Thrown Away

Chapter 36

Finn and Nikora spent three hours at the arcade with Finn allowing herself the chance just to be a teenager. They ate bad food and Nikora tried to win Finn a teddy, but failed miserable which caused Finn to laugh. Nikora loved hearing Finn laugh and acting like she didn't have a care in the world. This was the side of Finn he wanted to see more often. Both Finn and Nikora didn't want the date to end but both knew it had to. Finn did miss her son and had text Sunny several times to check on Jai but he was having to much fun to worry about his mum not being there.

"I guess it's time to get you home" Nikora said pulling Finn close to him. Finn looked up at Nikora and smiled before nodding. "Yep got to see my boy" Finn mumbled. Nikora really wanted to kiss Finn and kept his hands on her waist looking into her eyes. They sparkled with happiness. Finn was watching Nikora and how he was watching her lips. Finn decided to be bold and stood on her tippy toes lifting her chin. Nikora was surprised but leaned down meeting Finn half way kissing her plump lips.

Nikora allowed Finn to control the kiss not wanting to scare her at all. She was delicate with her kiss and softly ran her tongue along his lips before pulling back. Finn smiled but was embarrassed, she had never controlled the kiss before and didn't know if she had done ok or not. "Sorry" she mumbled. "I'm not" Nikora smiled before leaning right in and kissing Finn again. He nipped at her lips and encouraged her to open her mouth which she did when he pulled her closer to him. Nikora licked the inside of Finn's mouth and sucked on her tongue. He pulled back slightly before pecking her lips again.

Finn was panting, trying to catch her breath after that kiss. He lips were slightly swollen but she was smiling. "Now that was a kiss" Finn mumbled. "Plenty more of those coming. I'm addicted" Nikora whispered in Finn's ear causing her to laugh. "Come on, I better get you back to your son" Nikora stated taking Finn's hand and leading her to this bike. Once again Finn held tight onto Nikora and both hoped the ride wouldn't end. Ten minutes later Nikora pulled into Finn's driveway.

The minute that Myles heard the bike pull up he was marching outside. Finn had said she would only be gone for three hours and it had been almost four. Sunny was trying to stop him but he was determined to get out there. Sunny glared at Zane. "Are you just going to sit there and do nothing?" Sunny asked. Zane shrugged his shoulders, he was sitting on the couch reading a book to Jai. That earned him a slap on the back of the head by Sunny which caused Jai to giggle.

"What's happened?" Finn asked seeing Myles storming out of the house as she was getting off the bike. "You said you were going to be three hours Finlay" Myles ranted. "What's wrong Myles? Where is my son?" Finn screeched but Myles kept along with his ranting. "It's been four Finlay, you said three. What was I suppose to think? You left your son for four hours Finlay" Myles continued. Sunny came rushing out hearing the end of Myles rant. "Where is my son?" Finn screamed she was so worried about what had happened to Jai and Myles wasn't telling her anything. He was making her feel worse for leaving Jai at all. "You were out doing god knows what while your son was here. What kind of mother does that?" Myles ranted.

"He is fine, Jai is fine and happy laughing at Zane" Sunny rushed out seeing how distressed Finn looked. Sunny clipped Myles around the ear who was still ranting about how Finn had left her defenceless son. This stopped Myles in his tracks and he finally looked at Finn who had tears in her eyes and was breathing hard.

Nikora was off his bike quick smart pulling Finn into his arms to try to comfort her. "What did you do to her?" Myles yelled when he saw how upset Finn was. "He did nothing you did this Myles" Sunny stated. "I'm such a bad mum. I was to busy kissing you to think of Jai. Don't touch me Nikora. Let me go. This can't happen again" Finn yelled trying to push out of Nikora's arms. Finn felt like the worse mum of all. She had been enjoying herself instead of taking care of her baby.

"Finn you are not a bad mother. Your brother is a fucken idiot. Jai was fine, I was texting Zane for updates. He slept for half the time and hasn't cried once. You didn't leave him at all, he was safe with his grandparents and uncle" Nikora said calmly while glaring at Myles thinking of all the ways to murder him.

Nikora picked Finn up when she wasn't calming down and took her inside. The minute she saw Jai she began to calm down quicker. Nikora put her down and Finn grabbed her son from Zane squeezing him in a hug that she needed more then he did. Jai was happy to see his mum and started to smack his lips together which indicated he wanted to feed. "See yourself out. All of you" Finn stated before heading up to the bedroom so she could feed Jai. She was upset and didn't want to see anyone. She felt like a failure because of what Myles had said.

Once Finn was out of sight everyone glared at Myles. "Are you happy? You did that. She did nothing wrong and you made her feel like a bad mother for having a few hours to herself" Nikora bit out. "What did you do?" Zane asked Myles who was shocked that Finn had basically kicked them all out and was extremely upset. "I just said she left her son" Myles mumbled. "No you accused her of leaving her son and now she thinks she is a bad mother" Nikora spat. "I didn't mean it" Myles mumbled. Now he felt bad for upsetting his sister. He had been worried about her but when he saw her finally happy, he was annoyed he couldn't make Finn that happy and lashed out.

"You fucked up Myles. Finn is 18 and has never had a chance to have normal teenage experiences. The one time she did, you made her feel like she did something wrong" Zane stated. He was now annoyed with Myles. "I'm sorry" Myles stated. "It's not us you need to apologise to. I'm going up to check on the two of them and you can stay the fuck away from her" Nikora bit out and headed upstairs to check how Finn was doing.

Nikora knocked lightly in the bedroom door not wanting to storm in. "Go away" Finn mumbled. Nikora could hear she was crying so opened the door. Finn was on the bed crying with Jai feeding from her breast. "I said go away. I'm sorry Nikora but I can't date you. I need to focus on Jai" Finn stated. "Nope not accepting that. You listen here Finn, you did nothing wrong" Nikora stated while hopping behind her in the bed so her back was pushing on his chest. "Nikora" Finn stated but Nikora put his lips on Finn's kissing her quickly. "Now is my turn to talk. Yes you are a mother. A great one at that. You have raised this little one all by yourself with no real help from anyone. You haven't had a day off since you got pregnant. Today you had close to four hours to just be Finlay. You are allowed to do that. You made sure Jai was taken care of and had people you trust look after him. Nothing happened. Your brother was being a dick and that's on him. You can not care for anyone without caring for yourself Finn" Nikora told Finn who listened carefully. Nikora kissed Finn again and she snuggled into Nikora's chest and watched Jai feed. Jai watched Nikora the entire time he fed.

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