The Vampire Teacher (GirlxGirl)

Chapter 60: Exams

Brenda's Pov

I slept the night with my baby daughter and we bath together, I can believe I have missed all this wonderful times with my daughter giving so much time and love to a mate who doesn't exactly appreciate it. But I made up to my baby girl and we had the best bath ever together, thou she didn't seem fine about how things is between me and Lucia.I have to explain to her that relationship is not always good and fine there will be ups and downs but the outcomes is how the two of you going to handle the situation.I understand that she really love her as her second mother but what she did was wrong. I'm not so sure why my baby girl is so sad is it because me and her mommy has been fighting or is it the fact that she heard her said we are monsters.

I don't sometimes understand her so much, I really don't know what happens in that mind of her, she has so much power. I have to meet up with Khatsiwe we need to talk about this maybe she knew something we don't. After the bath me and LJ took I was hit with my Mate's aroused intoxicated me as I felt how my legs started to get weak making me growl in return..

"Mommy you alright", I heard LJ' ask me while I dress her seeing her look up at me. I roll my eyes at her not knowing what to say to her as I gulped not knowing what is happening in my room at this very moment hearing my mates heart beating kind of fast. I use my speed to get me and LJ dress as I tell her to go downstairs for i will meet her there..

"Mommy you sure you alright, you look kind of pale for me? She asked with furrowed brows...looking at me.

I swallow the lump in my throat, as I can't control been hit again by that intoxicating smell of my Mate being aroused by someone els.

" girl, I need to get to see yo...ur mo...ther that's all", I said to her as I push her out of the door and went down to my room hearing her sigth and chuckle making me smile at her. This child of mine know just to much for her age, I love her so much and i will give my life to just see her happy and save.

The smell of my Mate aroused hit me hard as my fangs stretched out while my eyes turned red. I got to my room not waiting any longer as I entered my room following my mates fast beating heart and her aroused smell to the bathroom making me stop in my tracks hearing her voice in my head making me growl.

"You are all monster." the anger raised from inside of me that I have for her.

The bathroom room door flying open seeing my beautiful mate in all her goddesses body with her with a towel around her body making my Dead heart skip a beat as I gulped not being use having blodd running through my dead heart.

"Brenda." I heard her as I can't stand any longer looking at her as I transfer myself to the dining room leaving her standing there only hearing her heart beat more fastly.

Since I got to the dinng room I wasn't exactly feeling the atmosphere of happiness and love around my family, everyone didn't sleep last night after the fight me and Lucia yet maybe that's why and I don't blame them. We can't have someone around looking at us as monsters.

I asked my baby girl to Change seats with her mommy Lucia's which she really didn't want to but I have to force her to sit next to me. Lucia asked forgiveness, I wasn't expecting it thou but I wasn't going to listen to her fake apologies so I left without eating my breakfast leaving her with wetness under her jeans.

Lucia just didn't know what she has thrown t away. I'm a monster but she just couldn't get her eyes off me a monster like me, I may be a monster but I'm someone's crush out there.

I growl in annoyance feeling like that towards my Mate but she just thinks about herself and think everything is just about her, she is so full off her self and she needs to get over that because it won't going let her go anywhere with that attitude. I was very surprised by her out burst seeing me in this clothes and was having an effect on her which I kind of love seeing her look at me like that.

My inner animal is angry at me for giving our mate the silent treatment but this is what she wanted, some space.

I drive to school very fast because I was kind of late and having the principal on my case is not what I want today because I'm so angry that I'm willing to rip anyone's head of who going to make things unbareble for me today.

Chrissy asked me if I can let Lucia write from home today which I really don't know with both of us not talking but I'm going to do just that for her, she is my everything I just can't believe she though that of me really, I wish she could have been in my life sooner so that she can have witnessed the real monster I was when I was rape and bruises. I growl thinking of my life back then.

I don't know who the father of my child is but all I know is that he was definitely the son of an alpha who I have killed, a stranger feeling consumed me making me feel uncomfortable by thinking of my past, my eyes change colors so is my fangs that pop out making me growl as my inner animal trying to take control by the effect my past has on us. I just wish I was much stronger back then, I would have protected myself, I would've had my baby girl in beautiful manner and not been rape but I love her so much without the circumstances.

My heart would break every time she would asked me about her father but what can I tell her, where and how can I start to tell her, I felt so ashamed about myself I really don't know what will happen when she found out how she was conceived.

