The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 49

n Alpha’s Need.

“Have a good day and be a good boy.” I tell Thomas from my spot kneeling in front of him. He doesn’t say anything, he just runs off into the little classroom. Fraction talked me into putting Thomas in the pack day care for a few hours each day. I didn’t want to, so we compromised on three hours, twice a week. He said it was important for Thomas to be around other kids and his pack. I don’t disagree, I just wish I could keep him with me at all times.

Watching him run and start gibbering with two other boys makes me both happy and sad. I kind of wish he would make a fuss so I could keep him with me but on the other hand I am happy he feels comfortable enough here to just run off and play.

‘You coming back, Little Wolf? I hear Fraction ask over our mind link.

‘On my way now, just watching Thomas for a minute.’ I reply to him. ‘He will be fine. Come home.’ Fraction insists.

Waving to Miss Loxley I give Thomas one last glance before exiting the play centre. The centre itself isn’t new but it has had an upgrade in the last three years. Fraction insisted it be painted and refurbished ready for Thomas coming to play. Now the kids all have top of the range toys to play with and the teachers/carers have a beautiful coffee lounge to spend their breaks. When it comes to Thomas, Fraction spares no expense, but he is careful to not spoil him. ‘A spoilt Alpha is no good to anyone.’ He says all the time, I think he’s concerned about him growing up to be a bratty Alpha. I’m not worried, Thomas is really kind hearted and sensitive to those around him. I don’t think he could be bratty if he tried, I could be wrong, but I hope that I’m not.

Walking back to the packhouse I can’t help but notice how much the


Pack land has changed over the years. After Fraction officially made me Luna my dreams were filled with knitting, sewing, crafting and cleaning. Each morning I would wake up and see a new part of the Pack has healed, the once peeling paint on the houses now looks fresh and new, the once unloved gardens are now blooming with flowers and a place for pups to play in safety, even the pack itself is strong that it was. The day Thomas was born we had three hundred and twenty- four pack members; in three short years we have almost doubled in size. Wolves are finding their mates left and right, I still think James finding a mate is a must, he seems so lonely, but Fraction said g ay wolves are actually quite rare. It doesn’t stop Winter from trying to find him though, we are more in harmony these days and right now we are on the same page. A member of our family is lonely, and we need to fix it.

“An na!” I hear being shouted from up ahead of me, shielding my eyes from the sun. I see Maxwell from the coffee house waving me over. Breaking into a slight jog I head for him.

“Everything ok Max?” I ask him while I greet him with a small hug.

“Got these for you and Alpha, enjoy your Thomas free time.” Maxwell says handing me a small box and heading back inside the coffee house. I smile after him and continue my way home. Clutching my prize to my chest I take in my surroundings and feel completely at peace. I don’t ever remember being this happy ever in my life, not only am I happy, I feel safe, loved and part of a family. It’s thanks to Fraction that I feel this way.

Once I get to the packhouse I am actually surprised at how quiet it is Three years ago, the house stood at the edge of the pack land and served as home to Fraction and his family, now it’s almost the centre of the pack land with houses and businesses spread out all around it. The once almost empty house is now always full, as Luna I wanted the pack to come together so each full moon, we have a pack run and each second Saturday of the month I have all the children aged between


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fifteen and eighteen come for movies and a meal. Fraction didn’t like. the idea at first but once he saw the kids show up and start to mingle with the other pack members around the house he quickly got on board. It was thanks to this that we realised Katie’s family was struggling so much and we managed to find work for her dad and mum and support them with childcare for their younger kids. Katie is often around the house somewhere helping either me or Eliza and sometimes Momma Beth.

Today however I could hear a pin drop in the house. I managed to enter the house and walk all the way up to mine and Fraction’s room without meeting another soul.

“The house is so empty,” I call out as I enter our bedroom and close the door behind me. This room hasn’t really changed, Fraction told me once he refused to change the room where he had me for the first time.

“In here, Little Wolf.” I hear from the connecting bathroom, as I enter, I see a delicious sight. Fraction is sitting in the tub with bubbles up to his bushy beard, there are tea lights sc att ered around and I can see little rose petals floating between the bubbles.

“What did I do to deserve this?” I ask as I pull my shirt over my head and start to shimmy my jeans off,

“With the pack, a full house and Thomas, I haven’t had my mate in too long.” Standing before him fully n*ked I wait and let him drink me in. “Far too long.” He says in a low whisper.

“Does my Alpha feel neglected?” I watch as Fraction nods, I slowly drag my hand across my hip drawing his

my hip drawing his eyes to my stomach. “Does my Alpha need?” Again, he nods as I draw and cup my breast.

my hand

up my stomach

“Don’t you dare.” He whispers as I go to trap my n*pple between my finger and thumb, “get in the tub.” Smiling I drop my hand and step

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into the tub, instead of turning around and giving him my back. I straddle his legs and sit facing him. I instantly feel his co ck brushing against my centre. I gasp allowed as the water and my wetness help him to glide through my folds.

“Done teasing?” He asks as he leans forward and takes my left n*pple in his mouth, I let out a gasp and tilt my head back as my hips thrust forward looking for that delicious friction.

“Please.” I whisper towards the ceiling as I tangle my hands into his hair and hold his head to my breasts. I shiver as I feel him give me one last suck and then lift off me, his hands circle my hips and lift me slightly so he can centre himself.

“Watch me.” He demands. Looking into his eyes I see the pure bliss blaze in them as his head breaches my pus sy. Gasping and he goes further and further, I drop my head on his shoulder as he bottoms out in me. “How are you still so da mn tight?” He says into my hair as he starts to lift my hips, so I am bouncing on him. At this angle all I can do is gasp and pant, he’s hitting my spot dead on. “This is going to be quick, Little Wolf.”

