The RisingThe Rising Book One The Darkness Series

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Watching Jonah play with Torak Liem’s heart aches for his wife, Hailey. The wolf definitely would have freaked her out. But knowing their son can talk to animals, that his best friend is a wolf who will protect him with his life, she would have loved the wolf for that.

His heart is still raw without her. Without being given any real time to mourn his loss, Liem has had to put those feelings aside and focus on what comes next. Still he can’t believe she’s gone. One minute she was standing next to him, watching Jonah swinging at the park, the next she was gone. He was holding her hand and then his hand was empty.

It’s no wonder Mira is struggling to understand what happened to her family. Everyone is struggling to understand. Not just how they have lost people but how they have become something more. These powers that some of them got and others didn’t, there’s no rhyme or reason to it. Nor is there any way to determine why some people have turned to the dark and others to the light.

People are lost, looking for their loved ones and confused by these changes. Liem is thankful that Raine has been there for them. She has always believed in the extra in life. The magical, the seers, the power of will, the power of life, the power of love. For her, opening to her gift was natural. For others like Mira, it’s the most foreign thing in the world. For Liem, he’s still learning how to do the unimaginable.

For his son, it was like finding a new group of friends. Jonah has always had a way with animals, he’s a natural with them. Being able to communicate with them was just a natural slide for him. And it helped him cope with his loss and anxiety over the situation.

Jonah wakes most nights calling for his mom. How is Liem to tell him that she is gone? He’s a child. There’s a lot more children out there who have lost their families. None of them understand why this has happened or how to deal with their own losses.

Frustrated, Jonah heaves the ball for the wolf, who just watches it bounce by and roll to the trees. Liem chuckles when Jonah takes off running to collect the ball himself and shows the wolf again what to do. It’s like Torak is training Jonah instead of the other way around.

Leaning against his truck, Liem lets his mind reach out, touching minds gently through the complex, making sure everyone is accounted for. Finding children happily playing, adults worrying or more likely wondering what is next, Liem moved quietly from one mind to another. When he searched for his newest charge and came up empty, Liem began to worry.

Mira!? Mira? Answer me?” His mind calls out to hers.

Mira was pretty upset when she went into her room. Even when she reached out to him on accident, Liem felt her anxiety. Her embarrassment over her little slip, thinking about fantasizing about him, only made it worse. It was a nice ego boost but he knows it embarrassed her. It’s been a while since a woman besides Hailey voiced an interest in him. Not that he is interested in Mira. He’s not. He’s just missing Hailey.

Trying to focus again on finding Mira, Liem keeps reaching out, looking for her but can’t locate her mind in the camp. He can sense her body is in her room, extremely still, breathing, a steady if fast heartbeat. But he can’t connect to her, it’s like her mind is no longer here.

Worried their Firebird has flown the nest before they have a plan, Liem pushes off the truck and heads into the house from the yard. Either she’s discovered one hell of a trick up her sleeve, like astral projection, or he’s lost her.

Being time to get the kiddo inside anyway, Liem uses this as his excuse. “Come on, Jonah! I gotta check on Mira.”

Running over with the wolf at his side, Jonah rubs the wolf’s head as they walk in. “Can I play with Naomi? She’s scared here and Torak helps her feel better. Maybe Aunt Raine can try again to find her mom?” His big blue eyes beg Liem to say yes.

Jonah has really connected with the little girl they found days ago. The poor girl was wandering around the deserted street alone while they were out looking for supplies. The kid couldn’t be much older than Jonah but her eyes were haunted. He didn’t know what the child had been through and she was willing to open up to anyone but Jonah. Even when Liem tried to look into her mind, the girl knew how to shut him out.

It concerned him how a child so young had that much control over her powers and so easily. Even Raine who was thrilled having her gift hasn’t mastered any form of control. So how has Naomi?

