To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 21

Chapter 21 Who’s That Woman?
The following night.
The charity dinner was held at the Majestic Hotel. It was organized by the top magazine in Parrington, BQ Magazine. When Alec
arrived, the hotel entrance was surrounded by all sorts of paparazzi and reporters as he got off the car.
“BQ Magazine is so privileged to get Alec Faust to come!” someone exclaimed. After all, everyone knew that Alec had not
always been a fan of this kind of event.
“I know, right? Too bad we can’t go in and check it out. The charity dinner tonight must be interesting.” another person said
“Who’s that woman beside him? Could she be Alec’s girlfriend?” Some people noticed that Alec didn’t attend alone. He brought
along a plus-one, and many were surprised about this.
Upon hearing the news, everybody else only noticed Faye standing next to Alec. It wasn’t that they purposely ignored her. It was
just that Faye was too ordinary-looking, so she didn’t manage to capture their attention at first. Unfortunately, Faye didn’t know
the truth. Standing beside Alec, she enjoyed receiving all their envious looks. She was utterly satisfied.
“You shouldn’t have come tonight,” Alec said while walking toward the dining hall. “You haven’t fully recovered. You should be
resting more at home.”
“I’m fine, Alec. It’s too boring resting at home every day. Accompanying you here for this dinner will help me relax.” She flashed a
smile at Alec, but it didn’t feel sincere.
If she hadn’t attended this event, there would surely be tons of women in Parrington who would find a way to seduce Alec. She
had to come and keep an eye on him to eliminate all competition.
The two of them had just arrived at the entrance when Mr. Nelson, the editor-in-chief for BQ Magazine, rushed over after hearing
the news. “Mr. Alec, I didn’t expect you to come. Thank you for gracing us with your presence.”
He never expected him to appear when he first sent Alec the invitation. Who knew The scale of this event had now been
increased ten times more. As the main organizer, Mr. Nelson was, of course, very pleased.

“Mr. Nelson, you must be joking. BQ Magazine and the Faust Group have always worked well together. Of course I had to show
up,” Alec nodded and smiled. Even though he was polite, his body language revealed a sense of distance.
“Hello, Mr. Nelson.” Faye noticed that he had ignored her presence and felt kind of neglected, so she initiated the conversation.
Mr. Nelson was slightly taken aback. He had only noticed her now. There was no other reason. It was purely because standing
next to Alec caused her to be overshadowed.
“This is...”
“My little sister,” Alec answered. Ever since he had promised Anthony to take care of Faye, he had treated her like a younger
sister, which was how he introduced her to others. But a bitter look flashed across Faye’s eyes. She didn’t want to be Alec’s little
Mr. Nelson nodded, a little confused. Then, he said, “Mr. Alec, please come in. The dinner is about to start.”
He wanted to lead Alec to the first row. The seats there were the best. They would also provide the best view of the stage for the
auction later. At this very moment, there was another commotion at the
“It’s Gilbert Hawthorn!”
“Gilbert Hawthorn? The upstart?” someone asked.
“That’s him!” The other person nodded before saying, “He built his company up from nothing in a few years and became the
youngest self-made billionaire on Forbes. Who else would it be?”
There were people younger than Gilbert on that list, but each of them got on the list because of their family. Even Alec, who was
top on the list, was no exception.
“That lady next to him looks very familiar. Is she that new star?” someone noticed the woman standing beside Gilbert and
couldn’t help but ask.

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