The Temptation of Sin And The Lycan Princess

Chapter 154

70. His Arrival
I slash through another serpent, the sword
itself holds power... I can feel it pulsating up my
“Ri?!” Mama’s voice comes.
“She’s here.” Mama Red’s voice comes, she
sounds in pain...
“Where are you?” Granddad El growls.
“We’re trapped. Sephora caved the walls on the
left, near the kitchens. She put something in the
air to weaken us, but we’re both fine. I’m
healing, and she and Raihana are fighting...” Mama Red trails off.
There’s more to it, but she’s not saying it. 5
I’m fending them off, moving with more speed and agility than ever, unable to reply anymore.
My aura is keeping them away, and although they come close, they are unable to attack me directly.
It doesn’t deter them, as they continue
hammering against the roof, clearly knowing I can lose my balance.
With every passing moment, that darkness is growing.
I jump up and land lithely, slashing into one of

the snakes. 2
The smell of blood is strong in the air, mixed
with the smell of dirt, ash, and smoke.
I’ll know what to do...
I stare at the shadows. He won’t be here
“I’m coming!” Rayhan’s voice comes, “Kitten,
take care of yourself.”
“Kitten is my word,” Grandad El says
breathlessly before he grunts, clearly in battle,
making Mama Red chuckle. 8
“I’m afraid I don’t agree,” Rayhan replies,
making me smirk. “Be careful.”
“I’ll be fine, go Rayhan.” Delsanra answers. Her
voice is weak, and I don’t think she’ll hold for
“We have no one to help!” Mama’s voice comes, “I’m trying from the inside!”
I glance down, seeing her purple aura swirl
around the
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of her Ray,” Dante

says, a hint of amusement in his voice. 15
‘Amusing.” He responds, clearly not amused. Dante simply chuckles.
“I’m coming with you, Rayhan,” Grandad says from wherever he is.
“I’ll join Skyla.” Uncle Liam’s voice comes, and I look down to see him on the far side, battling two serpents.
He slays one as Dante takes over, handling the other.
“Me three!” Azura says, from near Leo, who is now carrying some fucking huge-ass rifle, along with his Five. 8
You can tell from the way they’re using those
things they are not new to it...
But for someone who has grown up around people who use spears or hand-to-hand
weapons, where guns and archery were secondary, it’s different to see
It shows how all packs are different... Just how
Royce is a pro with a sword...
Well, Royce is a pro with both kinds of swords. I
chuckle at my own innuendo. 11
“Watch your flank,” Royce reminds me, almost as if he knows I’m getting sidetracked, and I push the image of his cock from my
I snicker to myself, telling Kat to relay that I will take care of myself when suddenly the ground shakes violently.
I almost fall as the dark smoke begins to rise, and the skies darken.

Azura’s wolf leaps into sight. I turn as I slam my sword into another serpent, but for everyone one that we kill, three more take its
The air itself is becoming heavier.
‘Be careful,’ Dante warns me through the link,” I can’t face him for you... but I won’t let anything happen to you. We’re here.’
‘I know... thanks...’ I say as I jump into the
middle of the smoke, feeling it try to repel me,
but I stand my ground, lettino
my aura ou
‘You....’ An unearthly voice hisses, making me feel ill.
There’s something about him...
I stand tall in the centre of the dome as Liam
and Azura fend off the serpents,
I am his downfall...
‘Careful Lioness...’ Dante says as I spin the sword, glaring at the rising smoke before me.
How is his presence growing here...?
I raise my sword. I’ve never used anything but a spear in Lycan form, but it’s not hard. It comes naturally.
‘No one can ever stop me.’ his menacing voice
fills the air around me.
Let’s see about that.
I glance around, seeing the entire place is a fucking snake pit.

“They are never-ending... ‘I trail off, glancing up sharply at the sky. The entire thing seems to be
What the...
My heart thunders when I realise what’s happening.
There’s too much power being used in one place
and with the added serpents and everyone pushing their limits...
We’re affecting the barrier between the worlds...
We are helping Apophis penetrate the barrier...
‘Guys, pull back your powers! Now!’ I scream as I see the dark smoke spiral towards the sky and several serpents follow.
They’re aiming for the veil.
Everything seems to be in slow motion.
I hear the commands of the others, hear people commanded to fall back, but my attention is focused on the rising smoke.
Not on my fucking watch.
“Only Sky!” someone shouts, just as the entire dome of the building shatters beneath me, the
faint manic of Aleric’s laughter fills the air
“He’s here!” He hisses.
My eyes blaze as I jump up as crystal shards fly everywhere. Jumping higher than I ever have before, spinning in the air as I
raise my sword. Right now I hold something from three different gods..
Blessed by Selene as the first ever female Lycan and the only one born whilst another is alive... favoured by Bastet... and the
sword given to the Solaris people by Helios...
There is no way the death-noodle dipshit of a god can win this one.

Raising my hand that holds the sword, I let my aura out as I begin to ascend straight into the heaviest of the smoke.
I see a ball of flame, a flash of blond knowing it’s Aleric as he jumps into the midst of the smoke and suddenly the smoke begins
to spin around us and before my very eyes...
I catch sight of Aleric shifting, but he’s not transforming into a wolf... but a cobra-like snake, one that is a whole fucking lot
The smoke is being pulled into him.
“Apophis is taking control.” Royce’s breathless voice comes.
‘Tell him to stay back, he and Dad can’t come here!’ I shout through the mind link.’
“Like fuck I’m leaving you to face a fucking god!” Dad snarls.
‘Wise move... Lioness... but the only problem is ... I have a third target... and that target is right before me...’
I swallow hard as his snake-like eyes hone in on
Well, shit just got fucking real.
As they say out of the frying pan and into the fire
Well, I think it’s time to make instant Death Noodles. Who’s hungry? I don’t know if he can hear me, but I try anyway.
“Tell me, shall I skin your sorry snake ass first, or humiliate you first?’ I ask
Oh, he hears me alright, because the next thing that fills the sky is an ear-splitting hiss blistering rage. dapure
Oops, I just pissed off a god, and I really don’t give ten fucks.

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