The Second Marriage Chance

Chapter Ashes of Innocence


When I woke up, I felt the comforting warmth of Philip's arms wrapped around me, his breath gentle against my neck. 'Shit! What time is it?'

My eyes darted to the digital clock on the bedside table, widening in alarm at the numbers staring back at me. I tried to slip out of Philip's embrace, but he groaned in protest and tightened his hold. "Philip, I'm going to be late. We have to get up now."

As I spoke, his rough hand slipped under my shirt, brazenly cupping my breast. He even dared to pinch it and rolled my nipple over his fingers.

Is this scoundrel seriously touching me in broad daylight?


"It felt nice," he murmured in my ear, his voice rough from sleep.

"Clearly! Because you're perving on me!" I swatted his hand away. "And don't forget, your belongings are still at Serenity Pines. Moreover, I must get ready for work and ensure Jane feels welcome." He blinked awake. "Hmm! Why are you only focusing on Jane? Feed me first."

I arched an eyebrow. "You're not the guest; you're a troublemaker! I've already let you crash at the villa. Do I have to worry about feeding you, too?"

"This is what I want," he murmured, caressing softly the spot between my legs.

Heat flooded my cheeks, and I stepped back. "No! Go home!"

Breaking free from his embrace, I asserted, "That's enough! I've already allowed you to stay overnight."

I exited the room, refusing to succumb to his advances. If he wanted me, he would have to earn it. The pain from yesterday lingered, a reminder of my enduring love for Philip.

The presence of Megan at Serenity Pines puzzled me. Why had Philip allowed her to stay?

In the kitchen, I busied myself preparing breakfast. The sizzle of bacon and egg filled the air as Jane descended the stairs, her presence bringing a sense of comfort amidst the turmoil of my thoughts. "Need a hand?" she offered.

"Hey, love! Did you sleep well?" I asked, sidestepping the offer.

"I got a memo about our meeting today," Jane informed me.

"Me too." Like her, I got the memo and tried waking up earlier.

Jane raised her glass for a sip of water.

"Thanks for having me last night, love. You know how I despise the Cornell Mansion. The energy there always feels off, especially with Dad inevitably bringing up my engagement, which puts a damper on my mornings." I longed to delve into Jane's thoughts about the engagement arranged by Madam Cornell, but sensing her reluctance to broach the subject, I chose to respect her silence.

"You know you're welcome to stay with me anytime. Coffee?" I grabbed a cup before she could respond. "The espresso machine is all set."

"Oh, how sweet! Thanks, love!" Jane exclaimed. As Jane savored her coffee, she caught sight of Trey approaching.

"Madam Sarah, I have an urgent report for Boss Philip," Trey announced.

Jane's eyes widened ever so slightly as she realized Philip was in the villa.

"I'm here," Philip declared as he entered the kitchen.

"Whoa! Brother Philip, did you spend the night here?" Jane questioned, shooting me a suspicious glance.

"What? Please don't give me that look. Your brother unexpectedly came to me late at night because he let Megan use the Serenity Pines Estate! "I retorted, sighing.

Philip turned to me, a smirk playing on his lips. "I detect a hint of jealousy, babe. But there's no need for it; I'm right here with you. And let's not forget, I held you close all through the night."

I found myself at a loss for words, struck by the sincerity in his expression. My cheeks grew warmer, particularly under the scrutiny of Jane and Trey.

"I'm not jealous! And who said I wanted you here in the villa?" I retorted, but the jerk ignored me and turned to Trey instead.

"What's the news?" Philip inquired.

Trey's expression shifted with concern as he glanced between Jane and me. A knot formed in my stomach, prompting me to give a subtle signal. "Feel free to share, especially if it involves me," I interjected.

Trey then turned to Philip. My ex-husband nodded, affirming, "Go ahead. Sarah must know, especially if her name is dragged into this mess."

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Confusion gripped me. "What do you mean?" I directed at Philip, but Trey continued.

"It's been confirmed that Ms. Megan's helper was found in the burnt villa. The helper is deceased," Trey disclosed, leaving Jane and me gasping in shock.

"Has Megan been notified?" Philip inquired.

