The Runaway Luna (Book One)

Chapter Chapter Fourteen: The Boss

*A few days later*

“Annie, wake up,” Aunt Crystal gently shakes me awake.

“No. More sleep,” Leah grumbles in the back of my mind.

Eyes slowly opening, I instinctively look at the alarm clock on my bedside table. It says it’s only one thirty in the morning. Yawning, I ask, “What’s going on?”

“Get up, dear. I need you to come with me,” her voice strains out.

The fear laced in her words jolt me completely awake. Sitting up, I instantly read the panic on her face, “What’s wrong?”

“I will tell you, but for right now, just hurry up and get dressed,” she says, quickly walking to my closet to pull out clothes.

“Annie, something’s very wrong,” Leah says, also feeling the tension in the air.

Throwing the covers off my body, I hop out of bed and follow behind her, “Aunt Crystal-”

She swallows nervously, shoving jeans and a shirt into my arms. Grabbing my shoulders, she spins me around and lightly pushes me towards the bathroom, “Annie, please. Get in the restroom and change. Quickly now.”

Without another word, I do as she says, throwing the clothing on and putting my hair into a high pony. When I walk back out, she has my backpack on the bed and is packing my things.

“Why are you packing my stuff? I’m not supposed to leave until next week,” I ask, confused.

She takes the pajamas out of my hands to put into the backpack and mutters, “Things have changed.”

“Aunt Crystal, you are scaring me,” I admit, my heart starting to race in fear.

She walks past me to grab my toiletries out the bathroom before coming back and stuffing them in. Zipping it up, she throws it on her shoulder. She grabs my phone off the end table and hands it to me, “Come on. Let’s go. They are waiting.”

“Who’s waiting?” I press.

“Annie-” She starts, but I interrupt.

“Aunt Crystal, please!” I beg.

She sighs, grabbing my face, “Do you trust me?”

I nod, “With my life.”

“Would I do anything without a reason?” she asks.

“No,” I shake my head.

“Then, follow me,” she says, dropping her hand to mine and pulling me out of the room. She practically drags me all the way downstairs. I notice how eerily quiet the packhouse is. Normally, there’s at least a couple fighters and pack members walking around at all times.

“What the hell is happening?” I question Leah.

I can feel her pacing, feeling restless, “I don’t know, but I can feel the intense anxiety rolling off of her wolf Angel. Do you think there’s another attack?”

“Maybe, but why would she be packing my things? Wouldn’t we be hunkering down or helping fight?” I point out.

“Maybe they don’t want us to get hurt again,” she offers, unsure.

Suddenly, we take a sharp turn and head for a secluded hallway tucked in the very back of the pack house. Before I can ask, Aunt Crystal lets go of my hand and walks up to a large oil portrait of my Grandparents, one I had never seen before. She reaches behind it and after a few seconds, she pushes a hidden button concealed behind. A section of the wall begins shifting, opening the way to a set of stairs that leads us underground. Without a word, she turns and reaches her hand back out to me. I silently take it and follow her, the wall shutting behind us.

Soon, we reach the bottom where there’s a small hallway and a large, reinforced metal door with fighters on both sides.

“Is this the emergency bunker?” Leah asks.

“No, I don’t think so. That one is below the bedrooms. This is completely on the other side of the pack house,” I answer, feeling my uneasiness rising.

One of the fighters move toward the door and enters a ten digit code on the keypad next to it. The door releases and slowly opens for us. She turns back and addresses Aunt Crystal, “They are waiting for you, Luna.”

Aunt Crystal nods and walks through the threshold, still pulling me behind her. The fighter quickly shuts the door behind us, locking it from the outside. We walk down a long stretch of hallway before reaching another door, voices sounding from behind it as we approach.

“This is concerning, Solomon. Not only the threat to Lunar Eclipse and its future Luna, but now also to all the packs. You and I both know this rogue won’t stop at one. Their power hungry nature won’t allow it,” an unknown voice addresses Uncle Marc.

“I’m aware, Bailey. That’s why I called you all here to begin with, to come up with a plan to not only keep Annabeth safe, but the packs as well. Of course, it can never be as simple as that,” Uncle Marc replies, frustration evident.

“How is Benjamin holding up, Blake?” another voice asks.

“Alpha Xavier is here?” Leah asks in disbelief.

As if to answer her, we hear his voice, “As well as you’d imagine, Everest. His mate is under threat. He’s hiding it, putting on a brave face for everyone else, because Goddess forbid an Alpha shows emotion. I know he is angry, as well as fearful for her safety. We all are.”

“And you, Beta Solomon?” the same voice asks as we reach the door. My head whips to my aunt who gives me a small smile at my shocked expression.

“Honestly, barely holding it together. Trying to keep my wife from falling apart and my son from burning down the world to find the bastard,” Dad says, voice sounding drained.