They couldn’t leave Naomi out there alone, especially after what followed those weeks after the storm. If something dark and dangerous wasn’t hunting them then the Reavers were. Everyone keeps an eye on the children who don’t have parents and there’s too many of them. Raine has tried to find their family but she hasn’t had any success.

“Yeah, kiddo. I’ll talk to Raine again. Torak is gonna have you trained real soon with that ball.” Liem jokes, trying to keep Jonah’s spirits up. This is hard on everyone but especially the kids. The curse of his gift is knowing how afraid his own child is and can do nothing to help him feel safe. The truth was Liem was just as freaked out as his son.

Jonah looks down at Torak and gently brushes his hand over his head. “He said he’s hungry. Me too.”

“That so?” Liem looks questionably at the wolf, not sure if Torak actually told him that but knowing his kid, Jonah is always hungry. The kid is a bottomless pit.

“Go check on Naomi and see if she’s hungry too. I’ll see about some food.”

With a cheer, Jonah raced for the stairs with the wolf at his heels. Leaving Liem to think about how they will be finding the next meal. Food supply is only going to decrease and then they will have to find another way to feed everyone.

As their numbers increase, and every week they find more people who are struggling to survive, that supply dwindles more. They will need another supply run before they leave camp. There’s no way they will make it to the next camp site on what they currently have.

With more mouths to feed, all the supplies seem to go a lot faster, even rationing them out, it goes fast. The lights flicker as he walks into the map room. Liem pauses before closing the door behind him. The power is going to turn off soon too. Then they will need to find another way to run everything.

With Jonah’s footsteps pounding against wood as he races upstairs where the other kids are hanging out, Liem sees the new IT kid, Malloy, sitting in one room where they set up a couple computer stations for anyone searching for family. Malloy is sitting at one of the stations balancing three silver balls over his palm and spinning them slowly as he stares at a computer screen.

The kid is telekinetic. A very cool skill and one that might come in handy if they are attacked again. The kid hasn’t come close to figuring out how his skill works and is jumpy about using it in front of others. As the kid sees Liem his concentration is broken and several glasses, some plates and a light bulb shatters overhead. Raine screams as the glass falls making the kid drop the three silver balls.

“Will you stop that!” Raine growls brushing the glass from her shoulders.

Malloy, a nervous wreck, goes to her and starts brushing at her clothes. “I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to do that. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine! Just stop!” Raine looks at me as Malloy goes back to his computer and rolls her eyes.

When it comes to IT the kid is a genius. Give him a keyboard and monitor and Malloy can bring it to life. Unfortunately power is needed for that life and our supply is dwindling fast.

They have been trying to use this time wisely and have tried to reach out to anyone else who may have survived out there. There has to be more than one Malloy in the world and with the internet they should be able to find more people.

The search so far hasn’t been very productive. Malloy found a few Reavers who can work a computer, a couple hackers who are trying to get into government files and a lot of static. The more time that passes the less likely they’re going to find anyone this way.

The Internet is slowly becoming problematic. That will multiply when the power goes off. Water will be right after that. They need to find somewhere with more natural resources. Land for planting, a water source. Somewhere that they can build greenhouses and a barn. House some cows, chickens and pigs. Once winter hits it’s going to get cold. Without some kind of power source, long term survival isn’t going to be feasible.

Moving to his sister, hunched over a huge map of Utah, she is still searching for the other Firebird. She’s been at it for hours but no matter what anyone says she won’t stop. Hailey always said Raine is the most stubborn woman she has ever met. Today Liem has to agree.

Raine barely gives him a glance as her focus stays in place. Her eyes center on the map for a sign. Placing her palms over the map, she slowly moves a big chunk of clear crystal hanging from her palm.

“Has your new crush decided to come out to play yet? I could use some help here.” Her frustration is evident in that snipish tone of her voice.

“I can’t find her.” Liem jerks back when Raine steps right back to me. Panic that they lost the best shot they’ve been given to get through this, there are blue steel daggers in her eyes.

