This Young Master is not Cannon Fodder

Chapter 158: Spirit Stones

Chapter 158: Spirit Stones

“Since everyone has arrived, I will officially announce the start of the Fortune Banquet!” Daoist Moneybag said aloud with a clap of his hand, gathering the attention of everyone present.

Everyone sat in a circle around a platform Daoist Moneybag had placed at the center of the garden. And in front of each person was a table where Pill Flower Palace servants placed exquisite food and drinks. The Buzhou Immortal Sect provided the servants and tables, but Daoist Moneybag contributed everything else.

There were many sighs and appreciative sounds at what was placed upon the table, Seven Light Liquior, Desolate Fish Fin, Bewitching Dawn Beans, Parasol Fin Swan, Umbral Hell Ray, and much, much more. Although the items brought by Daoist Moneybag couldn’t be said to be priceless, they were all top-tier stuff that money could buy. He really lived up to his reputation as a filthy rich cultivator, spending so much wealth on food and drinks.

Most cultivators would prefer to purchase resources that would contribute to their cultivation instead of lavishly wasting it as Daoist Moneybag had. As such, they all inwardly derided Daoist Moneybag, but their hands were honest as they reached for the food and beverages. It wasn’t their wealth that was spent here. If Daoist Moneybag was to waste a fortune on them, who were they to complain?

However, thanks to all the precious food and drinks, the anticipation was raised by several levels.

Even Tianyi, who felt that he was a wastrel, felt he was inferior to Daoist Money, and so, asked for tips on the best food and beverages or other ways to enjoy wealth. All the while, Tianyi was also tasting the various foods and drinks. He pointedly ignored the question of whether or not the food was created by monsters who had gained their spirituality.

Out of sight, out of mind.

As for Daoyi, she just kept chugging the wine down while taking occasional bites from the food. It was to the point that the servant disciple was worried that their stock of liquor wouldn’t hold against Daoyi’s liver.

Bing Huoyuan took in none of this as he paid rapt attention to Bai Ningwei and Bai Weiwei. The two had never interacted with the level of decadence Daoist Moneybag heaped onto his guests. He himself never cared too much for fleshly pleasures, including food, but he kept note so that he could pamper his future dao companion.

“Daoist Bing, you look as if you’ve never even interacted with these items before. Perhaps it will be a long while before you can taste them again. I suggest you savor them.” Ji Wutong looked provocatively at Bing Huoyuan. “Unlike me. As an alchemist, I never worry for money.”

After saying this, Ji Wutong took out a bottle and poured the powder within onto the dishes. “Try this, it’s my Three Refinement Amplification Powder. When you put it on immortal dishes, not only will it enhance the flavor of the dish, but it increases the ease of absorption of the qi within.”

Bai Weiwei didn’t react, but Bai Ningwei did as she smiled in thanks at Ji Wutong. Bing Huoyuan, who saw this, felt trepidation in his heart.

Compared to himself, Ji Wutong was not any bit inferior. Bing Huoyuan could already see Ji Wutong’s interest in Bai Weiwei, and now he was extending it to Bai Ningwei. Bing Huoyuan wasn’t confident that Bai Weiwei would be willing to come with him to Boundless Mountain if she enjoyed such treatment in the Bright Ascension Sect.

Bing Huoyuan knew that Bai Weiwei wasn’t the type of person that pursued material and fleshly pleasures, but he still felt worried. Those worries came from his insecurity regarding Bai Weiwei’s feelings towards him.

He knew that Bai Weiwei had a good impression and relationship with him, but would it be to the point she would be willing to come to Boundless Mountain with him? Even if his father ironed out the agreement between the two forces, Bing Huoyuan couldn’t bear to forcibly take Bai Weiwei to Boundless Mountain against her will. Bing Huoyuan knew that Bai Weiwei suggested she go to Boundless Mountain to not be separated from Bai Ningwei, but she could have been spoken because of the impulse of the moment. What if she regretted it?

With a shake of his head, Bing Huoyuan shook himself out of his depressing thoughts. Why was it that when he was faced with Bai Weiwei that he became so unconfident? In his whole life, he never doubted himself except for the matter concerning her. No, he shouldn’t doubt himself. It was because of his inaction that Lai Erchu was able to confess to Bai Weiwei and become her future dao companion.

But what did Lai Erchu do? He mistreated Bai Weiwei over a small matter that wasn’t her fault, but Ji Wutong’s.

Yes, in Bing Huoyuan’s eyes, it was primarily Ji Wutong’s fault that Lai Erchu treated Bai Weiwei as he had. Did Ji Wutong not know of his own reputation? He should not get too close to women who are taken. That is not to say that Bing Huoyuan didn’t look down on Lai Erchu either.

If he was Bai Weiwei’s dao companion, he would never do such a thing to her, he would wholeheartedly trust her. That’s why he was the best option to be Bai Weiwei’s dao companion!

After thinking it through, Bing Huoyuan paid attention to the conversation between Bai Weiwei and Bai Ningwei.

