Thrown Away

Chapter 33

Cut came back with his camera. "Do you mind if I take some shots of you and Jai?" Cut asked. "Oh wow, umm no that's ok. I can pay you for the shots" Finn stated. "Nah, it's my daughters first time at the beach so had to have the camera ready. I can email them to you" Cut stated. "Umm thanks" Finn mumbled before taking Jai from Nikora and smiling for the camera.

Cut took several photos including some candid shots before saying "hey Nikora come take Jai so I can get some shots of him looking at his mum". Nikora smiled knowing exactly what he was doing. "Who knew I would be doing a real photo shoot" Finn laughed out. Nikora couldn't help but smile, Finn was having a great time by the look of it and truely looked care free. She was enjoying playing with Jai and had smiled more in the last hour then he had seen her smile in the few hours he was with her the day he picked up Tama. Cut took photos of the three of them together and all three were happy.

Jai began to grumble, he was getting tired and hungry. "Here let me take him, it's time for us to head in. Jai is probably hungry" Finn said reaching out to take Jai. "No problems, we have the shade thing up if you want to feed him there" Nikora offered. "Thanks I got my tent up and then he can have his nap in there" Finn said heading back onto the sand. Nikora wanted to chase after Finn and spend more time with her and Jai. He had enjoyed seeing her happy. Yes he was almost 10 years older then Finn but he didn't care at all. She was smart and strong and drop dead gorgeous.

"Go after her, offer her food" Buzz said seeing how torn Nikora looked. He never had an issue with females before but he had no idea with Finn which was funny to his mates. This was a side of Nikora that they had never seen. Finn was already sitting in the tent drying Jai and changing his nappy so he could feed and then have a nap.

Nikora headed over to Finn just as she took her top off taking a muslin wrap or put over her and Jai. Unfortunately the costume top was not a maternity top so was difficult to feed in. Nikora swung around when Finn undid her top to make sure no one was looking at her. Feeding a baby was perfectly natural but there were perverts who would get off on seeing a woman's breast. Immediately Nikora's friends turned away not wanting to piss of the pres by seeing Finn topless.

Once Jai was latched to Finn's breast she covered him with the wrap making sure she wasn't exposing herself to the entire beach. Finn looked up and saw Nikora's back and was a little embarrassed, she had removed her top without checking if anyone was watching because Jai was becoming impatient. "I'm sorry, I am covered now" Finn called out to Nikora. She assumed he was coming over to grab her email address for the photos.

Nikora turned around facing Finn and saw her blushing. "You don't need to apologise for feeding your son. I just didn't want to impose" Nikora explained. He didn't want to say I was making sure no bastard was watching my woman because he didn't want to scare Finn off. Finn nodded and began to dig through the bag of food and drink she brought for herself. She was getting hungry and was in desperate need of some water.

"What are you looking for?" Nikora asked after watching Finn dig into a bag. "I need a drink and to grab some food" Finn explained. "Can I help?" Nikora offered. Finn was unsure but couldn't find the water. "Sure" Finn replied. Nikora sat next to Finn and took the bag placing it onto his lap. He found a water bottle taking it out and opening it for Finn. "Thanks" Finn said before taking the bottle and drinking half the bottle in one go.

"What do you want to eat?" Nikora asked when Finn had finished drinking. "It's ok I'll wait till Jai finishes, thank you for your help with the water though" Finn replied smiling at Nikora. Nikora started to pull the food out of the bag, it seemed that Finn had a little picnic which consisted of fruit, rolls, chicken and salad. "Ok, I'll make you a plate of food" Nikora stated, he wasn't going to take no for an answer, he could hear Finn's stomach rumbling from where he sat.

Nikora made a chicken and salad roll for Finn and put some fruit on the plate. "Here you are" Nikora said going to hand Finn the plate. Jai pulled off the breast just at that moment and pulled the wrap off his mothers chest. He wanted to see who was talking. Finn was bright red and pulling the wrap back up. Jai smiled up at Nikora and then tried to sit up before spotting the fruit on the plate.

"Mmmmm" Jai gurgled out. He loved fruit. Nikora put the plate down and took Jai From Finn who was still struggling to cover herself and hold Jai. "Thanks" Finn mumbled when Nikora had a hold of Jai. Finn tied the wrap around her neck before grabbing her bikini top and slipping it back on. She was so embarrassed that Jai had basically made her flash her boobs to Nikora, who was just trying to be nice to her, that she refused to look at Nikora.

Once her top was secured Finn reached for her son. She wished she could just disappear. "Umm thanks you can go now" Finn mumbled. "Why would I go? Do you not want me here?" Nikora asked. Jai was munching on some strawberries happily in Nikora's lap. "Don't you want to head back to your friends?" Finn asked. "Nope I am fine right here. I'll get some food shortly" Nikora offered. "I packed plenty of food" Finn offered and she had.

Once Jai was finished his strawberry he was getting fussy. Finn took Jai and began to rock him in her arms. She had taken her hat off so laid down with Jai as his eyes started to droop. Within a few minutes Jai was sound asleep and Finn sat back up. Nikora was watching mother and son smiling softly at the pair, he was enjoying his time with Finn. "So what do you do now while he is sleeping?" Nikora asked. "Now I eat and possibly read" Finn replied. "Do you mind if I stay here with you. I really enjoy spending time with you both" Nikora asked. Finn blushed as she enjoyed the time with Nikora, he didn't push her at all for anything, they just had fun. "No problems" Finn replied. Nikora wanted to cheer but reframed.

Finn and Nikora had a roll each and were chatting away getting to know each other. Cut took some photos of them without either of them knowing. He knew Nikora would appreciate it. Nikora's friends moved the set up so they were close by but the tents allowed them some privacy. Nikora and Finn were laying side by side with Jai sleeping in the middle of them and they looked like the perfect family to the outside world.

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