They Will Fall: A Dark College Romance (Wicked Boys of BCU Book 3)

They Will Fall: Chapter 5

MY PLAN FAILED. After Ridge left, I was supposed to leave the cabin and go into town on foot to buy my own supplies for myself.

I need to find Lev. He is the missing link right now, and the only one who can save me by offering his own truth to The Elders.

As I was heading out the door, Maddox joined my side and said we needed to leave, fast. Now here we are, climbing down a ladder and entering the very room a monstrous man made his dark lair over a year ago.

When I first realized where we were, I was stunned. Traumatized by the events of my past, I didn’t think I’d ever be able to face this place, or anything that held reminders of the governor, ever again.

But something woke inside me. A light was turned on, and suddenly, life was breathed back into my soul. Bravery washed over me unexpectedly and I suddenly had the urge to confront my fear and prove something to it.

For the first time since that bullet left the gun, it feels like I can face all of my problems head-on and leave the past behind. Despite any inner turmoil brewing in my stomach, I know, deep down, I have to try—that somehow facing it all will lead me toward the redemption I so desperately need.

The second my feet hit solid ground, I close my eyes, taking in the familiar scent. Allowing myself to fully embrace this healing process.

Falling into a cave of madness,

Like creatures in the night. 

Fretful memories fill my mind,

As we leave the last bit of light.

“You okay?” Maddox asks, his comforting hand returning to my hip. It’s something he does frequently when he suspects I’m in distress, and it works. Maddox is the calm to my storm, and I’m not sure how I’d get through any of this without him—without any of them.

My mind wanders to Lev. I hope he’s safe, wherever he is. As angry as I am with him for what he’s done to himself and to me, I can’t force myself not to care.

“Yeah,” I finally say to Maddox, allowing my eyes to open. There’s a glint of light coming down the ladder, so we’re able to see a small area of the room, but it won’t last long. “The sun is beginning to set. We need to find light.”

“That we do.” He squeezes my hip. “Was there any electricity running to this place last time you were here?”

“No. But there were lanterns. Do you think they may have been left behind?”

I’ve been here a few times, so I remember this place well. It isn’t quite as traumatic for me as it would be for Scar, considering the governor was after her. He filled a small room with everything there was to know about her. Old paper clippings, reports, and pictures. Chills run down my spine at the thought. For me, it’s more of a reminder of taking his life and an even bigger reminder of why I shouldn’t regret what I did.

Governor Saint was pure evil in the worst form. And I can finally admit, Scar was right—I am a hero. Even if it’s only in my own story.

“Jackpot.” Maddox beams, holding up something I can’t quite make out. I stick close to his side, still uncertain that something won’t jump out around a corner at us.

With the flick of his finger, we have light.

“Hell yes!” I throw myself into his arms, shaking the lantern and flickering the flame. “I can’t believe they left one down here.”

Once I free him from my hold, he walks a few feet to a desk attached to the wall. “Not just one,” he chirps as he picks up another lantern. “But two.”

This one gives him a little more trouble, but after a couple minutes, he brings the flame to life and hands me the lantern.

I hold it up, scouring the area, and much to my surprise, the entire place is empty. “This is nothing like it was last year,” I tell him. “There was so much stuff down here before. So many papers and pictures.”

“I heard they cleared it out. Guess I heard right.”

My eyes land on the door that leads to the tunnels. “Think anyone is out there?”

“Nah. At least, not this far down. I’m sure some rebellious students from BCA still venture this way, but they can’t get past the vault door farther down, or the one we’re looking at now.”

Maddox returns to the ladder and looks up, before handing me his lantern. “Hold that for a sec.” I take it from him and he climbs up before pulling the door down with a thud. Back at my side, I return his lantern to him. “We can’t risk someone else going into the cabin and seeing the door.”

“And Ridge?” I ask him. “How will he know where to find us?”

“Umm. Yeah, Ridge knows to go to the cabin. He knows about the door. Don’t worry, babe. He’ll be here eventually.”

There’s an unease in his tone that raises goosebumps on my arms. “Okay,” I say because that’s all I can say. I trust Maddox, and I know Ridge would cross oceans to keep me safe. “So what now?”

“Now…” he begins, holding his lantern up with his eyes on the door. “We need to get through that door. That’s where we’ll be safe.”

“What about food and warmth? It’s fucking cold down here.”

Maddox pats his hand to his backpack. “I’ve got some stuff to last us for a couple days. As for warmth.” His eyebrows waggle as he slithers up to me. “My body will offer you all the heat you need.” His mouth draws lines on my neck, moving downward. Using his chin, he nudges my sweatshirt and kisses the tip of my shoulder.

I suck in the corner of my lip to mask the nervous energy bubbling in the pit of my stomach. Stuck in a dark tunnel with this sexy man, hell yes. Goes to show that looking on the bright side has its perks, even in a time like this.

