The Transfer

Chapter 38 - Snow Angels

After breakfast, I had made good friends with Kendall and Piper. They were bright girls and very outgoing. Kendall was Hannah's daughter, and it made sense once I figured it out. They looked incredibly similar.

By now, it was tense between Liam and I. I avoided him and eye contact as much as possible because I couldn't face him. I think he knew he had messed up, because he kept trying to push his way into my head. But I didn't let him in.

I knew that if we were going to talk, it would have to wait for later. I didn't want to talk about it while we were with other people. Our arguments always ended up with me crying and I didn't feel like bursting into tears in front of his whole family.

"You see this one? She's the best out of all of them because she has the longest hair,” Trixie told me. She leaned over and held the doll out to me. I took it from her and looked over the doll

I smiled and nodded my head at her. "She must be the best if she's got the longest hair.”

I gave the doll back to Trixie and watched her rant on about all of her dolls. I had been abandoned by Lila and the other girls whilst they were talking to their other cousins. I didn't want to go over there, because then I'd have to be around Liam.

The bond was twisting and hurting so much that I knew I would give into him I went over there. I'd probably end up letting him wrap his muscular and strong arms around me.

I rolled my eyes at myself. I hated how much effect the pull had on me.

My beast growled in warning. She respected Liam. She hated us dissing him and the bond. For some reason, she was overly protective of Liam.

l ignored her and looked back to Trixie who was focused on Jason and Wesley who were walking over. They were both under ten, and insanely adorable.

"We're going outside to throw snowballs. You have to come!" Jason said, rushing up to me. He grabbed my hand and pulled me forwards. Wesley had already grabbed Trixie and pulled her to her feet.

I got up and followed the children outside. The three ran out into the snow and I was pulled back by Darcy.

"Just be careful out there, darling. Keep an eye on them. Don't let them out your sight," Darcy told me. Her voice was low but she gave me a stern look that was loud.

I nodded at her knowingly and left the house. I carefully made my way down the stairs and dodged in time to miss a snowball to the chest. I looked forwards and watched Wesley and Jason giggle. "Hey! I'm gonna get you for that," I said as I bent down to make a snowball. I formed a circle in my hands and then threw it at the two giggling boys.

They both dived out the way. They thudded on the ground as Trixie ran over to me and started making small snowballs. We made snowballs and threw them at the boys as they did the same to us. I couldn't help but adore the children I was messing around with. They were pure hearted and wonderful. They were good children and I knew they'd grow into strong wolves when they were older.

"I'm so happy that you're here. They never let us play outside anymore,” Jason said to me after an intense snowball throwing match. Wesley and Trixie were making snow angels in the snow and I was sat on a log watching over them.

Jason came over to me and sat on the log beside me. I raised my eyebrows at him. What did he mean?

"What do you mean they don't let you play outside?" I asked him. He shrugged at me and picked up some snow in his hands and begin to fiddle with it. The kid seemed a little off now, but I had a feeling he was going to open up to me.

"A kid died the other month. They don't let us go outside anymore because of it," Jason breathed out. He sounded irritated. I frowned at him.

Is that what Darcy was talking about when she told me to keep an eye on the children? Had someone died out here and now were they all scared to let their kids outside?

"They're just being protective, buddy. They want you safe, that's all,” I told him. Jason sighed and hung his head. I pouted and nudged him. He almost fell off the log.

He giggled at me and stood up. He ran over to Trixie and Wesley who were still making snow angels everywhere. He joined them and then they began to play a game about princesses and princes not too long after.

"You're a natural with children, you know that right?" I heard a voice. I looked up and smiled as Darcy walked over to me. She pulled up a log and sat beside me.

I looked out to the children again. I felt safe and warm in their company. Probably because I knew that they could never possibly be a threat to me. They were just kids. Who could they hurt?

"A child was out playing alone in the woods a few months back. He was looking for sticks or something like that, so he could make toys," Darcy started. I looked over at her and raised my eyebrows slightly. I hadn't realised that she'd heard what Jason was talking to me about.

My stomach churned. I knew where the story was going and I didn't like it. I hated the idea of a child dying. They were kids. They'd never done anything wrong to anyone. They didn't deserve death.

"He went missing for a good thirty minutes. A few tracker wolves were sent out to look for him. They found his body far out in the woods. His blood was drained and his neck had been snapped. A vampire killed him," Darcy sighed out. She crossed her arms and looked out at her grandchildren.

I understood her worry. She didn't want her own grandchildren to be killed too. It made perfect sense and I didn't doubt her fear.

"We've had a vampire problem for a while now. Our border is pretty close to a small area that vampires hang around. We haven't usually had issues with them killing people,” Darcy told me. I nodded at her and frowned a little.

Why the hell would a vampire want to kill a child? What in God's name could a child have done to a vampire? They were able to feed off animal blood. Couldn't they just do that?

Why a damn child?

"I'm sorry, gran. That must've been hard,” I said honestly. Darcy nodded at me and smiled weakly. "That's the only reason we look after the children so much. They're our future. They have to be here," Darcy explained briefly. I knowingly smiled at her. She was right.

