The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye)

Chapter 445

Then, Genevieve glanced at the medicine in her hand with a deep frown before she extracted it into a syringe. When she turned back to face Mango, the relaxed demeanor was back on her face again. "You might feel some discomfort later during the injection, so please bear with me."

Genevieve emanated a calm and secure sensation to everyone around her, and despite meeting her for the very first time, Mango felt at ease with her presence.

"It's fine, I'm not that fragile."

"Yes, Dr. Bay, stick the needle in harder. She already said that she could handle it."

Rainie's mischievous words attracted Mango's prompt retaliation.

"Shut up! Are you looking for a beating? No, I'll make sure Thomas doesn't have time to spend with you. Hmph!"

When Mango brought up the subject of Thomas, a faint blush dusted Rainie's cheeks.

"This is an abuse of power. Watch it, or I might ask Thomas to quit and leave your entire household behind." "Ha! You're mighty confident in yourself now aren't you? You're welcome to try and have Thomas ask for his resignation from me."

The blush on Rainie's face intensified as Mango teased her.

"Hey, you'd better not push me, okay? After Nathaniel comes back, I'll have Thomas resign from catering to your every whim."

Then, Rainie harrumphed coldly and she raised her chin defiantly. Hence, the expression on her face elicited a peal of laughter from Mango.

Genevieve secretly heaved a sigh of relief as she noted Mango's good mood before she smiled while saying, "Mrs. Ye, would you like to go clean yourself up in the bathroom? Or would you like to wait until you've had the injection?"

Her words caused the awkwardness to flood Mango's body once more.

Ah, she'd nearly forgotten all about the embarrassing things that happened to her earlier.

"I'm so sorry about that."

Pink dusted her cheeks as she said that.

"It's all right, we are all women. I understand you completely."

Genevieve smiled good-naturedly at Mango, and this seemed to make Rainie realize something.

"Holy sh*t, you've leaked all over the bed!"

"Can you not bring it up?"

Honestly, Mango really felt like she needed to get something to gag Rainie's blabbering mouth.

On the other hand, Genevieve just chuckled lightly and she said, "No worries, this is a completely normal occurrence, so don't mind it. Miss Blu, could you take Miss Shen to the bathroom while I deal with this?"

"How could I let you clean up my mess? I'll do it myself in a while."

Mango would never allow Genevieve to clean up her stained bed, not ever.

However, Genevieve just replied with a gentle smile. "It's fine, we're all going to be friends in the future so don't be a stranger. Just call me by name, plus I'm not much older than you are." Hence, Mango and Rainie were delighted to hear what Genevieve said.

In the end, Mango still required Rainie's help to get to the bathroom.

Meanwhile, Genevieve lifted the blanket off the bed and she frowned deeply as she took in the dark shade of the blood on the bed.

Next, she took advantage of Mango's lapse in attention to collect some blood for sampling before she changed the sheets.

When Mango returned with Rainie, the former's face seemed to have paled considerably more than earlier.

She seemed to be drained of energy even from a single trip to the bathroom, which caused Genevieve to be very worried.

"Hurry up and lie down. The next couple of days are very critical, and you mustn't overwork yourself. Miss Blu, please make sure that Mrs. Ye isn't disturbed."

With that, Rainie immediately understood what Genevieve meant.

"Got it. I guess at this point the only person who can see her is Nathaniel."

Then, Mango blushed again after being teased by Rainie.

"Can you stop bringing it up?"

Then, Mango rolled her eyes exasperatedly at Rainie before she turned to Genevieve while saying, "Well, since I'm calling you Genevieve, then please call me Mango instead of Mrs. Ye." "Sounds good to me!' Genevieve replied easily, and she decided to just go with the flow.

Then, Genevieve hooked up the intravenous drip to Mango and she grinned before saying, "I'll leave you two to catch up while I brief your mother about some alterations in your medicine and diet. I don't think that a treatment consisting of only medication will help you."

"Am I that weak? I had a rather smooth confinement period, and I adhered to all the rules."

Suddenly, a feeling of uneasiness crept up Mango's chest.

However, Genevieve chuckled and she replied, "You did well during your confinement period, but your miscarriage has left you with much deeper injuries. Furthermore, I heard from Noah how cruel Nanny Zhang was. In fact, did you hear what the doctor had to say about your condition?"

"What was it?"

Mango was rather confused about what Genevieve was trying to convey.

Then, Genevieve pondered for a moment before she said, "I'm sure you and Mr. Ye have had sex since your miscarriage right?"

"Does that affect anything?"

Then, Mango quickly lowered her head and her blush reached the tips of her ears.

"Hey, I wonder who kept denying the fact that she was desperate earlier? Ha, you've been caught red-handed now!"

Rainie was still gloating when Mango reached over to pinch her hard.

"Ouch! That hurt! That's a dirty move, Mango! You've obviously done it, so why keep it a secret?"

"Well, I don't believe that you and Thomas haven't had sex before either!"

Right now, Mango was pissed as hell.

Did Rainie come here today just to intentionally anger her?

On the other hand, Genevieve couldn't help but smile as she witnessed them bickering like children, "Well, at least I wouldn't have to worry about you being in a bad mood when Miss Blu is around." "She's only going to piss me off!"

Of course, Mango knew what Genevieve was talking about, but she couldn't let Rainie have this win for herself.

