This Young Master is not Cannon Fodder

Chapter 154: Gathering at the Buzhou Immortal Sect

Chapter 154: Gathering at the Buzhou Immortal Sect

Bing Huoyuan clenched his hand into a fist under his sleeve. Finally, after all these years, he was going to see her again. His heart soared as he envisioned the reunion that awaited him. Standing next to him, Bai Ningwei also smiled. Although she was dressed in plain robes and appeared to be more of a maidservant than a disciple of Boundless Mountain, she exuded a pure and clean aura that made her appear like an innocent young girl, a great contrast compared to most of the female cultivators.

The two of them were on an immortal boat with Boundless Mountain’s other chosen disciples toward the Buzhou Immortal Sect for the Demon Slaying Expedition, an event that only occurred once every hundred years. Strangely, there was quite a wide berth between the two and the other disciples.

“Tsk, look at the vixen. You really can’t tell a person by their appearance, looking so pure and innocent, but even prostitutes have more dignity than her.” A female disciple muttered while glaring daggers at Bai Ningwei.

“Pfff! Who knows, maybe Senior Brother Bing just likes this innocent act of hers.”

“In my eyes, she is just a calamity.” Another girl said. “Just look at how terrible Senior Brother Bing’s interpersonal relationship became once girl appeared.”

“Aren’t you ladies just jealous that country bumpkin caught Senior Brother Bing’s attention?” A male disciple said as he joined the conversation.

“And aren’t you jealous that Senior Brother Bing is so attractive?” A girl retorted.

The male disciple rubbed his nose in response. “He has the bases for his confidence and admiration. Senior Brother Bing is one of the sect’s greatest genius of the generation. But I really can’t see why Senior Brother Bing fell for that girl, even going as far to offend the other elder’s scions and disciples.”

“Who knows, maybe he feels that a gentle and clumsy girl is much more to his taste.” Another female disciple said, disdain overtaking her words.

She could still remember how Bing Huoyuan called her a poisonous woman for punishing Bai Ningwei for failing her tasks. The female disciple rolled her eyes. She’d rather be poisonous than a failure like Bai Ningwei, who failed even the simplest chores.

When Bai Ningwei became a disciple of Boundless Mountain under Elder Bing’s insistence, she started as an outer disciple. Not only could she not do her task correctly, but she often failed then. The most hateful thing was that all the male outer disciples defended her when she failed!

This became worse when she became an inner disciple due to her connections with Bing Huoyuan.

As an inner disciple, Bai Ningwei was even more useless and weak than outer disciples. Even the male outer disciples who stood at her side started to distance themselves from her. When she was an outer disciple, these male disciples might protect her due to their masculinity being stroked when they defended a helpless woman. But their pride was smeared into the dirt when they discovered that this helpless woman had an even higher position than them when she was weaker than them in every aspect.

Bai Ningwei’s duties became even more important as an inner disciple, but she nearly failed every single one of them. Because of this, she offended many people and even caused them to lash out at her. At these moments, Bing Huoyuan stepped out and protected her, causing his relations to worsen and many to question his eyesight. In the end, Bai Ningwei became an idle disciple under Elder Bing. For Elder Bing, raising an idle disciple was no issue at all.

Elder Bing had thought that Bai Weiwei of the Bright Ascension Sect was bad, but he felt that Bai Ningwei was even worse! There were so many times that Elder Bing had advised his son, Bing Huoyuan, against keeping Bai Ningwei near him., but Bing Huoyuan didn’t listen and, instead, became even closer with Bai Ningwei, causing Elder Bing to nearly spit out blood!

In the end, Elder Bing couldn’t stand it anymore and turned a blind eye. As long as that lass didn’t do anything and just stood there, she wouldn’t cause any trouble. As for giving precious cultivation resources to a failure like her, she can dream on!

As for Bai Ningwei herself, she felt especially aggrieved. She felt that she just failed some tasks, yet everyone turned against her. She didn’t do anything wrong, so why was everyone so against her? Only her young master, Bing Huoyuan, was a good person. She felt everyone else in the sect looked down at her for being from a backwater place. Because of this, Bai Ningwei felt especially excited to go to the Buzhou Immortal Sect. She had heard how glorious Buzhou Immortal Sect was. Surely they wouldn’t behave like the disciples of Boundless Mountain?

Her eyes alighted with delight when she saw the vast mountain range and the giant wall-less gate, the Mortal Severence Gate. Bai Ningwei had an ignorant expression when Boundless Mountain’s immortal boat landed in front of the gate.

“Young Master, what’s going on?” Bai Ningwei asked as the disciples began to disembark the immortal boat.

“It’s Buzhou Immortal Sect’s rules. Outsiders must walk through the Mortal Severence Gate and aren’t allowed to fly inside the sect.” Bing Huoyuan patiently explained to Bai Ningwei. contemporary romance

Bai Ningwei creased her brows as she felt her impression of the Buzhou Immortal Sect worsen. “But Young Master, we are guests. How can they treat us like this?”

“It’s Buzhou Immortal Sect’s rules. We must follow it.” Bing Huoyuan flippantly said, having grown used to it.