I haven’t seen my father in weeks, and now the only thing separating us is a door. With a single nod, she signals for me to enter. I don’t hesitate and push it open. I vaguely register the men gathered around the large meeting table. Several heads turn, including my Dad’s. Our eyes meet, and I can’t stop the tears from flowing. Ignoring every other soul in the room, I race to him. He quickly stands from his chair and meets me halfway, scooping me into a hug. I silently weep into his neck as he holds on tight.

“Hi, baby girl,” he whispers, trying to not get emotional.

“I missed you,” I choke out.

He sniffles, “I missed you, too, Annabeth,”

We stay like that for several minutes before I finally pull away. He wipes the tears off of my face as I ask, “Daddy, why are you here? What is this room? Why is my stuff packed? What is going on?”

Uncle Marc stands from his chair at the head of the long table and approaches us, “Annie, this is a secured meeting room for me to use when there’s sensitive information that no one outside of it needs to know, like what I’m about to tell you.”

Finally glancing across the room, I make eye contact with everyone as they look at me with concern.

“Leah, of course. The names!” I exclaim, realizing the men sitting around the table are Alphas from several packs, specifically the ones we are allied with. Alexander Bailey from Midnight Sun, Killian Everest from Crimson Shadow, Phillip Mann from Night Prowler, and Drew Winters from Dusk Fall are all here.

Aunt Crystal walks around to rest a hand on Uncle Marc's chest in comfort, which he gratefully accepts and kisses her. He sighs, “I know we agreed that I would send you back home next week, but the situation has changed.”

“What’s happened?” I ask.

They give each other a look before Dad sighs and nods. Uncle Marc turns and grabs a piece of folded paper from the table. He hands it to me with an angry expression, “This is what happened.”

Hesitantly, I open it, and I immediately want to gag. It’s a letter addressed to me, but what causes the distress is that it is written in blood.


I must start off by saying the brutal beating my people endured by your hand was truly remarkable. Damen speaks highly of you and your skills, despite the fact that you bested him and some of my most talented fighters. I’m sure your father must be overjoyed. He is the head fighter of your pack after all. I might have extended an offer for you to join us, if you weren’t currently my target.

You see, Annabeth, my vendetta is not against you. I do not wish for any harm to come to you, despite Damen’s aggressive method of retrieving you. Unfortunately, you got caught in a very deadly game, and now I must use you to get what is rightfully mine. Alpha Solomon and Alpha Blake are the ones who will give me my due, either by choice, or I’ll just have to force your mate’s hand.

One would assume that they will immediately put you on lockdown once you read this, either in Crescent Moon or back home in Lunar Eclipse. Perhaps they may try to hide you elsewhere, or maybe you are thinking of running yet again. Let me remind them and you of one very important fact. I have eyes and ears everywhere, in every human city, in every pack. There is nowhere you can hide that I cannot follow.

Knowing the Alphas as I do, I suspect they will read this letter before you. I shall let it slide this one time, but from now on, you are the only one to lay eyes on them. Otherwise, I may have to “invite” more of your friends over to help you with this stipulation. I do hope you can forgive the barbarism, but I had to make sure to get your attention. You must admit, this red is a hard shade to ignore.

Farewell for now. I will be in touch.

P.S. You will find Miss Dixie alive at the southern border. I suggest you make haste before that changes.

Slowly lifting my head, I look between my father and my uncle. “Please tell me she’s okay,” I force out, trying to keep Leah’s anger down.

Uncle Marc nods, “Dixie is at the hospital. She’s stable, but unconscious. She…lost a lot of blood, and there were obvious signs of torture.”

“I WILL RIP THIS BASTARD’S HEAD FROM THEIR SHOULDERS!” Leah snarls in the back of my mind.

My hands start shaking as our anger rises. I know my eyes are flashing, so I close them and take deep breaths, “When did you get this?”

“About twenty minutes ago. It was taped to the packhouse door. We don’t know how long it’s been there or who put it there,” my uncle sighs frustratedly, taking the letter out of my hands.

Opening my eyes, I glance around the room, “And all the Alphas?”

Alpha Xavier answers me, “Your uncle called this meeting the day you were injured. We both knew there was more going on here besides a random rogue attack, which you confirmed when you woke up. With everyone’s schedules and trying to secure our own borders, this was the first night we all could meet and leave our packs safely. Whether this letter appearing is pure coincidence or intentional, we don’t know.”

“My money is on the latter,” a voice from the table says. The man stands and approaches me, hand extended. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, future Luna. My name is Killian Everest.”

Being too frazzled to correct him, I shake the man’s hand.

“Likewise. You’re the Alpha of the Crimson Shadow pack, right? You’re the youngest Alpha to take over at the age of sixteen,” I verify, remembering the story about how his father was killed.

