The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 29

Free running. 


Have you ever tried to flirt over steak, potatoes and salad? Better yet add in James, Patrick and Momma Beth and you have one heck of an awkward dinner. As soon as I entered the kitchen Patrick and James. turned to me and tried to hide their smiles. Great we all get to smell me while eating, urgh kill me now. Fraction comes running up behind me. and grabs me by the shoulders as I try to take my seat; “we aren’t done little wolf.” I simply bat my eyes at him and take my seat. 

You know that saying ‘don’t poke a sleeping bear‘ well it should really be ‘don’t tease a grown Alpha‘. At first, I was going to chew him out about Sarah but the longer I sat in his office I realised it’s not his fault she was there. I read a passage in the Omega book Doctor Lee gave me and it really changed how I look at Fraction. 

**Omegas are rare, even rarer is their compatibility with the opposite S*x. When an Alpha and Omega mate they will always mate for life. The Alpha will no more be able to harm his Omega than he is to change the colour of the sky. Infidelity is never seen between an Alpha. and Omega; they are one in every sense. Once mated you will never find a stronger pair.** 

I smile to myself remembering the passage, it’s made me see mine and Fractions connection in a whole new light. Momma Beth has outdone. herself tonight, but I am so full, she gave me two massive steaks, a whole side of chive infused potatoes and a huge helping of salad. While Momma Beth is chatting to James about his sister, I discreetly slide one of my steaks onto Fraction’s plate. He doesn’t bat an eye and just gobbles it down like he’s never eaten before. I am completely zoned out when I hear my name and get brought into the conversation. 




“I want me, Anna and Rick to go to the Moon Gathering. James II need you here.” I hear Fraction say, I have no idea what a Moon. Gathering is. 

“I understand, I will get tents sorted for you all. Will two be enough?” James looks at me as he says this. 

“Well unless Fraction has suddenly had a desire to have Rick join our bed then I’m guessing, yes two please.” Patrick laughs at this as Fraction growls. I pat his knee to try and soothe the sting my joke sent. “Sorry but what exactly is a Moon Gathering?” 

Momma Beth gets up from the table and starts dishing up blueberry pie and coffee, once she is done, she sits down and says, “Moon Gatherings are amazing. As the name suggests it happens under the moon, usually the full moon. It’s where we pay homage to the Moon. Goddess, a long time ago we would use the Gathering’s as a way to bring new members and even Luna’s into packs. That time has passed now,” Momma Beth is twirling her locket n*ecklace as she speaks, “Me and Henry’s father were mated and wedded at a Moon Gathering.” I reach over the table and take her hand, losing a mate is never easy on a wolf, “Now they are used like a court of law among shifters. It helps us keep the peace between packs, any and all crimes are handled by the Elders there.” 

“Oh, I never realised such a thing happened.” I was amazed at how beautiful it all sounded. 

“It’s amazing Anna, you will love it! All the packs in one spot, all sharing space and because of all the wolves many find their mates at Moon Gatherings. A lot of packs take their unmated with them to aid them in finding their mates.” Momma Beth says. 

“Will we be taking some?” I ask the table. 



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“Yes, little wolf we have twelve females and four males all wanting to come and see if they can find their mates.” Fraction sounds proud that he’s able to help so many wolves. “Now if we are all done, me and Anna have plans tonight,” Fraction stands from the table and holds hist hand out to me. I don’t know what plans he has but I’m intrigued. 

As we get closer to the bottom of the garden Fraction lets go of my hand and starts to strip. I figure out pretty quickly that he wants me to shift when suddenly Fraction is gone and I’m standing next to a massive black wolf. I drop my pants and shirt and let Winter take over. I immediately feel her shove me to the back as she stands up and waits. 

Leo comes towards us and sniffs behind our left car, where the mating mark should go. He snuffs and draws a big wet tongue up Winter’s fur. He then takes his head and trails along her side, around her rear and ends with the two tails swishing together. As far as hellos go I think it was pretty good. Leo yips like a pup and bounds off into the woods. with Winter hot on his tail. 

‘Can you keep up little one? I hear Fraction over the mind link. I just laugh which comes out like a series of yips. I’m not sure how long we have been running for. I just know I have never felt this free. Eventually we come across a stream and stop for a drink, the cool water feels so refreshing being lapped up on a giant pink tongue. 

A short while later Fraction is leading us back to the packhouse. That’s when I smell it, it’s a small mark on one of the trees but I would know that smell anywhere. I sniff it again to be sure and Winter stops and yips at Leo to get his attention. 

Fraction, here. Smell.‘ He walks back towards us and sniffs the spot. that got my attention. 

‘That’s not a pack member.‘ Fraction says after a few seconds 

‘It’s John, he’s been here.‘ 

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‘Alright. Quickly back to the packhouse. Don’t look back and don’t shift. Just run.” 

I don’t look back to see if Fraction is with us. I do exactly as he instructed. I will Winter to run faster and faster until we are suddenly outside the packhouse door. I watch as Leo shifts into Fraction, he makes it look as easy as breathing. N*ked and uncaring he quickly opens the door and hurries Winter inside. 

“RICK!” The bellow Fraction let out hurts Winter’s sensitive wolf cars. He ruffles her fur as an apology, Patrick suddenly appears in front of us out of breath. “About 20 minutes west there is a free marked with a scent. Anna said it’s her brother. Take a patrol and do a full sweep. I want everyone out tonight in case he’s still here.” Rick doesn’t answer, he just runs out of the door. 

“Alright Winter, as beautiful as you are, can I have Anna hack now?” I feel Winter swipe her wet tongue up the side of his face before giving me back control. 


let me do it this time.” 

“Easier?” Fraction asks as he helps me to stand. 

“Much. Erm…can we go find some clothes?” Fraction laughs, picks met up in his arms and carries me to our bedroom. 


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