Their Lycan Queen by Foxtail Novel Read Online

Their Lycan Queen by Foxtail Chapter 10

Nora Pov 

The last royal warrior lycan. What is that? I have heard about the six royal bloodlines but all of them are gone except for one, Helios bloodline. The other five kingdoms were erased because of the war and because of the curse that ki lled all female lycans but I haven’t heard about a royal warrior lycan before. 

I look up and see my parents smile sadly and Helios look confused. 

“Please tell me more” I beg them 

“To tell you the entire story would take too long and we don’t have that time but I will tell you what I can. I was born between a lycan and a werewolf, your grandfather was a lycan and my grandmother a werewolf. They weren’t mates but they fell in love and they had me, then your grandmother met her mate and he adopted me as his own. 

My father and your grandfather came from the Red lycant kingdom also called Blaze kingdom. They were strong willed and stubborn but really good fighters, they didn’t have any particular ability other than they could mindlink anyone they had ever met.” My dad says and sighs.. 

“It was worse than Nora, you must understand that when someone has a werewolf parent and a lycan parent they won’t be half, they will be either werewolf or lycan and your dad is a werewolf. 

My grandparents on my mothers side were usual 

werewolves but my grandparents on my fathers side were 

lycans. Not from just any lycan kingdom but the purpur kingdom also called Knight Kingdom. Yes, quite a catchy name, my mother was the princess of that kingdom and she married another lycan to strengthen their kingdoms and they had twins. Me and my brother. 

But it’s unusual for lycans to have twins, especially one of each, the stronger twin will absorb the power from the weaker twin, like my brother did to me, leaving me without a lycan or any trait thereafter. I left the kingdom and not long after I met your father and what a coincidence everything was or more it was fate playing a prank. 

With gathered powers from the Blaze kingdom and the Knight Kingdom, you Nora have both their traits, strong willed and stubborn but what your father forgot is that the females from the Blaze kingdom could always see the truth in another person. It is impossible to lie to you, but you already know that, don’t you? 

The traits from my kingdom pass down are a bit strange, it always skips a generation, my brother and I don’t have the powers that our parents had but I bet you have them since you could hear your lycan on your 16 th birthday. 

The powers from the Knight kingdom are like that so you could communicate with others counterparts, their beasts to be exact. You can command them to do what you want or like what you did with Emily’s wolf, release them from their prison, give them the freedom they deserve. 

You Nora are the last female lycan, a true queen and the last warrior lycan. Prince Helios and his father and probably a few elders can tell you more about our kingdoms and the 

true power that you possess. We truly believe that you will be able to break this curse and bring happiness back to all of us.” My mo m explains 

I stare at her, I am the last female lycan and both my parents come from two different lycan kingdoms. I feel a new headache coming like a thunderstorm. I glance down in the arena and see that Andrei is fighting with Delta Ryan. I let my thoughts wander as I watch them fight and a question pop up and I turn to look at my mother. 

“Yes, Nora, that ability comes from my kingdom too, that you can see which move they will use before they actually do them, it will come in handy in battles but you can’t always rely on it. You need to trust your instincts also.” M om say and I nod. 

Helios was about to say something when Beta Jessica called out the next tournament pair that was up for a fight. 

“Miss Nora and Linus from the lycan kingdom, come down. here and take your places” 

I jump up and crack my fingers, eager to fight and stop. thinking about my heritage. 

“Good luck, Princess. Remember a lycans weak point is not the same as a werewolf” Helios says, making me stop and look at him. 

I slowly nod and then run down to where Beta Jessica and 

Linus are waiting for me. 

“Shake hands and begin” Beta Jessica says and we do as 

she said. 

“I won’t hold back, Nora,” Linus says. 

“I would be disappointed if you did” I answer back. 

I stand still and watch Linus circle around me, searching for an opening and I remember what my mo m had just said, don’t always rely on my power alone, I need to trust my instinct. 

Linus would attack from the left but my instinct said he would attack from the right and my instinct won. I ducked and kicked Linus’ leg away making him fall on his butt, he huffed as he got up from the ground. 

“You are good but you won’t beat me” Linus growled playfully. 

“Let’s see then, don’t you dare to hold back” I say 

Linus attacked me again and I counterattack but I was too slow and he hit me on my nose 

“Shit, sorry” 

I bent down and when Linus was in reach I hit his nose back, effectively breaking it and blood gushed out of it. 

“Don’t hold back I said” I growl at him and he stares at me. 

Tfeel my wolf.. Lycan comes forward laughing in my mind, 

she is having fun. 

I attack Linus as he stretches his hand towards me and I 

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take his elbow and spin him so I can throw him off. Linus foresees this and keeps his balance, and so we begin in near combat. Exchanging blows and comments to each other, in the end I am the winner while Linus is on the ground laughing so tears run down his handsome face. 

“Miss Nora wins,” Beta Jessica announced. 

“You will get five minutes rest then you will face one of those two” she says and points to another ring on the arena where Ben and another alpha are. 

I sit down on the grass and watch them while Linus mutters something as he walks over to Helios and Tristan that have joined my parents as they are watching the fights. 

“Ben is the winner,” Beta Jessica announces. 

Ben comes towards me with Beta Jessica. “Begin when you are ready, the winner of this fight will face Daniel.” 

“How many more fights?” I ask curious 

“Five more after Daniel and the last two will have a break of an hour, so everyone can eat and rest” Beta Jessica explains and we nod. 

“I saw your fight with Linus, it was good but you probably hurt his pride a lot” Ben chuckles 

“To hell with pride, it’s useless” I say and he agrees 

“Don’t hold back now,” Ben said and I smiled. 

