The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 8

The missing and The Protected


After yesterday’s announcement that I wasn’t to leave without an escort I haven’t been outside. I find it easier to stay inside and then at least I don’t have Beta James or some random Warrior following me around everywhere. When I got to school, I let out a deep sigh, no one needed to follow me around here. Fraction has placed Warriors at all the entrances and exists. Honestly, what does he think is going to happen? Some rogue will come into the school and start bagging up she-wolfs? I head to my locker to get my history books and head to my first lesson. I pass Patick on the way; he seems to be locked in a conversation with the Head Teacher Mr Chilli. He offers me a chin lift as I pass, and I don’t miss the way his eyes track me as I walk down the hall.

Now that I am seventeen, I have to learn about wolf history not just the random boring stuff but the stuff that you need to know in case you have a possession of power within the pack. I sit down as the teacher passes out the books we will need. I looked down at the large red book and read the title engraved in gold: The complete History of Alpha and Luna wolves. I open the book and see there are seven hundred chapters…700?! ‘Hello boredom’ quipped my inner voice. ‘Shut up, it could be sort of interesting I guess’ I responded to myself, ‘Great now I’ m talking to myself’ ‘Are you though? That one sentence shocked me at little but before I could ponder it more Miss Rue started explaining the assignment.

“Before you are the complete History of Alpha and Luna Wolves. This is not a pack-by-pack account. This is more of what does an Alpha go through? What does Luna go through? This will allow us to better understand what another wolf is going through and how we can help and support their needs.” Miss Rue is a kind and gentle teacher, she’s


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stick thin, but I’ve seen her in wolf and her wolf is nothing to scoff at “Bethany, Max and Anna, I want you all to follow me into the hall and bring all your bags and books with you.” I looked at the other two mentioned, shrugged and curiously followed Miss Rue into the now empty school hall. Once all three of us were together Miss Rue spoke in a hushed tone.

“Ok guys I want you all to head to the library and meet Magda, she will help you with your assignment.” Miss Rue handed each of us a small blue book, it was no bigger than A5 and was rather thin, the title. was in Silver and read: Omegas.

“Miss Rue? Why us?” Bethany asked in a small voice. She was a rather plump girl with an alarming amount of red hair and freckles.

“Well Max is yet to show a designation, Bethany you are showing Omega qualities and Alpha Fraction has asked that Anna get a full and round education. Now run along and get started” We were dismissed.

Once we arrived at the library an elderly lady called Magda pointed us all towards our desks and told us to get reading. Once I was comfortable. I opened the little blue book, just as I was about to read the first word an announcement came over the speakers.





I knew that voice was Fraction. I wonder what happened. Just as I had finished packing up my bag. Beta James came into the library, “Anna, come. I’m going to escort you home” He seemed out of breath as if he had run all the way to me. He rushed me out of school and into hist

black SUV.

“James what happened?” I asked once he started driving, the packhouse is only a 10 minute walk so something serious must have happened for

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him to be driving.

James looked at me, started to speak and then closed his mouth. He looked forward and said, “Alpha will tell you when I get you to his office.”

The rest of the journey was in silence which was odd for James he was normally very quick to offer a joke or a snide remark about someone on the street. When we got back to the packhouse I entered and walked straight to the Alphas office. I don’t knock, for ages he kept telling me not to and now I’m in the habit of coming and going as I wish. I enter the deep red office and sit on the sofa; I notice cookies on the table and nab one for myself. Momma Beth must have been baking, double chocolate chip heavy on the white chocolate chips, my favourite. Fraction looks up from his desk and the left side of his mouth lifts up a smile.

“Help yourself little wolf” He chuckles

“Oh, don’t worry I will” I say around a mouthful of cookie, “what’s happened?”

“Two she-wolves are missing” I gasp and set aside my sweet treat, “Lisa and Eve. I’m so sorry Anna, I know you are close to Eve.” He looks said as he tells me this.

“You think it’s connected to the other wolves?”

“I do. We have a working theory that whoever is doing this is looking. for a mate. We don’t know for sure it’s just a theory at the moment. Until we find this wolf, I want you in this house where you are protected, Miss Rue will be coming in to tutor you on a one-to-one basis”

“Surely I can still go to school Fraction”



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and The Protected

“No Anna. Eve was taken from next to the school. They killed one of my warriors to

do it. I need you safe. You must stay here” He is growling now I can see Leo, his wolf, in his eyes.

“Need me to be safe? What does that mean.” I’m a little scared of Leo, I haven’t seen him much and whenever I do, he’s always growly and mad.

“It means that I … I need to protect the pack and that starts with those under my roof.” Of course, he didn’t mean me specifically ‘St**id girl he is a grown man, and you have a silly schoolgirl crush’ my inner voice whispers to me.

“Yes Alpha, I understand. Do you need me for anything else?” I feel disheartened by this whole conversation, I don’t want to be under lock and key.

“Patrick will be coming in every evening to spar with you in the basement. You will learn to defend yourself.” Fraction has his wolf under control now.

“Training? I thought you said no?”

“I changed my mind, take this seriously please A**a!” He all but begs.


“Of course, Fraction.”

I take my leave and head to my room. My head is swirling. I’m under lock and key, no school. Eve is missing and I’m starting training. That was a lot of information. And I left my cookies behind. I debate going back for some goodies when I see James rush pass me and into Fraction’s office. I decided to continue to my room and get some food later. As I enter my room, I lie down in the middle of my four-poster canopy bed and curl into my pillows. I cry for Eve and pray to the Moon Goddess that she will be safe. I cry so long I fall asleep; in my



sleep I find old nightmares and odd messages awaiting me.

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