Their forced luna

Chapter 37


I found myself staring into his golden eyes, specks of red glittered in their depths. "You think you've escaped from me? Your punishment will be something you wear for eternity. I will carve our pieces of your face and bind your wolf from healing you. No one will ever want your worthless hide again."

Normally I would flinch away from him, but not this time. Instead I met his hateful gaze. "I'm never going back to you. You're not my Alpha anymore, and nothing you can do will ever force me back. I'll die first."

His nostrils flared, and his eyes narrowed. "Is that so? Amanda?" he purred my name an almost wicked chuckle to it. "Tell me, are you really willing to leave your children in my care? Because if I can't have you, I'll be content to tear them apart, and send them to you piece by piece. This forest of mine could use some new decorations. Some heads on the tree tops, limbs hanging from branches." He smirked. "Yes I think that will do nicely. I've already arranged to send you the bodies of some of our sons that were useless to me."

Sons? I stared at him. "What are you talking about?" Yes, I'd given birth, but they'd all died soon after. It had nearly killed my spirit then. The only thing that kept me going was the Goddess's divine touch.

"Oh that's right." He smiled more, his sharp fangs reminding me of the times he would bite into my flesh just to see me bleed. How I hated this monster. "You never were aware. Amanda, my sweet Luna, you have several children over on this side of the pack. I took them from you, told you they died, and used them for experiments. Thanks to the help of those in our pack, I was able to skip the boring useless part of development and they're all in adult bodies, ready to serve. They're my perfect soldiers, and they will die for me if I order it."

I wanted out of this nightmare now. I couldn't believe any of this. But then again, I remembered the wizard that stayed with the pack. I'd only been able to witness him a few times with his dark cracked flesh, but he'd been there. I remembered when he was one of the ones that got to be in charge of one of my torture sessions, the amount of pain that flooded through me, hitting every nerve in my body.

"Amanda!" Bo's call startled me, pulling me away from this nightmare.

I turned toward the voice and my tormentor snarled like a caged beast.

"Amanda!" This voice was weaker, but after seeing what Javier went through, I understood why.

"Wake up, Luna," Zale snapped.

My eyes popped open and I escaped the thick chains of my past that clung to me. My mates had called to me each from their own beds, their bodies battered and bruised. Even with our healing powers, we'd all suffered. I focused on Bo and Zale. "What happened to you two?"

"Wizard," Bo spat. "Fucking asshole." He paused and glanced to the side. "Uh, Amanda, there's someone you should meet."

"Bo, not now," Zale corrected. "No one else is more important than her right now."

What was he keeping from me? And the Wizard? The one from my pack? I couldn't help but wince. "Are you okay?" I directed the question to the lot of them. They were all in equally bad shape.

Javier coughed, blood pearling on his lips. "Amanda, next time don't let anyone else take you through the barrier. That thing fucking hurts breaking through. I would have died without Ares."

"At least you didn't have the air stolen from your lungs," Bo grumbled.

Zale growled and the two men stopped complaining. "Nothing else is important right now than you getting better."

They were hiding something from me, and it sounded like something big. But I couldn't do much in the state I was in. I was practically powerless at this stage. My wolf growled at that word.

She was right. I was tired of being powerless and letting that bastard run my life. I wasn't going to run anymore, I would fight with the help of my mates. It didn't matter how screwed up our relationships were, if they could help me rip HIM apart, I would endure anything.

"Wow, she looks just like me."

My head whipped around, eyes scanning the beds until I spotted the unfamiliar woman tucked in. She really did look just like me. Was she really my daughter or had he figured out a way to clone me? "Who are you?" I whispered.

She sat up, slinging her feet over the side of the bed. She struggled to her feet and took a few shaky steps toward me, a wane smile on her lips. "Hi, Amanda. You've never met me, but I've always known you. My name is Clara, and I'm your daughter."

I stared at her, expecting her to laugh and say 'just kidding' or to point at jeer at me for falling it.

But she didn't.

She stayed there with her hand held out and a timid smile on her lips.

Slowly, I reached for her, taking her hand in mine and shaking it. "Nice to meet you?" I asked. But was it really? Yes, she looked like me, but something about her eyes made me chilled inside.

It was like I was looking into HIS eyes despite them not being the same color. Could I really trust this woman or was she sent here to try to take me back?

She looked happy enough, but there was no way I would allow anything to happen to my new pack. I had never cared about being his Luna, but here things were different. There was a connection between me and my mates, even if our relationships were far from conventional.

And I'd never let anyone get in the way of that, even if they were of my blood.

"We're going to be really good friends," she chirped.

Maybe, or we were going to be deadly enemies. Either way, I'd made up my mind. I'd never go back.

"Whatever, can you get out of the way, extra?" Zale grumbled. "I want to spend time with my mate."

My heart thumped and my body tensed. It hadn't been that long, but I couldn't wait to see what he would try this time.

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