The Vampire Teacher (GirlxGirl)

Chapter 148: Party

"Again. "she said looking at me.

"We all know that she wasn't her self, she's hasn't had control over her change just yet and yes I'm fine okay now.'

"Chrissy! I heard my sister voice behind me as i turn around seeing her stand in the door scared of coming in by the stare she was receiving from jacky as i lift my hand and touches her as she looked at me and walk out.

"I'm sorry, I'm m sorry." she said looking at me with tears in her eyes I'm really sorry. "she told me crying as her mate pulled her close to her and hug her tightly.

I opened my arms seeing she was just standing at the door looking at me maybe scared to come close to me." Babe it's fine came here. "i told her as she move from Brenda and speed herself into my arms. "Where's kat? i heard Catherine's ask walking into the room looking at us. "You better tell her to removed that soundproof who give you guys the order to do that huh." she growl at us as i look at Brenda seeing her smile.

"I will slapped that smile from your face brenda this is not a joke, she could have killed her if you haven't ask me in time to check on Lucia."

"Mom. "I heard kat seeing her walk in the room with Naomi

"You, you take off that soundproof right now! she growl at kat who look down on the floor.

Lucia move from my grip and wipe her face, "mom I'm sorry i didn't know this would happen, i asked her to put in on I'm sorry." Lucia cry as i caressing down her back looking at Catherine who she sighted and walked out saying nothing.

"I'm sorry kat." she told her.

"It's fine babe." kat said making Brenda growl as we laugh seeing her stick her tongue out at her.

This day should have been happy day for us, i don't know what happened in that room and don't know what happened with Lucia she was so lost saying no doing nothing she was sitting alone just looking at her beautiful baby girl playing with her fingers.

Brenda and the others was ask to stay just for the day and they could go again tonight. We couldn't even go out for our pedicures. Catherine saud that's fine because they are on they way they will do the beauty spa right here which more great and fun. I would flinch now again seeing Lucia move from one couch to the other. Her eyes was so dull and blank even her mate didn't know what to do.

Father said that she is trying to block out her some of inner animal that has awaken which is very strong for her. She would lost some control like that over like this morning which is not safe for herself. We had decided that Brenda should kept the door locked at all times when they go to bed ans Theo will not be sleeping with them for few days which wasn't so good because she was screaming to kill us all if we dare to touch her kid.

No one even dare to go up to her and the baby only LJ as she is busy talking to her mother seeing her pick up theo. She was now bi enough us for us to hold her. It hurt to see her like this and it hurts to see Brenda so helpless. She sit on the opposite of the stool looking at her family seeing Lucia pick LJ and turning then around hearing her laugh was peace to my heart.

I flinch when I saw her right in front of me as she smiled looking at me.

"Please don't do it again." i told her holding her my hand on my chest hearing her laugh.

"Im sorry." she said and sit next to me, why is everyone so up tight today its our wedding tomorrow and i know you guys are scared of me losing it again i really sucks."she said crying.

"Babe no please don't said that." brenda told her holding a crying theo in her hand. I smiled at her and look at Lucia then back at Brenda iwas craveing to hold theo since i saw her brought to her mother this morning.

"Can i hold her? I ask looking at Lucia.

"You her aunt for God sake why you asking." she told me and walk out of the room.

"You think she's fine? i ask Brenda taking theo from her..

"If she let us hold her baby then yes." she whisper making ne giggle

"I heard that! she shouted from the kitchen room. Brenda im hungry and how long does it take for beauty spa people to arri... We heard her choke on her words as we run out to see what's wrong when see only the beauty spat people and a woman who smell strange she was a supernatural but i don't know what seeing her and Lucia share glance.

My dear friend was looking her up and down with a strawberry in her hand as she drool down over the woman. "My, my what have we go here." she said looking at the woma as we saw her walking close to the woman who haven't moved one bit.

I look at brenda seeing she was enjoying this her soon to be wife was drooling at other women and she was doing nothing when i punch her on her side making her growl as i walk down the hall towards them. "Lucia i think is time for Theo's food." i told her walking up to the kitchen smiling at our guest.

"Hi, and thank you for coming my mother in law will be here right now can you please walk over there to that beautiful woman standing there." i show then seeing brenda wave her hand at them making me laugh.

"You so boring you could have made her some bottle so good for her aunt." she told me making me laugh at her as i grab myself a cherry from the frigator.

Lucia POV

All our brides maid was here as we they drink down on campaign Catherine has pushed Brenda and the others out three hours ago. I'm so relaxed and relieved. The spa did ne goid i think inwas exhausted been sex around throughout the hole night. The night was still long we helped our mother where we can laughing and talking.

I was busy breastfeeding my daughter seeing my crazy friend on the dance floor dancing with one of the Beauty spa woman's laughing. You getting married tomorrow i heard Norma next to me as she poke on theos cheek.

"Yes l'am and I'm feeling so nervous." i told her.

"You should be i heard its not child play." she told me as i look at her hearing her laugh.

"You should marry that girl." i told her sternly looking at Monique seeing her dance with a girl just to close to each hearing my dear sister next to me growl

"She will get me kill." she breathe out and stand up from the couch but i pull her back.

