The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 2190 Options Ahead

Minos' party soon completed their eighth week of travel in the universal wormhole, heading for The Adamant Land.

At this point in the journey, Minos had recovered from about 75% of everything he had suffered previously, with some way to go to reach his best state, but much better.

He had improved a lot due to Ruth's help, the drugs he had taken, and the special powers of the two high-ranking doctors in his crew. The fact that he was still young, had an excellent recovery rate and had a lot of immortal energy in his being helped him a lot.

Therefore, he was finally ready to resume his cultivation while traveling and prepare for the terrible place his party wouldn't be far from.

Minos hadn't just left the Spiritual World with the natives of his planet. His crew also included the two aliens who had been held hostage by the forces of his world for all these years, as well as some alien robots his group had brought from the battlefield.

After the death of the Mechanical Emperor, these creatures were vulnerable to Minos' powers, an opportunity he couldn't help but take advantage of.

These individuals were artificial beings that had never died, so by being dominated by Minos, they now served him in a way that Voyager had never done. Giving critical information about the Mechanic Empire and the plans of this world to the crew going to The Adamant Land!

With the two aliens and the robots now under Minos' control, the group knew they were not far from their goal.

With their imminent infiltration of The Adamant Land, Minos and his group were already preparing for what they were about to do!


In one of the meeting rooms of Minos' spaceship, he, Ruth, Maximillian and some high-ranking individuals, including a Gorgon, chatted while alien robots were at their disposal to answer their questions.

"So, when we arrive in the Mechanic Empire, where exactly will we be? What should we expect when we arrive?" Ruth asked one of the robots with them.

"The universal wormhole connected to the Spiritual World is located at the headquarters of the Mechanical Army. All of the empire's wormholes are located on the lowest level of the barracks, in a highly protected area.

Our party can expect trouble when we get there. No one from the empire expects refugees or individuals to retreat, so they'll see us as enemies right away." Said one of the level 97 robots.

"Is there any way we can disguise ourselves and avoid the worst?" Ruth asked with a pessimistic.

"It's not impossible." Another robot said. "The place we're coming to has at least 10 more spatial distortions. If we're fast enough, we can pretend to be returning from another world and pass ourselves off as a group of space explorers. But this will depend a lot on the distraction of the observers in the area.

If someone sees our particular distortion, all is lost."

Maximilian worried about this. "A direct attack would be very problematic. We can't risk starting a battle inside the enemy headquarters."

"I agree," Minos said before asking. "Is it possible to get out of this wormhole before the end of this space tunnel we're traveling through?"

Minos and the natives of Spiritual World were sure that this wouldn't work on their home planet. But the aliens were more advanced than they were, so he didn't rule out the possibility himself.contemporary romance

"It's possible." The strongest robot, level 98, replied. "But the place where we would arrive would be completely random. At the same time, our chances of survival would be less than 30%."

Another robot commented. "The group from our planet that first discovered the Spiritual World reached that land this way. In their case, they suffered from a space storm inside the wormhole they were traveling through.

It diverted their destination to an unknown place, where they spent centuries trying to recover from the technological losses and direct us to create a path there.

The same thing could happen to us if we try anything. We could lose this spaceship, and many of us could die. Ultimately, we could end up somewhere much worse than our planet, or even somewhere very far away that will take us many years to get to the Mechanic Empire or even Irpoll".

Minos and Maximillian's plan was to join Irpoll to undermine the forces of The Adamant Land. But they also had plans to sabotage the Mechanic Empire from within that state.

Either way, they needed to be in The Adamant Land to carry out these two plans since they only knew the way to Irpoll through that other world!

"This is a difficult decision."

"Yes. If we do nothing, we run the risk of meeting several Gods, but if we do something, we could die or get lost in the universe."

The people there commented to each other, not knowing what to do but certain that they were in trouble.

"We have no choice," Minos said seriously. "Going to the end of this wormhole is the most dangerous. Our chances of success are meager. Even if we manage to reach this world without attracting attention, it would be very difficult to pass ourselves off as aliens.

But if we survive the attempt to go somewhere else, we can become space explorers."

"What about our chances of dying?" Someone asked, a little uncertain.

Minos looked at Maximilian and said. "Let us not forget that we have a God in our midst. The group that discovered the Spiritual World didn't have the same, so they went through a drastic situation to reach our planet and finally contact their homeworld.

But with him by our side, we can protect our artifacts and spaceship and eventually protect ourselves from any enemies that might appear along the way."

Ruth said. "And Minos also has very strong space powers. I think it's possible to protect ourselves from what the robots say. The problem will be to find our way to Irpoll afterward."

Minos asked Maximillian. "What do you think we should do?"

Maximillian agreed with him. "Let's try to take an alternative route. Our chances are minimal if we follow the current path. Trying something else will have unimaginable consequences, some of which could even be very positive for us."

"So when will we do it?" Someone asked.

One of the robots suggested. "I think the best time would be in two weeks. By then, we'll be too close to The Adamant Land to try an alternate route."

The group agreed to go ahead with this daring plan in two weeks and venture into the unknown universe!

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