The Summer Moon

Chapter 65 -


Ty and I walked out into the living room hand in hand, to face my mother who was now covered in ropes on a dining room chair. "Malia," she whispered as I got closer to her, but as I met her eyes I felt I hardly knew this woman anymore. So much had happened this summer, it was like looking at a stranger. I turned back to Ty who gave me a nod. His had pulled on a black sweater that covered his wound but I knew it still hadn't entirely healed. "Hi Mom," I said, looking down at her.

"Malia, please let me explain," she pleaded with me, and as much as I just wanted to turn and head for the door leaving her in my past, she was my mother and I at least owed her this. So I nodded my head, indicating for her to keep talking. "Your father is a werewolf," she began. "There's werewolves in that town, it's dangerous, and Tyrese is one of them."

I looked back at Tyrese, meeting his eyes. As I turned back to my mother I said the words that would surely shock her, "I know." Yet, I was surprised when my mothers expression didn't turn to shock and instead she just nodded her head. "I figured. But clearly you're being naive and don't understand how serious this is. You're putting yourself in danger, he will hurt you - just like your father hurt me."

"She is my mate, I would never hurt her," Ty stepped forwards, the alpha tone coming forwards in his voice and my mom cowered in her chair.

"M-mate? You're his mate?" My mother asked turning to me and I nodded my head. "He won't hurt me, and I love him." I assured her again. I looked up to Ty and squeezed his hand and he smiled back.

"What happened with you and John will never happen with Malia and I. I will always choose her above anything or anyone else. I will take care of her, I promise that she'll always be happy with me, and I'll protect her in every way that I can," My heart melted at Ty's words and I leaned into his side.

My mothers head fell, staring in her lap. "I'm so sorry, I never wanted my daughter to be a part of this world."

"I understand that, but I promise you that there is nothing to fear from us," the alpha tone came through in Ty's voice again and I couldn't help but swoon. Damn, that was sexy. Then he surprised me as he turned to Liam and said, "untie her, she is not our prisoner. She can trust us."

Liam nodded back then loosened the ropes around my mother's body, allowing her to stand from the chair.

"We will be returning to Florida later this afternoon, I'll be back later to get my things," I nodded at my mother, stepping back from her slightly. Ty may be willing to let her free, but that didn't mean I was willing to forgive her yet, and I definitely wouldn't be letting her get anywhere near Ty again.

"Come on, lets go to the mall," I nodded to Ty and Liam and they followed me out the front door. Together we took the subway to the mall and I cuddled into Ty's chest the entire ride, feeling his calmness wash over me. I would never understand how he always felt so calm and certain about everything. I text Alana to know when we arrived at the mall then turned in Ty's arms.

"Are you feeling okay?" I asked him, suddenly feeling anxious about the wound I knew was still healing on his abdomen.

"Of course, you don't need to worry about me so much," he smiled back then leaned in and gently pressed his lips to my forehead.

"Thank you for everything with my mom today, I'm so grateful for you," I wrapped my arms around him once more and he hugged me back. When we pulled back from each other we turned to see Liam sitting on a bench beside us, no gagging comments about our gushiness and his attention entirely focused on his phone as groups of girls walked by.

"Is he okay?" I asked Ty, only to see that he looked as confused as I did.

"My wolf's giving me a wicked headache today," Liam whined, throwing his head back dramatically. Ty and I both laughed at him.

"You know what that means," Ty wiggled his eyebrows at Liam, "maybe your mate is here."

Liam narrowed his eyes, "Absolutely not, don't even jinx me man, you know I don't want one" he scowled, which only made us only laugh more.

"Were you like this before meeting me?" I looked up to Ty and asked him. He quickly shook his head and squeezed my hand.

"No my wolf was totally calm, probably because I wasn't a total man whore," he laughed again. But his response made me smile, Ty and I were totally perfect for each other and always had been.

"Malia!" A voice calling in the distance suddenly caught my attention and my smile brightened as I saw Alana approaching us, her latest boy in tow. I ran towards her and hugged her, it felt so good to see her again. As we broke apart she gestured towards the boy, "this is Andrew," then leaned in closer to me and whispered, "isn't he sooo hot!"

I laughed then turned back to Ty, "This is Ty-" I began but was quickly cut off when suddenly Liam jumped forwards, his fist colliding with Andrew's face.

"Liam!" Ty and I shouted at the same time, Ty hurried to grab Liam and pull him off of Andrew as Andrew was struggling to fight back. I watched Liam's dark eyes shift to focus on Alana and realization crossed my mind. No freaking way. Alana was Liam's mate.

"What the hell is your problem!" Alana turned and screamed in Liam's face. Then she rushed to Andrew's side, blood was spewing from his nose. I quickly ran over to the nearby coffee shop and grabbed a handful of napkins. I rushed back to them, seeing that Ty had managed to get Liam back to sitting on the bench, gripping his shoulders to stop him from lunging forwards again. Liam's eyes stayed focused on Alana, his entire body tensed.

I handed Andrew the napkins who then held them to his nose. "You know what, I'm outta here," Andrew said suddenly standing up and walking away from us.