“They sure are arrogant. Who do they think we are?” Bai Ningwei muttered, not remembering that she did not like associating with Boundless Mountain’s disciple.

At Bai Ningwei’s words, Bing Huoyuan also felt that Buzhou Immortal Sect’s actions were disrespectful but didn’t say anything. “Right now, we aren’t the only guests, so we shouldn’t make a fuss.”

Bing Huoyuan’s words directed bai Ningwei’s attention at the other grounded immortal boats with curiosity shining in her eyes. “Young Master, are these the boats from the other sects that are on the same level as Boundless Mountain?”

“The Bright Ascension Sect where your sister resides has also arrived.” Bing Huoyuan said with a smile that revealed his white teeth. But that smile soon disappeared when he saw the Leakless Sect’s immortal boat.

The conflicts between the two sects have recently gotten worse ever since Leakless Sect’s disciples’ disappearance from the Heavenly Connection Gathering. With a dark face, Bing Huoyuan entered the Buzhou Immortal Sect. Bai Ningwei didn’t say anything. Even she knew of the conflict between the Leakless Sect and Boundless Mountain was. Because of this, Bing Huoyuan had repeatedly warned Bai Ningwei, and as a result, she recognized the Leakless Sect’s emblem on their immortal boat.

A look of contemplation and hesitation flashed through Bai Ningwei’s eyes before she followed Bing Huoyuan.

A Buzhou Immortal Sect disciple, who had been waiting for the arrival of the first-rate sects, appeared and guided them to their temporary abode using an immortal boat. As it was the Rites Hall’s duty to receive guests, all the lodging was situated at Rites Peak, where the Rites Hall was based at. As for the true immortal elder who accompanied them, he was led away by an Immortal Realm elder of the Buzhou Immortal Sect.

Perhaps it was to exhibit the Buzhou Immortal Sect’s might or a tradition, the Buzhou Immortal Sect delegate disciple didn’t control the immortal boat to fly too fast and took a rather scenic route through the Buzhou Immortal Sect.

Bing Huoyuan observed the sect grounds of the Buzhou Immortal Sect with great interest. He had never actually toured the Heaven Continent’s premiere sect. He had only been to the Buzhou Immortal Sect once, and that was to accompany his grandfather to congratulate the Buzhou Immortal Sect on Sect Master Xia for accepting a personal disciple.

“Wow, the spiritual qi is so dense here, almost as dense as your cultivation chamber!” Bing Ningwei said with awe. She had thought that the rumors she heard about the Buzhou Immortal Sect perfectly described Boundless Mountain, but only after actually arriving at the Buzhou Immortal Sect did she realized that Buzhou Immortal Sect was on a whole different level compared to Boundless Mountain.

Bing Huoyuan’s gaze turned complicated. He grasped his fist before releasing it. “Ningwei, Buzhou Immortal Sect has reigned over Heaven Continent since the creation of the Huang Realm. Other organizations may fall and rise, but only Buzhou Immortal Sect has always existed. Even the Leakless Sect, the most ancient of the first-rate sects, has only existed for a million years, while Buzhou Immortal Sect has existed for over three million years.”

Bai Ningwei’s eyes widened dramatically as if trying to wrap her head around the astronomical figure. Age didn’t matter much to an organization, only strength. But for the Buzhou Immortal Sect, it was like adding flowers atop gold, just another achievement for them to display.

Bing Huoyuan shook his head in amusement and rubbed Bai Ningwei’s head with affection. However, his eyes weren’t focused. Bing Huoyuan’s goal was for Boundless Mountain to become equal and surpass the Buzhou Immortal Sect, but to accomplish his ambition, Bing Huoyuan knew he needed strength first. And unless he could reach the legendary Origin Dao Immortal Realm, he would just be one of the contributors to Boundless Mountain’s growth.

It wasn’t just him and Boundless Mountain who wished for this. All sects wished to become stronger and rise to another level, whether it be Fleeting Mist Sect or the Lei Clan to the first-rate sects like Leakless Sect and Boundless Mountain. Every one of them pursued the pinnacle. Not even the Buzhou Immortal Sect was exempt. At their level, the Buzhou Immortal Sect only thought of the Anti-Heaven Alliance as an annoyance at worst and minor threat at best. No, their gaze was towards the other two continents.

After sufficiently displaying the Buzhou Immortal Sect’s prosperity, the immortal boat arrived at Rites Peak. And on Rites Peaks, there were several palaces specifically built to accommodate guests. The immortal boat arrived at a palace with a plaque with Peach Flower Palace written on it atop the palace’s gates. Just like its name suggested, the palace had numerous peach trees planted within it, but they weren’t ordinary peach trees, but ones whose barks shone like gems. The fragrance released by the trees was filled with dense spiritual qi, and all of them were producing peaches all year long due to the Buzhou Immortal Sect’s unique methods.

“Crystal Bark Peach Trees are planted throughout the palace. Feel free to pluck them and eat them as you like. Not only will a Crystal Bark Peach help reduce any impurities within your body, but it can also increase your vitality and heal minor injuries, even hidden ones.” The Buzhou Immortal Sect proudly explained. In his eyes, only the Buzhou Immortal Sect can take these peaches out and let guests just eat them as they like.