"Genevieve, are you saying that all of this is because I've had sex?"

Finally, Mango understood the general gist of what Genevieve meant.

Then, the doctor nodded her head in reply and she said, "Logically, you should be fine after the confinement period, but you and Mr. Ye should still be careful."

"Oh, I see."

Clearly, Mango was rather disappointed indeed.

Even if she wanted to do it, Mango was unable to get ahold of Nathaniel now.

When she recalled how Nathaniel was willing to take the medication in order not to touch her, Mango was rather touched.

"In fact, it wasn't even his idea. At first, he'd even asked Noah for medicine to make himself impotent for my sake. Back then, I didn't understand why and I gave him hell for it. After that, it was all my idea." Mango said that in a small voice, and shyness tinted the edges of it. However, Rainie's eyes widened in shock when she heard it.

"Oh my god, you're the one who took the initiative? Are you still the pure and innocent girl that I know?"

"God, just go away please!"

Rainie's teasing irked Mango greatly, and she really felt like hitting someone.

However, Rainie immediately burst out into laughter from the other side.

"Enough, stop teasing her. Her body can't take the stress!"

Genevieve was glad to see the both of them in such high spirits, but Mango's body couldn't take the constant excitement.

Then, Rainie decided to sit obediently on the edge of Mango's bed as Genevieve said that.

"Fine, I'll be your humble servant, okay?"

"Now, that's more like it."

To be frank, Mango was truly glad that she still had wonderful friends like Rainie and Genevieve by her side to alleviate her loneliness.

Otherwise, she reckoned she'd probably go insane with missing Nathaniel.

After that, Genevieve excused herself to brief Mrs. Shen about Mango's new medication and diet.

Then, Rainie giggled before she said to Mango, "Look at how poised Dr. Bay is. I heard that the early days of her relationship with Dr. Soo was very entertaining." "How the hell do you know all this?"

Mango felt that Rainie was definitely living her best life right now, and she seemed to know much more about everything compared to Mango.

Next, Rainie crowed proudly, "Of course, I have a very capable man by my side."

"Wow! Look at how sappy you're being. When's the wedding?"

"I don't have a clue. Guess I'm waiting for Thomas to decide."

Rainie replied shyly like a babe out of the woods.

On the other hand, Mango could see how smitten her friend was with Thomas.

It was extremely reassuring that Thomas was a genuine and reliable man, and Mango was extremely satisfied that they had ended up together.

"Hey, don't you go around bullying him okay?"

"I never did anything of the sort."

Then, the two of them laughed at one another as they chatted.

Soon after, Rainie felt like the sunlight streaming through the windows was a bit too strong for her liking, so she rose to close the curtains. However, she spied Terrance standing outside from the corner of her


Then, she recalled what Genevieve said about Mango avoiding unnecessary stress in order to improve her health.



"What do you think of Madam Hans now?"

Rainie piped up suddenly, which stunned Mango for a moment.

"I don't have much to say. I already did everything I could, and it's up to them now. I don't want to get involved in the Hans family's affairs, nor do I want to hear about it. Why do you ask?"

"No reason."

Next, Rainie shrugged her shoulders and she continued, "I just wanted to advise you to take care of yourself while Nathaniel isn't home. Don't stress yourself out over irrelevant people and their problems. Later when you get better, you can have all the sex you want with Nathaniel when he gets back."

"There you go again with all that nonsense. Ugh, you're such a pervert! Is that all that fills your mind now that you're with Thomas?"

Rainie's words gave Mango so much embarrassment that she nearly had a stroke.

As they continued bickering, Genevieve returned to the room and she chuckled at their childish words, "You two are definitely curious specimens. Arguing again after such a short time?"

"She started it!"

Rainie laughed out loud petulantly.

Meanwhile, Mango couldn't be bothered to argue with her and said to Genevieve, "Are you busy, Genevieve? If not, would you like to stay for dinner? My mother is a fantastic cook."

"Mango, what will Dr. Soo do if Dr. Bay stays for dinner? Would he come searching for her?"

Then, Genevieve shook her head and she replied, "Not only are you teasing Mango, but are you looking to tease me as well?"

"No haha! I'm just kidding!"

Rainie waved her hand dismissively at Genevieve but she continued smiling still. Then, she said, "Dr. Bay, do you think you can watch Mango for a minute? I'm going to go downstairs and get something." "What are you planning to get? I have everything here."

Mango asked curiously.

However, Rainie fired back immediately, "I'm going to get underwear, you think you can loan me yours?"

"Ew, get out of here!"

Right now, Mango felt as if she couldn't say anything to her friend lest she got teased again.

After that, Rainie giggled childishly as she left the room.

Next, she quickly headed over to the entrance of the Shen family household.

Meanwhile, Terrance quickly walked forward when he saw Rainie appeared.

"How is everything? Is Mango all right?"

Then, Rainie quickly wiped off the mischievous smirk on her face and she faced Terrance before saying, "Mr. Hans, if you really cared about Mango, I'd advise you not to come around for the time being. Please don't bring any of your problems over to Mango."

Hence, Terrance was a little astonished at how serious Rainie was being and he asked, "What happened to her?"

"Nothing, it's just some residual side effects from the miscarriage. She's very weak now, and I don't think you can help her in any way by being here. So, it's best if you just let her rest. All the horrible things you mother did to her can't be forgiven by just an apology."

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