The Tie That Binds: A Marriage of Convenience Novel

The Tie That Binds: Chapter 14

I stand next to Daniel as he cooks dinner. The two of us have been in our own little bubble for the last couple of weeks, and I’ve loved every second. I’ve never lived with a man other than my dad, and I didn’t realise it’d be so… exciting. Catching Daniel in half-dressed states has become my new hobby. My favourite is when he comes back from the gym, his body slick with sweat. Daniel making breakfast in the morning half-naked is a close second though.

I stare at him suspiciously as he chops up vegetables, but it looks like he actually knows what he’s doing. “You know, I’ve never eaten dinner you’ve made. Yet, you’ve had dinner made by me so many times, both at my house and here.”

Daniel grins at me. “Guess I’ve got some making up to do, huh?”

“I think you should tackle dinner this week and I’ll do breakfast. Deal?”

Daniel pretends to think it over and nods. He’s so different in his own home. So much more relaxed. I didn’t even realise he was uncomfortable at his mother’s, but the difference is obvious now.

“Are you going to hover over me or are you actually going to be helpful?”

I giggle and shrug. “Hover.”

Daniel shakes his head and throws the peppers in the pan. I never thought watching a man slice vegetables could be hot. Turns out it is if Daniel does it.

“I liked the pink apron better on you.”

He’s wearing a neat black one that only makes him look more handsome. It isn’t fair. He shouldn’t be allowed to be a good cook and handsome as well.

“Buy me one and I’ll wear it, but you’d better get yourself a matching one too.”

I laugh. “Joke’s on you. I like pink.”

Daniel laughs too and shakes his head. “No, you don’t. You hate pink, thoroughly dislike purple, and you love maroon.”

I stare at him in surprise. How does he know that? He looks away and tosses the vegetables in the pan like a total pro. I’m beyond impressed. I thought I was a good cook, but I definitely don’t have the same skills he does.

“Is it weird that I kinda hope the food won’t taste good? It’s just unfair if you’re an amazing cook too.”

He frowns. “What do you mean?”

I shake my head. “Never mind. Doesn’t matter.”

He looks at me funny and shakes his head. “Come here,” he tells me. I move closer and Daniel hooks his arm around my waist to pull me to him.

“Stir this for me while I crack the eggs,” he says. I melt into him and nod. He smiles down at me and it looks like neither one of us wants to let go of the other. I’ve loved these small touches. At Mary’s, Daniel would throw his arm around me if we watched TV together, but that’s about it. Here in our own space he’s far more comfortable. He’s been touching me without even realising it. Last night, he spooned me on the sofa after falling asleep while we watched a movie. I find myself wanting more of his little touches.

I take the spoon from him and purse my lips in disappointment when he lets go of me to grab the eggs.

He walks back and stands behind me. I’m startled when he reaches around me to break the eggs. He’s essentially hugging me from the back and I’m tempted to lean back so my head rests on his chest.

When he’s done cracking the eggs, he takes a step closer so his body is flush against mine. My heart is racing and I’m blushing fiercely, but thankfully he can’t tell. He puts his hand on top of mine and stirs the vegetables. My heart is beating loudly and I’m hyperaware of his movements. How would he respond if I turn around now and press my lips against his? Would he kiss me back?

I turn around and place my hands on his chest. His entire body feels strong and I can’t help but wonder what his naked body would feel like on top of me. I bite down on my lip and look up at him. His expression is heated. Is he feeling what I’m feeling?

Daniel tears his eyes away from mine and takes a step back. He smiles at me without a single trace of lust, and I force myself to swallow down my disappointment.

“Dinner’s done,” he says. I nod and escape the kitchen under the guise of setting the table. By the time he’s joined me at the dining table, I’ve got my raging heart under control. I haven’t felt this type of crazy attraction since I was a teenager. Surely he must feel it too?

“I wonder if it’ll be as good as it looks. Where did you even learn your mad knife skills? Food Channel?”

Daniel bursts out laughing and shakes his head. “No, I took some cooking classes when I moved out of my mother’s house. It was that or eat macaroni cheese every day.”

I take a cautious bite of the stir-fry he cooked us and moan. “Holy shit. This is amazing!”

Daniel looks down shyly and I can’t help but giggle.

“Really, it’s awesome.”

“Hmm,” he says, his eyes twinkling. “You know, I could probably get away with not working tonight. We could watch a movie, and I promise I won’t fall asleep this time.”

