The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye)

Chapter 633

The woman hadn't noticed Mango's expression at all. She was busy calling her husband and saying that she had earned a thousand dollars today.

After hearing this, Mango quickly opened the door again, only to see a shadow pass by.

She didn't see that person's face clearly, but meanwhile, Nathaniel felt his heartbeat speed up as if he had committed a crime.

Mango took another look around before going back into the bathroom. Unfortunately, the woman was gone.

She felt that it was all a little strange and didn't dare to linger any longer. After quickly exiting the bathroom, she went straight back to the Blu family's house.

The whole way back, she was cautious and looked behind her from time to time to see if there was anyone tailing her.

Nathaniel had found that Mango had become too cautious. Perhaps she had already discovered him following her.

He was forced to change routes a few times along the way. Fortunately, he was able to put a tracker on Mango's car after she had gone into the mall.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to catch up with her.

Only when he saw that Mango had arrived at the Blu's house safely did he relax.

Mango instinctively looked behind her after getting off the car. However, she didn't see anyone suspicious, but the eerie feeling of being followed continued to haunt her. Then, she suddenly caught a glimpse of an unfamiliar car parked outside. The car lights were turned off, and she couldn't see who was inside. However, she felt that a pair of eyes were staring at her through the darkness...

Then, Mango quickly ran to the front of the suspicious car. Nathaniel, who was inside, ducked under the car seat in the back abruptly, his heart pounding like crazy. Would he be found out this easily?

He held his breath as he looked at Mango who was staring through the window. At that moment, he was bombarded with many emotions.

Mango stared at the car for a long time. Then, she frowned as she took down the plate number. Next, she turned around and went back into the Blu family's house.

Nathaniel let out a sigh of relief only after she went inside, and he felt cold sweat cover his entire back. He knew that he might have already been discovered, so he couldn't help but smile bitterly. He couldn't predict how Mango would react.

He knew that leaving would be the best option to avoid being discovered, but he just couldn't leave now. It had been so hard for him the past month, and he couldn't even fall asleep. He couldn't stand that kind of loneliness anymore. Even if separated by the door, as long as he could protect her and catch a glimpse of her like this, it was enough.

When Mango returned into the house, she happened to bump into Denver, who was looking for her.

"Mango, where have you been?"

Mango smiled as she gestured, "I went out for a walk."

"You scared me. I thought you'd been kidnapped. I almost sent people out looking for you."

"That won't happen."

Mango was actually really moved by Denver's concern.

"Where's your sister?"

Mango hadn't seen Rainie and was afraid that she had gone out to look for her, so she quickly gestured and asked.

Denver said with a smirk, "Her boyfriend called. It seems like they're having a fight. She's yelling in her room right now." Mango paused slightly at this.

Thomas called?

That made sense.

Thomas was Nathaniel's assistant. Had he found her through Rainie?

Mango was suddenly a little worried.

She recalled what had happened not long ago, as well as that eerie feeling of being followed.

"Mango, is something wrong?"

Denver saw that she was distracted the whole day and could not help but ask with concern, "Are you not feeling well? Do you want me to call the doctor?" "No, I'm fine. Just thinking of some stuff."

Mango said embarrassedly.

Just then, Rainie kicked open the door with a "bang" and walked out angrily.

"Oh, my lovely sister, why are you so feisty today? Is your boyfriend cheating on you?"

Denver's words were rewarded with a roll of Rainie's eyes and scolding.

"Move! You're the one who's cheating. He isn't that type of guy."

"Woah, look who's protecting him now. Since he's that great, why are you venting your anger at the door? It did nothing wrong."

Denver was familiar with Rainie's temper.

In the beginning, Rainie still kept a distance between them, and she seldom spoke to him as well. But now, Rainie slowly became closer to Denver because he helped Mango and her, and she was becoming less sensitive and careful.

When Rainie heard this, she frowned again.

Mango asked her in concern, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing. Thomas is here in Estania. I don't know how he knows that I'm here, but he insisted on meeting up. I'm still angry with him, though. He let Nathaniel hurt you like this. I'm not going to forgive him that easily."

Hearing Rainie's words, Mango's heart skipped a beat.

Thomas has come to Estania, so what about Nathaniel?

Could that person she saw at the diner be him?

Sometimes a woman's sixth sense was very accurate, no matter how ridiculous something seemed to be.

She suddenly came to the window and saw that the strange car was still there. She wanted


Denver noticed and followed her gaze. When he saw that there was a suspicious Land Rover parked outside, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Whose car is that? Why is it parked in front of our house?"


Rainie quickly came and leaned over.

"I'll go out and take a look."

Rainie had already guessed what Mango was thinking.

Then, Mango stopped her, wanting to go together.

Denver said in a low voice, "I'll go with you guys. It'll be dangerous for the two of you. What if they try to hurt you?"

Rainie did not refuse.

Soon, the three of them were standing in front of the Land Rover.

The car's engine was still turned off.

