Livana Greenland.”

Liv gasped as a power she had never felt before filled her chest, causing her to double over and reach for her chest. The other three also fell on their knees, reciting the same official oath, binding themselves to her. With every one of them the power in her chest grew and her wolf rose in answer to it. She allowed her to come to the surface and bathe in the newfound strength. The strength of belonging in a pack; of being an Alpha.

Liv braced her hands on her knees before she pushed herself to stand up straight again. All four of the males had their hands on their chests as well, probably feeling the exact same thing as she was.

A wolf without a pack is either a rogue or disperser. They all had been the latter, including her. Caden had made that painfully known back in King’s pack, but now she wasn’t a disperser any longer.

Malik moved behind her causing her to turn. He gave her a bright smile as he moved down to his knees as well and barred his neck. “From this moment till my last, I will give my body, life and soul to protect this pack and fulfil the command of you, my Alpha, Kerra Livana Greenland.” Liv had to fight the gasp that wanted to leave her again. Malik tensed before he also reached for his chest and looked up, meeting her gaze with a smile.

“I- I have nothing to offer...” She whispered as she looked from him to the other four who were now also looking at her. The one who spoke first got up from the ground with a smile. “You have everything to offer. There is no other Alpha for us besides you. Alpha Leif always said that you would be the future and there has never been any doubt in our minds about it either. You represent everything that they have been trying to take from us. Our pack, our hope and our life. It’s an honor to have you as our Alpha as Alpha Leif honored us with being ours before you.” Tears filled her eyes. Not only because of his words, but also because of the feelings she felt coming from all of them, telling her that they all wholeheartedly agreed with him.

“Thank you.” Her voice was soft, but it was still filled with the emotions that she wanted them to hear.

“No, thank you, Alpha.” Malik said as he also got up and laid a hand on her shoulder. She smiled at him.

“We need to talk.” Taken by surprise she froze. It had been a long time since she had ever used the pack link. It was the mind-link that the wolves and Alpha shared. Giving the wolves the ability to talk to their Alpha and vice versa, but where an Alpha could link anyone in the pack, the pack members could only link their Alpha, unless the Alpha combines the link with another. Thanks to the link, they could have a conversation no one else could hear.

Hearing her pack’s voices in her head was something she was going to take getting used to again.

“About what?” She linked back, glad that she still knew how.

“Congratulations.” Her head snapped to the voice and saw Rafe standing close to her. “When we saved them, I offered them a place in my pack, but they always refused. Now I know why.” The smile he gave her was one that wasn’t exactly genuine. There was something behind it, but she couldn’t really place what it was.

“Him.” Malik answered her link.

“Thank you.” She answered, not responding to Malik. He knew she heard him. One other thing that stood out was the feelings she picked up from the others as soon as Rafe joined them. Distrust.

“We got off on the wrong foot and I want to make amends for that.” Rafe said as he showed the palms of his hands. “Can we start over?”

“Starting over doesn’t change what you did to me.”

“I know, and I am sorry for that.” They really needed to stop saying that. Hearing it so many times, makes the word start to lose its meaning. “But we need you and you need us. We have to find a way to work together and you need to know what is going on.” Work together? No. Need to know everything? Damn right, but she was going to find out on her terms. “Are you going to lock me in a room again?” This caused her new pack to growl in warning. A muscle ticked in his jaw as his eyes briefly shifted to her wolves behind her before he met her gaze again. “No, of course not. We have prepared a cabin for you and your new pack members.” Surprise flashed over her face. “Oh, have you now?”

Rafe rolled his eyes. “As soon as they made the oath, I made sure to have the cabin prepared for them as well. An Alpha, especially a new one, needs their pack around them.” The underlaying warning in his tone made the feeling of danger come back. “It’s the cabin next to the packhouse on the left.” Liv met Malik’s gaze before she started to walk to the cabin.

“Not even going to say thank you?”

“For what? Abducting me or locking me up in a room for five weeks?” She asked as she turned to face him. “Must be frustrating that, me getting my pack back, has changed your plans for me, huh?” Rafe’s gaze held the promise of death. “I don’t know what you mean.”

“Sure, you don’t.” Liv turned around and walked away with her pack following her.

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