“You are free to explore Rites Peak as you like. However, do not wander off to any forbidden areas or off the mountain. Otherwise, we might have to offend you.” The delegate continued to explain what the disciples of Boundless Mountain were and weren’t allowed to do before finishing off with, “If you have any requests, simply inform the steward. Are there any other questions?”

Bing Huoyuan chose this moment to speak up. “Fellow daoist, do you know which palace the members of the Bright Ascension Sect reside in?”

The Buzhou Immortal Sect delegate pondered for a moment before answering. “If I recall correctly, they reside in the Noble Plum Palace. They’ve already arrived for over a week.”

Bing Huoyuan thanked him after hearing this.

After Bing Huoyuan’s question, numerous other disciples asked a few questions before the delegate left. He had to report to his superiors about the details.

The disciples of Boundless Mountain entered the palace and explored it. This included Bing Huoyuan and Bai Ningwei. After the two chose their rooms, they two decided to explore the garden that was filled with peach trees and numerous beautiful flowers.

“Young Master, Young Master!” Bai Ningwei said aloud with excitement as she held a peach in each hand. She displayed an expression of delight as she bit into one of them before presenting the other to Bing Huoyuan. “It’s so delicious. I can feel a cool and pleasant sensation spreading throughout my body. Young Master should try one too.”

Bing Huoyuan showed an indulging expression as he took a peach from her hand and bit into it. The peach’s flesh was nice and crispy, yet juicy to the point that it almost leaked down Bing Huoyuan’s mouth. Instantly, Bing Huoyuan felt a pleasant and cool expression just like Bai Ningwei said, just not to the same extent as her.

However, Bing Huoyuan showed a troubled expression. Bai Ningwei’s talent was meager, and she was only at the Qi Gathering Realm when he first saw her. For her to attend the Demon Slaying Expedition, Bing Huoyuan had forcibly raised her cultivation to the Core Formation Realm using pills and numerous treasures.

The reason the Crystal Bark Peach had such a significant effect on Bai Ningwei was due to the large number of aftereffects left behind by the pills and treasures she consumed. She was actually in quite a dangerous situation right now. Her foundation wasn’t stable, and until she could consolidate it, Bai Ningwei would stay at the early Core Formation Realm.

“If you like it, you should eat more.” Of course, Bing Huoyuan didn’t want to trouble her with this knowledge. Since it was he who caused her situation to become like this by forcibly raising her cultivation, he will take responsibility for it too.

As Bai Ningwei happily devoured the peach in her hand, a peach blossom landed atop her head. Bing Huoyuan felt his heart skipped a beat as his hand reached out to grab the stray peach blossom atop her head. But just as he was about to, a voice called out to him,

“Mister Bing.” Bing Huoyuan felt his heart pound inside his chest, wondering just what he wanted to do. Schooling his expression, Bing Huoyuan turned his gaze towards the servant disciple. His gaze turned complicated as he felt the servant disciple’s Core Formation Realm cultivation. Even a servant disciple of the Buzhou Immortal Sect had more talent than Bai Ningwei.

“Did you get the information I requested?” Bing Huoyuan asked.

“I have. Would you like me to relay it now?”

Bing Huoyuan nodded his head.

“Among the disciples who arrived from the Bright Ascension Sect, there is no one named Lai Erchu or anyone with the same surname.”

At the servant disciple’s words, Bing Huoyuan felt as if all his hopes and aspiration vanish. His face paled. He was clear that Bai Weiwei’s, or Bai Qingwei as she was referred to by Bai Ningwei, talent was only slightly superior to Bai Ningwei’s. With her talent and status, it was already fortuitous for her to be accepted as a disciple of the Bright Ascension Sect.

“As for Miss Bai, she is present at Noble Plum Palace.”

Just as Bing Huoyuan felt his emotions run out of control, those words instantly calmed them. He couldn’t even stop the elation forming on his face. “R-right, thank you.”

Not just him, Bai Ningwei, who was near him, also showed a happy expression with eyes full of expectation.

“Mister Bing, there’s also one more matter.” The servant disciple said.

After calming down his happiness and schooling his expression once more, Bing Huoyuan asked what the matter was. In response, the servant disciple took out an invitation and handed it to Bing Huoyuan.

“This is an invitation from Daoist Moneybag from the Jade Cauldron Sect.”

Bing Huoyuan looked at the invitation and immediately discerned the precious materials used to construct the invitation, and Fortune Banquest was written on it. He felt his lips twitch at how the materials used to construct the invitation were wasted.

Daoist Moneybags was a famous cultivator from the Jade Cauldron Sect, and he cultivated the Dao of Fortune. The more money he had, the farther he would go on his immortal path. At the same time, he was famous for being a spendthrift, using more money than necessary on everything.

“Who else was invited?”

“I do not know, but it seems that many servant disciples were seen leaving the Pill Flower Palace to all the palaces and even off Rites Peak.”

So it seemed that Daoist Moneybags invited almost everyone. It was a good chance to form some connections. But first, he had to visit Noble Plum Palace and see Bai Weiwei.

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