“Weiwei, now that you’re safe and sound, Big Sister can put her heart to rest, now.” Bai Ningwei said as she looked lovingly at Bai Weiwei.

Bai Weiwei furrowed her brows as she processed Bai Ningwei’s words. Why did it sound so strange to her? “Big Sister, you’re not going to do anything dangerous, are you?”

“Dangerous?” Bai Ningwei repeated. “Maybe, but if I don’t do it, I won’t be able to let father, mother, and the Bai Clan rest in peace!”

Saying this, the hatred buried deep in Bai Ningwei’s eyes emerged, scaring Bai Weiwei.

“Big Sister, w-what are you going to do?” Bai Weiwei was afraid of the answer, but she couldn’t not ask.

“What else?” Bai Ningwei gnashed her teeth together to the point that a cracking sound could be heard. “Eliminate the Hei Clan!”

It was an expression that Bing Huoyuan had yet to see on Bai Ningwei’s face. He knew that she had a grudge as deep as an abyss, but in all the years he knew her, she never expressed it in any way. The only thing holding her back was Bai Weiwei’s safety. Now that Bai Weiwei’s safety was secured, Bai Ningwei could wholeheartedly pursue revenge.

Bing Huoyuan felt his heart ache for this girl he knew for years. She was a kind girl who always tried her best, always sought her long-lost sister. A complicated feeling emerged from his chest as he took in the hatred within her eyes.

“Big Sister, what about all the innocent people of the Hei Clan?” Bai Weiwei said, her heart feeling heavy at all the loss of lives that Bai Ningwei’s revenge would take.

Bai Ningwei looked at Bai Weiwei as if she had been physically slapped. She turned her hatred-filled glare toward Bai Weiwei, causing Bai Weiwei to shrink back in fear. She had never been leveled with such a stare. At most, there were glares of jealousy, but no glares were filled with a grudge deeper than the abyss.

Seeing Bai Weiwei shrink back from her, Bai Ningwei hid the hatred in her heart once more. She softly spoke to Bai Weiwei, “Weiwei, this grudge isn’t only mine, but all the Bai Clan’s as well. You say the Hei Clan has innocent people but was not all the dead Bai Clan not innocent as well? If I don’t make the Hei Clan pay for their crime in blood, how can I let mother, father, and the rest of the clan rest in peace?”

“I…I…” Bai Weiwei found herself unable to speak anymore. Bai Ningwei’s revenge, how many deaths would it result? However, she couldn’t find any reason to convince Bai Ningwei otherwise, so she could only stutter.

Seeing this, Bai Ningwei softly smiled as she stroked Bai Weiwei’s head. “Weiwei, you don’t need to worry about it. Big Sister will take care of it. You don’t need to do anything.”

Bing Huoyuan sighed to himself. Bai Weiwei was just too kind, even pitying her enemies. In this case, Bing Huoyuan had to side with Bai Ningwei on this matter. This was a blood debt that must be repaid. If she didn’t, how could Bai Ningwei bear to have the name of Bai? If she could swallow this enmity, how could she bear to face the deceased Bai Clan?

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and the extermination of a clan must be paid back with extermination.

What worried Bing Huoyuan even more, was Bai Ningwei herself. He had sent people to investigate Bai Ningwei and Weiwei’s background and discovered everything.

The Bai and Hei clan were originally one clan founded by their ancestor, the Black-White Immortal Lord. Before his clan could enjoy prosperity with him, the Black-White Immortal Lord perished. Because of this, the clan that would have reached the power of a third-rate sect immediately became a juicy piece of meat to the eyes of everyone else. In the following turmoil period, the clan was robbed of ninety percent of its wealth. In the end, the final treasure of the clan was split into two, like the clan itself.

When the Hei Clan exterminated the Bai Clan, they finally reunited the two pieces of the artifact into one whole again. Although it didn’t fully recover its power, its strength was at least on the level of a pseudo immortal artifact. Coupled with the Unity Realm elder of the Hei Clan, they at least had someone able to exchange blows with a true immortal. How could Bai Ningwei compete against that? Forget Bai Ningwei, even he, Bing Huoyuan, wouldn’t be able to take on such an opponent.

“Ningwei, you should focus on cultivation right now. The Hei Clan isn’t a force that a normal Unity Realm venerable could fight against. Right now, you are still too weak.” Bing Huoyuan persuaded.

Bai Ningwei looked longingly at a faraway location before sighing. “You are right, I was too anxious. The happiness of finally reuniting with Weiwei blinded me.”

“That’s right, Big Sister. You should focus on cultivation for now.” Bai Weiwei also chipped in. As long as Bai Ningwei didn’t go out killing other people, she was happy to find any reason.

Bai Weiwei didn’t understand Bai Ningwei’s abyss deep hatred. She couldn’t recall the faces of her father or mother, much less the Bai Clan. So she couldn’t feel any closeness to them except for her sister, Bai Ningwei, who was alive and in front of her.

Bing Huoyuan also felt an unknown elation welling up within his chest.

