The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 18

Flames burn. 


I don’t know where I am, the ground is hot and black. Like it was once on fire but hasn’t been out for long. Stumps of what used to be trees are glowing with embers, the sky is filled with clouds but they are glowing red almost like a fire is burning somewhere in the distance. I don’t know how I got here, the last thing I remember is being marked by Max. I feel my n*eck and trace the teeth marks with my fingers. I notice a white clump laid in the grass not far from where I am, as I walk closer to it I realise it’s Winter. I fall to my knees and touch her fur wanting to comfort her, she whines and lets out low growls, she’s hot to the touch, too hot. 

‘Winter…what’s happening? I’m confused, I still don’t understand why we are here. 

‘Can’t. Hurts. Wrong.‘ Winter is making no sense; her voice is so far away from me. 

I stand and look around the burnt field. ‘Winter I don’t understand. What’s happening to us?!‘ The fire in the field is restarting and it’s blazing towards us. 


Anna is laid in my bed, sweating, crying out for help and talking to Winter. Me and Rick got her back in record time thanks to Darryl’s help. He travelled back with us with Max hog tied in the back of his car. We sped all the way home and made the journey in what felt like no time yet too much time all at once. 


Rames bum 

“She is fighting but without her wolf she is struggling.” I look at the pack doctor like he has six heads. 

“No shit! Fix it!” My rage has been taken to a whole new level since finding Anna on the floor of that cabin. 

“I’m sorry Alpha but I cannot. She is Omega, she was mated against her will and her wolf is fighting the mark. It’s now up to Anna and Winter. If she accepts the mark she will be mated, if she’s strong enough she will reject the mark and it will fade. There is also the chance that she can die before being able to choose either option.” The doctor sounds defeated as he slowly replaces the cold compress he has on Anna’s 


“What if I kill her mate? Will the mark fade without her having to decide?” I’m pacing back and forth along the end of the bed. I’m going to wear a hole in the carpet. 

“If you kill him, she will die. If she’s still connected to him when he dies, she will die, it’s part of what makes her an Omega. The bonds between an Omega and an Alpha are strong and to a point too strong. One cannot live without the other. 

“I’ve known Alpha’s who have mated with an Omega who have passed. They didn’t die!” I’m starting to question everything this doctor ist telling me. 

“That is rare, Omegas are rare. Someone can have Omega qualities and not be a full Omega. Anna is an Omega in every sense. She will love harder than most, she will be more loyal than most, her mere presence will resolve arguments and there are rumours of true blooded Omegas even being able to heal their mates. Sadly, Omegas are rare enough that we still don’t know what they are fully capable of.” The doctor is packing up his bag, “I will come back this evening to check her vitals, if you need me sooner, please just shout.” with that the doctor leaves 

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Flames bum 

the room. 

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Every part of my being is wanting me to comfort Anna, but I don’t know what to do. She’s finally covered, wearing one of my shirts and a pair of her panties. The doctor has dressed her wounds and given her antibiotics for the infection on her leg. She has a drip going into her, the doctor said it will hydrate her and give her some much–needed nourishment. Her wolf should be taking care of her now but if the doctor is right then Winter is busy doing other things. I decide to lay down next to Anna and try to sleep considering there isn’t much else to do. Anna’s cries have simmered down, and she seems to have sl*pped 

into a sleep state. 

I don’t know where I am, the ground is hot and black. Like it was once on fire but hasn’t been out for long. Stumps of what used to be trees are glowing with embers, the sky is filled with clouds, but they are. glowing red almost like a fire is burning somewhere in the distance. I see a white bundle on the floor with a girl sitting next to it. 

“Anna? Winter?” I shout out, I start running towards them. The girl’s head shoots up and looks straight at me. I recognize those blue eyes anywhere, “Anna, my Anna” I grab her and hold her to me when I 

reach her. 

“Fraction? What…what are you doing in my dream?” Anna sounds 


“A dream? Is that where we are? The last thing I remember is falling asleep next to you. What happened here?” 

“I think this is where I first met Winter, I don’t understand what happened to it.” 

“It’s you Anna, you happened to it. Well, you and Max.” Max’s name 




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comes out in a growl. 

“He…he marked me. I remember the pain and that’s it. I know he’s my mate, but I don’t want to be mated to a man who buys women!” She sounds so strong, stronger than I know she is right now. 

“He’s your mate? How is that possible?” 

“I met him when I first got the place with those rogues, he came back. for me. He took me away.” 

“No, I mean, how can he be your mate? Two mates….Goddess what a mess.” 

“Two mates? No, I only scented one.” She looks me in the eyes, and I can see the question there. 

“Anna, me and you, we are mates. When you wake up you will be able to scent me for yourself. Right now, I need you to focus, you and Winter need to reject the mark, or you will die. You could accept it but then you will be mated to Max.” 

“NO! I won’t be mated to him. How do I reject him? I can’t get out of here, I’ve tried!” 

“Try telling Winter, she should know what to do.” We both walk over to the white wolf whimpering on the floor. 

“Winter. I, Anna Clem reject Max as my mate and Alpha. Winter, can you hear me?” She is trying to reach her wolf. “We reject Max as our mate Winter. Please hear me. Reject him. WINTER!” Anna is shouting at her wolf trying to reach her through the pain of a forced mating. 

“Fraction, wake up.” I jerk awake to my mother shaking my ar 


“Mother, what’s wrong?” I’m annoyed, Anna needs me and now I’m not 



the Wintendige pack 

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Flames bum 

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sure I can get back to her. 

“There is a call for you, Alpha Callum from the Whiteridge pack.” 

“Can’t James take it?” I stand up from my bed and look at my mother. 

“James is on the phone now, but he needs you.” I hope Anna can get through to Winter. This is down to her and her wolf now. 


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