The Transfer

Chapter 26 - Visiting Home

I sighed as Ezra approached me. My mind was twisted with upset thoughts and my eyelids were heavy. My head was pounding with a painful headache that made me want to drop dead. I felt like crap and I definitely wasn't in the mood to be awake so early.

"You doing okay?" Ezra asked me as he walked over. He put his hand on my shoulder, comforting me a little. I glanced past him and made eye contact with Liam. He looked at me guiltily and I tore my eyes away from him.

I hadn't slept all night. The bond with Liam twisted and pulled at my mind for most of the night, and it didn't help that I had nightmares every time I closed my eyes. I was exhausted already. I just wanted to go to sleep.

"Yeah. Just tired,” I told him with a nod. Ezra smiled weakly at me and looked behind him. He then looked back to me and sighed softly.

"You still want to visit your brothers or just go home?" Ezra asked me. My wolf felt a little better at the fact that we would see our brothers again. I wasn't missing out on this chance to see them.

"No, I want to see them. I miss them," I said back. Ezra nodded at me and motioned for me to grab my things. I nodded and slipped a backpack over my shoulders before I grabbed another bag filled with most of the cooking things that Ezra bought.

About a twenty minute walk from the campsite, Ezra parked his car. He drove with Alfie with most of the heavy items and told me he'd drive me to Terialta to see my brothers before we headed back to Takiani.

"Get your things. We're headed to the car in about five minutes," Ezra told Liam as he passed him. I raised my eyebrows questioningly. Was he coming?

"Okay. Alf, you'll be fine to lead everyone else back home, right?" Liam looked to Alfie. The adult nodded and crossed his arms before looking over the group of kids he was going to lead back home.

"They'll cop a nasty bite if they annoy me. I'm sure they all know it too. Go ahead, kid," Alfie said to Liam, who nodded and walked over to a pile of things that were being taken to Ezra's truck. He grabbed some bags and slipped them over his shoulders and arms.

I sighed inwardly and picked up some more bags. Lila eventually joined me and began helping me also, whilst Kade sat back and watched with a goofy grin on his face.

Him and Lila were accompanying me on the journey to see my brothers. Lila was coming because she wanted to genuinely meet my brothers and Kade was coming as protection. He said that if he even caught a glimpse of the Beta, he'd kill him.

The thought made me feel better.

But now, Liam was coming too. I'm sure he'd find it weird if anyone were to get into a fight with the Beta over me. He wouldn't get it.

He would just think of me as weak. He already does anyway.

"Alright, lets go. You can try and sleep in the car if you'd like," Ezra told me with a gentle nudge. My wolf purred at the thought of sleep. We were exhausted.

"You want help with that?" Liam asked me as he walked over. He motioned to the heavy bag that contained the large pots that Ezra used to make dinner for us. I shook my head at Liam.

"I can do it. I'm not weak," I said, intentionally bitter. Liam bit his lip but nodded and walked alongside me.

When we got to the truck, Kade yelled out shout gun and slipped into the front seat. The rest of us loaded the gear into the back of the truck before we slid into the car ourselves.

I was in the middle, of course. Lila was on my left and Liam was on my right.

"Don't tear my brother to sheds while you're in that car with him. I guess he’s kind of important,” Lucas called to me. I could help but smiled as I rolled my eyes at his comment.

Ezra got into the truck and started the engine. It roared to life and Ezra sped off quickly. I sighed and relaxed into my seat, feeling at ease with Liam against me.

I hated the damn bond. I hated how it acted and how it seemed to make everything better. It was unfair.

My wolf scolded me. She didn't like that I was dissing the bond or our mate. I rolled my eyes at her and she just scoffed back.

"You going to catch up on sleep or try and act like you're not badly sleep deprived?” Liam asked me bitterly as we drove. My eyes kept drooping shut and my head kept falling, but every time it happened, I opened my eyes and lifted my head.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Do you think it's weak for me to have a nap or is that okay with you?"

I didn't like being so nasty and bitter. But I couldn't help it. He was my mate. He was supposed to think of me as some sort of queen. Not a baby who couldn't take are of herself.

"Ali... come on. I'm sorry about that, okay? I just worry sometimes and I took it too far," Liam's apology was like heaven to my ears. It felt so nice to hear.

My wolf purred. She had forgiven him already.

"I'm not weak, Liam. I can handle myself just fine. I bet that I could put a real beating on your ass if I wanted to. Stop treating me like a baby," I told him quickly. I wasn't going to sugar coat anything. I was going to be honest with him.

It was the right thing to do at the moment.

I saw the corners of Liam's mouth lift upwards into a smirk. He held back a chuckle but it vibrated his chest anyway.

