The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye)

Chapter 247

"Both of you, stop fighting!"

Queena blocked them by standing between them.

Then, the punches were extremely close to Quenna's face, and both Nathaniel and Dylan stopped their hands.

"Aunt Xiao, get out of my way. I'm planning to have good chat with Nathaniel today."

In fact, Dylan was not done with the fight. It was mostly because Nathaniel had overpowered him and Nathaniel's punches caused his body to throb in pain. Although Nathaniel did not speak, it was obvious that he was livid.

Queena sighed and said, "I just went in and Andrea said that she gave Mango to Abyss along with her car. So, as long as we find Andrea's car, we'll find Mango." Nathaniel's expression became even more ghastly when he heard that Mango was with Abyss.

"I won't forgive you for this, Dylan!"

Nathaniel turned around suddenly and he frantically dashed out of the surgery center.

Naturally, Dylan knew what would happen to Mango once she was captured by Abyss.

Then, he suddenly felt quite depressed.

Why did Andrea do this? When Queena saw that Dylan was still in a daze, she quickly gave him a hard shove to snap him out of it.

"Hurry up and go after Nathaniel!"

"Oh, okay!"

Startled by Queena's sudden push, Dylan and Queena quickly followed after Nathaniel.

Their sudden arrival and departure scared everyone in the reconstructive surgery center into silence. Thus, everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they left.

Soon, Nathaniel arrived at the Tang's Group building in record time.

"What seems to be the matter, Mr. Ye?"

Right away, Secretary Zhang stopped Nathaniel in his tracks.

However, Nathaniel pushed her away roughly.

When Secretary Zhang went to call for security, Dylan immediately covered her mouth with his hand from behind her.

"Don't tell anyone about this if you want to live, got it?"

Dylan's hand was so forceful that Secretary Zhang feared so much, then she quickly nodded her head.

Meanwhile, Nathaniel went straight to Abyss's office. When he saw Abyss was resting on his desk, his anger instantly ignited in his chest.


He snatched Abyss up by the collar and punched him straight in the face. Abyss was startled awake by the pain, but he was confused by Nathaniel's presence in his office. Wasn't he supposed to be at the warehouse behind the company building? How did he end up in his office?

Why was Nathaniel here?

"Where's Mango, you son of a b*tch? Where did you take her?"

Clearly, there was no need for Nathaniel to beat around the bush with him.

Abyss was stunned for a moment at Nathaniel's words.

Oh yes!

He remembered everything now.

Earlier, he was in the process of raping Mango.

But who the hell knocked him out?

Abyss' face fell as his memory came back to him. "Let go of me!"

"Abyss, I've tolerated your antics for far too long! Do you really think that you're unshakeable here in the United States? I'm warning you, you'd better tell me where Mango is, or I'll kill you!" Nathaniel really looked like he was about to murder Abyss.

Then, Abyss struggled, but he couldn't free himself from Nathaniel's grip.

"Guards! Where the hell are my bodyguards?"

Abyss hurriedly called for help. Right now, Nathaniel was pulsing with fury. Furthermore, his rapidly thinning patience was exacerbated by the fact that Mango was nowhere to be found, so Nathaniel punched him again when Abyss called for help,

Nathaniel punched him squarely in the face, and Abyss' nose immediately gushed fresh blood.

At the same time, Abyss' anger spiked.

"Nathaniel, do you really think that I'm afraid of you?"

Abyss frantically charged at Nathaniel after he said that.

Unfortunately for him, Nathaniel was a trained fighter so Abyss' uncoordinated attacks did not faze Nathaniel at all.

Soon, Abyss was tackled to the ground by Nathaniel and he climbed on top of him as he beat Abyss' face into a bloody pulp.

Right now, Abyss was far from the poised and elegant person that he usually was. No, Abyss Tang was a bloody mess on the floor. Just then, Nathaniel's phone rang.

Regardless, he punched Abyss one more time for good measure before Nathaniel took out his mobile phone and answered the call. Thomas' voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Mr. Ye, we got an anonymous tip that Andrea's car was spotted on the road leading to the ocean."

"What?" Nathaniel's brows furrowed deeply.

"The ocean?"

"Yes! The ocean! According to the anonymous tip, there was a witness at the scene!"

Nathaniel became anxious when he heard Thomas' words and he ran out of the building without sparing another glance at Abyss.

Simultaneously, Abyss was shocked when he heard this piece of news.

How could have Andrea's car driven to the ocean?

Was it possible that Mango was awakened?

Abyss stood up quickly, but he accidentally irritated his injuries in the process and he gnashed his teeth in pain as he stumbled his way out after Nathaniel.

Meanwhile, Secretary Zhang was absolutely stupefied when she saw Abyss' current state.

As Dylan saw Nathaniel ran out of the office, he released Secretary Zhang.

"So? Where's Mango?"

"Mango went to the ocean."

Nathaniel continued running towards the door without even pausing to talk to Dylan.

Meanwhile, Queena was exhausted but she still followed closely behind Nathaniel when she heard his words.

On the other hand, Abyss was confused when he saw Queena there. He couldn't fathom why Queena would care so much about Mango at first, but he seemed to realize something when he thought of the exclusive villa he just went to.

However, Abyss refrained from saying anything more before he beckoned to Secretary Zhang. "Follow me now."

The two of them followed Nathaniel out of the Tang's Group company building and they headed towards the ocean.

Soon after, the entire group of them arrived at the oceanside. At the same time, Thomas' people had stopped the witness at the scene.

"What's going on? Where's Mango?"

Nathaniel quickly asked when he saw his men at the scene.

