The Woman From Hell

Chapter 18

Chapter 18
“DU FIUL worry, the child is fine,” Mason suddenly spoke in his usual cold
Startled, I turned to find him standing a t the foot of my bed.
After what had happened, I thought that I would not be able to keep the child alive. I was relieved that the baby wasi
Mason kept staring at me.
Feeling a little awkward, I turned my head and tried to prop myself up, but I could not move. He stretched out his hand behind my
back and helped me to sit up. He reached for a cushion and placed it behind my back for me to lean
1. on.
Thank you.” I felt even more awkward, trying to distance myself a far away from him as possible.
He did not say anything. He just reached over to fiddle with the IV dri bottle to make sure the liquid continue flowing into me.
I looked up at him.
He understood my confusion and said, Do not worry. It is just nutrient fluid. 1 will not harm the child. You were malnourished and
weak. That is wh you fainted.”
Does he know?” Since Mason kner the existence of the child, Theo migh also know about it.
He stopped what he was doing, and hi dark eyes looked at me. He narrowe his eyes. “You do not want him to know, do you?”
I shook my head. “He is the father of the child. He will find out eventually. It i s just not the right time yet He wants a divorce and I
do not want him to think that I am using the child to keep him around.”
Mason looked at me in surprise and

said, “But he already knew.”
My heart skipped a beat. Nooked at Mason and asked tentatively, “Was he angry? Did he not want me to keep this child?>
“I am not him. You should ask him yourself about what he is thinking.” Mason stopped what he was doing and looked at me.
“Theo has always loved children. Plus, the Grant family desperately needs offspring. There is no reason for him not to want the
After that, he turned off the lights.” You still need to rest. Get some sleep. W e will continue our conversation when
you wake up.”
I never knew Theo loved children. What Mason had said was also true. The Grant family was small and in need of offspring
It would mean that he might keep this child.
With this child, we would become a
family of three. Would he change because of that? Would we be able to live normally as a family of three?
My heart raced at the thought. As I laid back down, I decided to follow the doctor’s advice and get some sleep
I was still sleeping soundly and immersed in a beautiful dream when Cindy suddenly barged in.
She rushed in and ripped off the IV line from my arm. She grabbed my neck with both hands. With widened bloodshot eyes, she
shouted, “Wanda
Lane, why are you pregnant? How could you be pregnant?”
I could not breathe under her tight grip around my neck. I reached out and tried to peel her hands away, but she was grabbing
me with all her strength. I could not break free.
She was on the verge of a m breakdown. With a maddening expression, she said, I will not let you give birth to your baby. I will
not let you use a child to tie Theo down!”

Usually, she would look refined and demure, but now, her hair was messy. She seemed to have superpower strength too. I tried
my best to free myself from her chokehold, but I could
not move at all.
I struggled with all my might to squeeze out a few words. “If you kill m e... you will have to pay with your life.”
“If I kill you, Theowy will be mine and
mine only!” She laughed out loud and
further tightened her grip.
Because she had exerted too much strength, the white gauze wrapped around her hand turned red.
“Cindy, stop!” A figure barged in from outside the room and shouted.
Cindy froze after hearing the voice. The fury burning in her eyes dissipated immediately. All the energy in her body seemed to be
sucked out of her as she slumped onto the ground. 2
Theo stepped forward and caught her.
I was finally able to breathe and opened my mouth, gasping for air. I felt like I was reborn. I thought that I would have died being
strangled by Cindy.
Cindy burst into tears. Her tears dropped like pearls from a broken pearl necklace. She shook his arm and said, ”
Theowy, you promised me that you
would get a divorce, right? Wanda is shameless and wants to keep the baby t o hold on to you. Do not fall for her schemes.”

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