"Yes," Trey replied softly. "But, as you mentioned to Madam Sarah, her name became entangled in the investigation due to the deep connections you share with both of them." "Wait, what?" I blurted out, my mouth hanging open in disbelief.

Philip continued with his explanation: "As I mentioned last night, the fire at Megan's villa was deliberate. Megan claims she came to check on you yesterday morning, but you angrily turned her away. Given your recent return to Highland Hills, they're entertaining the notion."

"They're considering the possibility that I'm involved because of the relationship we have? This could be your fault for having two marriage arrangements!" I accused Philip.

Philip countered, "How is this my fault?"

"Because you're a womanizer!" I shot back.

Philip challenged, "A womanizer is someone who juggles multiple relationships, cheating on all involved. You're the one who has more than one man."

Surprise rippled through me, widening my eyes in disbelief. "When have I ever had a man?"

"You've got Bronn Martin, Amir Benner, and that tech guy!" Philip listed off.

"Jakob?" I clarified.

"That's right! And add Josh to the mix. You were seeing my bodyguard behind my back," Philip accused.

I glanced at Trey. It seemed likely that he had informed Philip about my short meeting with Josh the previous night.

"You're not making any sense, Philip!"

Aside from Bronn, I couldn't fathom any romantic involvement with those men. And what possible connection could they have to implicating me in Megan's situation? "It does make sense because it angered me!"

Jane, Trey and I were utterly speechless. Philip's logic seemed utterly incomprehensible, as if it belonged to another universe entirely.

Planning your weekend reading? Ensure you're on for uninterrupted enjoyment. The next chapter is just a click away, exclusively available on our site. Happy reading!

Jane commented, "Are we even discussing the same topic anymore, guys? I'm beginning to worry about getting married."

Trey cleared his throat before continuing, "The van mentioned by Ms. Megan has also been located-the vehicle she claimed to have encountered on her way home. Ms. Megan's car is equipped with a dash cam, which expedited the investigation. They identified the group responsible for burning down the villa. The issue now is... this group accuses Madam Sarah, alleging she paid them to carry out the act against Ms. Megan."

The three individuals in the kitchen turned their gaze towards me: Jane, Trey, and Philip. I couldn't help but grimace, incredulous that my name had been dragged into the situation.

"Boss Alex will update you on other developments, Boss Philip. He's overseeing the investigation," Trey said, seeking permission to depart, which Philip granted.

I sank into a chair, my mind reeling from the revelation.

"Sarah, what now?" Jane asked, offering her support by squeezing my hand.

"I don't know. Frankly, I've had enough of all this drama. Let's dig in!" I declared, reaching for a plate.

Philip shot me a glance, his head shaking in disbelief, while Jane opted to stay silent.

"You don't have to worry about it," Philip reassured me, his tone firm.

"Absolutely! I trust Alex and myself. I'm sure Alex is doing everything to find out the truth. As for me, I don't even know where Megan's villa is. Besides, what would I gain from burning her villa? I'd rather digest the accusation; it will make me full and healthy!"

"But Sarah, someone died. That's the outcome of burning Megan's villa," Jane interjected, her concern evident.

I know. That's one of the things on my mind. The truth is, I'm nervous, but I don't want this to cause me a panic attack.

"I'll simply await the investigation and cooperate with the police. I haven't done anything wrong, so why should I torment myself?" I added, trying to calm my racing thoughts.

Megan was well aware of my temporary residence at Amir's villa. Who, in their right mind, would willingly dwell in proximity to someone they perceived as a threat? Megan knew I wasn't the one orchestrating the fire, implying she might have been responsible for it herself.

I have a feeling she intentionally set her own home ablaze.

"Did she happen to request your permission to stay at Serenity Pines Estate?" I inquired of Philip.

"Yes," Philip replied.

It seemed to confirm my initial suspicions-Megan's intention to establish residence in Serenity Pines. While I'm not entirely certain of her motives, her actions cast suspicion on me, pushing me to take action. It's not just about Philip's attention she's after; she's also trying to provoke me.

However, Megan forgot one crucial detail. Serenity Pines Estate is under my ownership, which means....

I have the authority to monitor her activities closely.

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