Uh oh. Liem knows instantly he should have clarified that first. Raine quickly moves around him to run up the stairs. Blocking her way, he quickly elaborates on his explanation.

“I mean, I can’t find her mind. She’s here physically, just not here.” Tapping his temple to make his point.

“She’s not dead, right? Did you check on her?” Raine grips the rail like she might have to run around me.

Trying a quick link to Mira again, Liem feels her heart beating but can’t reach her mind. “She’s fine, it's like her mind is turned off or something.”

It’s odd. He’s not had this happen before. Not that he’s had more than a week of experience under his belt but he has been practicing his skills with Jonah and others. Not to push into their thoughts but to see what he can find, what he can do.

Liem has found he can read Jonah and the kids when they play easily. He tested it a couple nights ago during a late night card game when he was losing badly in a game of poker and he could read those at the table with ease. He checked on Jonah when he was in bed. Liem was able to push into Jonah’s dream. That was weird. The kid has some very vivid dreams.

He’s used his skill to keep track of everyone in the camp. He knows when there’s trouble, he knows when there’s a disagreement. Right now he can find every mind here, asleep or awake. This is the first time one has been turned off.

“Do you think she found him? The other Chosen One?” Raine looks slightly relieved as she walks back into the war room and sits down.

His sister has always been a workaholic. With a degree in hydrology she has worked for the state for years studying the water supply and how to expand it, clean it and get it to everyone. Working long hours just came with the territory. Sitting here staring at a map isn’t anything new for her.

As twins, they have always had a special connection as most twins do. The same light blonde hair and bright blue eyes but her skin is fairer because she doesn’t like the sun, whereas Liem is outside as much as possible. Their taste in music and sports, humor and movies run the same. Raine keeps to herself and Liem is outgoing. But they always, always, know what the other thinks, feels and needs.

Maybe that’s why they have the gifts they do. His being able to reach into people’s heads, speak with their minds and understand them better because of it. Liem won’t manipulate anyone at least not intentionally but he’s finding the more he uses this gift the deeper he can reach inside someone. There is more to this gift but he doesn’t know how to use it.

Raine cannot reach people or speak to them but she can feel them. She can find their energy source. She sees what kind of light is in them and that has helped them get those they have found safely. Just like they managed to do for Mira.

That’s why Raine has been tasked with finding others, anyone who is still out there with light in their soul and is lost and scared. Raine says that there should be more, a lot more people than they have found. Her range isn’t broad enough to find them all but it’s growing.

“I doubt she’s doing anything but trying to figure out what happened. Mira is scared, Raine. Just like the rest of us.” Arguing with his sister is useless but he still does it. “We are only here because of Angeline. If I hadn’t been there when she told you that story…”

“It’s not just a story! It happened, it is happening! Look at us, Liem. We couldn’t do this stuff a few weeks ago. We had normal lives weeks ago. I can’t help but believe her. Everything she said has been true. She brought us here.” Raine isn’t easily swayed but Angeline has been spot on with everything she has said.

Like a flip of a switch, suddenly Liem feels Mira’s anxiety again. Without a word, he races up the stairs and pushes open the door to her room. Mira is standing there, her arms wrapped tight around her torso hugging herself to keep from shaking in fear. Her eyes focused on the sword at her feet.

“Mira?” Careful not to spook her, Liem takes a single step in.

“Dewin was here or took me to the glade. I'm not really sure how that works. He said `We have to find the other Chosen One’ and that he’s going to train me.” Her voice trembled as she spoke and her nerves were shot. “What does that mean?”

Feeling Raine move in behind him as well as a few others, Liem slowly moved into the room and pushed the others out the door. “Feed Jonah and Torak. Naomi too.” Giving Raine a gentle shove with the instructions, he closed the door in her face.

Mira points to the foot of the bed and Liems attention goes to a gorgeous sword. “That’s not mine but it was here when I came back or woke up. I didn’t have it with me but I did after.”