"Leave her its my day let her enjoy herself, we can see them and it not like she doesn't know you look at her." i told her as she looked at her Monique.

"Oh no that's to close! she growl out making me laugh as i look down at Monique seeing her buck her back and press her ass at the front of the woman making ne laugh so hard. She was grabbed away from the woman and she yell at Norma who do not seems to care seeing them walk towards me.

"You so boring." Monique slurred throwing her on the couch. You're sister don't know about fine. "she told me as my eyes widen in shock as i look at norma seeing a hurt frown on her face as "Babe wait! i called at her as she stops. Please don't do this to me. "i told her walking up to her with theo in my hands that's no way i would left her with a drunk Monique. "I can't. "she said

walk away

"You can she is drunk and yes let her be babe she loves you she would also act this way if it was you because why, you love her and she loves you. "i told her seeing her walk up to the dancing to floor making me laugh as she grabbed hold on the same woman waits who Monique just dance wait making me laugh she just love troubles.

I turn around looking at a dancing Monique as she walk up towards me, "its your bridal shower but you so up tight give the baby to the maids and came dance with us." she told me grabbing on my hand.

"I will join you guys just now, have you seen Norma? i ask her seeing her lookal around for her girlfriend as i giggle seeing her eyss widen in shock as we look towards the crowd. The woman was squeezing herself at norma with her hands on her ass twisting and squeezing it. She went to far i say for myself.

Monique burts our crying as i look at her with amaze smile on my face she is a drama queen and really love my sister.

"Hold here? she ask and press the glass in my hands taking off her earings, ohoh her comes troubles. She removed her five inch heels and run up screaming towards them making me laugh as i see everyone stop and look at her as she throw herself on the woman and grabbed her away from Norma.

"Oh my God she will kill her! i scream she had the woman's hair in her hand pulling down on it as i speed towards the couche and put theo down running up to the battle field, the women's friends was having a tight grip on Monique and Norma was struggling to get them from each other.

This isn't what i have in mind i told myself as i grabbed the woman who had my friend's hair tangle in hands and grabbed her away from Monique. she was so strong for a human as she was holding so tight on the same girl throwing punch after punch.

I use my powers and push both of them away even Norma seeing her speed back to grabbed Monique before she could touch the floor.

"Stop it now stop it! i yell looking at the girl who look at me.

"She came up to me. "the woman who Monique beat up told me

"Yes because you were fucking squeezing your dirty body at my girlfriend bitch. "Monique yell out as norma hold her tight.

"Okay, okay Monique it was just a dance guys really, I'm sorry. "i told the woman as she wiped off the blood from her bleeding noise. Chrissy give a tissue to wipe her face," you can go and use our guest room. "i told her and gave my attention back at smirking norma.

"I'm sorry. "she said laughing.

"I hope you at peace now. "i told her seeing her kiss Monique who slap her away seeing her walk away from us making me groan out.

"I'm sorry babe! she yell at her girlfriend as we walk back together to my baby who is sound asleep next to her sister LJ.

"What just happened? i heard Chrissy who throw herself on the couch she look horrible.

"Jealous. "i said looking at her, your head will be hurting tomorrow. I told her.

"I will be find." she told me i will just drink some water through the night. "she growl standing up from the couch.

"I wonder what does Brenda's and the girl doing right now? i ask looking at norma who look back at me with a smirk on her face.

"You want us to check? she ask me as i shake my head looking down at ny babies.

"Who will look after them and i wanna go." i told her playing with her beautiful black brown her.

"We can always ask someone"

"Who because my mothers are not here they busy decorating the wedding event."

"We can ask my mom." she told me

"You're mom? I ask looking at her with furrow brows


"I don't know norma." i told her

"Please give her a chance and she feel bad about everything and since you haven't even invited her she is crying as we speak right now." she told me making me feel bad as i sight looking at her. "Brenda will not laugh with me if she find this out really." i said..

"We Wil just go and check on them that's all and be back before they even know it." she told me.

"We going to check on them? chrissy ask holding out some juice for me..

"Do you wanna go? i ask her.

"No problem. "she said drinking down on her water but what about the kids she asked looking at them.

"Norma will ask her mom. "i told her hearing her choke as she look at me with widen eyes.

"I don't like this really, i don't have a problem with your mom norma but i don't think she's will do that knowing she will have to face me."

"She is not angry with you i promise. "she told her.

"I will kill her if i felt threatened by her. "she told norma and walk out of the room

"Where you going now? I asked her.

"I'm going to change. "she said.

"I will make her some bottle. "i told Norma you can ask your mom i told her and walked.

We made our way to kat's houses where me and chrissy's mates will be tonight as we run through the forest. Me chrrissy and Norma letting the cold night wind blow through our faces. We stop when we look at each other hearing loud music coming from the side of our house as i look at norma.

"There's no one there who can it be? i ask them

"Come on lets go and check." chrissy said and speed up towards the forest straight to our house as we stop when we reach there. Here was so many cars park outside in front of oir house and the music was so hard i could hear from here. I pull my hair back into a pony not liking this one bit.