"Wait!" Alana chased after him. I turned my attention back to Liam and Ty and joined in on Ty's scowl.

"Good going Liam," I practically growled at him. I had been reunited with Alana for all of 10 seconds and while I had been worried he would try to hit on her, he'd decided to attack her boyfriend instead. Then Ty did the strangest thing and began to laugh.

"Sorry, I know this is serious but I can't help it. How funny is it that you spent all those years messing around with those girls even when we warned you it would come back and bite you, and then you meet your mate, she has a boyfriend, and you attack him," Ty held his stomach laughing harder and I couldn't help but join in. Liam rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest.

"I hope your laughing makes that wound start bleeding again," Liam scowling and Ty gently hit him upside the head.

"Hey be nice, this is your karma," Ty sat down on the bench beside him. Finally, Alana came running back to us, a disappointed look on her face.

"Well thanks a lot bozo, Andrew dumped me and we've only been dating for like a day. I hardly even got to enjoy him," she scowled at Liam, but Liam's eyes lit up on her.

"Sorry about him Alana," I drew her attention away from him before he could do anything else stupid.

Alana took a deep breath, "Whatever lets just forget it, so this is Ty," she wiggled her eyebrows at me then turned to him totally checking him out and I started to feel a little annoyed.

"Nice to meet you Alana," Ty reached his hand out to shake hers. Then Liam jumped up to his feet again.

"Hi I'm Liam," he said eagerly and I watched as Ty tried not to laugh. Liam was so desperate for Alana it was kind of funny, if not pathetic. "Would you like to go on a date with me?" Liam pleaded, his eyes focused on her as she wearily took his hand.

"Ugh as if!" She yanked her hand back from his. "You just beat up my boyfriend!"

"Ex-boyfriend now," Liam corrected her.

"Yeah because you made him break up with me!" Alana yelled back, raising her voice.

"I did you a favour, you could do so much better than that guy. And now you're single so you can go out with me!" Liam shouted back in return.

"Not a chance in hell!" Alana leaned back, crossing her arms over her chest and Liam's eyes narrowed on her. I looked up to Ty panicked. Should we do something? And as if he knew what I was thinking he let out an awkward laugh. "Alright how about we move on from this, I thought we came to do some shopping," he said, scratching the back of his head.

"Absolutely," Alana said looping her arm through mine and leading me forwards through the mall. I turned back to Ty smiling and mouthed "thank you" earning me one of those winning smiles.

Alana leaned in closer to my side and whispered to me, "Okay seriously what have I missed? So are you and Mr.Gorgeous like a thing again, no more fighting?"

"Um yeah, we're pretty serious actually," I brushed my hair behind my ear, remembering the last conversation I had with Alana about Ty was after the first night we had sex and she had convinced me Ty was just a one night stand. It wasn't her fault, but Alana wasn't the best person to talk to about romantic relationships and I'd realized how much I had actually been keeping from her. So i quickly caught her up explaining how Ty and I had made up. It was actually kind of exciting to know that Alana was Liam's mate because eventually she would find out about the wolf secret and I'd be able to tell her everything. Although, I hope she reacts better than I did when finding out.

We spent the next few hours browsing the stores and Ty bought a new plain t-shirt to replace the bloody one. I bought a couple new sundresses and Ty carried my bags for me as I continued to catch up with Alana. As we approached the food court Ty kissed me cheek, then he and Liam went off to get us coffee while Alana and I searched for a table.

Suddenly she came to a halt, staring dead ahead through the food court. "Oh my god!" She exclaimed and I turned to meet where her eyes had stopped. Brayden was sitting with his friends around a table. "This is perfect, you can totally get back at him by showing off your super hot new boyfriend!" She squealed suddenly pulling me forwards. I groaned, of course she had to do this while Ty and Liam were gone.

"Hey jackass," Alana said as we joined the group of friends. They all looked up at us, Brayden first looking over Malia then turned to me.

"Oh, Malia," Brayden smiled that sickly smile and I wanted to throw up. Hurry up Ty. I was praying. "How have you been?" "She's been great, already replaced you," Alana smirked at him.

"Doubtful," the group of boys laughed. "He's probably some weirdo," Brayden added in. I groaned internally, why did she have to do this? We could have just ignored them and they probably never would have known we were here. Then my entire body calmed as Ty came up behind us, his arm snaked around my waist and his lips were pressing against my cheek.

"Hey, coffee?" He smiled down at me, paying no attention to the group in front of us. He held the iced coffee out in front of me and I took it gratefully. "Are you okay?" He mouthed to me and I nodded then turned to the crowd in front of us. "This is Tyrese, "I announced. The entire groups faces dropped in disappointment and Brayden stepped back looking Ty over.

"No way, you're lying," Brayden had the nerve to laugh and Ty's body tensed at my side.

"Come on, let's go find a table," I said turning to Ty. I took his hand and interlaced my fingers with his. I didn't need to be part of this conversation any longer, Alana may be trying to prove something but I wasn't. Brayden was far in my past now, all that mattered was Ty.

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