The Vampire Teacher (GirlxGirl)

Chapter 75: Date

Chrissy just got here in time when I got out of the shower with my dress in her hands making me smile bright. I thought I wouldn't have a dress for my first night date because when I saw the dress I love it, but I couldn't bring it home with me because they didn't have it in the store at the time.

"Oh my God my dress", I said running up to chrissy and took it from her, thank you, when did it got here!? I asked taking it out of the package.

"A few minutes ago", she said smiling at me.

"Isn't it pretty? I asked my best friend who just smiled at me.

"It is and I think Brenda is going to drool over you, but I still think a sexier dress would have been the best, That dress is just to long my dear", she said with a frown on her face making me roll my eyes at here. "Babe you not going to help me? I asked chrissy seeing her still siting down on my bed looking at me with an annoying expression.

"It's not like I don't have a choice", she said making me smile down at her as I put my hair down into a ponytail giving her a clear view of my face.

"You can relaxed now the dress is already here and I'm not going to change my mind, I really love this dress and I don't know why you don't like it",

"Ah uh." she sigths, It's not that I don't like the thing is just too long and you are not an old lady darling, you should have show that sexy legs of yours. "My eyes widen as I look at chrissy at her reflection on the mirror really not understanding why she is so obsessed with me wearing a short dress for tonight.

"You think I should change the dress?I asked her feeling a bit off, thinking about her words and my mind that dwel down to that woman Brenda was cheating on me. I try to change my mind to think at Brenda and her words she said to me before she went and get ready that she loves me and I'm not going to let my stupid mind make me feel any lesser for her and that lady was just a wore and a slut to Brenda

"Darling", Ichrissy call for me feeling her shake me as I look down at the mirror seeing her beautiful face and beautiful big brown eyes looking at me with concern.

"It's okay, if you dress the dress you love please forget about my words brenda will never leave you in a million for someone els", she said kissing down on my shoulder.

"It's okay", I said running my hand down on her head as I smile down at her and clearing my mind that drift down to my Mate who's getting ready for our date.

"How do I look? I asked her after she was done with the make up and everything. She smiled up at me making me feel more nervous,"you look stunning and Brenda is going to lose her breath for some time there", she said poking my noise.

"Oh my God", I sight as I take few breaths trying to cool down my nerves.

"You going to be fine darling just relax." she said winking at me.

"Oh please this is definitely different", I spoke hand pick up my dress while she take it from me and help me get it down my body just when someone walk in.

"Wow is this really my baby? my mom's voice asked making me smile.


She is so beautiful", my friend said as I roll my eyes.

"Thank you guys so much but please can you guys stop now, you making me more nervous", I told them walking up to mom and hug her.

"Why's that darling? mom asked kissing me down on my cheek.

"Mm, i really don't know maybe because it's our first date exactly", I said looking down feeling embarrassed

"No darling it doesn't matter, Brenda is already waiting for you, you know and damn does she look sexy", mom said more in a seductive way making me furrowed my brows at her hearing chrissy giggle behind her.


"What, oh no dear I only have eyes for Naomi", she said hitting down on my arm while laughing.

"You better", I said laughing.

"Damn does she look sexy there's just more to it, I wonder what Naomi would say if she heard this." my best friend said laughing.


You will not", mom said walking over to chrissy but she already see it coming as she run out of the room with my mom following her.I laughed turning around and look down to my body and feeling so sexy and beautiful. It shows my curves and for moment I roll my eyes thinking of Chrissy's words. I can't help but to smile seeing my beautiful body and the way how the dress just fit me. I make sure I'm fine and looking good the nerves started and now it's the time for me to head down towards where our date.

I walk down the stairs hearing talks and laughs making me more nervous why are they here shouldn't they have been busy with something making me stop and breathe in and out. Relax is just your family what's wrong in them seeing you I told myself as I walk down the last step into the front hall where there's a beautiful light coming from the beautiful candlier. It was just wow, "wow." whisperes I heard coming from this small group looking down at me.

