The Supreme God

Chapter 120 The Overlord Body-Refining Formula(Part One)

After collecting all the Space Rings that were spread around the area, Austin's roaming gaze finally stopped as they landed on a
giant metal bucket right in the middle of an open space from which the medicinal vapor was rising.
Somehow, everyone had managed to deliberately avoid hitting the bucket even when they were furious. Most probably because
they all knew that the medicinal liquid in it was priceless and precious for everyone.
"Overlord Body-Refining Formula... ... ..."
Austin recalled what Lois had told him earlier, "Scott extracted the sap of vigor trees in order to cultivate the Overlord Body-
Refining Formula." It was precious and rare!
According to Lois, the Overlord Body-Refining Formula, an inheritance she had received from her ancestors had later turned out
to be a grade seven formula.
Grade Seven formulae were a rare occurrence around the entire globe. They were invaluable, extraordinarily difficult to find, and
difficult to process even for the great sects.
The Overlord Body-Refining Formula was extremely powerful as well as remarkably useful for body cultivation. However, the
preciousness of formulae related to practicing vital energy increased from the well-known fact that the vital energy level of a
cultivator reflected his/her true powers. In fact, it was the sole way of measuring it.
Thus Body cultivation, which allowed a cultivator to improve body constitution and strengthen vitality, was usually regarded as an
auxiliary and complement effort to vital energy practice.
Giving too much time and effort to one's physical practice was often seen as catching the shadow and losing the substance in
the chase.
Therefore, physical-practicing formulae were typically not welcomed by cultivators and they avoided, more so if the formula was
not very expensive.
But, even if that were true, the grade of this particular formula alone was high enough to attract several cultivators.
Scott was one of them, he unintentionally heard the position of Overlord Body-Refining Formula and poisoned Gilbert to death to
steal it. Then he rushed to this vigor tree forest and extracted sap to cultivate this grade seven formula.
'Skill is no burden. Since it's a grade seven formula, it must have its forte.'

Austin's mind started to activate and he pondered over how to use the formula.
Then he took out Scott's Space Ring and employed his spiritual sense to search it for some time.
Suddenly, something happened inside the ring and out of nowhere, a slender slip made of pure green jade appeared in his
The crystal clear jade slip, sparkling with a soft light, was carved with the words "Overlord Body-Refining Formula".
Yup, that was it. The entire formula was recorded on a slip of jade instead of paper. Much more versatile and long-lasting.
Since Austin had a bit of cursory information about formulae recorded on jade slips, he knew well how to use one. The idea was
to place one's forehead against the slip. As soon as he did that, a white light emanated out of the jade slip and a large amount of
mysterious and wonderful information about the formula entered into his head through it.
It contained all the information about the Overlord Body Refining Formula and it was, to say the least, terrible!
When he read it and became acquainted with the practicing method of the formula, Austin couldn't help taking a deep breath and
"This is ridiculous!"
It turned out that to support the cultivation of this formula, a lot of spirit medicines were needed right from the beginning. What's
more, when it came to higher level practice of the formula, which was power beyond Austin's imagination, some extremely
precious natural materials were also required for assistance.
If an ordinary cultivator without sufficient spirit medicines and natural materials would have found the formula, he wouldn't have
been able to use it even with the jade slip since the first level too was remarkably expensive and tough.
Austin couldn't help letting out a deep sigh, 'I had heard that the cultivation process of almost all Body-Refining Formulae were
associated with a lot of consumption and extravagance. It was told to me many years ago, but now I see that it was right.'
At the very beginning of the slip, the guiding principles stated that "The body is born to be fragile, it's not easy to be as
adamantine as the diamond. You must borrow spirits from rare natural materials to help refine your body. Not everyone has the
powers and the resources to do so. Be warned."

If one were to look at the explanation, it stated that the Overlord Body-Refining Formula mainly worked through consuming spirits
accumulated in spirit medicines and natural materials. This let the cultivator refine his body, make it as clean as new, but
unfathomably strong.
'It's just a way of cultivation by consuming lots of resources!'
A wry smile settled on his face.
After the guiding principle, there was also an introduction about the powers of the Overlord Body-Refining Formula in the slip.
The whole formula had been divided into five levels.
In the first level, the formula was supposed to enhance, clean, and refine the cultivator's skin and bones. With physical fitness
transformed, it was said that a single punch could have landed a 1000 pounds of force. That didn't come cheap though, and cost
the equivalent of 5 hundred thousand vital energy crystals.
In the second level, skin and bones would become extremely hard and the body would become as hard as iron. The formula
claimed that a second level cultivator could have resisted an all-out attack by a cultivator of Energy Gathering Realm. Also, his or
her single punch would have been able to land 5, 000 pounds of force. The cost doubled this time and reached a million vital
energy crystals.
The third level would have fully transformed the skeleton and the veins. This would let them resist the invasion of most toxins.
The body would have developed a slight resistance to fire and water, which wouldn't be able to damage you easily. It would also
be able to resist an all-out attack by a primary cultivator of Earth Realm. The punch strength was increased to eight thousand
now. But the cost tripled now and reached 3 million vital energy crystals.
The fourth level was ridiculously strong. It would make the skin be bright and jade-like, and one's flesh and blood would no
longer be mortal. It would have made you invulnerable against mortal weapons, and you would have been insusceptible to fire
and water. An all-out attack by a senior cultivator of Earth Realm wouldn't have damaged you and your single punch could have
landed 10, 000 pounds of force. The fourth level cost the equivalent of about 5 million vital energy crystals.
In the fifth level, the cultivation of Overlord Body-Refining Formula came to the Major Achievement Stage. This was the most
powerful one and was beyond anyone's imagination. At the fifth stage, the flesh body would have been able to resist an all-out
hit by a secondary cultivator of Mysterious Realm. A single punch would have landed 15, 000 pounds of force, but the price was
equally ridiculous. It cost the equivalent of about 10 million vital energy crystals!

Austin's heart beat wildly on reading the thing, and he exclaimed 'oh my god' out loud, thinking, 'If cultivated to Major
Achievement Stage, the flesh body would actually be able to resist an all-out attack by a secondary cultivator of Mysterious
Realm. That's horrific and fascinating at the same time.'
There was only one Mysterious Realm cultivator in Sun Sect—the Leader, Theon.
So, in other words, if someone could actually cultivate the Overlord Body-Refining Formula to the fifth stage, his strength would
have been comparable to Theon. And that was only about his physical strength. One's spiritual strength could always be

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