“But first,” he lifts his head, before pressing his mouth to mine, “we need to get through that door.”

His backpack slides down his arm and he reaches inside, retrieving some sort of tool. A crowbar, perhaps.

I scoff. “That would’ve been handy when we were trying to get the trapdoor open.”

“I would’ve remembered it eventually had you not been a badass with that screwdriver.” He smirks as he gets to work on the door.

“You know,” I tell him. “If we can get through it, that means anyone else can.”

“Always a pessimist,” he teases. “I told you, baby. I’ve got you.”

Twenty minutes later, and I’m no longer worried about anyone getting through the door—because we can’t get through it either.

With my back pressed against the wall and my ass planted firmly on the cement floor, I try to hide my impatience because I know Maddox is getting as frustrated as I am. The lantern beside me flickers, and I’m hoping like hell it doesn’t extinguish before we get out of here.

Bringing my head back and forth, the clip holding my hair up clanks against the cement wall. Over, and over, and over again.

“Ry,” Maddox says sharply.

My eyes perk up. “Yeah?”

“You’re gonna bruise your head, and my ears, if you keep doing that.”

“Oh,” I grumble. “Is that bothering you?” I repeat the motions, this time with slower, more deliberate knocks against the wall. And while it does hurt a little, I’m too stubborn to stop.

Maddox lets out an exasperated sigh as his forearm swipes across his forehead, wiping up the sweat forming around his hairline.

His hands drop to his sides, still holding the crowbar, and he rests his head back.

Feeling the agitation inside me bubble to the surface, I push harder for a reaction, because like Scar said, I’m my own worst enemy. “Are you planning to get us out of here, or would you like me to do it?”

His eyes slide to mine and the scowl on his face is the reaction I was hoping for because it proves I’m not alone in my misery.

“You think you can get the damn thing open?” He hands me the crowbar, and I’m a bit surprised. I didn’t actually expect him to take me up on my offer. “Have at it.”

I push myself off the floor and snatch it from his hand, and without a word, I begin trying in the same way he was because I have no fucking clue how to open this door.

With the end of the hook in the crack of the door, I pry with all my might, as if the thing is just going to pop open.

I grunt and groan and when I hear the sounds of chuckles behind me, I growl. “As if you were doing any better.”

Not giving up, I try again. But when the next sound ringing in my ear is the constant drumming of fingers against the bottom of a flipped-over bucket, I lose it.

My hands fall to my sides and I spin around. “Are you trying to be annoying?”

“Oh. I’m sorry. Is that bothering you?”

“Don’t be an ass,” I snap, returning to the task at hand.

The drumming stops and I immediately feel his presence behind me. “Is this what I think it is?” Maddox asks, his breath hot against my neck.

“What are you talking about?” My words are still laced with disdain as I try to keep up this tough-girl persona.

He steps closer, his hands tracing the curves of my body through the multiple layers of clothing I’ve got on. Goosebumps spill down my back, responding to his touch. ‘This,’ he says softly. ‘You and me.’ In a swift motion, he spins me around with an intensity that makes me dizzy. His lips curl into a mischievous smile as his wandering eyes find my mouth. “Are we having our first argument?” Not willing to back down just yet, I fight to avoid eye contact and find myself watching the way his lips move as he speaks. “I think it’s time we kiss and make up.”

“Is that what you think?” I say, dropping the crowbar to the floor. It hits with a loud clunk before settling beside my foot.

“I’m sorry, babe. I don’t wanna fight with you.”

“Then don’t,” I tell him before my mouth crushes his. I press my body against him, melting into his embrace. His hands glide up my shirt, across my back, and settle on my hips.

My inner thighs pulsate, the feeling riding upward until I feel my desire for him soaking my panties.

Maddox’s fingers teeter on the hem of my joggers, while his other hand still rests firmly on my hip.

“I need you,” I hum into his mouth. While this might not be the optimal time to fool around, I don’t foresee us doing much else anytime soon. Might as well take advantage.

In a swift motion, he shoves his hand down my pants and my insides shiver with excitement. “Like this?” he grumbles into my mouth.


Two fingers drag between my lips, stopping on my sensitive nub. “How about this?” He rubs vicious circles around my clit and a raspy moan climbs up my throat.

I lean into him, resting my face in the crease of his neck. I draw in a deep breath and inhale his woodsy scent. Everything about this—about him—has me so turned on right now.

“Getting there,” I tell him. “But I need more.”

It’s not a want—it’s a need. A manic energy pulsing through my veins. If I don’t climax soon, I fear I will explode from the force of my own desperation.

When his fingers prod at my entrance, I instinctively separate my legs, granting him access. The back of his hand grates against my thigh as he pushes two fingers inside me.

