The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 13

An Alphas Rage


As I make my way to the basement, I start to think of all the things that could be happening to my Little Wolf, the horrors she could be going through, the females that are missing, the dead ones we found and the ones we don’t know about. I’m working myself up, angering Leo, getting myself ready to inflict as much pain as I can.

Once I’m in the basement I pass the sparring mats, pass the punching bags and the free-standing showers, in the winter months we use the basement for training in small groups. Even wolves get cold. Behind all the equipment we have a door that leads to the cells. We rarely use them; we don’t really have the need for them, but my father insisted. they be built. As I enter, I see eight solid silver bar doors, I walk to the very end and try to ignore the smell of pi*s, blood, sweat and fear. Having him down here for almost a year has embedded his stench into the very walls. He knows this place will be his tomb, when I’m ready to be merciful.

Once I reach his cell, I can hear the unmistakable sound of skin on skin. The smell of blood is fresh, and I step over a new puddle of pi*s running towards the drain. I peer around the wall and see one of my warriors taking his pound of flesh on our little guest. We don’t know his name, so we have been calling him Tommy, Good ol’ Tommy boy.

Tommy is a mess, he’s hanging from the ceiling, silver chains around. his wrists ensure he won’t break free. Silver doesn’t hurt us, but we can’t break it, it weakens us and is uncomfortable. He’s also injected with wolfsbane every two hours to ensure his wolf can’t heal him. Even with the silver his wolf could still heal his most pressing injuries. His knees are both at an odd angle, Rick’s work no doubt, they have been


broken over and over until I doubt, they will ever set again. His back has been skinned, again Rick, payback for the scars he now carries. His face resembled a stamped-on orange, all scabs, puss and open wounds. He has various knife wounds over his torso, silver knives dipped in wolfsbane leave a knowing mark. He’s thin from lack of food and water, we do feed him but very little. Just enough not to kill him.

As my warrior starts carving into his chest, I hear “Tell me where the females are.” slice, “Where are they keeping them?” stab, “Tell me!” I can hear the rage in Liam’s voice, he’s a strong warrior and easily one of my top ten.

“Enough Liam, it’s my turn now,” Liam turns to me with a scowl on his face, his green eyes dilated and flashing yellow, he was really getting

into this.

“No worries, Alpha, I’m hungry anyway” with that Liam turns back to Tommy and slams the knife into his thigh and walks out of the cells.

I slowly walk around the damaged wolf hanging there waiting for what’s next. I ‘tut tut’ as I walk around him. “So, you have been broken, stabbed, bled, starved and skinned. Yet you still won’t talk.” I sigh as I walk over to the table of various instruments waiting to be used. We have knives, pliers, axes, swords, ropes, live batteries and so much more. Anything you can torture a wolf with is on this table. My warriors don’t like this side of their job, but they know how to do it. well. I check the timer on the wall and notice he needs a new dose of wolfsbane. An idea comes to me. For now, I leave the wolfsbane alone. I walk back over to Tommy and stop in front of him. He chained up high enough I could see into his bloodshot eyes. I can’t even tell you. what colour they are they are so puffed up.

“How about we wait, and I have a chat with your wolf?” if you can’t torture the man, torture the beast inside instead. I take a seat on the

wooden chair and wait.




I stand in the kitchen and catch a glimpse of myself in the silver tray I’m holding. My once bright blue eyes are now dulled with pain and disappear, my hair is short, going just past my cars. My l*p is in a permanent state of bruised, it never seems to heal. I have bruises and scrapes all over my face, there is no pattern to them, it’s just random injuries all over the place. The worst one being the one across the bridge of my nose, it’s slowly causing black eyes as the resulting damage spreads. This isn’t where I thought I would be when I turned eighteen. I had visions of being mated, happy and free. Even if I didn’t meet my mate, I knew I would be happy, I miss Fraction, Momma Beth, James, Patrick and all my other pack members. In two short years Swiftmane pack had become more of a home to me than fifteen years. in the Mountain pack ever did.

“Girl you better get those drinks out here” I shudder as I hear his voice, I don’t know how he survived but John’s voice grinds on every nerve I have left. I turn and look in the blue eyes that are so similar to mine. He has the same deep brown hair as me and it’s flopping over one of his eyes. I guess you could say he’s handsome, but personally I don’t see it. I just see pain and death when I look at him.

“I’m coming now” I reply in a small voice, I pick up the tray with six glasses of whiskey on it and try to dodge my way around him into the small welcome room/lounge. John gets close to me, too close, he takes a big sniff and says, “Max will be here in 2 weeks to claim what he has. bought, his girls don’t last long so enjoy your freedom while you can.” He takes a whiskey and places a hand on the small of my back guiding me into the lounge.

I put the tray on the coffee table, as I bend, one of the men sitting on. the ratty leather sofa grabs my a*s, I don’t bat it away. You don’t ever tell a customer no. The man is fat, like rolls in the n*eck can’t tell where


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your head finishes and n*eck start kind of fat. He’s balding and sweating. He stinks of S*x with multiple females and cigar smoke hangs around him like flies on stale food. I wait until he removes his hand and carefully make my way out of the dilapidated lounge. I enter the hall and go into the first door on the left. This is the restroom, it’s the only place I can get any form of peace. I turn the rusting tap on and sit on the edge of the tub. I start thinking about my first few days here.

Two weeks, I thought it would be longer. Not long after I got here, I was dragged up from the basement and into the lounge. Sat on the same shabby sofa as the balding ass grabber sat another man. He was dark skinned, bald in a way that says he chose to do it, it wasn’t age it was a f**hion statement. He had on an expensive suit and smelled clean compared to the other men I have met here. I knew straight away he was a wolf, everything about him screamed Alpha. He smelled of lavender and bluebells. It was intoxicating, I knew what it meant, I didn’t want it though. Not here, not now. I knew he wasn’t there to save me. In a thick accent he states “Mate!” he gets up and walks to me, he grabs my jaw between his thumb and first finger squeezing more than he needed to. “How much?” He wasn’t talking to me; he was speaking to John.

“To use or to keep?” I can’t believe I’m here. I can’t believe my brother. is trying to sell me.

“To keep, one does not pass up their mate. Name your price rogue.”


The accented man chuckles and turns my head to the left and then the right, his hold was starting to hurt, I could feel the tears forming my eyes “2.3”

“2.4” I turn my eyes to John, was he really negotiating with my life.

“2.2, and I will leave her here as a sl*ve until she’s of age. You may


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beat her into submission, but her virtue is mine.” The stranger is looking me in the eye as he says this. I can feel his Alpha aura pulsing. he’s strong and he knows it.

“2.2, and we will keep her for the year, but I want at least a month’s notice before collection,” John sounds happy at the prospect of keeping me around.

“Deal.” The man finally let’s go of my jaw and shakes John’s hand, “remember her virtue is mine, in every way.” He again takes my jaw in his hand and forces me to look him in the eyes, “I will be back my dark beauty. Remember my name, you will be screaming it loud enough.” He sees the question in my eyes, “Max, my name is Max.”





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