"It look liks this is not a groom shower but a party! Chrissy growl out as i look at her.

"This doesn't sound so good." i spoke when i felt my head gets heavy.

"Babe what are you guys doing? i heard brenda ask sounding strange.

"I'm making bottle for theo, the others is busy dancing." i lie at her looking at Norma and chrissy who ask what's wrong.

"I miss you and love you can wait to see you tomorrow."

"I love you too i wish you could have been here, what are you guys up too? i ask.

"Nothing much baby girl just having some drinks." she told me as i feel something move down inside of me hearing her lie to me.

"Okay see you tomorrow." i told her and bkock her ouy screaming a loud scream as i hit ny fits into the tree in front of me pulling my lose hair back as i groan out looking at the house with the lights on hearing the happy scream of the people in side the house.

"Babe you alright? chrissy ask holding my face in her hands.

"I don't think we need to go there chrissy I won't be controlling myself if I'm going to see things I shouldn't, so we rather go back." i told them.

"What do you mean, what did brenda told you.?

"She lied to me about all this telling me that they have just some drinks! i scream.

"So that's mean they're busy doing something? norma ask looking at the house.

"Im going there." chrissy said as she speed uo towards the house

"Chrissy wait! i scream at her but if+ was to late she was already standing at the door talking with someone they even have hire guards i growl out.

"We need to go." norma said pulling down on my arm.

"This won't end good." i told her following her up as we wlak up to the door seeing chrissy looking at us.

"Goodnight girls you late the party has already started. "the men standing atbthe door said look at us up and down.

"We sorry we haven't really know that this place was down in a forest. "i told him hearing him laugh.

"I know i know its fine thank you, you can take a face mask there for you please wear it okay." he said showing a box to us with different mask. "Chrissy please can we just go,? I pulled on her arm

"Lucia no jacky hasn't called me since they left and Brenda lied to you about what they're doing.." she told me

"Yes its fine they're should have a party...

"Yes they should but this is worse inviting the damn hole world, they could have invited us too." she growl as she opens the door leaving me sighting.

When we step inside our house my eyes widening in suprise at how it was decorated. It was so dark it her the different light was giving off a beautiful glow, we walk pass different kind of supernatural people who have different mask on. Some guys were looking at us dropping down at us given me a bad vibe to be here.

"This party was on fire." hearing norma squealed besides me.

The music was blasting hurting my ears as i look down through the people looking for my Mate as we wakk down towards the sit room. When we reach the door of the sitroom my eyes pop when it fall down on a particular person making ne growl as i felt norma hand on my arms holding me back. There was two girls dan around Brenda one was sitting down on my Mate having

no clothes on and my mate's jands was roaming around her body making me feel so sick in my body as i look through the people seeing jacky kissing down on a girl as i grabbed chrissy who tens up next to me feeling her shake.

"This is so cool." norma scream out.

"And there will be no wedding! i scream as i look down next to me seeing chrissy was gone she was not next to me.

"Oh my God she is going to kill her! norma scream as she speed up towards chrissy who held jacky down on her throat at the wall.

I speed myself towards my friend trying to get her hands off a growling jacky seeing her claws prick down in her flesh.

"Lucia'." i heard my mate's voice

behind me. I didn't look at her as i

was focusing on chrissy who was

growling at jacky when we was push away by Jacky holding chrissy I hands above her head seeing my friend kick trying to get her hands of

her hearing screams of the people in the room as they run out. #felt a hand making me growl seeing brenda help me up, i push away from into the running people scream to get out of the house as possible.

I minding Catherine telling her to

came her now as i speed towards chrissy who bit down on jacky making me flinch, she is really going

to kill her grabbed her from jacky and push her away from her into a wall bearing my friend scream out ast speed up to her and catch her just in time and transportus back to the castle in front grace seeing her

jump up as she growl.

"Its just us! i told her seeing her look at us with her red eyes. I was push into a wall seeing my friend speed up as she grabbed me by my throat screaming at me.

"Why did you brought us! she growl at me.

She was about to charge at me when she was thrown off me by Brenda who growl at her.

"Chrissy calm down! she scream at her but my friend didn't care as she speed up towards my Mate when i saw jacky grabbed her and hold her arms behind her back with her right hand as her other hand was holding down around her body as she scream kicking her legs in the air crying.

"Stop it is enough! Catherine growl aloud growl that held so much authority making us all stop as i look at jacky and chrissy, my friend was crying into Jacky's arms as she hold her still.

"I can't believe this! she scream, this is so uncalled by all of you, and you let them." she growl at her mate who look down on the floor.

"Chrissy control yourself and get to your room now! she growl looking at her with red eyes as i saw my sister disappeared from jacky grips as i sight looking at brenda who had a guilty expression on her face.

"Just go out of my face now, go! she scream, and none of you going to tell me that this wedding is off you better fix things right now. I don't care how but I'm not going to extend this wedding, its still on all of you go to rooms now! she growl at us.

"And you i don't wanna see you." she told her mate and speed herself out of the room as i speed myseld towards my crying baby and a frightening LJ.

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