The Vampire Teacher (GirlxGirl)

Chapter 140: Proposed

"Its about time. " i heard the principal said to my mate as i laughed with my mom and Catherine

I see Jerome going up the stairs seeing my Mate walk away from the crowded people towards him hearing her say"I hope i will see you." she told him

"Yes i just wanna take a bath." he told her and walked away making me sight i still cant believe i have left it like that and forgiving them just like that. my mate walk back smiling down at me as she looked at me with LJ and Luke next to me who look at the baby. I give the baby to my mother who greatly take her and smile at her beautiful granddaughter.

Brenda wrapped her arms around my waits and kiss me as i kiss her back.

"Thank you so much." she said as i look at her.

"Mmm uhm why you thanking me? i ask giving her a peck on her sweet lips..

"For making me the happiest woman in the world. "she said making me smile at her. I should thank her really she change me.

"I'm glad and I'm happy to know that and i also want you to know that i love you so much and thank you so much for being my mate and fiance and for making me happy." seeing tears roll down out of her eyes as i wipe it from her face.

This day couldn't get any better it was my best day ever and I'm so grateful to have all my family here everyone was happy and it is the best feeling seeing happy smiles on your family's face i have done something i thought i would never done it but done itbwith the help of grace and mercy. I forgive them and i made peace with the fact that i was rape and got pregnant and now I'm holding a beautiful baby girl she is so small so beautiful seeing her beautiful green grey eyes looking down at me she was just so beautiful and i just couldn't stop looking at her.

Her body was really small and i don't believe that i give birth to such a beautiful thing. When i look at her my heart beat a million beats which i can't describe she was amazing and she was mine my baby. I still haven't name her and is just that i can't get the right name for her. I was so scared and so concern about her from not falling out of my hands. The baby blankets was to big and mom said i shouldn't hold her without a blanket she is small and her body needs all the heat and warmness.

I glance down at a groaning LJ next to me who had the baby's fingers in her hands kissing it. I wasn't sure about letting her hold the baby because I was scared to hold her what about little LJ who really want to hold her. I pick her up from my lap and hold her out to LJ as she look at me with her beautiful eyes turning into joy making me giggle as i nodded my head at her.

"Can you move a little back baby? i ask her as she moves back on the sofa. She open her arms and i put the baby down on her lap making her smile.


Lj don't drop her. "Catherine said looking at Ij who just pout at her making us laugh. I look at my mate who went back to her colleagues and was busy talking with them and i wasn't impressed having miss Lucas so close to my Mate as i ask my mom to check on Ij with the baby in her hands as i walk up towards my mate seeing miss Lucas hand caressing down on my mate back making me clear my throat they turn they heads looking at me.

I smiled down at miss lucas and took her hand from my mates back holding it down in my hand as i press it so hard seeing a hurtful frown on her face as i felt Brenda's hands on mine making me relax. I move my hand away from hers smiling at her.

"Hi," i greet them, thank you all for coming and im still sorry about the other day. "i said looking at the principal who do not seem so fond of me and i don't care.

"Its fine Lucia no problem and congratulations. "he told me with a fake smile on his face.

"Yes is fine dear and I'm happy for you. "i heard miss Lucas next to me as i look at her..

%" You should be my dear thank you is just a pity you couldn't....i stop feeling Brenda's grip on my hand holding it tight as i look at her why she was hurting me. Thank you again. "i said waving my ring hand at her face hearing gaspe from them seeing my ring. It was beautiful though and i love it so much.

I removed my hand from brenda and step on her foot hearing her yell out in pain as i walked away from her towards norma and Monique. I never thought she would cane i know she is just here to work on brenda ass.

"Here came the bride." i heard Monique as she walk up to me halfway, "congratulations my friend im so happy." she squealed making me laugh as she grabbed my hand to look at ny ring. "Thank you and im happy to see you." i told her.

"Oh my God this is so beautiful! she scream as i hug her and drag her towards where the others are looking at us.

"Thank you again i hope you take tips from me. "I told her hugging norma who kiss me none stop.

"I can't believe my little sister is getting married before me." she spoke acting like she is crying making us laugh but i stop when hearing miss Lucas laugh as i turn my head and look at them seeing just her and my Mate standing together laughing.

"Lucia she ask you to marry her forget about that chick she wants to upset you don't give her that. "i heard norma. Brenda look at me and I show her that I wasn't so fond of the way she was laughing with that woman as she greet her and walk up to me but i move and stand between norma and Monique and throw norma arm around my waist.

