Their forced luna

Chapter 31


The first wolf, the biggest of the lot, pounced at me from a fucking tree. I stepped to the side and my hand shot out, grabbing him by his throat. The wolf yelped but regained himself a moment later, snapping desperately at my hand.

"Seriously?" I chided. "There might be more of you than me, but just from this attack I can tell you guys are pathetically trained."

Clara stood off to the side, watching us but not interfering. She trembled, holding her stomach tightly, her eyes bouncing back and forth between me and what I assumed were her brothers.

My wolf let me know of an attack from behind us, and I whirled, tossing the captured wolf at the new threw. The two combined with sharp yelps and hit the ground with hard thuds.

I was tired of playing with these boys. Another dashed at me, trying to snap at my tendons and force me to the ground. I did a rabbit leap over him, slamming my palm down as he went and hit his back. The force slammed him into the dirt.

"Any more?"

The remaining two circled around me, still growling but they didn't look as eager to risk their lives as the first group. The glanced at each other and then nodded before racing at me from opposite directions. I threw myself to the ground and did a side sweep. One did a backflip in the air to avoid me, and the other took the full brunt of the attack. His paws collapsed beneath him and he hit the ground hard.

The remaining one took a step back. The pop and snap of his bones twisting into place was the only warning I had before he shifted. If these were Amanda's sons, they didn't take after her in the slightest. He had black coal eyes and a sneer to his lips. His skin clung to him, betraying his state of health. This pack leader was a disaster at taking care of his people. Even his own flesh and blood looked malnourished and hardened.

"She really was telling the truth, huh?" I questioned.

Clara nodded quickly from her spot. "Everything I said was the truth, Bo! But... I can't go against my brothers."

"Clara!" snapped the other man. He was smart enough to not try to rush me.

Too bad. I would have preferred for this to be over with by now. "Listen, kid, I don't care whose pussy you were pushed out of, I'm not about to let you live after attacking me. I'll be sure to fill your mom up with pups to replace you. Hell, she doesn't even know you exist."

"Wow, Clara, did you find the guy that took our Luna away? I'm impressed. Don't worry, I already let dad know about it. He'll be here soon." He turned his attention to me and sneered. "Enjoy your last few minutes of life, asshole."

"Funny, I'm pretty sure that's the situation you're in. You think I'm scared of an Alpha? I had to deal with growing up with a Prime. You suffer through that and tell me how a mere Alpha is enough to upset you again."

One by one the other wolves shook themselves, getting up on unsteady feet and continuing to growl at me.

"Abe, we don't have to do this," Clara pleaded. "He's not a bad guy. He was trying to help me and protect me. Please, just walk away."

"After what he's done to the rest of our family you think I can just turn and act like it never happened? No fucking way, Clara. I'm going to pull his intestines out and hang them on a tree."

"You think that's a threat, kid?" I scoffed at him. It's too bad I had to kill the lot of them. But it's not like Amanda knew who there were anyway so it wasn't like she would grieve for their brainwashed asses, and Zale hadn't ordered me to keep anyone alive. I could massacre everyone if I really wanted to. "I'm about to tear your limbs off, one by one, and stick them up your ass. Your dear old daddy won't be able to stop me either, if he tries I've got a present called the cactus fuck stick for him."

Instead of engaging me, the four wolves limped and circled around their transformed brothers, keeping an eye on me. The threw their head backs, noses pointed at the sky, and one after another they howled, calling for backup.

"Wait!" Clara called the second I moved.

Nothing was going to stop me. I grabbed the first wolf by the muzzle. His eyes widened and he struggled against me. I wasted no time lifting him, and tossing him back first into a tree. Bones snapped and cracked under the pressure and his high pitched yelp of pain was silenced in an instant. The remaining wolves and Abe stared at me, slowly processing what I'd just done. But I wasn't finished yet. I grabbed the next one, forcing my hand down his throat, my claws sliding out and ripping him apart from the inside. Clara broke out of her trance long enough to scream.

She was an idiot if she thought I would just let them kill me because of who their mother was. Besides, if these things were raised by the one that abused Amanda, I was positive they had his same sick ideas. I wasn't letting cancer like that around my pack.

The two remaining wolves pressed against Abe, an odd mix of growling and whimpering coming from them. Abe trembled with repressed rage, but met my eyes. At least they'd stopped howling to be saved.

"Enough," Abe sneered at me. "Take that bitch and go. We'll just hunt you down and rip through your pack. Don't think that because you murdered my brothers that you can win against warriors with experience."

"And then there were three. Do you guys really think I'll just turn and walk away now? You're all dying here tonight. But don't worry, I won't make you wait long until your dear old dad joins you."

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