The Vampire Teacher (GirlxGirl)

Chapter 93: Plan

"Brenda a what's wrong your noise", Jacky spoke in concerned.

I felt agitated something was definitely wrong everything felt wrong even my body felt just not right. I wipe my noise seeing blood on my hands as my eyes widen in shock she was in bad danger and the blood coming from my noise is a sign of unfaithfulness. No she won't do it someone is definitely doing it to her by force making me growl loudly just thinking about it.

I can't let it out of my head as the pain constantly hit me what did she mean by your... Jerome. I'm a bad mate who can't even try and protect her I have fail her mother and I have fail her, but this time I won't let them go unharmed the councilors have left I just hope they not going to messed this up because I won't be so mercy full.

"Where's Jerome? I asked looking between all the different eyes staring at me with shocked faces.

"Brenda darling your noise is bleeding and that's a bad sign", my mother told me. I just glare at her trying to get my mind on what my Mate was trying to say to me.

"She said your... Jerome what does she mean by that and where the fuck is Jerome. If he has anything to do with her I swear I will kill him, I will kill him fuck with brothers I will fucking kill him! I angrily growl as I try to connect with her again.

"Brenda we need to go something is definitely wrong with her, why is your noise bleeding and why would Jerome be working with them no it can be it should be someone else ", dad spoke as he try to think.

"I, I mm uh don't know h..ow to say this but I think Jerome is", I heard chrissy spoke as she look down to the floor.

I didn't wait time as I move close to her, hearing Jacky growl at me... "please can you just tell us all ready what you know and why you think so? I asked her pleadingly.

She look at Jacky as she reassure her that's its okay to speak

"She once told me that she over h...eard Jerome talk over the ph..on..e. "she stuttering not trying to look at me while she plays with her fingers she must be really scared of me..." about the party and plans that they need to change or that some things Has changed I'm not sure and it was just I think a day before her birthday and yours....

"Okay okay, so what plans was he talking about over the phone and where were he the day my Mate got kidnapped", I try to think.

"Brenda there's no time in this or trying to blame your brother for this we need to go if you want your mate alive", my father spoke.

"So you tell me what is it then, mmm Lucia heard him talk over the phone and now she was calling out for me about Jerome so you tell me huh?

"Let us plan on how we going to attack since there's many people who also need to be safe", Jacky spoke.

"My Mate is the first priority I don't care who is there, I will kill everyone who has a connection with her kidnapping and i swear to you mom, Dad I will kill your child if he has any hand in this I will kill him myself", "There's about three trucks full of people some of them where wolves and humans but most of the packs was out in the forest. I think the alpha was staying in one of the old trains. Lucia made many friends there and I don't think she is going to let us leave those people there she really care for them", the angel spoke looking very worried.

"You shouldn't have left her, you should have stay", I told her.

"I know and I'm all ready feeling bad about it and we have no time, we need to go I won't no what will I do if something bad have happened with her", she spoke as tears roll out of her eyes. "She will be fine I know she is strong and she is lucky to have you as her angel guardian. I didn't know this was all real", chrissy cry out as Jacky hug her tight.

"Okay okay all of you know we need a plan of how we going to do this, I think you father is going to send down the vampires from the clan house while we check out for the alpha and any lead of Jerome he should be there by now. Mom spoke as he look between us.

"I will put a spell on us all. I think I need to leave so that I can also put on a spell on them so they won't know that we coming, I think Brenda you and Norma should target the trains and check for the Alpha", khatiswe spoke, her eyes already glowing a dark purpwl as she out the spell on us hidding our scent.

"That's a brilliant plan Naomi you came with me, we can leave with them from there", she told her as her black claok was all over over her.

"It's okay I'm Just going to check on my Mate to make sure she is okay", Naomi spoke.

"Why don't you tell her to come down here, it's beter safe to be around people. Mother spoke.

"I'm coming with you all I heard LJ spoke as I look to her direction with shock eyes.

"Little girl you won't be coming with us okay, you going to stay right here with Jacky and mother Cathy, you going to look after them", I told her as I took Her small hands In mine.

"But I want to",...i.stop her before she could say anything else..."LJ is not the time okay I have already say you stay and that's final", I told her sternly.

"Fine", she spoke crossing her arms around her chest.

"Im going to put a protection barrier around the house while we going away. We not sure what they had plan while we will arrive there", she spoke as a big purple light growing big and big around us. I don't know what I will do when I got there but I swear I will kill everyone and this time I won't hold j back hse is really out for some blood so am I.

"Your ready to spill some blood? I asked my inner animal hearing heR growl in my head.

"She is in danger Brenda I can feel it she is badly hurt", she spoke.... "Not for long my friend not for long we going to Slit out their hearts and throw it for the dogs to eat it.

I was so lost in my own Mind thinking about my Mate I wasn't concentrating I don't even know when mother Cathy has entire the room.

"Brenda,Brenda ", I heard her. I look up at her, her eyes was so dark red from all the cry she has lost some Weight her face is very small it looks like her cheeks has fall in how deep it was. I felt really awful and I couldn't hold back my tears to see her like that as I cry feeling her shift and hug me close to her chest as I cry into her arms.

"You going to bring her back tonight I can feel it but she won't be herself she is pain my little daughter she is so much pain I know and I want you to do one think for me? she asked me as I stop and look up at her as she look very seriously.

"Yes anything I promise? I took her hands in my mine and intervene it as i look at her.

"I want you to bring me the alpha of that pack alive, do you hear me bring him here alive", she spoke as my eyes widen in shock by her question. But by her face expression she was seriously.

"Cathy what you talking about? naomi asked her mate. She didn't said anything els She just rise up from The floor and left the room.

"Cathy her mate call, it's okay chrissy spoke and followed her.

"I don't really think you will do it? Naomi asked me.

"I'm going to do it with all my power. I will bring him here and I know that, that women is not going to messed with him? I told her.

" brenn. ..

"Naomi no please just go all ready", I told them as khatiswe hold her hand out for her to take.

They disappear from the place they were just standing as I look at Jacky my parents and Norma with my red eyes, "ready for some killing", I growl smiling.

"I'm ready to bring my future daughter inlaw back", mom spoke as we all take hands together.

"I'm coming baby girl I'm on my way", I told my Mate through the mindlink hoping she finds it.000

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