I started with a roundhouse kick and Ben took my ankle and 

twisted it around and I followed suit so he wouldn’t break my leg. When I landed I kicked out my leg and hit him on his knee, he grunted at impact. 

I got up and jumped and kicked him on his back making him fall down, face planting the ground. I squealed like a little girl and he laughed but I didn’t care. He jumped up and took a swing at me and I ducked in at the last second but I jumped as a growl was heard and I looked around and noticed Daniel. 

“It’s okay, he is the gamma and it’s a bit confusing for his beast to see us fight” Ben says and I nod, making a mistake and letting my guard down as Ben lifts me high in the air and throws me down on the ground. 

All the air leaves me in a loud gasp and I groan, I see Beta Jessica show up in my line of sight and she just smiles. 

“Miss Nora is out in five, four, three..” 

Ben put his arms up and I took the opportunity to jump up and kick him between his legs. He fell down in a heap on the ground. 

“I give up,” Ben whispers and Beta Jessica laughs. 

“Miss Nora wins” 

“In five minutes you meet Daniel, is that okay?” Beta Jessica aks and I nod with a huge smile 

Daniel comes over and helps Ben up with a slap on his back. Ben glares at me and I just wave him off. 

“You fight unfairly, princess” Daniel says and I look at him. 

“I would have lost and I don’t lose” I shrug. 

My lycan is happy and so is Daniel’s and I smile as he sits down opposite of me. 

“We need to talk” Both of us begin to say. We begin to laugh but I stop first and look at him, he’s handsome and I really liked him but not like with Helios. 

My lycan recognizes his but I don’t know why, all I know is that I really like Daniel and I don’t want to lose him. 

“Don’t hold back, please” I say and smile when I see Beta Jessica come up to us. 

“The one that wins here will go against the alpha from the silver stone pack. He has beaten two lycans already and he has his sight on you Nora” 

I look at her and then glance behind her as I see the arrogant alpha, I admit that he was hot to look at but Helios was like a god compared to him. 

I take mig fight stance and so does Daniel and when Beta Jessica shouts begin we both surprise each other by attacking at the same time with the same attack and we did this a lot of times. In the beginning it was fun and we laughed at it but later on it began to frustrate both of us. We made it again as we kicked each other on the backs, I staggered but I refused to fall down as Daniel did and I took the chance to kick him in the head, earning myself a growl. 

Apparently his lycan became furious and Daniel shifted completely, a big mistake. For him. 

I smiled as I walked around him and he froze as I slowly reached out a hand and stroked him on his arm. Daniel watched my hand as I explored him. I stood on my toes and it looked like I was going to k*ss him as he bent down but instead I whispered 


Daniel’s lycan dropped on the ground and rolled around and tried to hold back a laugh but Helios and the other guys didn’t hold their in as they laughed out loud. 

Daniel struggled to take control but as I bent down and began to scratch his tummy even I chuckled. 

Beta Jessica looked like she was in a horror movie when she approached me. 

“Uhm can I take this like you won then, Nora?” she asks in a quiet voice. 

“Yep this puppy wont do anything now” I chuckled and scratched behind his right ear. 

“Miss Nora wins” Beta Jessica called out loud. 

*What did you say to Daniel?* Helios mindlinked me 

*Roll* I said and closed it as I could hear the laughter going louder. 

Daniel shifted back and I blushed as he was na ked again. 

Oh right I should have asked my mo m about clothes. 

“Miss Nora, have you ever heard about twin souls?” Daniel asked and I shook my head, refusing to look at him. 

“Ask Helios to explain it and then we can talk” Daniel said and shifted back before he stalked over to the forest edge. 

What is a twin soul? Is that why we are attracted to each other? 

“You have a good fighting stance, Miss Nora” a voice came from behind me and I turned to see the alpha from the silver stone pack. 

“Thanks and so do you” I say back 

“Sure but I think you will beat me quite fast,” he laughed. 

“We will never know until it is finished” I say 

“You are right, I asked Beta Jessica for a ten minute break before we start. I noticed that you were uncomfortable in those clothes so I thought you wanted to change and perhaps drink something” he explains and I am surprised. 

“Yes you are right, thank you alpha.. I am sorry I don’t know your name” 

“Patrick is my name. See you soon then” 

Tran towards my parents and my mo m had already foreseen this as she held up some clothes for me. I hid inside a tunnel and changed quickly, shorts and a training bra. Perfect this will distract him, alpha Patrick. 

Sure I am taller and have more muscles but I am not a b*dybuilder and I have a little larger breasts and wide hips. 

I walked back to my parents and Helios looked at me with so much hunger in his eyes and I just smiled at him. 

“Your scar” Ben started to say and I tilted my head. 

“It’s not a scar. It’s a birthmark, Beta Ben” my dad said. 

Ben looked confused but Daniel just sighed and Helios looked like something finally clicked in place. 

“Miss Nora and alpha Patrick, you are up” Beta Jessica called and I sprinted down to them. 

“And begin” 

I kicked alpha Patrick on the knee and he took a hold of my arm and threw me on the ground. The air left me in a gasp, da mn that hurt. 

Alpha Patrick pressed a foot on my stomach and leaned down. 

“You dared to hurt her and then free the wolf from her. I will make you pay for hurting my mate” he spits at me. 

“I never hurt your mate, I didn’t know you had a mate. “Who is she?” I ask confused as I take a hold of his foot and kick my legs up from the ground and fling him to the side. 

Alpha Patrick growls out the very last name I thought I would hear coming from his mo uth in that sense.. 


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