"Mommy you look beautiful", LJ she said as I bend down to hug her.

"Thank you baby girl", I said kissing her on the cheek.

"You look stunning ma'ma", I heard the maid from earlier said walking pass me taking LJ from me.

"Thank you", I said smiling at her and walk down towards the group of my beautiful family.

"Wow that dress is breathe taking and it fits your body nicely", my mother in law said smiling at me, "may no harm come to you darling", she said blessing me with a kiss on my forehead.

"All the best my dear enjoy the night you two needs it", my father in law said.

"Thank you guys really", I said feeling how wet my faces gets.

"Oh no you going to ruin my work, please don't cry", chrissy said making us laugh. She walk to me and help wiping my eyes carefully not to spoil my eyeliner as I sight holding the tears back. "Okay now it's time for you to go Brenda is waiting", the scary woman said who's name is Khatsiwe I'm still not so fond of her. I look at my mother who had tears in her eyes that run down her face making me furrowed my brow smiling down at her seeing her so emotional.

"Mom really ", I said walking up to her but I was stop by Jacky telling me to go and that my mom will be okay.

"Oh Cathy she is not getting married", I heard Naomi said teasing my mother as the others laugh while I walk out of the room laughing too with a men walking next to me wearing a black suit.I was not sure why this men was walking with me but I'm glad because I'm not exactly sure where I'm Going.

We walk down large halls and change ways making me nervous why Brenda didn't came and get myself. My breathe was wiped away from my lungs when the view of the pool come in sight as I felt the men next to me grabbed my hand and pulled me to walk.

"Sorry." I said giggling.

This is so beautiful and the night sky with so many stars makes it more beautiful there was many lights coming from the pool but I stop and blink my eyes a few times trying to see if my eyes wasn't playing trick with me but it was true. Brenda was standing next to a table in the middle of the pool surrounded with beautiful lights. There was more men's in black suits far from us but still you can see them. "Lucia Riet you still standing at you same place", my beautiful mate voice said.

"Uh hm uh I'm", I stumbled on my words not sure what's going on here but does she really think I have powers like hers to stand on the water.

"What? she asked walking closer to me holding her hand out for me.

"Uh mm," I lost my breathe again when my eyes lock with Brenda but landed down on her sexy expose breaths. She was wearing a dark red suit with a black tank Top showing off her breasts the suit was showing off her sexy curves and her tight body making it impossible for me not to take her here. I was startled by a giggle and strong arms wrapping around my body, she press me closer to her chest where I can feel her breast, hearing my heels down on the floor clicking. My eyes lock again with beautiful blue ones making me breathe out finally as my lungs get fresh air.

"Firstly I need to know is it Brenda of her inner friend? I asked looking into the most beautiful face I ever see.I was surprised by the most beautiful laugh ever as I blush very hard not knowing what got into me.


'Nope babe, it's still me, her inner friend", she said as she leads me down where the beautiful table stand. She pulled out the chair for me to sit as i thank her, waiting for her to sit down as well seeing her smile down at me making me blush and look down to the lights giving a clear view of the blue water of the pool making me flince.

"Are you okay? She asked with her cold hand on mine.

"Yes I'm frighten because I can't swim and this is so embarrassing for me To even asked but what if something happened. I'm not sure how we siting dow...n in the mid..dle of the pool without feeling the I stumbled on my words hiding my face again in my hands hearing her laugh at me.

"Really? she asked looking at me. I look at her with a pout on my mouth not answering her as i drink water from the class on the table.

"Okay I'm sorry I laughed at you but it's glass darling that we just put down making it more beautiful", she said smiling down at me, "that's why you can still see the water and the candles flooding down on it. "Candles? I asked while enjoy playing with her cold hand in mine.

"Yes my love", she said looking at me with the most beautiful smile giving me butterflies down in my stomach making me choke down as I start to cough.