"Im sorry about that guys." i told them and move my face closer to norma's ear. You have a thing for Monique? i ask hearing her laugh as i smile down looking at her. I lifted my head seeing my mate walk out of the room making me sight feeling a punch from norma.

"She hated me already." she told me makimgbne laughed.

"I can't believe she jealous of you." i spoke pulling my hair back as I look at my two mothers talking with my baby who suddenly cry.

"When did she born? norma ask me.

"This morning and I'm so scared that something could go wrong because she is so small she should have come about next weeks but Catherine said she is fine and will be but i don't know."I told her seeing my mom wave at me to go breastfeed.

"If she said so then trust her lu." she told me.

"I Will." i told her, i will see you guys." i told them and walk up to my mothers.

Jacky tap on her glass to get our attention as I sit down and take the baby from my mom looking at Jacky as she called for chrissy to stand next to her as i smiled down seeing my friend blush as she look at girlfriend.

"Okay I'm sorry to bother you guys but can I gain your attention that's something i also wanna do and this is the perfect time since all our love ones is here." she spoke looking at us. I was really excited to know what she really wanted to say when my eye's widen in shock as he bow down on her knee seeing Chrissy close her face with her hands making us laugh.

"Chrissy Vos, will you marry me? she ask holding out a beautiful blue box towards my friend who is crying making me smile down at them seeing brenda and Jerome walk in just in time to witness this seeing my Mate smile.

"Oh ny God jacky yes yes yes i will marry you." she said crying. Jacky take her hand and slide the big beautiful ring into her finger as we scream and cheer out for them as they kiss while we clap hands. This was so fantastic really. I can't believe this wow.

"I think we going to have two weddings. "chris said walking up to her daughter and chrissy as he hug them both.

"Thank you everyone is time for us to get something to eat. "my mother inlaw said as martha walk in with a tray taking all the empty glasses with the help of the other maids. Brenda push Jerome towards martha as she ask her to give Jerome the tray to take the glasses from her which i don't like what she just done making me growl.

"No Martha wait." i spoke up as i take out my nipple from my baby's mouth.

"Jerome give it back to martha." i told him as he looked at brenda who looked at me very pissed of. This is not the way we going to treat our family no matter what they did to us.

"Brenda he is still family not a maid and this is not how we going to do things. I have forgive him and yes he is still family no matter if you want him to repent for what he has done do it on the right way not like this please babe, this is my fight and I have forgive him can we just forgive and forget what happened because i want to forget about my past and treating him right will let me have peace with it don't do it again and if anyone going to treat him as such will deal with me." I told them looking at them and walk out of the room with my baby in my hand and went straight to our old room.

I walk into the room finding martha changing the sheets and blankets seeing her smile." I'm sorry i should have done this long time ago but i forgot." she told me as she rush to put the new sheets on making me laugh.

"Its fine really take your time i just needed to get away from there." i sight walking up to the beautiful pink coat as i trail down on it with my fingers. This is beautiful who brought it here? i ask looking at Martha as i place my baby down in coat and checking iut if she was wrapped nicely and kiss down on her small head.

"Chris made it." she said and my eyes light up in joy smiling down at the coat it was really beautiful.

"That's nice of him." i spoke.

"It is, we thought of using LJ's but he said no new things for the new baby and congratulations I'm happy for you guys i never thought of seeing this day." she told me as i squealed seeing tears in her eyes. I walk up to her and hug her off guard hearing her giggle.

"Thank you and why are you surprised? i ask her.

"You know I'm working here all my life i can't even remember how long because when I met them there weren't any children and i never she wil find someone to love her." she told me as my eyes widen in shock as i looked at her.

"Martha wow that's so long very long and you haven't considered asking them to change you because when you can die of old age it will be really hard for them especially for the kids you're like they great grandma." I told her.

"I don't know lucia and my children's wants me to retired because they say I'm old i can't work anymore."

"But you are you need to rest now its Brenda's and the others job now to take care of you." i told her with a smile seeing Brenda walk in looking very sad.

"You don't wanna work anymore? she ask hugging Martha as i smile at them.

"No no its not like that is just the kids they're stressing.


"They want her to retired which i agreed on babe she is old and her body needs rest now unless we can do something and i would love to meet your kids Martha." i told her.

"Really martha but why haven't you say anything or what do you want? she asked Martha but look at me, what do mean we can do something? she ask me.

"Babe martha just told me how long she been here so i thought she should ask you guys to change her or do something because when she dies of old age it will be hard for you because she is here before your parents thought of having you." i told her and moves my eyes away from them at the beautiful pink coat.0000000☐

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