Tianyi, who was perking his ears and eavesdropping on the conversation, quirked the edge of his lips upward upon hearing Bai Ningwei’s words of revenge.

“Junior Brother Xi, did the auction item catch your eye?” Xia Yushan asked Tianyi’s smile.

After the start of the fortune banquet, Daoist Moneybag had started the auction not long after. As it wasn’t an actual auction, all the items placed up were Daoist Moneybag’s own property that he wanted to sell. Other people could also sell their own property.

Tianyi shook his head negatively. “I was just thinking of something.”

“Perhaps you are looking forward to the Demon Slaying Expedition then?” Xia Yushan continued. “I wonder what Junior Brother seeks from the Demon Cage Realm then.”

Tianyi paused. Truthfully, there was not much he wanted from the Demon Slaying Expedition but Tianyi wanted to confirm something. Ever since he fought against the Dragon Emperor, Tianyi discovered he would feel apprehensive against nascent soul grandmaster, so he wanted to test this by fighting against nascent soul grandmaster equivalent demons. Naturally, he wouldn’t tell Xia Yushan this.

“A mount. Not just any mount, but one with the dragon bloodline.” Tianyi said as he recalled Elder Shan’s mount, the Crimson Winged Eagle. He had wanted a mount of his own for a long time.

“Haha, Junior Brother Xi’s sure is picky. Even when demons still roamed throughout the Huang Realm, only a few people dared to have mounts with the dragon bloodline.” There were so few because the dragons would see it as a humiliation for anyone to take one of their bloodlines as a mount. All those who had committed such an action were ruthlessly chased by the dragons.

As for why there were still some who did? Because the owners were strong, the dragons would have to pay a high price to eliminate the owners.

Tianyi only laughed in response.

Xia Yushan said nothing in return. He also had his own needs, specifically materials to create a sheathe for his lifebound artifact in order to quell the slaughterous intent. If he cannot quell it, then his cultivation would stagnate even more. And he needed the yang essence of a golden crow to further improve his cultivation.

“Junior Sister Jiang, how about I buy the artifact on auction right now?” Xia Yushan asked after seeing a ring-shaped artifact up for auction. It was a protective treasure that would be useful for the Demon Slaying Expedition as it was resistant to demonic qi.

“Thank you for your thoughts, but I do not need it.” Daoyi’s voice was warm yet distant at the same time, causing Xia Yushan’s smile to falter silently.

Because of Daoyi’s rejection, Xia Yushan fell into a deep silence, but Tianyi was too focused on eavesdropping onto Bing Huoyuan and the Bai sisters to notice. The silence was kept until Ji Shuye spoke up.

“Yushan, look at the new auction item, the Jade Diffraction Sword.” Ji Shuye pointed towards the platform where a jade-green bladed sword floated. The sword’s blade was twice as wide as average swords and had several lines running down the blade. “According to the introduction, the sword can split into eight pieces and controlled with the spiritual sense. With your strength, you would be able to display all five of the Five Element Sword Art at once. What do you think?”

“Just a paltry trick, nothing worth noting.” Xia Yushan directly dismissed Ji Shuye’s words. At this moment, he heard Daoyi speak to Tianyi.

“Tianyi, stop being in a daze. Look, there’s an interesting sword. Don’t you like collecting them?” Daoyi said, breaking Tianyi out of his unfocused state.

“You’re right,” Tianyi said as he looked at the Jade Diffraction Sword on auction and raised his hand. “Five thousand high-tier spirit stones.”

At Tianyi’s voice, the other people looked at the sword and decided to give up. In response, Tianyi felt strangely surprised at how they just gave up. In truth, he was kinda disappointed. Where were the famous high stakes bidding war?

He didn’t consider the time at the Yi Auction House with Lei Jingye back in Jingyang to be a bidding war because Lei Jingye didn’t have the qualification to even enter one with him. They had to be rich enough to purchase an immortal artifact for Tianyi to consider him a financial opponent. Which meant they had to have access to immortal stones.

Thinking about it, Tianyi could slightly understand. The Jade Diffraction Sword wasn’t some great treasure, so it wasn’t worth getting into a fight with him over it, especially at his home base, the Buzhou Immortal Sect.

With a swipe of his hand, the Jade Diffraction Sword appeared in Daoist Moneybag’s hand. “Since you like it, I’ll gift it to Brother Xi.”

Tianyi stilled for a second before a polite smile appeared on his face. “I’ll remember this favor from Brother Moneybag in the future.”

Daoist Moneybag gave a jolly laughed. “What favor? It’s just a minor artifact. For people on our level, what worth is five thousand spirit stones?”

Tianyi nodded. Five thousand high-tier spirit stones really weren’t worth anything to him. In fact, Daoist Moneybag was probably the only person of the same generation that had more money than him, so even less needed to be said about him.

Wait, spirit stones?

Weren’t spirit stones condensed spiritual qi of heaven and earth with some impurities? In other words, solidified spiritual qi?contemporary romance

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