The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 2240 Registering In Armhands

Armhands did not divide its members based on cultivation alone. However, since none of these 43 people had ever done anything for the guild, the woman who would register them divided them according to their levels for registration.contemporary romance

Soon after they arrived at a room in the back of the building, she told Maximillian to go with her to a glass room where special items could be seen.

Entering the room with the woman, Maximillian felt something strange but could do nothing about it. Before he could react, he felt something penetrate one of his hands.

Looking at his right hand, he only saw what looked like the tail of a small parasite before it entered his body and made him desperate.

"Shit!" He said as he felt the thing move towards his vital areas.

"Don't fight it." The woman said as she used a fraction of her aura to make Maximillian pay attention to her and not the worm that had just entered his body.

"This is the Fleshdrain. It is a biomechanical parasite capable of collecting your information, transmitting it to our headquarters, tracking you, and much more. When it finishes what it's doing to you now, it will change shape and lodge itself in your forehead." She said as she pointed to his bare head, where there was no hair at all, while there was a snake mark over her one eye.

"Every member of the Armhands has one of these. Those with the black mark are outer members. Those with the black and red mark, like mine, are inner members. The Council members have colorless marks."

'Do they?' Maximilian doubted but said nothing, feeling he could only accept the situation.

"I won't hide it from you, alien. This parasite will harm you if you become a traitor or don't contribute to the guild. But it can also benefit you if you are a valuable group member. If your contributions are high and you find yourself in a desperate situation, the parasite may even sacrifice itself to save you from a problem that you could not save yourself from on your own.

Don't think of it as just a dangerous sign for you. It's a secret weapon, an ace up your sleeve that you can use if you're smart."

"I see. I'll keep that in mind, ma'am."

"Don't call me that. I'm an Officer. You should call me that." She said as she looked Maximillian in the eye with her one big eye.

"All right, Officer."

"So, alien, what's your name?"


She quickly collected Maximillian's basic information until the Fleshdrain in the man's body began to emit the primary information about him.

She saw all the talent data, age, innate abilities, types of techniques, and, in short, all sorts of useful things to define this man's strength and potential.

When she finished registering Maximillian, she didn't say anything relevant. She just told him to wait in a room next to the one where the rest of the newly approved guild members were waiting.

Amidst this, the parasite did what she said it would and soon formed a mark on Maximillian's forehead resembling a snake tattoo.

That was painful to him, enough to make him momentarily horrified.


After a few minutes, it was Minos' turn to register, leaving only Ruth to complete the process of officially joining the organization.

He went through the same thing as the 41 people who came before him, having to accept that a parasite was entering his body, even against his will.

After answering a few questions from the one-eyed woman, she saw the data emitted by the parasite and couldn't help but look at Minos differently than the others.

"Are you really from the same place as those other people from the Spiritual World?" She didn't believe what Minos had told her because she saw information about this guy's body that contradicted the data of the more than ten people from the Spiritual World who had passed by before him.

Minos looked like an aberration compared to those individuals. His skeleton was integrated with the wings on his back, so he no longer looked like an ordinary human. At the same time, the way Minos had cultivated immortal energy and then benefited from the wings on his back had made his essence very different from that of Spiritual World humans.

His talent was far greater than even the most talented and strongest of the group, while all of his other characteristics differed from those of his fellow mortals.

"Yes, I was born and raised in the Spiritual World," Minos replied, feeling the discomfort caused by the parasite in his body.

"Are you just a warrior?" She asked him as she turned her eyes to his dice, where she could see a hexagonal graph of how strong his skills were for each type of thing.

Normally, you would have balanced dice, with one skill being slightly stronger than the others. But Minos' graph looked like a triangle with a strong focus on combat areas.

"Yes, I've been a warrior all my life."

She then used what looked like a stamp and marked Minos' analysis, giving him the designation that would benefit him the most.

As she handed him his identification, she looked at him momentarily, sensing that she would hear from him in the future. "When you become a Sovereign, come to me. I'll help you."

"That..." He hesitated when he heard that but soon felt a sharp pain in his forehead and brought his hands to that part of his body.

"Go on. Don't think too much about it now."

"Can't you help me now?" He asked.

"No, you have nothing to offer me now." She laughed but said something of value to him. "Some of your doubts will be resolved very quickly, Minos.

You should go. Your new boss will now introduce you to some of the rules and conventions of our organization. Follow his instructions, and you'll soon have a good understanding of your actual situation." She said as she used her aura to help him leave the glass room before calling Ruth, the last of the 43 new Armhands members to register with the guild today.

With Ruth's test and the mark she would receive in the next few moments, the entire group of 43 would soon return with the furry level 105 alien who had commanded their selection.

From that day forward, they would be members of the Armhands!

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