He looks at me surprised before nodding, “That is correct. I must admit I am shocked you know that, considering that was almost twenty years ago.”

“History of the packs is very important in my household, besides the fact that I am a bit of a history nerd. I get it honestly, though,” I lightly chuckle, motioning towards Dad who nods in agreement.

He gives us a smile before turning to introduce me to the rest of the Alphas, who, unexpectedly, all stand to shake my hand. Well, except for Alpha Xavier, who opts to pull me into a bear hug.

Apparently, my fighting skills have earned me respect among them, and it’s an honor to meet me. Of course, every single one addresses me as “future Luna”, but I don’t say anything. I’m more focused on this rogue and threat to the ones I love, and our allies.

Dad guides me to the seat next to him as I ask, “What are we going to do now?”

“Well, that’s what we woke you up for,” Alpha Xavier says, meeting my eyes. “We have wrapped up our meeting and have a game plan, but there’s still the matter of your safety. I believe that you should return with us.”

Glancing around the room, I question, “But…isn’t that exactly what this piece of shit said we were going to do? Shouldn’t we be trying to come up with something else?”

“I understand where you are coming from,” Alpha Mann speaks up, “but think of it this way Annabeth. There are spies in every single one of our packs, meaning this “boss” already knows when your uncle planned on moving you. No one knows of this meeting, except the one we left in charge in our absence. It makes sense to move you now.”

“So I’m supposed to go back home and hide while you all fight to protect me, along with your packs?” I scoff, looking around the room.

“I didn’t say you couldn’t help. We are just wanting to get you home. You are going to train and prepare for battle just like everyone else, not that you need it,” Alpha Xavier retorts, hands up.

“Alpha, you and I both know that Benjamin’s first instinct will be to secure me in bubble wrap and hide me away. You think he’d let me train and fight after getting hurt? After this letter?” I question, pointing to the stained parchment.

He nods, “Yes, because of this letter. In fact, it was his idea. He knows better than to try to stop you, at least with this. He knows you’ll want to protect us just like we want to protect you. This is the common ground.”

I blink a couple of times, processing this before I turn to my Dad, “What do you think?”

He tucks a loose strain behind my ear and nods, “I think you need to come back. I know I said staying with your uncle was best, and at the time, it was. This direct threat changes that. They know you’ll be moved next week and might try to attack. This allows us to move you undetected beforehand.”

I sigh, looking back at my uncle, “Okay. When?”

“Now,” he says with a sad smile.

“Now?!” I exclaim, realizing why Aunt Crystal was packing my things so fast.

“The sooner, the better, Annie,” Alpha Xavier says.

I shake my head, “No, wait. I need to tell everyone bye. I want to see Dixie, check on her. I mean, she’s hurt because of me.”

“She’s hurt because of this asshole, not you,” Alpha Xavier retorts.

I stand up from my chair, grabbing my bag from Aunt Crystal and heading for the door, “I can’t just leave. I’m going to go see her right now, then I will go with you. Uncle Marc, can you tell Harry and Hope to meet me there?”

I can tell they want to argue, but Uncle Marc just sighs, “Alright. Kristoff, do you want to ride over with her? That way you guys can leave immediately from there. Hide in the back of her jeep if you can. I don’t want anyone spotting you or any of the Alphas.”

My Dad nods and stands to follow me. I stop, setting my bag by the door. Turning, I run up to Uncle Marc and Aunt Crystal to pull them into a hug, “Thank you. For everything.”

Their arms squeeze me tight against them as they each place a kiss on my temples. “We will see you soon, okay?” Aunt Crystal promises, pulling away.

“Stay safe and remember your training. Also, give that mate of yours a hard time for me, will you?” Uncle Marc smirks, Alpha Xavier chuckling behind him.

“Duh,” I joke, giving one final quick hug before joining Dad back at the door.

He grabs my bag and looks at his brother, “I’ll let you know when we make it home.”

“Much appreciated. Goodbye, brother,” my uncle smiles.

Dad returns it, “Goodbye.”

We walk out, following a couple of fighters back out. They lead us to a private area behind the pack house where my jeep is waiting. Taking Uncle Marc’s advice, he jumps into the back passenger seat. I drive us to the hospital, parking near the back entrance for the Alpha’s family members. Telling Dad I’ll be right back, I jump out and head to the door. Walking in, I find Harry and Hope waiting for me.

“Dixie’s in room 103,” Harry says as I approach.

I nod, glancing around for any listening ears. Being extra cautious, I grab their hands and pull them into an empty consulting room, “Okay. I’ll try to be quick, but I couldn’t leave without seeing her or telling you guys bye.”

Harry smiles sadly at me before hugging me tight, “Imma miss you. Please, be careful. Hopefully, this will all be over soon. We will be here doing our part and helping any way we can.”