Using my hands on the side of the bath I sit myself up and while looking into Fractions eyes I start matching his thrusts. He pushes up and I push down, hard and faster I can hear the water sloshing around in the bath but all I see is Fraction. I can feel the bundle of nerves in my stomach getting tighter and tighter as one of his hands leaves my hips and he brings his thumb down to slam onto my cli t. Holding himself deep inside of me I scream my org a sm as he does. Panting, I relax my b*dy onto his lap and lay my head on his chest.

“I think I can get on board with this day care thing.” I tell him in between pants. I feel him laugh as he starts to re-harden inside of me, before I know it, he is slowly thrusting in and out of me again. The water starts to get cold, but I can’t seem to care right now.


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Watching from the shadows.

I am so sick of seeing this Omega paw at my mate. I’ve watched for years as she has pushed herself into his life, made the pack trust her and even have a child with my man. I keep being told to have patience, to wait, that my time will come but honestly there is only so many times you can watch your mate f u ck an imposter. Fraction was never meant to be hers; he was always mine.

Everyone knows Omegas are poison, stains on the shifter world. They think they are helping but in actuality they are just leading you into a false sense of security and then before you know your whole world has imploded.

Anna, even her name sets my fur on edge. Sure, she’s cute in a butter wouldn’t melt kind of way but inside she is all sour and hellfire. Just like all Omegas. Over the last few years, I’ve watched as she mated my mate, claimed my Luna spot and then popped that fake little Alpha Heir out into the world. John was meant to get rid of her for me but turns out her fake brother was just as useless as she is. Fraction being taken wasn’t exactly ideal but at least I got to see him n*ked without little Miss Sugar and Spi cy hanging off him. And let me tell you, that n*ked bearded Go d has fuelled some da mn good dreams.

Each day I’ve watched as Fraction parades her around as the world’s most perfect mate. She convinced him to grow the pack, we now have more bodies here than land and we have had no choice but to expand the property line. She doesn’t see it but the warriors on patrol are stretched to breaking. It’s too much for them to look after and that leaves the pack vulnerable. There was nothing wrong with the pack size before she got her hands all over it. Sure, we were small, but everyone knew everyone, nowadays I have no idea who I’m speaking with half the time. She has this habit of making something that is fine

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a hundred times worse.

Her and that bratty Alpha Heir are always with my mate or with that scrappy ex-warrior Eliza. Honestly Fraction has allowed Anna to bring some trash into the pack. Eliza can’t even give Patrick a baby, they had to take one from Alpha Daryl. Some poor females out their had her baby snat ched away so the Omegas friend could have a family. Yet another black mark against Anna as far as I’m concerned.

I’m not the only one who doesn’t like her, I’ve heard the older ladies talking and a lot don’t like what she’s doing with her son. I listen to them gossip about how she just abandons him in the day care centre to go home and ride Fraction like a prized stallion. I’ve had the unfortunate pleasure of being in the pack house when they are going at it and honestly. I’ve heard cat wailing have more tune than Anna coming all over my mate’s co ck.

I’ve known for a long time that Fraction was my intended mare, my father told me when I was about twelve years old. Fraction couldn’t tell me; his wolf would not allow it so i had to wait. For a while I figured he was just waiting for me to age, then I turned eighteen and nothing happened. Anna went missing and it was this huge deal up in the packhouse, when Fraction found her, he went racing off without a second thought of the pack. That’s what Omegas do; they make you so consumed with them that you forget everything else. Well now it seems like Fraction has forgotten me.

The night he made her Luna, and I watched as she stood there taking the oath, I nearly killed her right then. My father says I have to wait, get strong, learn her weaknesses he always tells me; ‘Use the shadows to your advantage.’ So, I will but watch out Anna, these shadows have claws, and they want their mate back! The little bell above the shop door brings me out of my thoughts.

Dropping the whisk onto the counter I wipe my hands on the apron and try to find my inner peace. If I want my plan to work, she can’t


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suspect anything. Walking through the kitchen door and into the shop I see her, with her perfectly groomed hair, her treated nails and luxury clothes. She’s the pampered princess everyone thinks she is. I can already feel my anger rising and all she has done is smile at me.

“No Alice today?” Anna asks in her weirdly sweet voice.

“Just me.” I say back without smiling, I know I should smile to sell the rouse, but my face won’t allow me to.

“Can I get three blueberry muf f ins, six lemon bars and a piece of the triple chocolate cake?” Anna asks while bending down to preview the cakes on display.

“Sure. I just need to grab the cake from the back.” I don’t wait for her answer as I spin around and go to find my treasure.

I made Anna the perfect chocolate cake last night. She comes in every Tuesday morning for the same order and the chocolate cake is for her. Everyone knows she has a weakness for cookies and chocolate cake. Last night I made the chocolate cake and made sure to keep it away from anyone else. I added a few extra things, things worthy of a fake Luna. Cutting off a big chunk I admire the crea my chocolate spread around the layers and the hidden white chocolate chips peeking out between the layers. Oh yeah, she’s not going to be able to resist this.

Heading back out into the shop I make quick work of the muf fins and lemon bars, handing over the bag I watch as she quickly leaves the store with a hurried goodbye. It’s then that I realise he’s outside. Fraction is standing on the pavement chatting to an older man I don’t know while holding his tiny Alpha Heir. Together they look like a normal everyday couple doing some shopping and chatting to friends, only I know what she’s really like.

Soon I will have what I’m entitled to, and Anna will be gone with her fake Alpha Heir in tow. Fraction is mine and I won’t let anyone tell me


any different

Never a dull day

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