The Vampire Teacher (GirlxGirl)

Chapter 82: Councils

Chrissy's POV

I really didn't know What was going on, all I know is that my friend, my sister is gone, she's been kipnad and as it looks like that this people really don't know who took her.Catherine told us not to leave the TV room until necessary things, they have been in the office room since how long. I was losing my mind everytime I heard some doors opening I thought that it was her.

Cathy wasn't taking this so lightly and I think she is on the point of breaking down or killing someone. It was so quiet no one dare To said a word because every time someone try to speak they was shut down by an animal growl coming from the lady that looks so scary.

I couldn't stand to look at Brenda, she was really giving off a bad atmosphere every time I would glance down at her to check on LJ that was sound asleep on her lap the poor girl cries her to sleep.

My head hurts as I try to think what my sister is going through right now at this moment while we sits here doing nothing. We all wait for the councilors, we have received a phone call telling that we all need to stay at home because there was an attack and it looks like it was the vampire's.

Is so stupid of this people to really think that we have to do with the attack that happened at a wolve pack, but they took her for God's sakes they going to messed their time by coming here for nothing instead of going to look for her.

I suddenly couldn't hold my tears back as I cry feeling the loneliness of not having my sister, my best friend here with us, "she doesn't deserve this oh God please don't let anything happen to her", I cry out into jacky's arms as she hold me close letting me cry my heart out.

I flinch and lifted my head up when the front door suddenly open when hearing mother Cathy call out for her daughter as she runs out to meet whoever just came in.


"Good morning ma'am, uh we looking for Mr, Mrs swartz? a woman said as we all stand up and follow the same Way Cathy just runs out as she stand with her back to us making me stop as I don't see Lucia with them.

A loud growl make me Scream, Jackie hugs me tightly close to her telling me that everything was all right.

"What are you guys doing here? Brenda asked walking pass us towards the three people having similar clothes on just with different belts around they waits.

"My mates been kipnad and you here asking for my parents, how stupid", she laugh a dark laugh startling me. As I look down at her I see not the women my friend felt in love with she was someone else just the same body and everything.

"Brenda please", I heard chris said as I saw them walk down the stairs looking very exhausted, we all were but what can we do now huh.

"Good morning we wasn't accepting you guys to be here very soon, do you have news for us? Chris's aksed leading us down to the tv room where the others was still sitting.

Brenda walk back and forth and by the looks on this councilors faces they were scared of this woman growling now and again them.

"As we said over the phone that we has received a phone call from the green pack saying that they have been attacked by you guys... The woman with long black hair and green eyes said looking at Chris's as they sit down on the couch next to each other.

She froze when Brenda growl at her with her red eyes looking down at her making me flinched. "Darling can we hear them out please", Catherine said to her daughter sigthing as she runs her hand through her blond hair.

"We just came from the pack and we find dead bodies and few of dead vampires so...", The men with black short hair didn't finish his sentence when he was grabbed so fast on his throat by a growling brenda with her long white fangs out ready to rip this guy's head of making me hid my face in Jacky shoulders feeling her hold tightens on me.

"How dare you came here and thought we attack them, they kipnad my Mate for godsake and you know that it was my party becoming queen, so how the hell did we attack them? she growl throwing the men against the wall it cracked in pieces.

The room shake for a while as we all look at Brenda with widen eyes as she growl while her father and Naomi and Khatsiwe holding her down as she growl bloody murder.

"I think you need to leave now! Catherine scream as she also try to hold her daughter back.

Uncle Godfrey and his wife runs into the room when hearing the chaos as they look around.

"Mommy", little LJ said through her sleepy voice as she sit up straight wiping her at eyes as she looks pass us for her mother.

Brenda stops growling so is the others holding her down and letting her go to her daughter as she hugs her, "mommy you okay? she asked with her small sweet voice looking between us," did mommy Lucia came yet?

She stand up with her daughter in her hands as she walks towards me making me flince as I move closer to Jacky but was surprised when she puts LJ down on my lap and laying her forehead on mine as I press my eyes hard close not to look her in her eyes to see that eyes that looks like a blood pool.

"Look after her" she said.

"Mommy where you going? LJ aksed

"Brenda please you can't leave not with what you just did", her mother pleaded.

"I'm going to get your mother", she said to LJ and disappeared.

"Things going to get very ugly." Chris's said sighting with his hands on his head as he lays back on the couch.

"I'm going with her Khatsiwe", said as she also disappeared just like that.

"Me too", Jacky said as I look at her with widen eyes, "she's my sister, I won't let her go alone, she needs me." she said kissing me hard on my lips.

"Please guys be safe, I will get the others too, we need more vampires who can help us on this", Chris said caressing his wife back who's eyes are fix on Cathy.

Her mind wasn't here not her attention, it looks like we weren't even here around her just herself. Naomi holds her into her arms as she just stare out into darkness. This is going to be a long day ahead for us and I don't wanna be around Cathy seeing her like that.

"I think I need to go too", Godfrey said looking down at his wife, who doesn't look so appealing with the news of her husband going to look for her daughter.

Cathy walk toward uncle Godfrey and took his hands into hers, "please bring her back, bring our daughter back", she cried.

"I will do my best", Godfrey said as he holds Cathy's crying face into his hands making Naomi Growl. As she speed towards her mate and took her into her arms. "Please bring her back, my baby bring her back", she screams as noami hold her.

"I don't think I need to leave her like this", Naomi said looking very sad at her mate, "it's okay darling you can stay, she really needs you now, we understand", Catherine said.

"Chrissy I think you need to sleep too, take LJ with you", Catherine said as she helps her husband to stand up, "we going to make something to eat and talk With others about a plan on how to get my daughter back", she said with a growl.

I lift LJ up in my arms because she had falls asleep again in my lap, I look down at her seeing how wet her face was with tears stains as I cry a silent cry for my sister.

"They will find you Lucia just be strong darling.

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