“Mira, you’re not making a lot of sense. Did you leave here? I tried to call you but you were, I don’t know, turned off somehow.” Going to the bed he sits on the edge, waiting for her to explain.

She told him everything she could remember. Mira is able to recall everything in stunning detail and even if she held something back Liem would have known but she didn’t. If she was lying about it, she would have convinced him. But everything told him that she was telling the truth.

After she calmed down and everyone in the house moved on to their rooms, Liem brought Mira down to the war room. A little food and something to drink would settle her down. and then they could compare what they have in the way of information from their two mysterious sources.

“So Dewin must be the Ancient One that Angeline spoke of.” Liem tried to put it all together with what he already knew.

“Angeline?” Mira questions, not knowing the name. She has a bit of catching up to do with what information they have gotten. Not putting a bite in her mouth, Mira played with the food on her plate. He didn’t have to reach out with his mind to know she’s uneasy with what she has learned. There’s a lot of weight on her shoulders.

“She’s a seer. Angeline doesn’t have a lot of control over her visions yet and she’s still deciphering them. We were led here by her to find you. So far everything she’s saying has been right on target with what Dewin said to you.” Raine looks over at her brother giving him that look, the one that all women have when they want the man to leave the room.

“I need to check on Jonah, my son. I’ll be back.” Liem made the excuse as he got to his feet and immediately felt Mira reaching out for him.

Don’t go please!” Even her eyes were pleading with him. “Don’t leave me with her!

Liem knows how scary his sister can be. She has a very strong mindset and tends to push to get her way. But she’s harmless unless she’s in battle with the Reavers. Liem was positive that Raine wouldn’t harm Mira.

I’m a call away. Raine won’t bite. I’ll come back if you need me, but I need to check on my son.” That was something that he wouldn’t change. His son was his first priority now and always.

Please Liem. I’m scared.” Mira’s not lying, she's scared to death. He could sense her heart rate increase, feel the anxiety and nerves all but pulse in his own veins.

You’re safe here. I promise, Mira.” It’s the best he could do for now. She was going to have to man up if she is going to fight the darkness.

Their silent conversation doesn’t go unnoticed by Raine who frowns at Mira. “What is she so afraid of?”

You obviously.” Liem smirks at his sister turning away to go upstairs.

Mira sees she isn’t going to persuade Liem to stay with her. In a desperate attempt to convince him that she needs him, Mira gets to her feet. Taking a step toward the stairs when she feels left on the field alone. Raine growls at her brother. “Liem! She needs to open to her gift!

Crap! Liem rubs his temple knowing it’s on his shoulders.

“I’m tired if you don’t mind, I want some sleep.” Mira leaves without waiting for a response. Brushing past Liem, he raises his eyebrows at Raine, knowing just how pushy she is when she’s stressed.

“Nice. I’m going up too. I got a kid that needs me.” Kissing Raine on the top of the head, Liem heads up the stairs.

You have to talk to her! She needs to work with us!” Raine reminds me. “We’re leaving at dawn!”

I know!” Frustrated by the entire matter, Liem stomps up the stairs.

Pausing briefly outside Mira’s door just to check on her, Liem opens his mind to link with hers. Her thoughts are so loud, he doesn’t even need to reach for her thoughts.

Why am I here? I don’t understand this? I’m not some magical warrior or Emberwing or whatever. I can’t do this by myself. Liem won’t even help me now. I can’t blame him, I messed that up. He’s a dad and I should just step way back. I can’t lean on anyone anymore.” She spoke to herself but didn’t block him. Liem wondered if she knew how.

He heard her sobbing and stepped back before he did reach out. She’s hurting and yes, needs someone to talk to. But the thoughts he heard weren’t meant for his ears. It was rude to push in that way. He knew better. A private moment is just that. Liem doesn’t have to reach out to feel her pain. He can hear it, understand it, because he feels it too.

Sometimes privacy is best for moments like this.

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