I lost track been on the road when hearing the horns and peeps of the cars making me stoo so fast in front of a men making me froze on the spot as I remember him from last night. He look very frightening by my suddenly stop in front of him making me sight and breathe out the stress and frustration in me as he just look at me confused walking out of my way as I start to drive of to school.

I'm really feeling so sorry what I did last night, but I can tell that I was so angry and that was for sure, my vampire side was really out and I couldn't stand the thirst for blood, so I couldn't stop myself from drinking from him luckily not dry.

I stop at my regular parking place feeling very bad for that guy I drink from last night, but I kind of lost it thinking of the night when I was almost kill but some how been rape. I climb out of my car and gathering my things and close the door. I see my sister and chrissy laughing and kissing making me feel sad and jealous seeing them so happy as I think of my Mate.

It's so strange been angry with someone but they just can't get out of your freaking head making me growl. She was everything I think of, she was consuming my mind constantly and in like every second, minute and hour. She was my every fiber, my other half, I just couldn't get her out of my mind, my other soul and without her I'm like a lost puppy. I'm so addicted to her.

I wave at my sister sensing her eyes on me as she climb back in the car seeing chrissy walk over to me. I'm glad my sister has find someone like her,

she is beautiful with her brown brunette hair and brown eyes.

"You ready for the exam?I asked her when she got close to me as we walked together towards the office.

"Yes, I'm so ready I can't wait", she said with so much enthusiasm in her voice puting her lose Hair behind her ear making me Smile at her.

"I'm glad you have the kind of exciting spirit in you then luckily you have nothing to worry about", I tw her as I open the door of the office for her seeing her eyes furrowed as she walk in.

I laughed at her silliness, I'm kind of a gentle woman i thought for myself she really didn't think I will let her in the office without me opening the door for he, she must be joking. "Thank you", she said.

"You welcome", I smile at her, can you please wait here for me, I'm just going into the meeting room and then we will go together to the exam hall as Im also going there. "I told her. "Okay then", she said taking a sit outside the meeting room.

I stop at the door checking my clothes first and enter the room seeing eyes on me knowing that I was so Late and the principal won't let it go as I roll my eyes at all of them looking at me Like I'm new stranger. "You late", I heard that deep voice of the principal said making me smirk at him.

"Either late then never", I said back with a smirk on my face seeing him frown.

"Miss maasdorp, I would love if you will inform your dear friend miss swartz, what had been review thanking you", he said looking at me with a scole on his face making me sigth.

"Meeting is over, Thank you", he said.

I raise from My chair and walk out of the eoom saying nothing as I was not in the mood meeting chrissy still sitting at the same place.

"Come on let's go", I told her hearing Naomi my call for me.

"Brenda wait?"

I turn myself to look at her we didn't talk since the fight that happened between me and her family mostly her sister but I understand her point. She walk up to me with a lady next to her which I don't know furrowing my brows at her. I look at the dark skin lady with cruly black hair with her green and brown mixture eyes with pink lips.

I was confused who she really was, I felt chrissy tense next to me for she also don't know this beautiful lady walking next to naomi all smiley, smiley next to her mom's mate.

"HI Naomi", greeted me as I nobbed my head at her seeing the lady next to her look at me up and down with a huge smrik on her face feeling my inner animal growl in my head making me chuckled softly. "This is Miss Lucas and she was the lady who was adjusting to your classes and she is going to help you with the exams classes that's starts today", she said looking between me and miss Lucas who seems Like she can't take her eyes off me making me Smrik as I think of mate.

She will ripped those eyes out if she caught you staring at me. I thought for myself a smile crossed my face thinking of her and that everything is so possible with her. "Miss swartz", I move my Hand out towards miss Lucas to greet her.

"miss Lucas, nice to meet you miss swartz, I have heard a lot about you", she said winking at me making me froze.

Did she just wink and flirt at me feeling chrissy's hand on my arm as she grabbed it seeing the fling between me and miss Lucas as I withdraw my hands from hers.

"Tha.. nk you", I almost choke on my words having chrissy's hand on me so tight, nice to meet you too, I hope it was all good things there miss Lucas. "i asked shoving her my best smile ever seeing her cheeks turn pink making me roll my eyes.

"Just good things miss swartz", she said.

"I'm glad to hear that", I said.

"I'm going to leave you two, since you already know each other and getting along, I'm going off to my class", Naomi said shaking her head when looking between me and miss Lucas.

"Okay then", I said and gesture for both her and chrissy to leave before.

As we walk out the office towards the exam hall with miss Lucas eyes not leaving me and a tense sister in law next to me. This is going to be a long day.

I sight feeling agitated that something is wrong with my Mate.000

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