I smile at him, already knowing he’s going to break that promise. “Okay but I get to pick the movie,” I say.

Daniel shakes his head, and I know it’s because I always get to pick the movies.

“How about Star Wars?” he asks.

I frown. “That’s a trick question. Which episode? Original trilogy or the prequel? Or any of the newer ones?”

Daniel grins at me. “How about The Empire Strikes Back?”

I stare at him in surprise. I didn’t think he could get any more perfect, but it looks like he can. Did he know that one’s my favourite?

“Hmm, well, I guess we can,” I murmur, trying to hide my immense excitement. I know every single line of the movie and I’m definitely going to struggle to not talk along.

I’m almost jumping with joy when Daniel puts the movie on after dinner. He sits down in his usual seat, and I literally shriek when the iconic intro starts. I jump onto the sofa like an excited child and Daniel chuckles. He hooks his arm around my neck and pulls me into him. He shifts so that he’s spooning me the way he did when he fell asleep on the sofa last night.

It’s a good thing he suggested a movie I’ve seen a million times, because there’s no way I could focus on it while his arm is wrapped around me, his fingers only an inch away from the underside of my breasts. I’m tempted to squirm so I can push my body flush against his and move his fingers to where I want them, but I’m scared he’ll pull away. It drives me crazy that I can feel his body right behind me, so close but not touching me.

I try my best to focus on Yoda as he messes with Luke, right before he decides to train him, but I can feel Daniel’s breath on my neck. He lowers his cold nose to my neck and my eyes fall closed. He gently traces a line from behind my ear to the middle of my neck. I almost stop breathing when he presses his lips to my neck, kissing me so gently I might not even have noticed if I wasn’t so hyperaware of him.

I’m breathing erratically and I’m eager for more. I’m about to turn around so I end up in his arms when he brushes his lips against my ear, eliciting a shiver from me.

“Baby, your phone has been ringing non-stop. Maybe you should check who it is,” he whispers. It takes me a couple of seconds to realise what he said. My brain is still stuck on him calling me baby in such a husky voice. I sit up and grab my phone in annoyance, which makes way for surprise when I realise Dominic has called me nine times. Daniel looks over my shoulders and tenses when he sees who’s ringing me.

He sits up and crosses his arms as I pick up the call. “Hey, what’s up?” I ask, somewhat annoyed that he’s interrupting us, even though all we were doing is watching a movie.

“Why didn’t you pick up? God, I’ve called you like twenty times. Where are you?”

I lean back and drop my head on Daniel’s shoulder. He’s still tense and doesn’t put his arm around my shoulder.

“I’m home. Where else would I be on a Sunday night?”

Dominic sighs. “You’re not home. I dropped by your house and the security guard said you haven’t been there in weeks. I dropped by the coffee shop you go to as well, couldn’t find you.”

I glance at Daniel, but he’s staring at the TV screen and ignores me. “Yeah, I’m at the downtown apartment, I mean. Not my dad’s place.”

Dominic scoffs. “You mean you’re at Daniel’s? Since when is your dad’s place not your home? When did Daniel’s apartment become your home? You’ve only been there for what, three weeks?”

I grit my teeth, annoyed. “Anyway, what’s up?” I ask, eager to end this conversation already. I’m not sure what’s rubbing me the wrong way, but I’m annoyed.

“Lucy and I had a huge argument. I’m at the hotel bar we always go to. Will you come have a drink with me?”

I look at Daniel who’s pretending to watch the movie when he’s clearly focused on my conversation and I just want to stay home with him. I want to go back to three minutes ago when he had his lips against my skin. What would’ve happened if Dominic hadn’t called?

“Please, Lyss. I need you,” Dominic says. I haven’t heard him sound so distressed in a long time.

I sigh and close my eyes. “Yeah, of course. I’ll be there in twenty minutes or so, okay?”

Daniel clenches his jaw but doesn’t say a thing. He seems tense as I hang up the phone, and it makes me hesitate.

“I — Dominic called…”

He cuts me off before I even get my explanation out and shakes his head, a humourless chuckle escaping his lips.

“Let me guess. My little brother called and you’re going running?”

I frown at him. “It isn’t like that. He seems distressed. I’m just going to check up on him.”

Daniel nods at me and turns back to the TV. I run a hand through my hair and make my way to my bedroom to change. I feel like I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place. I’ll let someone down whether I go or not.

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