The Steward Demonic Emperor

Chapter 1248: Expansion

Chapter 1248: Expansion

Proofreader: Papatonks

Excited to cultivate, Zhao Chen called for a few people on Devil Mountain to enter his chambers, only for them to scream in horrible agony as they died.

Zhuo Fan sneered from the outside, leaving for his own matters. Once he got out of the hall, the whole of Devil Mountain kneeled with utter respect, Greetings, Steward Zhuo, endless fortunes and everlasting life! 

In just a few minutes, Devil Mountain knew Zhuo Fan had become the Demonic Emperors representative, promoted from the head of the twelve demon guards into the crown prince.

Everyone conformed with this change, showering with flatteries.

Zhuo Fan beamed.

[One moment was all it took to lose everything, but I spent a century to gain it all back, ha-ha-ha]

Zhuo Fan shook his head, flicking his hand, Every town and city within the Demonic Emperors domain is to be ready for battle. In three months, we will go to war!

Yes, sir!

The huge crowd roared.

After Zhuo Fan took power, all the cities under the Demonic Emperor had a change in management. The Luo clans high officials were sent to rule them. With their many experts, the Luo clan gained swift control of every inch of Zhao Chens lands, with the latter none the wiser.

The Demonic Emperor had many city lords in the early to late Emperor Stage, but the Luo clan had scores of them, with a dozen even possessing obscene strength for their level.

A bit of flexing and smashing was all they needed to establish their rule.

Three months, that was how long Zhuo Fan took to usurp all power in the Demonic Emperors domain. Zhao Chen would have a hard time getting everything back. 

Zhuo Fans plan to take over Zhao Chens forces from the inside was achieved.

Zhao Chen would surely shed tears if he knew. Alas, ignorance is bliss, oblivious to the Luo clans true power.

Otherwise he would never have given so much power to Zhuo Fan.

Steward Zhuo, weve taken everything from Zhao Chen and can remove him. No one will raise a fuss!

Li Jingtian bowed to Zhuo Fan in a hall, reporting the last three months activities. Zhuo Fans eyes shone, smiling, Not yet, he still has uses. Did you send him cultivation resources? 

I have, but he demands more and more from you!

So eager for quick gains, to drain them, humph!

Zhuo Fan muttered, Its almost time. March on the Wraith Emperor and the Falcon Emperors unmanned lands. We will challenge them this time and destroy them!

Everyone bowed, Yes, sir!

News of war spread like lightning throughout the Sacred Domain. Under Zhuo Fans command, the Demonic Emperors army stormed the two Emperors lands.

They stood no chance, with ten cities falling in three days, butchering all people in their path. 

The Demonic Emperors army was ruthless and terrifying.

Damn you, Zhao Chen!


The Falcon Emperor slammed a table, Its only been a couple days of peace and now another war starts? The punk was vicious last time as well, pushing us to fight the Enchanting Empress and Sword Emperor to wear each other out. We had no time to recover and hes coming for us again!

The Wraith Emperor frowned hard, We can deal with his treachery, but I fear theres someone even more cunning making things harder.


The Falcon Emperor gave him a look and exclaimed, You mean his new right-hand, Zhuo Fan?

The Wraith Emperor sighed, Falcon Emperor, have you noticed how despite Zhao Chens cunning, he was crude and easy to anger? Now though, looking at the previous war and the current one, each step is taken with precise calculations from someone. Its like were merely puppets dancing to his tune.

Why do you say that?

Think for a second. Why would the Demonic Emperor attack us both? Isnt it because he saved his strength last time? And how else did he do it if not by inviting the Enchanting Empress and Sword Emperor to fight for him? The Eight Emperors have always been smart not to get involved in pointless affairs, but why did they join regardless? Who brought them? 

Zhuo Fan?!contemporary romance

The Falcon Emperor nodded, He didnt look like much when I saw him as we greeted the Saints, but Zhao Chen has always kept him around. He has to be good at something!

The Wraith Emperor continued, Yeah, he made a mess of things in the Demonic Emperors stead, forcing both of our sides to lose. This time hes sending troops I heard that the Demonic Emperor is in seclusion and gave all power to Zhuo Fan. It means

The war was Zhuo Fans idea, and not his master?

The Falcon Emperors beard shook as he slammed the table, He got some nerve, waging an Eight Emperors war whenever he wants!

The Wraith Emperor sighed, He really is reckless, for not even the Demonic Emperor would do this. Theres no way an aide would do this. Its like hes the real Demonic Emperor!

The Falcon Emperor gave him a long look and nodded.

Yes, the only thing the punk is missing to step on the big stage is strength. Should we just remove him?

The Wraith Emperor nodded with a nasty smirk.

In a world of strength, being weak meant you were nobody, for anyone could just squash you. 

[Even if youre great at everything else, ha-ha-ha]

Before a room on Devil Mountain, Zhuo Fan bowed, Demonic Emperor, Ive brought what you requested!


The stone door cracked open after a series of heavy sounds, then Zhuo Fan stepped in. He grinned at the familiar room as the door closed behind him. 

A man wrapped in thick black energy sat in center, with a fervent gaze, that of a demented person. 

After three months of cultivating, his aura took a darker and foul air, giving him a sinister vibe, like that of an abomination on the prowl for man flesh.

[He should be close to going mad at this rate.]

Zhuo Fan bowed, Demonic Emperor sir!

Zip it and give me the ingredients. Where are they? Zhao Chen barked, exposing an excited grin, like that of a beast.

In a flash of azure, hundreds of people appeared, unconscious.

Zhao Chen said, So little? Thats only 532, where are the rest? Did you use them?

You jest, sir, I can only take one a day at most.

Why then

Sir, so many people missing is bound to raise suspicions, especially when sir requires high quality materials. Zhuo Fan smiled, Now that were at war with the Falcon Emperor and Wraith Emperor, it will work as a good cover for any missing people. Im slaughtering every city I come across, sending everyone there for sirs cultivation. 

Zhao Chen nodded, Good, very good Eh, were at war?

Why yes, so that we get even more ingredients. War is the best way to fool everyone. Please dont blame me for going ahead with this. Zhuo Fan snickered.

Zhao Chen squinted, nodding after a pause, Its fine. Nothing matters so long as you supply me with ingredients.

Zhao Chen activated his cultivation method and a dreadful black energy spilled over the people. It wrapped around them before returning over to him, leaving the people to crumble to dust.

Zhuo Fan smiled as he left.

[Idiot, didnt you always want Nine Serenities Secret Records? Now youre training in its core teaching, Demon Transformation Art. Though I did leave one part out.]The birth of this content finds its genesis in Nøv€lß¡n★

[Renounce your old art before training this one.]

[The previous cultivation method would conflict with Demon Transformation Art and youll be unable to grasp its essence, that all paths have the same destination. Youre too rash in cultivating, taking so many lives and others cultivation without even considering if theres a limit.] 

[Its only a matter of time before you suffer for your greed. Thats why I didnt impart it to you back then. Now though, ha-ha, have your fill]

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