"I bet you could kick my ass. Undoubtedly. I'm sorry for being an ass, okay? Can you go to sleep now?" Liam slipped his arm around my shoulders at pulled me close. I rested my head against him and shut my eyes.

He was forgiven.


When the car stopped, Liam gently shook my shoulder. I woke and rubbed my eyes tiredly. I looked around. The truck was parked in front of a group of trees. We were a while off the road.

I sniffed as everyone got out the truck. Terialta smelt just as it did when I left. The scent of different types of flowers wafted around my nose and I inhaled deeply. I didn’t miss this place, but I sure missed how it smelt.

"Beckett told me you would know the way,” Ezra said to me as we all stood in front of the truck. I nodded my head. Not too far from where we were standing was a trail that I used to run quite often.

I knew the way around this place like the back of my hand.

"This way. Don't stray away or get lost," I said as I motioned in the direction of the pack. I was getting nervous to return. I wondered what my brothers would think of Liam, of my new friends.

I wondered if my father would come out to say hello. Probably not.

"Why?" Kade questioned me quickly. We began walking, and I made sure that no one was walking slowly behind.

There would be a lot of trouble if any of them were caught out here alone.

"People who don't belong here get shot on sight. That's what happens when rogues become a problem,” I replied, not wanting to go into any more detail. No one questioned me as we walked. The closer we got, the more I smelt. I could smell several wolves that had recently run along this path and I could smell the patrols that had been making their rounds around this area. It brought back so many memories.

We walked a little while more before we came to a patrolman leaning against a tree. He held a large gun in his hands, ready to shoot. I gulped as I realised it was the one patrol guard that I didn't like. Of course it was.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me, looking back at my group of friends. I felt Liam still from behind me.

"Here to visit the family. Don't get your panties in a bunch,” I snapped at him. He narrowed his eyes at me quickly and tightened his grip on the gun in his hands.

He was a man who was too curious and nosy. I never liked him.

"Fine. Carry on," he retorted. We marched past him, and I glanced back once we had all passed him. He was still leant against the tree, and he didn't look happy.

Whatever. I should have known that not many would be excited to see me.

The pack came into sight and I felt a weight lift off my shoulders when I spotted my brothers coming out the pack house. They each looked different compared to when I last saw them.

Beckett had seemed to have changed the most; he'd gotten taller and more muscular. He had always towered over me, but I'm sure now that he'd look like a giant next to me. My wolf sighed. He was going to be one powerful Alpha. That was for sure.

When I met with my brothers, we all hugged tightly. Rae seemed to hold on the tightest, and Jax sighed when I pulled away. They looked happy to see me, but something was clearly bothering them.

"You've grown!" Beckett said as he released me. He looked me up and down and then nudged my bicep playfully. I rolled my eyes at him and nodded.

I had grown. When I left Terialta, I was much shorter and looked like a thin twig. Now, I was taller and I had some muscle on me.

"Still a short ass. You can thank Mum for that one,” Samaya commented with a playful nudge. I rolled my eyes at him too. They constantly had me rolling my eyes.

"Are you going to introduce us or do we have to do it ourselves?” Rae asked me. He looked past me and at the group of friends that I had brought along. I'm sure they'll all be happy to meet Ezra. They all seemed to like him when they spoke with him on the phone.

I nodded quickly and stepped to the side. Lila stood next to me, and she looked quite intimidated. She stood tall and held her ground. Her blood hummed, but the sound of Beckett and Samaya's blood made hers almost not audible at all

They had gotten stronger. Beckett's veins felt strong. His energy rolled off him like a flowing river. Kade looked noticeably choked up. Even Liam looked a little intimidated. But he was quick to not show it.

"This is Lila, and then Ezra, Kade and... Liam," I introduced my brothers. Their eyes stuck on Liam like glue. I gulped nervously.

Did they know that Liam was my mate? Did they hate him already? What did Liam think of them? Oh God. What if they tried to kill each other?

"It's so nice to finally meet you guys. We've heard nothing but great things about you all," Ezra said, only temporarily taking the attention away from Liam. Beckett was first to look away.

"She's in one piece, so we'll assume that you've been taking good care of her," Beckett said with a smile. I nodded and Ezra laughed.

"Still waiting for the day that I can give her an ass beating. I think she's due for one," Ezra said, winking playfully. I couldn't help just roll my eyes. He was such an idiot.

Beckett chuckled and held his hand out to Kade. My oldest brother used one hand to run it through his golden blond hair as Kade took his hand.

Kade clenched his jaw as he shook my brother's hand. He was incredibly intimidated and Beckett was enjoying the intimidation. I punched his shoulder and he pulled away from Kade with a chuckle. He then turned his attention to Liam and stared. "So you're the reason my sister is staying in Takiani."

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