The children were the future. They were the ones who would be in the pack once everyone else was long gone. They had to be protected at all costs.

"Come on, children. You're all going to catch colds out here. Let's go inside and warm up," Darcy said as she stood up. I stood too and wiped off my pants. The three children race inside and I followed.

"Watch your mouth, you little shit. You're not family. I don't have to be fucking nice to you," I heard a growl as soon as I entered the house. I looked up and saw an angry looking Liam glaring at one of the boys who had been sitting with the group of boys before. Lucas and Leon were smirking, sat back looking amused.

The other boys were trying to hold back Liam and some other guy from each other. They both looked pissed and like they could blow up any second.

Lila was sat on the couch looking more than amused by the interaction happening before her. The other girls were sat with her.

The children ran past them and down the hallway. They ignored the two angry werewolves standing in the middle of the room. They looked like they were about to bite each other's head off.

"Take a seat and watch the show," Christian said. He was Liam's uncle, one of his father's brothers. He was kind and had a good sense of humour.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me into the empty chair beside him. I didn't argue as I sat and watched over Liam.

"You're not my family either. I don't have to be nice too," the other kid replied. He seemed cocky and arrogant. I already was cautious of him.

"That's Nathan. Mason and Hallie took him in when they found him abandoned by his parents a few years ago. We've ever liked him. Especially Liam," Lila told me privately. I nodded subtly and kept watching.

"You better learn some respect real fucking quick. She's taken by me. Back off and don't run your mouth," Liam hissed out at Nathan. I raised my eyebrows.

Was the argument about me? What had I done now? I wasn't even in the room until moments ago! "Well she's not exactly happy with you right now, is she?" Nathan snarled back harshly. Liam growled and pushed forwards. His cousins who were holding him back failed to restrain him miserably.

Liam moved forwards and punched Nathan in the jaw. I looked to the rest of the family, who only watched with amused looks on their faces. Weren't they going to stop the fight?

Liam landed punch after punch on Nathan's face. Nathan didn't fight back. He couldn't anyway. He tried to push Liam away and tried to punch back, but Liam was delivering such hard blows that he was defenceless.

Liam kept going and going until Nathan's face was covered in blood. He was barely recognisable. I feared that Liam was going to kill him. He was fuming, anger rolling off him in waves. I couldn't believe how angry he was.

What had Nathan said?

Lucas and Leon finally pulled Liam away and held him back from Nathan who was lying on the floor in a defeated heap. I looked around to everyone who was still grinning in glory.

"Bravo! Nice job, boy! That was good, but next time, fight someone who can actually put up a fight. You know that Alphas don't gel well with omegas,” Nicolas jumped up from his seat and clapped. He walked over to Liam and smacked him on the back.

Liam was breathing heavily, panting for air. He was pouring anger and it worried me. Had Nathan said something that bad? Was it about me or was it something to do with me?

"Yeah, Liam. You know the rules. You're not allowed to prey on the weak. It's an unfair fight," Lucas said, throwing a dirty look at Nathan over his shoulder. I studied them all closely.

"Shut up," Liam growled out as he sat on the couch and crossed his arms. His knuckles were red raw and bleeding. I wanted to run over and fix them for him. But I stayed seated.

Conversation at the dinner table started up again and I turned to join in and listen. I stole glances at Liam every so often and every time, he was sat with his fists clenched and a hard look on his face. I could feel the heat coming from his body. I felt his beast's anger and how uncomfortable he was.

I felt somewhat responsible for it. I hadn't meant to start an argument with him, but I had to know why in the hell Veronica had to come on the trip. Liam was allowed to say no to her and Henry. He didn't have to do everything that Henry said.

"Liam is angry at himself. Not you. Don't worry," Leon's voice popped into my head. He spoke calmly and it made me feel a little better. If he wasn't stressed out, then there was nothing to stress about. Right?

"I still feel bad... what did that Nathan guy say to get him so worked up?" I questioned Leon as I sipped on the coffee that I had been given moments ago. The warm liquid ran down my throat and warmed my insides.

"He was being a tool. Making inappropriate comments about you when he knew that Liam could damn well hear. He deserved it," Leon replied. I glanced over where he was sitting. He was sat next to Liam on the couch, but still was speaking with his cousins.

My beast growled angrily. She hated that the male thought he could get away with something like that. If I had heard him say anything like that, I would have beat his ass myself.

But then I felt better knowing that Liam stuck up for me.

"I would've beat his ass myself if I were over there,” I told him. I saw the smirk appear on Leon's lips and I turned away and looked back to the table of people.

"You're doing good with him, sweetheart. You're making that boy work. You're showing him that he can't just have everything he wants all that easy,” Hallie leaned over to me. I looked up at her and smiled weakly.

"I know that he's your mate and you have to be with him, but make him work for it. I did the same with Mason and that made us stronger and it made us love each other more," Hallie continued. She looked down the end of the table at Mason, her husband who was speaking with his brothers about Liam.

I knew exactly what she meant and I couldn't agree more. I had to make Liam work for me. I wasn't going to just give myself to him because he wanted me.

I was going to make Liam bust his ass to be with me.

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