The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 5142 Gather Together

"That doesn't sound good!

The elders of the reincarnation race alone are very difficult to deal with.

How much more if the road of reincarnation would be rebuilt!? They would be unstoppable!

I bet even the darkness race, the ones who defeated them before, would have a hard time doing it again,”

another senior leader of the Time Chamber Sect speculated.

"There is no need to worry.

Think about it. The darkness race wouldn't allow the reincarnation race to rebuild the road of reincarnation.

The effort they expended just to annihilate them almost destroyed them too.

For sure, any attempts the reincarnation race would do to rebuild the road of reincarnation would be halted by the darkness race at any cost.

Therefore, this should be the least of our worries.

Unquestionably, the darkness race will do everything in their power to stop that from happening,” a third senior leader added perceptibly.

"Yes, you are right.”

The other three elders nodded in agreement.

"How about our seven young men? How are they doing?"

one of them asked.

"They did well.

They have been gods of chaos for a very long time, so they have accumulated enough.

Now that they have learned all kinds of cultivation methods and secret skills from us, their strength has obviously increased exponentially!

Soon enough, they should be able to break through.

As soon as it happens, the Time Chamber Sect doesn't have to solely rely on the four of us,”

one of the senior leaders chimed in.

"That's good to hear.

It's greatly reassuring to hear that the seven of them could be left on their devices.”

The other three elders nodded in agreement.

Meanwhile, in the headquarters of the darkness race, three huge figures with terrifying auras sat upright in an ancient, black palace.

A large group of gods of chaos stood respectfully in front of them.

Multiple wizards were sitting cross-legged on the side.

Within the darkness race, wizards were influential and highly-respected.

"An old man who claimed to be from the reincarnation race suddenly appeared in the Trinary Star City who later destroyed the city and killed four gods of chaos of the Time Chamber Sect with a single finger.

This sounds too far-fetched! Did anyone even check these facts personally?”

a huge figure sitting in the middle of the palace impatiently asked.

His voice was thunderous, shaking the space.

"Yes, sir. I went to the Trinary Star City as soon as I got the news.

As the stories have told, the city was indeed in ruins.

I used the law of space and time to record what happened.

Please have a look."

A wizard stepped out of the crowd and waved his hand.

These gigantic obsidian figures were actually the three Lords of Darkness! With their power alone, they could shock the entire Absolute Space Sea!


A huge crystal screen appeared and floated in the palace and it began to replay everything that happened.

Everyone who could see the screen were engrossed in the scene unraveling before them.

What they saw was an old man dressed in ivory robes stretching out a finger. Then, it turned humongous and pressed into the Trinary Star City.

They all saw how this particular place got obliterated in just a few seconds.

In the palace, the three Lords of Darkness, as well as all the members of the darkness race, could not peel their eyes on the screen.

"It's him!

It's Forest, one of the Lords of Reincarnation!

He is still alive! How could this be?

He appeared again!"

The three Lords of Darkness recognized the old man in white. They were thoroughly surprised but they kept the information among themselves since it could cause panic in their sect.

They had vengeful and darkened expressions on their faces.

Back then, they had brought a large group of powerful warriors to hunt down the three Lords of Reincarnation. They had thought that they would be able to kill the three Lords of Reincarnation once and for all.

However, to their surprise, one of them was still alive, clear as day!


No wonder in the past few centuries, many successors of the reincarnation race have been found in the Absolute Space Sea.

I thought they were just the remnants and could not make any difference.

This changes everything!

It's unexpected to see Forest in one piece.

This explains everything. He could be the one responsible for training those successors!

He wants to rebuild the road of reincarnation and bring the reincarnation race back to life,"

the third Lord of Darkness stated as he figured the puzzle pieces together. He gritted his teeth in annoyance.

"Even though he's alive, it's still not easy to do everything from the ground up.

We won't allow that to happen!”

the second Lord of Darkness sneered.

"Anyway, now that we know he's alive, the three of us must take action.

We have to find him and kill him before all of this blows out of proportion!"

the first Lord of Darkness remarked.

"Yes, you are exactly right!

We must kill him.

If we don't, he will surely find us and take revenge.”

The third Lord of Darkness nodded.

"Cain, please find the exact place where this man is. As soon as we do, we will go to him and personally kill him. It's about time we settle this once and for all,”

the first Lord of Darkness ordered one of the old wizards.

Cain was a prominent name in the darkness race.

He was renowned as the most powerful wizard among them all.

"Don't worry, my lords. I will lead all the wizards to deduce the whereabouts of this Lord of Reincarnation.

I believe that we can find him if given enough time,”

Cain answered confidently.

Although he enjoyed a high status in their sect, he still had to follow the orders of the three Lords of Darkness.

He acted like a military adviser for his masters.

"If you'll excuse me, sirs, I'm going to carry out my deduction with other wizards."

Cain stood up and left with a large group of wizards.

"Yes, of course. Thank you,"

the three Lords of Darkness said.

Meanwhile, in the space sea where the Reincarnation Palace was located, an old man in white, with his hands behind his back, strode over and entered this remote and desolate space sea.

"Finally, I'm back."

The elder smiled.

The moment he walked into the space sea, the two old men sitting cross legged on a lawn in the Reincarnation Palace opened their eyes at the same time.

"Forest is back.”

The two old men smiled excitedly at each other.

Then, Forest strode into the Reincarnation Palace and landed on the lawn.

"Ha-ha, I didn't expect that the three of us would gather together again!"

The three Lords of Reincarnation burst into laughter.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

At this moment, the heaven and earth were roaring. Inside the Reincarnation Palace, white divine thunder continuously exploded.

A large amount of laws of reincarnation surged and pervaded in the space sea.

The three Lords of Reincarnation had finally gathered together.

If this news spread out, it would definitely cause a sensation in the entire Absolute Space Sea. "The next step is to rebuild the reincarnation race!”

Forest donned a serious face and vowed.


the other two Lords of Reincarnation agreed.

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