"Here drink", she said giving me the half glass of water to drink.

"Thank you", I said. There was a small accurness around us no one saying anything just the music that's been playing by a guy on the piano also wearing a black suit. Our eyes would landed on each other few times as we both felt lost just looking into each others eyes.

"You so beautiful, stunning, breath taking", she told me with the most softest voice making me so weak.

"If I'm Beau..tiful then what are you? I asked looking down into her beautiful baby blue eyes, "You the most beautiful creature I ever met", I said holding tight onto her hand as I felt her other hand caressing my left cheek.

It was a beautiful night everything was just beautiful, we laughed and talk eat and dance now and then until we got back to the table and sit my shoes was out of my feet already because I was scared I will fall even Brenda told me she won't let me fall.I laugh with myself but I didn't know I have laughed so hard for her to hear me, "What is making my beautiful woman so all laughing dovey? she asked me as she pour us some wine.

"You know I thought that you use your powers to stand on the water, that's how stupid l'am", I said smiling down at her hearing her giggle.

"My queen you not stupid, I didn't know about it at first too and luckily for you I can use my powers to stand on water", she said making my eyes widen in shock.

"How many powers does a vampire has? I asked puting down my class.

" Many but mostly we learned the others and that's what makes us strong. But you see as older we got the more stronger we gets. The powers I had like the one I use on you this morning I exactly learned from my friend", she told me drinking down on her wine.

"You know that's awesome really but why did you use it on me its not nice", I said pouting at her.

"I'm sorry but it was nice to see you helpless not in a bad way darling."

"So what can you do accept from frozening me and been fast and walking on the water? I asked her looking at her.

"I can control you, going into your mind and I can transfer, reading mind yes", she said smiling down at me showing of her white teeths.

"You will not use those things on me." I said pointing at her hearing her giggle at me.

"Oh no darling but I read you mind sometimes and sometimes I want to talk to you in your mind but I don't want you to think you crazy", she said gesturing with her finger showing that I'm out of my head making me Laugh.

"Ahh that's not truth. How do you do it?

"Do what my beautiful queen? she asked.

"Talking into people's mind", i said playing with her fingers.

"You wanna try? she asked, because it's not easy telling you but showing you", she said.

"Does it hurt? I aksed her seeing her roll her eyes at me and cksoe her eyes when I felt my head was feeling heavy.

Nope how does it feel? I flince when hearing her talk in my head as I look at her with widen eyes, "that's amazing babe", I exclaim.

"Yes I know you can do it too", she said as I look down to her breast.

"No I can't", I said licking down on my lips already craving to have those breast in my mouth hearing her choke. I furrowed brows why on earth is she choking.

"Babe you okay", I look at her as she drink her wine smiling.

"You have a dirty mind", she said making me cough.

"You wanna try now? she asked me as I look at the guy who still plays soft rhythm and melodies on the piano.


"Yes please", I said.

"Okay close your eyes." she said and clear your mind from any disturbing things and concentrate on me just on me," I heard her as I roll my eyes, and when you fine that you finally have me on your mind and that you have blocked out everything imagine there's an opening space locating you into my head and say anything you want to me."

"It's not like I don't think of you like in always", I said forgetting that I was busy trying to mindlink with her when I heard her clean her throat.

I open my eyes slowly as I look at her with a smirk on her face, "I'm glad that I'm on you mind always", she said making my eyes widen, "I did it?

"Yes you did but you did it wrong", she said making me frown.

"How? I aksed," but you did hear me talk in you head".

"Yes I did but you didn't concentrate, you can't think of other things while trying to connect with someones mind. Because what you exactly speaks in your mind is just the same that's what you exactly saying to the person you mindlink with", she said a bit with so much strength like I'm her student.


"You get it love but come on let's try it with someone who is a vampire that you are more comfortable with", she said.

"You want me to talk in their mind? I asked her as she nobbeds her head.

"Yes just to make sure you have it right", she said.