“I will, I promise. I’m going to miss you guys, too,” I say, pulling away.

Turning to Hope, I can see tears gathering in her eyes. We’ve barely interacted these last few days, not because I’m upset with her, but because I wanted to give them space. Seeing me everywhere would make this all hurt worse.

“Annie…” she starts.

I grab her and squeeze her tight, “Don’t, Hope. It’s okay. I swear. I’m not upset with you. I just wanted to give you guys some space, get to know each other better. I was thinking I had until next week, but of course, things always change around here.”

She squeezes me back just as tight, “You don’t know how relieved I am to hear that. I love you so much, and I was so afraid I would lose you.”

“Never!” I say sternly, pulling away, “I would never allow a guy or anything to ruin our relationship. I love you, and nothing will change that.”

She gives me a genuine smile, “Okay. Stay safe. Try to keep our mates in line for me.”

I tilt my head, “Jonathan’s returning to Lunar Eclipse? He’s not staying here with you?”

“No. More than likely, I will eventually move there, but I want us to not only get to know each other better, but get through this mess first. This rogue has targets on everyone,” she explains nervously.

“Good point,” I sigh.

With one final hug, I head to Dixie’s room.

“Leah, I’m getting worried. This rogue is even more dangerous than we originally thought. We are gonna have to train hard when we get back. I don’t want them getting the jump on us,” I tell her.

She nods, “I was thinking the same. These mutts have no boundaries, and no telling what they would do to us.”

Reaching the door, I take a deep breath and slowly open it. The sight shatters my heart. Dixie is hooked up to so many machines, her body battered and bruised. Scars and burn marks litter her arms with three, large, deep cuts across her face, barely missing her eyes. Her neck is black and blue from being strangled.

I approach her bed, lightly squeezing her hand, “I am so sorry, Dixie. I did this to you.”

Blinking the tears back, I sit on the edge and talk to her about anything I can think of. I know I shouldn’t linger too long, but I feel so guilty. I don’t want to leave her.

Suddenly, I feel her hand squeeze. Jerking my head up, I’m met with very sleepy eyes. Her mouth opens, but nothing comes out.

“It’s okay. Don’t try to speak. Let me get the nurse!” I gasp, going to stand up.

She grips a little tighter, stopping me. I soothe her, “Okay, okay. I won’t leave. Just let me hit the call button.”

She gives me a small nod, so I lean over to press it before focusing back on her.

“Yes?” The nurse calls from the speaker.

“She’s awake,” I tell the lady on the other end.

“Someone will be in shortly,” the nurse says before clicking off.

I furrow my eyebrows as I watch her slowly lift her other hand, mimicking a writing motion.

“You want to write something?” I question, to which she nods ‘yes’ to.

Glancing around the room, I start digging through the different compartments. I quickly find an unused notepad and a pen in one of the drawers. Holding the pad close to her, she takes the pen and starts writing. It’s a little jumbled together due to her still feeling groggy, but I’m able to make it out.

Not your fault.

I take a shaky breath, “Yes, it is. Just knowing me put you in harm’s way. I am so sorry.”

She writes again.

His fault.

“Who? Damen’s?” I ask, brows furrowing.

No. The Boss.

My blood boils as I try to remain calm, “What did he want from you?”


“About the packs? The Alphas?” I question.


“What about me?” I gently press.

Anything he could use against you. I refused.

I can feel my eyes flashing, “So he tortured you.”

Yes. Didn’t work.

“I will rip his throat out,” Leah snarls.

“I am so sorry. I have to return home, but I promise you this. I will find this bastard, and I will end them,” I vow, growling through my teeth.

She smiles then writes again.

I know you will. Messed with the wrong woman.

Nurses start walking in, so I back away a little bit to give them room. I give her a soft smile before saying, “Please, take care of yourself, and I’ll check in on you, okay?”

She nods, giving me a small wave after writing one final thing.

I’ll be okay. Go.

With a final squeeze to her hand, I move away as the nurses surround her. Placing the pad to the side, I turn to leave. She watches me until I exit the room, her eyes reassuring me that she’s fine.

“Leah?” I growl.

“Yeah, Annie?” she answers, anger in her voice.

“We don’t stop, we don’t rest, until this fucker’s head is mounted on the wall,” I snarl in my head, Leah growling in agreement.

I reach my jeep, fuming. Dad asks if I’m okay, but I can’t answer. I just give him a small nod. At the same time, a car with some of our fighters pass, leading Alpha Xavier’s tinted SUV. I follow the vehicles as another car with the rest of our fighters get behind me. Dad can see the turmoil on my face, so he quietly climbs to the front seat once we leave Crescent Moon territory, giving me time to process my emotions. As I drive down the darkened highway, my hands grip tight against the steering wheel, feeling even more determined than I was before to find this son of a bitch.

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