Chapter : Sub Rosa: June 22, 1959
Why would a beautiful couple with a gorgeous five-bedroom home not be interested in filling it up with a brood of children? You’d have to ask Don Adler and Evelyn Hugo that question.
Or maybe you’d just have to ask Evelyn.
Don wants a baby, and certainly we’ve all been waiting with bated breath to find out when the progeny of those two beautiful creatures will make his or her way into the world. We know any child they have would be sure to send us into fits of swooning.
But Evelyn’s saying no.
Instead, all Evelyn talks about is her career, including her new movie, Little Women.
More than that, Evelyn doesn’t even attempt to keep a clean house or mind her husband’s simple requests, and she can’t be bothered to be kind to the help.
Instead, she’s out at Schwab’s with single girls like Celia St. James!
Poor Don’s at home, yearning for a child, while Evelyn’s out having the time of her life.
It’s all Evelyn, Evelyn, Evelyn in that house.
And she’s left a very unsatisfied husband.