The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 2152 Bets (2)

2152 Bets (2)

Minos allowed George and Hannah to place their bets first, and the two of them soon chose the events they wanted to bet on and what they thought would happen.

This type of betting was both good to be right but also impossible to predict the possible scenarios. In other words, if you bet on a particularly strong competitor, it was very likely that they would perform certain feats during their events. But maybe the competitor's strategy would be different from what the bettor wanted, or maybe a dark horse would show up in the middle of the event.

So, while it was logical and even likely that certain things would happen, it was also impossible to say what exactly would happen.

The slightest wrong move could lead to a completely unpredictable outcome by the bettors and ruin the bets of many, if not all, of the experts.

It wasn't like a lottery with a finite number of possible outcomes. The Continental Tournament could have an outcome where everyone died, or everyone survived, with infinite possibilities in between.

Experts could bet on virtually anything they wanted, including saying things that the organizers had not anticipated.

The organizers had several things they used to encourage people to place bets. For example, many resources were available in the contests that would start that day, and finding each item was considered an interesting bet. Players could bet on whether these resources would be found or not, whether certain groups or even certain people would find them.

It was possible to bet from vaguely on whether it would be found or not to precisely on who would be responsible for it.

These were the bets that the organizers encouraged everyone to make.

However, a bettor could make an offer and say something like: 'Sarah Stuart will kill Pyka Stauss with a split dagger on the third day of the main event.'

That was a very specific option and was unlikely to happen exactly as the bet said it would. But if it did, the bettor would win a lot of points.

Why would anyone bet on such a thing? To solve past problems, have fun, gain valuable resources, show dominance, etc.

The Continental Tournament had its more useful goals and benefits to the world. Still, it was also a form of entertainment for high-level cultivators, where such individuals could play with the lives of weaker ones without any consequences.

Hell, they could even get prizes for it!

Because of the secondary purpose of the tournament, all kinds of bets were possible, and there were few limits for the bettors in the VIP area.

After George placed his bets on behalf of Sista, Hannah placed hers for the good of the Flowers Kingdom.

With only Minos left to place his bets, he numbered a series of resources and things he would pass on to his children to pursue in the days to come.

Bettors could place their bids and then meet with their competitors to tell them what to do in the contest. That is why people would not bet on people they do not know, and partnerships like this one with his group could be very beneficial for the parties involved.

But Minos didn't go too far with his ordinary bets until he said specific things that would happen in the Continental Tournament.

"Place this unusual bet: Kendrick Stuart will manipulate space in the Secret Hunt competition, even though he's only at level 77. His name will go down in history as the first Spiritual Saint to do so in the Continental Tournament." Minos said as he read out the first of several very specific bets he was going to make for this event.

Hannah and George heard this and looked at Minos strangely.

'That... Can we really bet like that? Isn't it a bit obvious?' George asked in Minos' mind.

'Only people very close to me, and you know that. But I suppose she won't be able to tell anyone, so we'll just bet on it.' Minos said and looked at the elf in front of him.

The elf woman was surprised because she thought it unlikely that what Minos had said would happen because it was really very difficult. She said. "This bet could bring a large reward, considering the chances of it happening or someone else making the same bet. The minimum bid for it is 100,000 high-lights

quality crystals."

"Hmm, you can put it on my account," Minos said with a satisfied look.

The bet cost was high, but his chances of winning with this bid were extremely high!

"Also, bet that Kendrick Stuart will fight Spiritual Sages during the Secret Hunt for resources and win. Sarah Stuart will steal items from cultivators at level 84 or higher..."

Minos went on to make a series of specific bets about what his children would do during some of the main trials of the event.

They weren't so specific that he would name the opponents or people who would lose if he got them right. But they were specific enough that he had the potential to earn more points for such bets than for ordinary moves.

After listening to Minos for some time, the woman collected more than 4 million high-grade crystals from him, with him placing more than twice as many bets as his two allies.

Minos also placed some bets on behalf of Harold Edwardstone and the rulers of Rosser, Blackrock, and Albano.

After collecting the bets from this group, the elf left them behind, free to linger in the room for a few minutes.

"These were very risky wagers. Nothing guarantees that more than half of what you said will actually happen." George said, a little worried about the dangers his wife would face, as well as the chances that they would lose a lot because of Minos' possible mistakes.

They had made individual and collective bets. So, even if they did well in their individual bets, they could lose as a group if Minos made a big mistake.

Hannah had more experience with Minos and knew how this young man liked to take risks.

"Are you confident?" She asked him.

Minos nodded without hesitation. "Kendrick and Sarah will do as I say. I've trained them personally, and I know their limits better than anyone.

They will do what I tell them. That gives me the confidence to say that we'll have a good margin of success in what they do."

"What if we lose?"

"It will only be a few million high-grade crystals. That's not much for the Black Plain Empire these days." Minos said calmly.

"Sigh... I hope you do it right. If we can have a new God in the Spiritual World on our side, it will be very advantageous when the war breaks out." Hannah said, not knowing much of what George and Minos knew.

Minos agreed with her. "Do not worry. There are still many things to happen before the aliens arrive. Anyway, let's get back to our groups. The children should have already signed up for their respective competitions.

Time to tell them what we are betting on and give them some equipment to use".

The bettors could help their competitors. They couldn't use items they gave to those competitors in their bets, but they could give accessories to their groups.contemporary romance

That is, a bettor couldn't bet that competitor "x" would use a recovery pill on day "y" of the event. Since this was something premeditated and very possible, such bets were worth almost nothing.

However, bettors could provide resources to help their competitors achieve their goals. For example, Minos could give his children recovery items to use when necessary to recover from fatigue or injury and complete their main goals.

Soon, those three were back with the rest of the crew that had come to Elves Island!

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