The Vampire Teacher (GirlxGirl)

Chapter 65: Roeilinda

Chrissy's POV

I hide my face in the croak of jacky's neck hearing her laugh really hard feeling really embarrassed by what I saw right now. It's the first time I exactly see my older people doing this kind of things in front of kids.Aunt Cathy and her mate was so over each other while Mr and Mrs swartz kissing like we were not here making me blush into shyness.

"Oh no dear parents that's really disgusting, please just take this to you room really, don't you see us sitting here? jacky's brother asked with his deep voice.

" Mom and dad!" Brenda shout looking very annoyed at her parents making me roll my eyes by her suddenly out burst to her parents.

The four of them both stop with what they was busy with looking at us with shyness while the lady's was blushing looking really embarrassed to see us just stare at them while Jacky was just laughing her ass off next to me.

"I Thank you, I Thank you so much for that dress full por...", Jacky said but I close her mouth so hard before she could even say that last words in front of her parents as I look at her with widen eyes not believing that she would really said that.

"Ouch! she yell at me as she look at me With a playful frown in her face making me giggle.

"HI come on you guys is not like you haven't seen your parents kiss before." Mr Chris said taking her mate hands and lead her to a couch just opposite me and Jacky.

"And it's not like you guys isn't in that stage of being so romantic and inlove, and please don't tell me that you guys are innocent." Mrs.swartz spoke with raise brows looking between me, Jacky and Brenda who sit next to his brother who seems not bother by having this topic.

"Mom please", Brenda spoke, can we get to the point okay.

"Okay, okay but where's my grandchild i thought you had fecth her? Mrs swartz asked looking at Brenda with furrowed brows.

"There." she said pointing to the door where we see LJ walking down the HALL, she wasn't in the mood for anything with her head hanging down as her eyes were fix on the floor with her pink barbie doll in her hands.

"Oh no what's wrong with my baba? Mrs swartz asked looking at a boring, sad LJ walking into the TV room not looking at her grandmother who just asked her something.

I sight looking towards Brenda who sit up straight holding out her hands for LJ but I was surprised when someone climb on my lap as I move my head to look seeing LJ making herself comfortable on my lap laying her head on my chest.

I look between Brenda and Jacky seeing a sad frown across Brenda face mean while Jacky just shrugged her shoulders. She runs her hand through LJ's hair making her look up To her and smiled as she lean back on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her to hold her tight letting her know that she is more then welcome to sit on my lap everytime she want. I'm going to keep her happy unlike her mother who was supposed to Make her happy no matter what, your child happiness come first.

I lean with my chin on her head giving her a kiss on her head feeling her soft hands on my mine holding it tight.

"Princess you all right?" Mr swartz asked looking with concern in his eyes at his granddaughter.

"Wh.. y are you all so with mommy, you hur...ting her an...d and she doesn't like it one. Bit? She spoke with her beautiful soft voice that sounds like an angel, I wonder how Does she sound when singing as I felt her play with the rings on my fingers.

"LJ baby is your wolve talking with you again? I heard Brenda Asked her this time looking very pale and worried as she look at her daughter. There was gaspe when Brenda asked her daughter about her wolve talking with her my eyes widen in shocked because I was confused really not understanding what she mean by wolve isn't she then a vampire so how.

"Brenda what are you talking about, she is just a child and even thou she had shift isn't it because of stress seeing lucia so badly hurt that night?" Mrs swartz asked also looking confused. There was silence between us all, everyone was looking at Brenda to answer her mother's question which it looks like she can't or don't know how.

"Brenda what's wrong what ain't you telling us, what do you mean her wolve talk with her again?" her father asked. Brenda still didn't answer both her parents as she just look at her daughter who still plays with my rings.

"Okay then", Mrs swartz said sighting as she stands up from the couch and walk up to us my baba can granny see something? she asked looking at LJ who just nobbeds her head when Brenda growls looking at her mother who sit in front of me and LJ.

I tens a little been scared everytime I heard them Growl my fear for this people start when norma almost killed my sister and I got hurt. I almost die. Jacky caressing one of my arms that was wrapped around LJ's small body making me lean into her cold touch relaxing.

"Mother you not going into her head, it's her privacy." Brenda told her mom with her hand on her head as she pace back and forth.

"What aren't you telling us lady, what's going on here, she is my granddaughter and her wolf is talking to her which I don't know about".

"Either your mother goes into Her head or you tell us what's going on then", her father spoke.

"Her name is Roeilinda." LJ said not looking up to face her granny who look shocked and more pale then before. Jacky was also tensing next to me as I shift my head towards her seeing her look the same shocked as her mother with widen eyes as she glance between Brenda and LJ.

A growl interrupt us making me jump as I hold tight on LJ not to Let her fall looking up from where the growl come from seeing Mr Chris eyes red as blood.

"Honey please, it's fine", aunt Catherine said running up to Her mate with her hands on him trying to let him relaxed.

"So that night when she alm...ost kill me Her wolf was already awake she was just yet to Shift and you didn't of tel..ling us your parent? he stuttering trying to process everything as he look at Brenda who was standing next to us now.

"She doesn't like when you guys fight." LJ said. When we all hear her said that everyone in the room stay silent saying nothing, LJ was still seated on my lap with my arms wrapped around her. Jacky's arms was wrapped on my waits while we all sat silently.

"The reason why I called you guys here is because of Lucia, we going to forgive her for she is one of us now and we can't just let it go like she isn't part of this family. I know What she did was wrong and she did ask forgiveness for that and we owed her our forgiveness because she is really blaming herself for what she did. Anyone who is against to forgive Lucia please speak now of forever hold your peace. "Mrs Swart spoke.

I look up at Brenda when her mother was done talking because her forgiveness was the only thing Lucia exactly needs right now, but it doesn't seem like her mind was here or that she is going to consider forgiving her mate.

"Since no one have a problem, it tells me that you all have forgave her and therefore I'm grateful because it's her birthday in two days and we want to hold her a party but a surprise one saying that we are sorry, whos in for a party?" she asked with an excited tone smiling looking between us all.

" Yippy, Yippy! LJ screaming startled me as I hold her tight as she dance on my lap making me Giggle.

"Someone is happy about hearing this." her granny said smiling at her.

"I.. I like parties and it's my mommy's party, it's going to make her so happy and then she can bring me so many sisters and brothers", she said with so much joy in her voice making us all laugh while Brenda choke the hell out of her,her brother pat her back as he laugh with a smirk on his face.

"Thanks God atleast goods come out of this." Jerome said smiling, it's about time we hold something to lift up our mood, I'm in for the party momso", he said smiling.

"Thank you my baby, so you will let the others at the house know about the party because I think it's best if we hold it there for we also going to give the throne to your sister since she has her mate", she said looking at her Son with reassuring.

"I will Also asked them To do Decoration more hands then", he said trailing his hand through his blond hair just like his mother and sisters.

"Okay then", she said giggling, Cathy you know mos What Do? she asked winking at her friend smiling.

"Yip." was all my dear Mother said smiling as she shrugged her brows up and down looking at Naomi.

"Brenda I want a happy daughter inlaw and a happy grandchild, please don't spoil this mood and you two love birds help were you can and on the day of the birthday. I don't know what you three will do to get her out of this house but don't slip your tongue it's a surprise party okay."

"Yes", we said in union.

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