The Woman From Hell

Chapter 8

Chapter 8
Ignoring her antics, I leaned quietly against the doorframe and watched them. My face was expressionless. “There are no
external injuries. Let us go and take an X-ray scan to see if there are any injuries to your bones.” Mason stood up. Theo carried
Cindy out while Mason followed. “Doctor Mason, can you help me bandage my wound first?” I asked in a gentle tone as I
watched them leave. The blood was still flowing from my hand. No one cared about me, and I could not ruin myself just because
of both of them. Theo stopped in his tracks and turned around to look at me with a frown. He said to Mason, “You stay here.”
Mason did not say anything. He turned around and took out some tools. He then gently pulled out the remaining porcelain pieces
from my wound using a tweezer before cleaning, disinfecting and bandaging the wound. As expected of a famous doctor, his
movements were skilled and gentle. “Miss Lane, the wound is very severe. To avoid infection, it is best to take some antibiotics.”
Mason’s tone was distant and polite. He paused for a moment and continued, “Actually, you do not have to suffer like this.” I
heard that it was said, “Good friends will advise you to reconcile, but best friends will advise you to break up.” Yet, Theo’s good
friends would always find opportunities to persuade me to divorce. During the three years of my marriage with Theo, Mason’s
attitude towards me had always been polite and distant. He would only address me as Miss Lane and even persuade me to
leave Theo whenever he had the chance. Sometimes, I envied Cindy. Just by shedding a few tears, she could have the warmth
and care that I could not get no matter how hard I tried. I did not think too much about it. It would only make me depressed. I
smiled and said, “Thank you, but there is no need.” Mason stared at me. “Does it not hurt?” I shook my head lightly. This was the
second person who had asked me this question today. Unfortunately, not Theo. Without another word, he got up and left. I
wanted to leave, but I remembered that Grandmother’s funeral was in the afternoon. After the huge mess, Theo probably had
forgotten about it again. Although I was not allowed to attend, I still wanted to remind him. It was a way of repaying my
grandmother-in-law for treating me well all these years. Shortly after, Theo carried Cindy back. Cindy seemed to have fallen
asleep. He carefully placed her on the bed and slowly covered her with the blanket. “Theo,” I said softly, suppressing the
sadness in my heart. He raised his eyes and glared at me, hinting for me to lower my voice. He turned around and saw that
Cindy was fast asleep. Then, he said coldly, “Speak!” “Grandmother’s funeral starts at two in the afternoon,” I reminded him
quietly. “I know.” It was rare that Theo did not get angry at me for nagging. “That is good.” I looked down and stood quietly by the
bed, wishing he would change his mind and allow me to go to the funeral. However, he said nothing. He did not even want to
spend time with me. He got up and went to the hallway to smoke. “Wanda, pestering him will not change the outcome. He will not
let you go to the funeral.” Cindy’s clear voice was heard. She was pretending to be asleep earlier on. My thoughts were
uncovered, I was stunned for a moment before I said indifferently, “You have been pestering him every day. How would I know if I
do not try?” She giggled. “I am not like you. His heart is with me.” Lowering my head and twirling the ring on my finger, I smiled
faintly. “Who can guarantee that my life will not change in the next few decades? At least I have a marriage license as a
guarantee. What about you?” My words sank into Cindy’s heart. She then became uncomfortable. She sat up and looked at me
provocatively. “Do you want to make a bet? A bet that Theo will stay with me?” I remained silent. I had nothing that could be

used to bet on, for I had lost completely to her. Cindy did not say anything else. She turned around and poured a cup of boiling
water on the bedside table onto the back of her hand. Her actions were ruthless without any hesitation. Everything happened so
suddenly that I could only stand there, shocked and unable to react in time. Hot water poured down from the back of her hand,
and the back of her pink and smooth hand turned red very quickly. “Ah!” Her screams were loud and terrible.” Her screams were
not an act anymore. “What is wrong?” Theo rushed in at lightning speed.

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