Meanwhile, the witness was quite nervous upon seeing that so many people had arrived.

"The car drove straight off the cliff into the ocean."

"What the f*ck did you just say?"

Nathaniel grabbed hold of the witness's collar and he thought that he had mistakenly heard what the witness said.

On the other hand, the witness was frightened by Nathaniel's ferocious expression.

"I'm not lying to you, the car really did drive straight off the cliff into the ocean and it sank immediately!"

The witness was on the verge of tears.

"That's impossible!"

Abyss heard the news as soon as he arrived.

How could that be possible?

Mango was a person that valued her own life greatly, so she would never try to kill herself for no reason.

Then, Queena's face suddenly became as pale as a ghost.

The car drove into the ocean?

So, Mango had fallen into the ocean along with the car?


That was impossible!

However, Nathaniel did not say a word and he took off his coat before he leaped straight into the ocean.


Dylan had wanted to stop Nathaniel, but his efforts were in vain. Thus, Dylan could only watch as Nathaniel flung himself into the ocean before his very eyes.

"The reefs here are sharp and jagged, so you'll die if you jump down there!"

The witness was already scared out of his wits and he became limp with fear as he watched Nathaniel jump into the ocean.

Obviously, Dylan knew about the danger of the reefs in this area.

That being said, Dylan hurriedly called for help.

Meanwhile, Abyss was surprised when he witnessed Nathaniel threw himself into the ocean without a second thought.

Had Nathaniel gone insane? Wasn't he afraid of falling to his death?

He frowned slightly as he said to Secretary Zhang, "Have someone send a salvage team. Whether she is dead or alive, I need to find Mango!"

Secretary Zhang obeyed his boss, so he quickly made arrangements for the salvage team to arrive.

Meanwhile, Queena's body trembled uncontrollably and her hands and feet were frigid with fear.

She tried to convince herself that Mango was still alive. Mango was doing just fine, so why would she kill herself?

However, her heart became uneasy and the cold fist of fear gripped her heart with an ever-increasing pressure...

After that, Dylan and Abyss' men arrived, but even the rescue team hesitated when they saw the sheer height of the cliff.

"Go and help him!"

Dylan grabbed the rescue team's leader's collar and he said, "If something happens to Nathaniel down there, I will personally ensure that none of you will ever have a job ever again, do I make myself clear?" The rescue team was fully aware of Dylan's influence and they all felt very conflicted.

"Dylan, we want to take this job, but it's way too dangerous! It's risky to even rappel down from here, let alone falling!"

Tm ordering you to go down there and save Nathaniel!"

Then, Dylan shoved the rescue team leader aside. He was obviously worried about Nathaniel.

However, Dylan suddenly took off his coat when he saw that the rescue team was hesitant to act, "If I jump down there and you just stand by without doing anything, what do you think my father will do to you?"


Before the rescue team leader finished his sentence, Dylan leaped off the cliff immediately.

Queena's chest tightened once again with fear.

Right now, the rescue team had no choice but to save Dylan.

Next, they quickly set up long ladders along the edge of the cliff and they started the rescue operation.

On the other hand, Abyss had contracted a salvage team with an absurdly high price. Naturally, there were people more than willing to do it for the money.

After that, the two groups of people began to meticulously search for Mango's location.

After Nathaniel jumped into the ocean, he smashed directly into a large reef. The jagged rock made deep cuts in his arm, but he couldn't be bothered to care.

Then, he took a deep breath and he dived directly to the ocean floor.

The seawater was freezing and it was soon unbearable for Nathaniel. To make matters worse, Nathaniel's arm gushed fresh blood as he swam but he was still very far away from the ocean floor. "What do I


Nathaniel didn't know how Mango was doing or if she was waiting for Nathaniel to rescue her.

At that, Nathaniel became increasingly anxious.

He decided to push his limits as he kept diving downwards to the ocean floor. However, he suddenly realized that someone had grabbed his arm and the person was pulling him upwards to the surface.

"Let me go!"

Nathaniel's cries were soundless underwater, but he struggled aggressively.

He could not leave.

What would happen to Mango if he left?

However, the other party was very strong and no matter how much Nathaniel fought against him, the other person was able to overpower him, and finally, Nathaniel was pulled ashore.

When their heads broke through the surface of the ocean, Nathaniel hollered at Dylan in front of him.

"What are you doing? Don't you know that Mango's been down there for a long time? Every minute we waste is a lost opportunity to rescue her!"

"Nathaniel, calm down. The ocean is really deep, and you' Il never reach the seafloor without an oxygen tank. Listen to me, carry an oxygen tank with you."

Then, Dylan strapped the oxygen tank that he brought with him onto Nathaniel's back before he patted Nathaniel's shoulder and said, "We' II take turns and I'll take over when you can't handle it anymore. Don' worry, I'll help you find Mango no matter what!"

Nathaniel did not reply to Dylan as he attached the mouthpiece of the tank to his mouth before he dove downwards again.

Dylan noticed the bleeding wounds on Nathaniel's arm, but he knew that there was no way Nathaniel was going to stop and bandage his wound despite whatever Dylan said.

As Nathaniel said, Mango had fallen into the ocean for quite some time.

Even Dylan was overwhelmed by the frigid seawater, not to mention a frail woman like Mango.

If something really happened to Mango, the consequences would be unfathomable and Dylan dared not imagine what Nathaniel would do. Honestly, Dylan wouldn't be surprised if Nathaniel murdered Abyss in

a fit of rage.

As he thought of this possibility, Dylan couldn't help but shiver in fright.

Ultimately, he hoped with all his heart that Mango was still alive!

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