"Okay", I said and close my eyes.

"Who did you choose", she asked me.

"My mother in law." I said with a smile on my face.

"But you going to ask her something that she can answer you back okay."

"Okay babe", I said and going back to close my eyes and start to clear my head and blocking out everything I'm thinking and concentrate on my mother inlaw not sure what im going to asked her.

"My darling what is it what you wanna asked me." I startled hearing my mother I law's sweet voice in my head.

"what? Brenda asked me.

"oh no I'm not good in it, I can't stop thinking", I said looking down.

"what do you mean love? she asked.

"your mother heard my thoughts without me even asking her something yet."

"what did you think? she asked me.

"what I'm going to aksed her?

"has she responded",

"yes she asked me what is it that I want to ask her? I said playing with Brenda's cold fingers loving how they make me feel so cold and warm.

" okay then you just need to work on stop thinking and when you wanna mindlink someone think first wat you wanna say and then mindlink okay."

"okay", I said and try again to mindlink with Catherine.

"I was just learning how to speak into someone's mind so I choose you but that was my thoughts mother heard earlier, sorry for not responding back right away", I said through the mindlink not sure if I did it

right and open my eyes and look at my Mate.

"You did it? she asked.

"yes but she still needs to respond", I said.

"okay", she said and stand up from her chair and walking down to the men who plays down on the piano making my eyes furrowed. I'm not sure what they talking about because I can't hear and I'm concentrating on hearing my mother inlawss voice in my head.

"mother." heard her talk in my head making me smile by her surprise voice of me calling her mother.

"Yes you are my mother aint you? I aksed Catherine through the mindlink when I felt someone patting down on my shoulder.

'ma'ma miss swartz is waiting for you", the guy who had sit at the paino said as I look down towards my beautiful mate siting down now at the piano.I walk down on the cold glasses that closes up the water with my bare feet with my long dress walking behind me on the glass towards my stunning woman playing down on the piano making me stop when hearing what's she exactly playing.

"Ed Sheeran perfect", I whisper smiling down at my amte as I go and sit down next to her while she plays. i look down on her fingers working like magic on the keyboard making the beautiful sound as the song

play down.

I found a love for me

Darling just dive right in

And follow my lead, I heard her sing while she look at me making me smile and feeling how My heart start to beat fast to see her like this so sexy and beautiful.

I find a girl, beautiful and sweet

Oh I never knew you were the someone waiting for meee

Cause we're just kids when we fell inlove

Not knowing what it was

I will not give you up this time

Darling just kiss me slow

Your heart is all I own

And in your eyes your holding mine

Baby I dancing in the dark

With you between my arms

Bare foot on the grass Listening to our favorite song

I couldn't express what I'm feeling and I don't care about messing up chrissy make up on my face as I let the tears roll down my face hearing Joan's beautiful voice for the first time singing for me.

She sing so soft and beautiful never taking her eyes off from me while I wipe the others tears from my eyes and clearing my throat because I'm not sure if she knows that I can sing too, I'm not going to let her sing this beautiful song alone on our special night.

When you said you looked

a mess

I whisper underneath my breath

But you heard it

Darling you looked perfect tonight

Well I find a women stronger than anyone I know..

I started to sing with her seeing how her eyes widen in shock as she stop and let me sing further..

She shares my dreams,

I hope that someday I'll will share her home

I found a love

to carry more than just my secrets

To carry love, to carry children of out own

We were just kids but we're so in love

Fighting against all odds

I know we'll be all right this time

Darling, just hold my hand

Be my girl, I'll will be yours

I see my future in your eyes

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark

With you between my arms Barefoot on the grass Listening to our favorite song

My heart smelled down by this wonderful view of my beautiful mate crying in front of me I never knew I will ever see so a strong person cry. I'm Happy seeing her like this and that I'm reason for it

When I saw you in that suit.. Hearing her giggled

Looking so sexy

I don't deserve this

Darling you look so Perfect tonight

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