Denver knocked on the window, but there was no response. He then picked up a stone from the ground and hit the window with it.

"Denver, are you out of your mind?!"

Rainie was frightened and she immediately pulled Mango a step back.

Denver said casually, "Come on, it's just a Land Rover. It's only worth a few million dollars. I can pay for it easily. No matter what, I must see if there's anyone in there."

As he said that, he raised the stone and continued hitting.

Rainie thought for a moment and then looked at Denver as if he was an idiot. She said, "These cars usually have bulletproof windows. Did you think you could break it with a stone? Are you stupid?" Only then did Denver realize the silly mistake he had made, and he couldn't help but blush.

"Could you not spare me some dignity, sis?"

"You've already lost it all anyway. Call security over and ask whose car this is."

Rainie said sensibly.

At that, Denver threw away the stone and called security immediately.

Meanwhile, Mango looked at the car intently. She had never seen it before, and it was not a car from the Ye Family's fleet, but it was a model that Nathaniel liked to use.

Could it


If the person who eventually got off the car was Nathaniel, what was she supposed to say?

Suddenly, Mango didn't want to know anymore.

She knew she was being foolish, but she wasn't ready to see Nathaniel yet. Honestly, she might not want to see him for the rest of her life.

Her heart ached with longing at the thought of being unable to see him. But if she did, she might feel even worse.

It was better to just miss him.

When Mango thought about this, she turned abruptly and walked back into the house.

Rainie was startled by her actions.

"Mango, why are you going back? Don't you want to have a look?"

Mango gave a small wave of her hand and went straight inside.

She felt something rub against the skin of her hand and looked down to find that it was the ring that Nathaniel had bought for her.

It was a ring that she and Nathaniel customized at a jewelry store, a ring that tied the two of them together forever.

But now, the ring was here with her, but her lover was not.

Her eyes suddenly stung as tears started to well up, blurring her vision in an instant.

An indescribable pain that started from her heart slowly spread to her limbs and bones, clawing deep into them.

Then, Mango climbed the stairs quickly before she went back to her room and locked the door behind her.

She curled up on the bed and suddenly felt herself freezing as if she was the only person left in the world. The feeling of loneliness hollowed her insides, and not even the sounds and laughter of the town could ease it.

The ring she held in her palm felt like thorns that were pricking at her, but she couldn't bring herself to let go of it.

The name "Nathaniel Ye" seemed to have been marked deeply on her heart with a branding iron, and it hurt too much just by touching it.

Denver didn't know why Mango had suddenly left. When the security came, it was confirmed that the car was not one they recognized.

Rainie's brows furrowed slightly as if she had realized something.

She called Thomas quickly.

"Is Nathaniel in Estania?"

On the other end, Thomas didn't know how to answer to this.

"Rainie, can you not get involved in this matter? Trust me, it's not what you think. Back then, Mr. Ye wasn't home, and he didn't have a clue what happened to Madam. Besides, you don't know how painful it has been for Mr. Ye the past month." "I'll ask you again. Is Nathaniel here in Estania? Tell me, is he or is he not?"

Rainie's sudden harsh tone let Thomas know that she was furious right now.

Thomas thought for a moment and said, "No, Mr. Ye is not here."

"Thomas, you're a good liar now, aren't you? Hah, in your heart, he is the most important person, right? What am I to you, anyway? Compared to Nathaniel, I'm a nobody to you."

Hearing Rainie's words, Thomas was a little angry.

"Aren't you like this too? In your heart, Mango is the most important person to you. When have you ever thought about my feelings? In order to help her hide from Mr. Ye, you shut me out without leaving any trace. Now, you're saying that I don't care about you?"

As she heard this, Rainie suddenly felt as if there was lump stuck in her throat. She was upset.

"Well, in that case, we should break up and call off the engagement. Like you said, a person like me isn't worth all your effort."

After that, Rainie hung up the phone directly, but her eyes were a little teary.

Seeing her like this, Denver put his arm around her and said, "Rainie, you still have me. Even if you were single forever, I would still take care of you."

"Get lost!"

Rainie, who was still a little sad, lightened up after hearing Denver's words.

She looked at the light coming from Mango's room and said irritatedly, "Find out who this plate number belongs to. If it really belongs to Nathaniel, I'll make him pay."

"Nathaniel as in the Nathaniel Ye of Ocean City?"

All along, Denver didn't know who the man in Mango's heart was. He only felt that it wasn't easy for a woman to go through all of this alone. Now, he couldn't help but be stunned when he heard Rainie mention Nathaniel's name.

How could such a famous and powerful person allow his wife to become like this?

However, Rainie didn't care how famous Nathaniel was. She glared at Denver, then quickly went in to look for Mango. Soon, she was at her door.

"Mango, open up. We need to talk."

However, Mango didn't respond at all.

Rainie knocked on the door a few more times, but there was still no reply. She quickly asked the butler to open the door, only to see Mango curled up in her bed, trembling slightly.

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