Maddox grabs one of my legs and lifts it to his side, holding it in place as he walks me backward, still fingering me. I’m impressed with his ability to multitask, but even more impressed by the way his fingers work their magic inside me. My back hits the cement wall with a thud, my spine crushing against it.

He growls an anguished sound, heady and full of longing. “I need you just as bad as you need me, baby.”

“Fuck me.” My words come out as a strained plea mixed with a moan that rattles my chest. “Please.”

“Not yet,” he responds as his fingers delve deeper inside me.

My head rolls back against the wall and my eyes close. Warm lips make their way to my neck and his tongue lingers in all the right places.

He adds a third finger, spreading me wide, but it’s still not enough. “Deeper,” I beg.

A yelp is thrust out of me when he pushes his hand up, knuckle deep, practically punching my vagina. Again, and again, and again.

Cries of pleasure echo in the small space as my body rides up and down the wall with each plunge of his fingers.

My eyes open to find his lustful ones staring back at me. Mouth agape, it’s apparent he’s just as desperate for my climax as I am.

Sinking deep inside me, he works in circles, every few seconds hitting my G-spot, and each time, I wail in ecstasy.

The pressure against my hips intensifies as he thrusts harder. My back arches instinctively, and I let out a sharp cry of pleasure. His fingers dig into the flesh of my hip as he keeps me pinned in place.

“Maddox,” I moan. “Oh god.”

Proof of my orgasm oozes from my core and runs down my inner thigh.

“God has nothing to do with this, baby. Unless I’m your god tonight.”

He drops my leg with a satisfied look on his face, and before I can inflate my lungs, he spins my body around, giving him my backside. Taking one hand, he presses my open palm to the wall, then the other.

The second he jerks my joggers down, I shiver. He removes one boot, then the next, and I step out of them with my hands remaining where he placed them.

With a jerk of my hips, he arches my back, and I bend slightly at the knees.

“Take a deep breath for me,” he says with authority.

Just as I do what I’m told—inhaling slowly and deeply—Maddox forcefully shoves his cock inside me, driving the air back out of my lungs.

My head nearly hits the wall, so I press my hands to it harder, using all my strength to keep myself up.

His hands squeeze my hips with tenacity as he thrusts himself in and out of me, his pelvis ricocheting off my ass.

“Damn, baby. It’s a beautiful view back here.” He smacks a hand hard against my ass cheek then returns it to my hip. His words appease me, but the sting on my ass, that turns me the fuck on. “You gonna come for me again?”

“Yes,” I whimper.

He smacks my ass again, this time harder. I yelp and smile at the same time.

“I didn’t quite hear you.”

“Yes,” I say louder. “I’m gonna come for you again.”

His hand returns to my hip once more. “That’s my girl.”

With his breaths growing rapid and unfulfilled, he rocks his core against mine, driving himself in and out of me.

One hand slides around to my front, settling between my wide-spread thighs. Warm, slippery fingers glide between my slick folds, stopping on my clit.

“This ought to do the trick.” The pads of his fingers rub vicious circles against my throbbing clit.

Each thrust of his cock is deeper than the last, and I cry out in extreme pleasure. “Holy fuck, Maddox.”

He leans forward slightly, cloaking my back with his chest as he whispers in my ear, “I love the way you say my name.”

I rest my head back, desperate to feel each shallow breath he exhales as I come undone.

His body trembles on top of mine and my hands begin to slide down the wall as my soul leaves my body.

“Goddamn, baby.” He growls headily. His breaths begin to come out in pants and I can feel his legs shaking behind me. With one final deep thrust, he comes undone, falling with me. I slide down the floor until I’m on my hands and knees, with his cock still inside me.

“That was amazing,” he says, before pressing a chaste kiss to the back of my head. “Damn,” he drags out the word.

It takes me a minute to snap out of the haze of ecstasy I’m in, but once I do, I feel his body slowly slide away from mine. I stand up, now with a clear head, and the evidence of our orgasms mingle together, dripping down my leg.

Maddox holds out my joggers from where he stands behind me. “Here you go.”

“Thank you,” I say as I take them from him. I pull the inside-out leg on one side, and at the same time, his chin rests on my shoulder.

His jaw grinds against the bone in my shoulder as he speaks. “I don’t think we’re getting out of here.”

I smirk. “Is that such a bad thing?”

“Nope. It just means we need to secure that trapdoor so no one can come down.”

I spin around with my pants still in my hand, eyes wide. And it’s not because of the words that are about to leave my mouth. “What about Ridge?”

The truth is, it’s because I need to leave. Me and me alone.

“We’ll give him until midnight tonight. If he doesn’t come down by then, we have to secure it. It’s too much of a risk not to.”

The thought of Ridge trying to get in so he can be with me, but not being able to, has my heart aching.

It won’t happen, though. Because I’m getting out of here first.

I must escape,

I cannot stay. 

Not because I’m weak,

But because I am brave.

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